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Test Info: Warnings

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
add_task(async function loadNewChild() {
const { target, walker } = await initInspectorFront(
MAIN_DOMAIN + "inspector-traversal-data.html"
let originalOwnershipSize = 0;
let longlist = null;
let firstChild = null;
const list = await walker.querySelectorAll(walker.rootNode, "#longlist div");
// Make sure we have the 26 children of longlist in our ownership tree.
is(list.length, 26, "Expect 26 div children.");
// Make sure we've read in all those children and incorporated them
// in our ownership tree.
const items = await list.items();
originalOwnershipSize = await assertOwnershipTrees(walker);
// Here is how the ownership tree is summed up:
// #document 1
// <html> 1
// <body> 1
// <div id=longlist> 1
// <div id=a>a</div> 26*2 (each child plus it's singleTextChild)
// ...
// <div id=z>z</div>
// -----
// 56
is(originalOwnershipSize, 56, "Correct number of items in ownership tree");
firstChild = items[0].actorID;
// Now get the longlist and release it from the ownership tree.
const node = await walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, "#longlist");
longlist = node.actorID;
await walker.releaseNode(node);
// Our ownership size should now be 53 fewer
// (we forgot about #longlist + 26 children + 26 singleTextChild nodes)
const newOwnershipSize = await assertOwnershipTrees(walker);
originalOwnershipSize - 53,
"Ownership tree should be lower"
// Now verify that some nodes have gone away
await checkMissing(target, longlist);
await checkMissing(target, firstChild);