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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
/* import-globals-from helper-collapsibilities.js */
CHROME_URL_ROOT + "helper-collapsibilities.js",
* Test that collapsibilities of DebugTargetPane on RuntimePage by mouse clicking.
add_task(async function () {
const { document, tab, window } = await openAboutDebugging();
await selectThisFirefoxPage(document,;
for (const { title } of TARGET_PANES) {
info("Check whether this pane is collapsed after clicking the title");
await toggleCollapsibility(getDebugTargetPane(title, document));
assertDebugTargetCollapsed(getDebugTargetPane(title, document), title);
info("Check whether this pane is expanded after clicking the title again");
await toggleCollapsibility(getDebugTargetPane(title, document));
await assertDebugTargetExpanded(getDebugTargetPane(title, document), title);
await removeTab(tab);
async function assertDebugTargetCollapsed(paneEl, title) {
info("Check debug target is collapsed");
// check list height
const targetEl = paneEl.querySelector(".qa-debug-target-pane__collapsable");
is(targetEl.clientHeight, 0, "Height of list element is zero");
// check title
const titleEl = paneEl.querySelector(".qa-debug-target-pane-title");
const expectedTitle = `${title} (${
is(titleEl.textContent, expectedTitle, "Collapsed title is correct");
async function assertDebugTargetExpanded(paneEl, title) {
info("Check debug target is expanded");
// check list height
const targetEl = paneEl.querySelector(".qa-debug-target-pane__collapsable");
await waitUntil(() => targetEl.clientHeight > 0);
ok(true, "Height of list element is greater than zero");
// check title
const titleEl = paneEl.querySelector(".qa-debug-target-pane-title");
const expectedTitle = `${title} (${
is(titleEl.textContent, expectedTitle, "Expanded title is correct");