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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// This plugin supports finding files with particular resource:// URIs
// and translating the uri into a relative filesytem path where the file may be
// found when running within the Karma / Mocha test framework.
/* eslint-env node */
const path = require("path");
module.exports = {
ResourceUriPlugin: class ResourceUriPlugin {
* @typedef {RegEx} ResourceReplacement0
* A regular expression matching a resource:// URI substring to be
* replaced.
* @typedef {string} ResourceReplacement1
* A string to replace the matched substring with.
* @typedef {[ResourceReplacement0, ResourceReplacement1]} ResourceReplacement
* Maps regular expressions representing resource URIs to strings that
* should replace matches for those regular expressions.
* @type {ResourceReplacement[]}
* @param {object} options
* Object passed during the instantiation of ResourceUriPlugin
* @param {ResourceReplacement[]} options.resourcePathRegExes
* An array of regex/string tuples to perform replacements on for
* imports involving resource:// URIs.
constructor({ resourcePathRegExes }) {
this.#resourcePathRegExes = resourcePathRegExes;
apply(compiler) {
(compilation, { normalModuleFactory }) => {
.tap("ResourceUriPlugin", resourceData => {
const url = new URL(resourceData.resource);
for (let [regex, replacement] of this.#resourcePathRegExes) {
if (!url.href.match(regex)) {
// path.join() is necessary to normalize the path on Windows.
// Without it, the path may contain backslashes, resulting in
// different build output on Windows than on Unix systems.
const pathname = path.join(
url.href.replace(regex, replacement)
resourceData.path = pathname;
resourceData.query =;
resourceData.fragment = url.hash;
resourceData.resource = pathname + + url.hash;
return true;
return true;