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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
## App Menu
appmenuitem-banner-update-downloading =
.label = Downloading { -brand-shorter-name } update
appmenuitem-banner-update-available =
.label = Update available — download now
appmenuitem-banner-update-manual =
.label = Update available — download now
appmenuitem-banner-update-unsupported =
.label = Unable to update — system incompatible
appmenuitem-banner-update-restart =
.label = Update available — restart now
appmenuitem-new-tab =
.label = New tab
appmenuitem-new-window =
.label = New window
appmenuitem-new-private-window =
.label = New private window
appmenuitem-history =
.label = History
appmenuitem-downloads =
.label = Downloads
appmenuitem-passwords =
.label = Passwords
appmenuitem-addons-and-themes =
.label = Add-ons and themes
appmenuitem-print =
.label = Print…
appmenuitem-find-in-page =
.label = Find in page…
appmenuitem-translate =
.label = Translate page…
appmenuitem-zoom =
.value = Zoom
appmenuitem-more-tools =
.label = More tools
appmenuitem-help =
.label = Help
appmenuitem-exit2 =
.label =
[linux] Quit
*[other] Exit
appmenu-menu-button-closed2 =
.tooltiptext = Open application menu
.label = { -brand-short-name }
appmenu-menu-button-opened2 =
.tooltiptext = Close application menu
.label = { -brand-short-name }
# Settings is now used to access the browser settings across all platforms,
# instead of Options or Preferences.
appmenuitem-settings =
.label = Settings
## Zoom and Fullscreen Controls
appmenuitem-zoom-enlarge =
.label = Zoom in
appmenuitem-zoom-reduce =
.label = Zoom out
appmenuitem-fullscreen =
.label = Full screen
## Firefox Account toolbar button and Sync panel in App menu.
appmenu-remote-tabs-sign-into-sync =
.label = Sign in to sync…
appmenu-remote-tabs-turn-on-sync =
.label = Turn on sync…
# This is shown after the tabs list if we can display more tabs by clicking on the button
appmenu-remote-tabs-showmore =
.label = Show more tabs
.tooltiptext = Show more tabs from this device
# This is shown when there are inactive tabs which are not being shown.
# Variables
# $count (Number) - The number of inactive tabs which are not being shown (at least 1)
appmenu-remote-tabs-showinactive =
.label =
{ $count ->
[one] Show one inactive tab
*[other] Show { $count } inactive tabs
.tooltiptext = Show the inactive tabs on this device
# This is shown beneath the name of a device when that device has no open tabs
appmenu-remote-tabs-notabs = No open tabs
# This is shown when Sync is configured but syncing tabs is disabled.
appmenu-remote-tabs-tabsnotsyncing = Turn on tab syncing to view a list of tabs from your other devices.
appmenu-remote-tabs-opensettings =
.label = Settings
# This is shown when Sync is configured but this appears to be the only device attached to
# the account. We also show links to download Firefox for android/ios.
appmenu-remote-tabs-noclients = Want to see your tabs from other devices here?
appmenu-remote-tabs-connectdevice =
.label = Connect Another Device
appmenu-remote-tabs-welcome = View a list of tabs from your other devices.
appmenu-remote-tabs-unverified = Your account needs to be verified.
appmenuitem-fxa-toolbar-sync-now2 = Sync now
appmenuitem-fxa-sign-in = Sign in to { -brand-product-name }
appmenuitem-fxa-manage-account = Manage account
appmenu-account-header = Account
# Variables
# $time (string) - Localized relative time since last sync (e.g. 1 second ago,
# 3 hours ago, etc.)
appmenu-fxa-last-sync = Last synced { $time }
.label = Last synced { $time }
appmenu-fxa-sync-and-save-data2 = Sync and save data
appmenu-fxa-signed-in-label = Sign In
appmenu-fxa-setup-sync =
.label = Turn On Syncing…
appmenuitem-save-page =
.label = Save page as…
## What's New panel in App menu.
whatsnew-panel-header = What’s New
# Checkbox displayed at the bottom of the What's New panel, allowing users to
# enable/disable What's New notifications.
whatsnew-panel-footer-checkbox =
.label = Notify about new features
.accesskey = f
## The Firefox Profiler – The popup is the UI to turn on the profiler, and record
## performance profiles. To enable it go to and click
## "Enable Profiler Menu Button".
profiler-popup-button-idle =
.label = Profiler
.tooltiptext = Record a performance profile
profiler-popup-button-recording =
.label = Profiler
.tooltiptext = The profiler is recording a profile
profiler-popup-button-capturing =
.label = Profiler
.tooltiptext = The profiler is capturing a profile
profiler-popup-header-text = { -profiler-brand-name }
profiler-popup-reveal-description-button =
.aria-label = Reveal more information
profiler-popup-description-title =
.value = Record, analyze, share
profiler-popup-description =
Collaborate on performance issues by publishing profiles to share with your team.
profiler-popup-learn-more-button =
.label = Learn more
profiler-popup-settings =
.value = Settings
# This link takes the user to about:profiling, and is only visible with the Custom preset.
profiler-popup-edit-settings-button =
.label = Edit Settings…
profiler-popup-recording-screen = Recording…
profiler-popup-start-recording-button =
.label = Start Recording
profiler-popup-discard-button =
.label = Discard
profiler-popup-capture-button =
.label = Capture
profiler-popup-start-shortcut =
[macos] ⌃⇧1
*[other] Ctrl+Shift+1
profiler-popup-capture-shortcut =
[macos] ⌃⇧2
*[other] Ctrl+Shift+2
## Profiler presets
## They are shown in the popup's select box.
# Presets and their l10n IDs are defined in the file
# devtools/client/performance-new/shared/background.sys.mjs
# Please take care that the same values are also defined in devtools' perftools.ftl.
profiler-popup-presets-web-developer-description = Recommended preset for most web app debugging, with low overhead.
profiler-popup-presets-web-developer-label =
.label = Web Developer
profiler-popup-presets-firefox-description = Recommended preset for profiling { -brand-shorter-name }.
profiler-popup-presets-firefox-label =
.label = { -brand-shorter-name }
profiler-popup-presets-graphics-description = Preset for investigating graphics bugs in { -brand-shorter-name }.
profiler-popup-presets-graphics-label =
.label = Graphics
profiler-popup-presets-media-description2 = Preset for investigating audio and video bugs in { -brand-shorter-name }.
profiler-popup-presets-media-label =
.label = Media
profiler-popup-presets-networking-description = Preset for investigating networking bugs in { -brand-shorter-name }.
profiler-popup-presets-networking-label =
.label = Networking
profiler-popup-presets-power-description = Preset for investigating power use bugs in { -brand-shorter-name }, with low overhead.
# "Power" is used in the sense of energy (electricity used by the computer).
profiler-popup-presets-power-label =
.label = Power
profiler-popup-presets-custom-label =
.label = Custom
## History panel
appmenu-manage-history =
.label = Manage history
appmenu-restore-session =
.label = Restore previous session
appmenu-clear-history =
.label = Clear recent history…
appmenu-recent-history-subheader = Recent history
appmenu-recently-closed-tabs =
.label = Recently closed tabs
appmenu-recently-closed-windows =
.label = Recently closed windows
# This allows to search through the browser's history.
appmenu-search-history =
.label = Search history
## Help panel
appmenu-help-header =
.title = { -brand-shorter-name } help
appmenu-about =
.label = About { -brand-shorter-name }
.accesskey = A
appmenu-get-help =
.label = Get help
.accesskey = h
appmenu-help-more-troubleshooting-info =
.label = More troubleshooting information
.accesskey = t
appmenu-help-report-site-issue =
.label = Report site issue…
appmenu-help-share-ideas =
.label = Share ideas and feedback…
.accesskey = S
appmenu-help-switch-device =
.label = Switching to a new device
## appmenu-help-enter-troubleshoot-mode and appmenu-help-exit-troubleshoot-mode
## are mutually exclusive, so it's possible to use the same accesskey for both.
appmenu-help-enter-troubleshoot-mode2 =
.label = Troubleshoot Mode…
.accesskey = M
appmenu-help-exit-troubleshoot-mode =
.label = Turn Troubleshoot Mode off
.accesskey = M
## appmenu-help-report-deceptive-site and appmenu-help-not-deceptive
## are mutually exclusive, so it's possible to use the same accesskey for both.
appmenu-help-report-deceptive-site =
.label = Report deceptive site…
.accesskey = d
appmenu-help-not-deceptive =
.label = This isn’t a deceptive site…
.accesskey = d
## More Tools
appmenu-customizetoolbar =
.label = Customize toolbar…
appmenu-developer-tools-subheader = Browser tools
appmenu-developer-tools-extensions =
.label = Extensions for developers
appmenuitem-report-broken-site =
.label = Report broken site
## Panel for privacy and security products
appmenuitem-sign-in-account = Sign in to your account
appmenuitem-monitor-title = { -monitor-brand-short-name }
appmenuitem-monitor-description = Get data breach alerts
appmenuitem-relay-title = { -relay-brand-short-name }
appmenuitem-relay-description = Mask your real email and phone
appmenuitem-vpn-title = { -mozilla-vpn-brand-name }
appmenuitem-vpn-description = Protect your online activity