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/* eslint-disable no-console */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at <>. */
* A small test runner/reporter for node-based tests,
* which are run via taskcluster node(debugger).
* Forked from
const { execFileSync } = require("child_process");
const { readFileSync } = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const { pathToFileURL } = require("url");
const chalk = require("chalk");
function logErrors(tool, errors) {
for (const error of errors) {
console.log(`TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | ${tool} | ${error}`);
return errors;
function execOut(...args) {
let exitCode = 0;
let out;
let err;
try {
out = execFileSync(...args, {
silent: false,
} catch (e) {
// For debugging on (eg) try server...
// if (e) {
// logErrors("execOut", ["execFileSync returned exception: ", e]);
// }
out = e && e.stdout;
err = e && e.stderr;
exitCode = e && e.status;
return { exitCode, out: out && out.toString(), err: err && err.toString() };
function logStart(name) {
console.log(`TEST-START | ${name}`);
function logSkip(name) {
console.log(`TEST-SKIP | ${name}`);
const npmCommand = process.platform === "win32" ? "npm.cmd" : "npm";
const tests = {
bundles() {
const items = {
"Activity Stream bundle": {
path: path.join("data", "content", "activity-stream.bundle.js"),
"activity-stream.html": {
path: path.join("prerendered", "activity-stream.html"),
"activity-stream-debug.html": {
path: path.join("prerendered", "activity-stream-debug.html"),
"activity-stream-noscripts.html": {
path: path.join("prerendered", "activity-stream-noscripts.html"),
"activity-stream.css": {
path: path.join("css", "activity-stream.css"),
const errors = [];
for (const name of Object.keys(items)) {
const item = items[name];
item.before = readFileSync(item.path, item.encoding || "utf8");
let newtabBundleExitCode = execOut(npmCommand, ["run", "bundle"]).exitCode;
for (const name of Object.keys(items)) {
const item = items[name];
const after = readFileSync(item.path, item.encoding || "utf8");
if (item.before !== after) {
errors.push(`${name} out of date`);
if (item.extraCheck) {
const extraError = item.extraCheck(after);
if (extraError) {
if (newtabBundleExitCode !== 0) {
errors.push("newtab npm:bundle did not run successfully");
logErrors("bundles", errors);
return errors.length === 0;
karma() {
logStart(`karma ${process.cwd()}`);
const errors = [];
const { exitCode, out } = execOut(npmCommand, [
// , "--", "--log-level", "--verbose",
// to debug the karma integration, uncomment the above line
// karma spits everything to stdout, not stderr, so if nothing came back on
// stdout, give up now.
if (!out) {
return false;
// Detect mocha failures
let jsonContent;
try {
// Note that this will be overwritten at each run, but that shouldn't
// matter.
jsonContent = readFileSync(path.join("logs", "karma-run-results.json"));
} catch (ex) {
console.error("exception reading karma-run-results.json: ", ex);
return false;
const results = JSON.parse(jsonContent);
// eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in
for (let testArray in results.result) {
let failedTests = Array.from(results.result[testArray]).filter(
test => !test.success && !test.skipped
test => `${test.suite.join(":")} ${test.description}: ${test.log[0]}`
// Detect istanbul failures (coverage thresholds set in karma config)
const coverage = out.match(/ERROR.+coverage-istanbul.+/g);
if (coverage) {
errors.push( => line.match(/Coverage.+/)[0]));
logErrors(`karma ${process.cwd()}`, errors);
console.log("-----karma stdout below this line---");
console.log("-----karma stdout above this line---");
// Pass if there's no detected errors and nothing unexpected.
return errors.length === 0 && !exitCode;
zipCodeCoverage() {
const { exitCode, out } = execOut("zip", [
console.log("zipCodeCoverage log output: ", out);
if (!exitCode) {
return true;
return false;
async function main() {
const { default: meow } = await import("meow");
const fileUrl = pathToFileURL(__filename);
const cli = meow(
$ node bin/try-runner.js <tests> [options]
-t NAME, --test NAME Run only the specified test. If not specified,
all tests will be run. Argument can be passed
multiple times to run multiple tests.
--help Show this help message.
$ node bin/try-runner.js bundles karma
$ node bin/try-runner.js -t karma -t zip
description: false,
// `pkg` is a tiny optimization. It prevents meow from looking for a package
// that doesn't technically exist. meow searches for a package and changes
// the process name to the package name. It resolves to the newtab
// package.json, which would give a confusing name and be wasteful.
pkg: {
name: "try-runner",
version: "1.0.0",
// `importMeta` is required by meow 10+. It was added to support ESM, but
// meow now requires it, and no longer supports CJS style imports. But it
// only uses import.meta.url, which can be polyfilled like this:
importMeta: { url: fileUrl },
flags: {
test: {
type: "string",
isMultiple: true,
shortFlag: "t",
const aliases = {
bundle: "bundles",
build: "bundles",
coverage: "karma",
cov: "karma",
zip: "zipCodeCoverage",
const inputs = [...cli.input, ...cli.flags.test].map(input =>
(aliases[input] || input).toLowerCase()
function shouldRunTest(name) {
if (inputs.length) {
return inputs.includes(name.toLowerCase());
return true;
const results = [];
for (const name of Object.keys(tests)) {
if (shouldRunTest(name)) {
results.push([name, tests[name]()]);
} else {
for (const [name, result] of results) {
// colorize output based on result
console.log(result ?`✓ ${name}`) :`✗ ${name}`));
const success = results.every(([, result]) => result);
process.exitCode = success ? 0 : 1;
console.log("CODE", process.exitCode);