autocomplete-popup.js |
A richlistbox popup custom element for for a browser search autocomplete
9488 |
contentSearchHandoffUI.js |
If the favicon is an iconData object, convert it into a Blob URI.
Otherwise just return the plain URI.
@param {string|iconData} data
The icon's URL or an iconData object containing the icon data.
@returns {string}
A blob URL or the plain icon URI.
4502 |
contentSearchUI.css |
3353 |
contentSearchUI.js |
Creates a new object that manages search suggestions and their UI for a text
The UI consists of an html:table that's inserted into the DOM after the given
text box and styled so that it appears as a dropdown below the text box.
@param {DOMElement} inputElement
Search suggestions will be based on the text in this text box.
Assumed to be an html:input.
@param {DOMElement} tableParent
The suggestion table is appended as a child to this element. Since
the table is absolutely positioned and its top and left values are set
to be relative to the top and left of the page, either the parent and
all its ancestors should not be positioned elements (i.e., their
positions should be "static"), or the parent's position should be the
top left of the page.
@param {string} healthReportKey
This will be sent with the search data for BrowserUsageTelemetry to
record the search.
@param {string} searchPurpose
Sent with search data, see nsISearchEngine.getSubmission.
@param {sring} idPrefix
The IDs of elements created by the object will be prefixed with this
34248 |
searchbar.js |
globals XULCommandEvent |
33134 |