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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
skip_if: () => !AppConstants.MOZ_SELECTABLE_PROFILES,
async function test_launcher() {
const { SelectableProfileService } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
let profile = do_get_profile();
await SelectableProfileService.init();
// mock() returns an object with a fake `runw` method that, when
// called, records its arguments.
let input = [];
let mock = () => {
return {
runw: (...args) => {
input = args;
SelectableProfileService.getExecutableProcess = mock;
let expected;
if (Services.appinfo.OS == "Darwin") {
expected = ["-foreground", "--profile", profile.path];
} else {
expected = ["--profile", profile.path];
Assert.deepEqual(expected, input[1], "Expected runw arguments");