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/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
* This module provides helpers used by the other specialized `ext-devtools-*.js` modules
* and the implementation of the `devtools_page`.
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, {
var { ExtensionParent } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var { HiddenExtensionPage, watchExtensionProxyContextLoad } = ExtensionParent;
// Get the devtools preference given the extension id.
function getDevToolsPrefBranchName(extensionId) {
return `devtools.webextensions.${extensionId}`;
* Retrieve the tabId for the given devtools toolbox.
* @param {Toolbox} toolbox
* A devtools toolbox instance.
* @returns {number}
* The corresponding WebExtensions tabId.
global.getTargetTabIdForToolbox = toolbox => {
let { descriptorFront } = toolbox.commands;
if (!descriptorFront.isLocalTab) {
throw new Error(
"Unexpected target type: only local tabs are currently supported."
let parentWindow = descriptorFront.localTab.linkedBrowser.ownerGlobal;
let tab = parentWindow.gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(
return tabTracker.getId(tab);
// Get the WebExtensionInspectedWindowActor eval options (needed to provide the $0 and inspect
// binding provided to the evaluated js code).
global.getToolboxEvalOptions = async function (context) {
const options = {};
const toolbox = context.devToolsToolbox;
const selectedNode = toolbox.selection;
if (selectedNode && selectedNode.nodeFront) {
// If there is a selected node in the inspector, we hand over
// its actor id to the eval request in order to provide the "$0" binding.
options.toolboxSelectedNodeActorID = selectedNode.nodeFront.actorID;
// Provide the console actor ID to implement the "inspect" binding.
const consoleFront = await"console");
options.toolboxConsoleActorID =;
return options;
* The DevToolsPage represents the "devtools_page" related to a particular
* Toolbox and WebExtension.
* The devtools_page contexts are invisible WebExtensions contexts, similar to the
* background page, associated to a single developer toolbox (e.g. If an add-on
* registers a devtools_page and the user opens 3 developer toolbox in 3 webpages,
* 3 devtools_page contexts will be created for that add-on).
* @param {Extension} extension
* The extension that owns the devtools_page.
* @param {object} options
* @param {Toolbox} options.toolbox
* The developer toolbox instance related to this devtools_page.
* @param {string} options.url
* The path to the devtools page html page relative to the extension base URL.
* @param {DevToolsPageDefinition} options.devToolsPageDefinition
* The instance of the devToolsPageDefinition class related to this DevToolsPage.
class DevToolsPage extends HiddenExtensionPage {
constructor(extension, options) {
super(extension, "devtools_page");
this.url = extension.baseURI.resolve(options.url);
this.toolbox = options.toolbox;
this.devToolsPageDefinition = options.devToolsPageDefinition;
this.unwatchExtensionProxyContextLoad = null;
this.waitForTopLevelContext = new Promise(resolve => {
this.resolveTopLevelContext = resolve;
async build() {
await this.createBrowserElement();
// Listening to new proxy contexts.
this.unwatchExtensionProxyContextLoad = watchExtensionProxyContextLoad(
context => {
// Keep track of the toolbox and target associated to the context, which is
// needed by the API methods implementation.
context.devToolsToolbox = this.toolbox;
if (!this.topLevelContext) {
this.topLevelContext = context;
// Ensure this devtools page is destroyed, when the top level context proxy is
// closed.
extensions.emit("extension-browser-inserted", this.browser, {
devtoolsToolboxInfo: {
inspectedWindowTabId: getTargetTabIdForToolbox(this.toolbox),
themeName: DevToolsShim.getTheme(),
this.browser.fixupAndLoadURIString(this.url, {
triggeringPrincipal: this.extension.principal,
await this.waitForTopLevelContext;
close() {
if (this.closed) {
throw new Error("Unable to shutdown a closed DevToolsPage instance");
this.closed = true;
// Unregister the devtools page instance from the devtools page definition.
// Unregister it from the resources to cleanup when the context has been closed.
if (this.topLevelContext) {
// Stop watching for any new proxy contexts from the devtools page.
if (this.unwatchExtensionProxyContextLoad) {
this.unwatchExtensionProxyContextLoad = null;
* The DevToolsPageDefinitions class represents the "devtools_page" manifest property
* of a WebExtension.
* A DevToolsPageDefinition instance is created automatically when a WebExtension
* which contains the "devtools_page" manifest property has been loaded, and it is
* automatically destroyed when the related WebExtension has been unloaded,
* and so there will be at most one DevtoolsPageDefinition per add-on.
* Every time a developer tools toolbox is opened, the DevToolsPageDefinition creates
* and keep track of a DevToolsPage instance (which represents the actual devtools_page
* instance related to that particular toolbox).
* @param {Extension} extension
* The extension that owns the devtools_page.
* @param {string} url
* The path to the devtools page html page relative to the extension base URL.
class DevToolsPageDefinition {
constructor(extension, url) {
this.url = url;
this.extension = extension;
// Map[Toolbox -> DevToolsPage]
this.devtoolsPageForToolbox = new Map();
onThemeChanged(themeName) {
Services.ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage("Extension:DevToolsThemeChanged", {
buildForToolbox(toolbox) {
if (
) {
// We should never create a devtools page for a toolbox related to a private browsing window
// if the extension is not allowed to access it.
if (this.devtoolsPageForToolbox.has(toolbox)) {
return Promise.reject(
new Error("DevtoolsPage has been already created for this toolbox")
const devtoolsPage = new DevToolsPage(this.extension, {
url: this.url,
devToolsPageDefinition: this,
// If this is the first DevToolsPage, subscribe to the theme-changed event
if (this.devtoolsPageForToolbox.size === 0) {
DevToolsShim.on("theme-changed", this.onThemeChanged);
this.devtoolsPageForToolbox.set(toolbox, devtoolsPage);
shutdownForToolbox(toolbox) {
if (this.devtoolsPageForToolbox.has(toolbox)) {
const devtoolsPage = this.devtoolsPageForToolbox.get(toolbox);
// `devtoolsPage.close()` should remove the instance from the map,
// raise an exception if it is still there.
if (this.devtoolsPageForToolbox.has(toolbox)) {
throw new Error(
`Leaked DevToolsPage instance for target "${toolbox.commands.descriptorFront.url}", extension "${this.extension.policy.debugName}"`
// If this was the last DevToolsPage, unsubscribe from the theme-changed event
if (this.devtoolsPageForToolbox.size === 0) {"theme-changed", this.onThemeChanged);
this.extension.emit("devtools-page-shutdown", toolbox);
forgetForToolbox(toolbox) {
* Build the devtools_page instances for all the existing toolboxes
* (if the toolbox target is supported).
build() {
// Iterate over the existing toolboxes and create the devtools page for them
// (if the toolbox target is supported).
for (let toolbox of DevToolsShim.getToolboxes()) {
if (
!toolbox.commands.descriptorFront.isLocalTab ||
) {
// Skip any non-local tab and private browsing windows if the extension
// is not allowed to access them.
// Ensure that the WebExtension is listed in the toolbox options.
toolbox.registerWebExtension(this.extension.uuid, {
pref: `${getDevToolsPrefBranchName(}.enabled`,
* Shutdown all the devtools_page instances.
shutdown() {
for (let toolbox of this.devtoolsPageForToolbox.keys()) {
if (this.devtoolsPageForToolbox.size > 0) {
throw new Error(
`Leaked ${this.devtoolsPageForToolbox.size} DevToolsPage instances in devtoolsPageForToolbox Map`
this.devtools = class extends ExtensionAPI {
constructor(extension) {
this._initialized = false;
// DevToolsPageDefinition instance (created in onManifestEntry).
this.pageDefinition = null;
this.onToolboxReady = this.onToolboxReady.bind(this);
this.onToolboxDestroy = this.onToolboxDestroy.bind(this);
/* eslint-disable mozilla/balanced-listeners */
extension.on("add-permissions", (ignoreEvent, permissions) => {
if (permissions.permissions.includes("devtools")) {
extension.on("remove-permissions", (ignoreEvent, permissions) => {
if (permissions.permissions.includes("devtools")) {
onManifestEntry() {
static onUninstall(extensionId) {
// Remove the preference branch on uninstall.
const prefBranch = Services.prefs.getBranch(
_initialize() {
const { extension } = this;
if (!extension.hasPermission("devtools") || this._initialized) {
// Create the devtools_page definition.
this.pageDefinition = new DevToolsPageDefinition(
// Build the extension devtools_page on all existing toolboxes (if the extension
// devtools_page is not disabled by the related preference).
if (!this.isDevToolsPageDisabled()) {;
DevToolsShim.on("toolbox-ready", this.onToolboxReady);
DevToolsShim.on("toolbox-destroy", this.onToolboxDestroy);
this._initialized = true;
_uninitialize() {
// devtoolsPrefBranch is set in onManifestEntry, and nullified
// later in onShutdown. If it isn't set, then onManifestEntry
// did not initialize devtools for the extension.
if (!this._initialized) {
}"toolbox-ready", this.onToolboxReady);"toolbox-destroy", this.onToolboxDestroy);
// Shutdown the extension devtools_page from all existing toolboxes.
this.pageDefinition = null;
// Iterate over the existing toolboxes and unlist the devtools webextension from them.
for (let toolbox of DevToolsShim.getToolboxes()) {
this._initialized = false;
onShutdown() {
getAPI() {
return {
devtools: {},
onToolboxReady(toolbox) {
if (
!toolbox.commands.descriptorFront.isLocalTab ||
) {
// Skip any non-local (as remote tabs are not yet supported, see Bug 1304378 for additional details
// related to remote targets support), and private browsing windows if the extension
// is not allowed to access them.
// Ensure that the WebExtension is listed in the toolbox options.
toolbox.registerWebExtension(this.extension.uuid, {
pref: `${getDevToolsPrefBranchName(}.enabled`,
// Do not build the devtools page if the extension has been disabled
// (e.g. based on the devtools preference).
if (toolbox.isWebExtensionEnabled(this.extension.uuid)) {
onToolboxDestroy(toolbox) {
if (!toolbox.commands.descriptorFront.isLocalTab) {
// Only local tabs are currently supported (See Bug 1304378 for additional details
// related to remote targets support).
* Initialize the DevTools preferences branch for the extension and
* start to observe it for changes on the "enabled" preference.
initDevToolsPref() {
const prefBranch = Services.prefs.getBranch(
// Initialize the devtools extension preference if it doesn't exist yet.
if (prefBranch.getPrefType("enabled") === prefBranch.PREF_INVALID) {
prefBranch.setBoolPref("enabled", true);
this.devtoolsPrefBranch = prefBranch;
this.devtoolsPrefBranch.addObserver("enabled", this);
* Stop from observing the DevTools preferences branch for the extension.
uninitDevToolsPref() {
this.devtoolsPrefBranch.removeObserver("enabled", this);
this.devtoolsPrefBranch = null;
* Test if the extension's devtools_page has been disabled using the
* DevTools preference.
* @returns {boolean}
* true if the devtools_page for this extension is disabled.
isDevToolsPageDisabled() {
return !this.devtoolsPrefBranch.getBoolPref("enabled", false);
* Observes the changed preferences on the DevTools preferences branch
* related to the extension.
* @param {nsIPrefBranch} subject The observed preferences branch.
* @param {string} topic The notified topic.
* @param {string} prefName The changed preference name.
observe(subject, topic, prefName) {
// We are currently interested only in the "enabled" preference from the
// WebExtension devtools preferences branch.
if (subject !== this.devtoolsPrefBranch || prefName !== "enabled") {
// Shutdown or build the devtools_page on any existing toolbox.
if (this.isDevToolsPageDisabled()) {
} else {;