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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "logConsole", function () {
return console.createInstance({
prefix: "BackupService::ArchiveEncryption",
maxLogLevel: Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.backup.log", false)
? "Debug"
: "Warn",
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
ArchiveUtils: "resource:///modules/backup/ArchiveUtils.sys.mjs",
OSKeyStore: "resource://gre/modules/OSKeyStore.sys.mjs",
BackupError: "resource:///modules/backup/BackupError.mjs",
ERRORS: "chrome://browser/content/backup/backup-constants.mjs",
* ArchiveEncryptionState encapsulates key primitives and wrapped secrets that
* can be safely serialized to the filesystem. An ArchiveEncryptionState is
* used to compute the necessary keys for encrypting a backup archive.
export class ArchiveEncryptionState {
* A hack that lets us ensure that an ArchiveEncryptionState cannot be
* constructed except via the ArchiveEncryptionState.initialize static
* method.
static #isInternalConstructing = false;
* A reference to an object holding the current state of the
* ArchiveEncryptionState instance. When this reference is null, encryption
* is not considered enabled.
#state = null;
* The current version number of the ArchiveEncryptionState. This is encoded
* in the serialized state, and is also used during calculation of the salt
* in enable().
* @type {number}
static get VERSION() {
return 1;
* The number of characters to generate with a CSRNG (crypto.getRandomValues)
* if no recovery code is passed in to enable();
* @type {number}
return 14;
* The RSA-OAEP public key that will be used to derive keys for encrypting
* backups.
* @type {CryptoKey}
get publicKey() {
return this.#state.publicKey;
* The AES-GCM key that will be used to authenticate the owner of the backup.
* @type {CryptoKey}
get backupAuthKey() {
return this.#state.backupAuthKey;
* A salt computed for the PBKDF2 stretching of the recovery code.
* @type {Uint8Array}
get salt() {
return this.#state.salt;
* A nonce computed when wrapping the private key and OSKeyStore secret.
* @type {Uint8Array}
get nonce() {
return this.#state.nonce;
* The wrapped static secrets, including the RSA-OAEP private key, and the
* OSKeyStore secret.
* @type {Uint8Array}
get wrappedSecrets() {
return this.#state.wrappedSecrets;
constructor() {
if (!ArchiveEncryptionState.#isInternalConstructing) {
throw new lazy.BackupError(
"ArchiveEncryptionState is not constructable.",
ArchiveEncryptionState.#isInternalConstructing = false;
* Calculates various encryption keys and other information necessary to
* encrypt backups, based on the passed in recoveryCode.
* This will throw if encryption is already enabled for this
* ArchiveEncryptionState.
* @throws {Exception}
* @param {string} [recoveryCode=null]
* A recovery code that will be used to drive the various encryption keys
* and data for backup encryption. If not supplied by the caller, a
* recovery code will be generated.
* @returns {Promise<string>}
* Resolves with the recovery code string. If callers did not pass the
* recovery code in as an argument, they should not store it. They should
* instead display this string to the user, and then forget it altogether.
async #enable(recoveryCode = null) {
lazy.logConsole.debug("Creating new enabled ArchiveEncryptionState");
lazy.logConsole.debug("Generating an RSA-OEAP keyPair");
let keyPair = await crypto.subtle.generateKey(
name: "RSA-OAEP",
modulusLength: 2048,
publicExponent: new Uint8Array([1, 0, 1]),
hash: { name: "SHA-256" },
true /* extractable */,
["encrypt", "decrypt"]
if (!recoveryCode) {
// A recovery code wasn't provided, so we'll generate one using
// getRandomValues, and make sure it's GENERATED_RECOVERY_CODE_LENGTH
// characters long.
recoveryCode = "";
// We've intentionally replaced some lookalike characters (O, o, 0, l, I,
// 1) with symbols.
const charset =
// getRandomValues will return a value between 0-255. In order to not
// gain a bias on any particular character (due to wrap-around), we'll
// ensure that we only consider random values that are less than or
// equal to the highest multiple of charset.length that is less than
// 255.
let highestMultiple =
Math.floor((255 /* upper limit */ - 1) / charset.length) *
while (
recoveryCode.length <
) {
let randomValue = new Uint8Array(1);
// If the random value is higher than highestMultiple, try again.
if (randomValue > highestMultiple) {
// Otherwise, we're within the highest multiple, meaning we can mod
// the generated number to choose a character from charset.
let randomIndex = randomValue % charset.length;
recoveryCode += charset[randomIndex];
// Next, we generate a 32-byte salt, and then concatenate a static suffix
// to it, including the version number.
lazy.logConsole.debug("Creating salt");
let textEncoder = new TextEncoder();
const SALT_SUFFIX = textEncoder.encode(
"backupkey-v" + ArchiveEncryptionState.VERSION
let saltPrefix = new Uint8Array(32);
let salt = new Uint8Array(saltPrefix.length + SALT_SUFFIX.length);
salt.set(SALT_SUFFIX, saltPrefix.length);
let { backupAuthKey, backupEncKey } =
await lazy.ArchiveUtils.computeBackupKeys(recoveryCode, salt);
lazy.logConsole.debug("Encrypting secrets with encKey");
const NONCE_SIZE = 96;
let nonce = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(NONCE_SIZE));
let secrets = JSON.stringify({
privateKey: await crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", keyPair.privateKey),
OSKeyStoreSecret: await lazy.OSKeyStore.exportRecoveryPhrase(),
let secretsBytes = textEncoder.encode(secrets);
let wrappedSecrets = new Uint8Array(
await crypto.subtle.encrypt(
name: "AES-GCM",
iv: nonce,
this.#state = {
publicKey: keyPair.publicKey,
return recoveryCode;
* Serializes an ArchiveEncryptionState instance into an object that can be
* safely persisted to disk.
* @returns {Promise<object>}
async serialize() {
let publicKey = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", this.#state.publicKey);
let salt = lazy.ArchiveUtils.arrayToBase64(this.#state.salt);
let backupAuthKey = lazy.ArchiveUtils.arrayToBase64(
let nonce = lazy.ArchiveUtils.arrayToBase64(this.#state.nonce);
let wrappedSecrets = lazy.ArchiveUtils.arrayToBase64(
let result = {
version: ArchiveEncryptionState.VERSION,
return result;
* Deserializes an object created via serialize() and updates its internal
* state to match the deserialization.
* @param {object} stateData
* The object generated via serialize()
* @returns {Promise<undefined>}
async #deserialize(stateData) {
"Deserializing from state with version ",
// If we ever need to do a migration from one ArchiveEncryptionState
// version to another, this is where we might do it. We don't currently
// have any need to do migrations just yet though, so any version that
// doesn't match the one that we can accept is rejected.
if (stateData.version != ArchiveEncryptionState.VERSION) {
throw new lazy.BackupError(
"The ArchiveEncryptionState version is from a newer version.",
let publicKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey(
{ name: "RSA-OAEP", hash: "SHA-256" },
true /* extractable */,
let backupAuthKey = lazy.ArchiveUtils.stringToArray(
let salt = lazy.ArchiveUtils.stringToArray(stateData.salt);
let nonce = lazy.ArchiveUtils.stringToArray(stateData.nonce);
let wrappedSecrets = lazy.ArchiveUtils.stringToArray(
this.#state = {
* @typedef {object} InitializationResult
* @property {string|undefined} recoveryCode
* The generated recovery code if the initialization happened without
* deserialization.
* @property {ArchiveEncryptionState} instance
* The constructed ArchiveEncryptionState.
* Constructs a new ArchiveEncryptionState. If a stateData object is passed,
* the ArchiveEncryptionState will attempt to be deserialized from it -
* otherwise, new state data will be generated automatically. This might
* reject if the user is prompted to authenticate to their OSKeyStore, and
* they cancel the authentication.
* @param {object|string|undefined} stateDataOrRecoveryCode
* Either the object generated via serialize(), a recovery code to be
* used to generate the state, or undefined.
* @returns {Promise<InitializationResult>}
static async initialize(stateDataOrRecoveryCode) {
ArchiveEncryptionState.#isInternalConstructing = true;
let instance = new ArchiveEncryptionState();
if (typeof stateDataOrRecoveryCode == "object") {
await instance.#deserialize(stateDataOrRecoveryCode);
return { instance };
let recoveryCode = await instance.#enable(stateDataOrRecoveryCode);
return { instance, recoveryCode };