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Test Info: Warnings

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
const TEST_URL =
// eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url
const DOMAIN = "";
* This is really a crashtest, but because we need PrintUtils this is written as a browser test.
* Test that when we don't crash when trying to print a document in the following scenario -
* A top level document has an iframe of different origin embedded (here has iframe embedded)
* and they both set their document.domain to be "".
add_task(async function test() {
// 1. Open a new tab and wait for it to load the top level doc
let newTab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, TEST_URL);
let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
// 2. Navigate the iframe within the doc and wait for the load to complete
await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async function () {
const iframe = content.document.querySelector("iframe");
const loaded = new Promise(resolve => {
() => {
{ once: true }
iframe.src =
// eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url
await loaded;
// 3. Change the top level document's domain
await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [DOMAIN], async function (domain) {
content.document.domain = domain;
// 4. Get the reference to the iframe and change its domain
const iframe = await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], () => {
return content.document.querySelector("iframe").browsingContext;
await SpecialPowers.spawn(iframe, [DOMAIN], domain => {
content.document.domain = domain;
// 5. Try to print things
"Should NOT be in print preview mode at the start of this test."
// Enter print preview
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => {
let preview = document.querySelector(".printPreviewBrowser");
return preview && BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(preview);
let ppBrowser = document.querySelector(
ok(ppBrowser, "Print preview browser was created");
ok(true, "We did not crash.");
// We haven't crashed! Exit the print preview.
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => !document.querySelector(".printPreviewBrowser")
info("We are not in print preview anymore.");