AboutNewTabChild.sys.mjs |
3502 |
AboutNewTabParent.sys.mjs |
If there were any messages sent from content before the
ActivityStreamMessageChannel was set up, dispatch them now.
5032 |
AboutPocketChild.sys.mjs |
-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
401 |
AboutPocketParent.sys.mjs |
4404 |
AboutPrivateBrowsingChild.sys.mjs |
-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
1933 |
AboutPrivateBrowsingParent.sys.mjs |
5771 |
AboutProtectionsChild.sys.mjs |
-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
604 |
AboutProtectionsParent.sys.mjs |
Fetches and validates data from the Monitor endpoint. If successful, then return
expected data. Otherwise, throw the appropriate error depending on the status code.
@return valid data from endpoint.
14040 |
AboutReaderChild.sys.mjs |
NB: this function will update the state of the reader button asynchronously
after the next mozAfterPaint call (assuming reader mode is enabled and
this is a suitable document). Calling it on things which won't be
painted is not going to work.
7749 |
AboutReaderParent.sys.mjs |
8523 |
AboutTabCrashedChild.sys.mjs |
-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
405 |
AboutTabCrashedParent.sys.mjs |
2589 |
BlockedSiteChild.sys.mjs |
-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
5409 |
BlockedSiteParent.sys.mjs |
-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
9599 |
BrowserProcessChild.sys.mjs |
1112 |
BrowserTabChild.sys.mjs |
590 |
ClickHandlerChild.sys.mjs |
-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
5652 |
ClickHandlerParent.sys.mjs |
-*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
5581 |
ContentSearchChild.sys.mjs |
1001 |
ContentSearchParent.sys.mjs |
Inbound messages have the following types:
Adds an entry to the search form history.
data: the entry, a string
Retrieves an array of search suggestions given a search string.
data: { engineName, searchString }
Retrieves the current search engine state.
data: null
Retrieves localized search UI strings.
data: null
Opens the search engine management window.
data: null
Removes an entry from the search form history.
data: the entry, a string
Performs a search.
Any GetSuggestions messages in the queue from the same target will be
data: { engineName, searchString, healthReportKey, searchPurpose }
Sets the current engine.
data: the name of the engine
Speculatively connects to an engine.
data: the name of the engine
Outbound messages have the following types:
Broadcast when the current engine changes.
data: see _currentEngineObj
Broadcast when the current search state changes.
data: see currentStateObj
Sent in reply to GetState.
data: see currentStateObj
Sent in reply to GetStrings
data: Object containing string names and values for the current locale.
Sent in reply to GetSuggestions.
data: see _onMessageGetSuggestions
Sent in reply to GetSuggestions when pending GetSuggestions events are
data: null
21462 |
ContextMenuChild.sys.mjs |
-*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
41555 |
ContextMenuParent.sys.mjs |
Handles opening of the context menu for the appropraite browser.
@param {object} data
The data for the context menu, received from the child.
@param {DOMWindow} win
The window in which the context menu is to be opened.
@param {Browser} browser
The browser the context menu is being opened for.
8056 |
DecoderDoctorChild.sys.mjs |
-*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
1680 |
DecoderDoctorParent.sys.mjs |
-*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
9096 |
DOMFullscreenChild.sys.mjs |
6508 |
DOMFullscreenParent.sys.mjs |
Clean up fullscreen state and resume chrome UI if window is in fullscreen
and this actor is the one where the original fullscreen enter or
exit request comes.
11446 |
EncryptedMediaChild.sys.mjs |
GlobalCaptureListener is a class that listens for changes to the global
capture state of windows and screens. It uses this information to notify
observers if it's possible that media is being shared by these captures.
You probably only want one instance of this class per content process.
4327 |
EncryptedMediaParent.sys.mjs |
9639 |
FormValidationChild.sys.mjs |
Handles the validation callback from nsIFormFillController and
the display of the help panel on invalid elements.
5845 |
FormValidationParent.sys.mjs |
Chrome side handling of form validation popup.
5409 |
LightweightThemeChild.sys.mjs |
LightweightThemeChild forwards theme data to in-content pages.
2220 |
LinkHandlerChild.sys.mjs |
4735 |
LinkHandlerParent.sys.mjs |
3589 |
metrics.yaml |
1034 |
moz.build |
2899 |
PageInfoChild.sys.mjs |
Returns an array that stores all mediaItems found in the document
Calls getMediaItems for all nodes within the constructed tree walker and forms
resulting array.
12767 |
PageStyleChild.sys.mjs |
Returns links that would represent stylesheets once loaded.
6008 |
PageStyleParent.sys.mjs |
Add/append styleSheets to the _pageStyleSheets weakmap.
@param newSheetData
The stylesheet data, including new stylesheets to add,
and the preferred stylesheet set for this document.
2384 |
PluginChild.sys.mjs |
Determines whether or not the crashed plugin is contained within current
full screen DOM element.
@param fullScreenElement (DOM element)
The DOM element that is currently full screen, or null.
@param domElement
The DOM element which contains the crashed plugin, or the crashed plugin
@returns bool
True if the plugin is a descendant of the full screen DOM element, false otherwise.
3038 |
PluginParent.sys.mjs |
Submit a crash report for a crashed plugin.
@param pluginCrashID
An object with a pluginID.
@param keyVals
An object whose key-value pairs will be merged
with the ".extra" file submitted with the report.
The properties of htis object will override properties
of the same name in the .extra file.
6019 |
PointerLockChild.sys.mjs |
543 |
PointerLockParent.sys.mjs |
687 |
PromptParent.sys.mjs |
@typedef {Object} Dialog
12019 |
RefreshBlockerChild.sys.mjs |
This file has two actors, RefreshBlockerChild js a window actor which
handles the refresh notifications. RefreshBlockerObserverChild is a process
actor that enables refresh blocking on each docshell that is created.
7716 |
RefreshBlockerParent.sys.mjs |
604 |
RFPHelperParent.sys.mjs |
-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
999 |
ScreenshotsComponentChild.sys.mjs |
eslint-env mozilla/browser-window |
12411 |
SearchSERPTelemetryChild.sys.mjs |
Standard events mapped to the telemetry action.
56813 |
SearchSERPTelemetryParent.sys.mjs |
1251 |
SpeechDispatcherChild.sys.mjs |
414 |
SpeechDispatcherParent.sys.mjs |
2364 |
SwitchDocumentDirectionChild.sys.mjs |
975 |
test |
WebRTCChild.sys.mjs |
GlobalMuteListener is a process-global object that listens for changes to
the global mute state of the camera and microphone. When it notices a
change in that state, it tells the underlying platform code to mute or
unmute those devices.
17721 |
WebRTCParent.sys.mjs |
53347 |