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Test Info: Warnings
- This test gets skipped with pattern: os != 'win' OR headless
- Manifest: accessible/tests/browser/windows/uia/browser.toml
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
"use strict";
async function testIsControl(pyVar, isControl) {
const result = await runPython(`bool(${pyVar}.CurrentIsControlElement)`);
if (isControl) {
ok(result, `${pyVar} is a control element`);
} else {
ok(!result, `${pyVar} isn't a control element`);
<p id="p">paragraph</p>
<div id="div">div</div>
<!-- The spans are because the UIA -> IA2 proxy seems to remove a single text
leaf child from even the raw tree.
<a id="link" href="#">link<span> </span>></a>
<h1 id="h1">h1<span> </span></h1>
<h1 id="h1WithDiv"><div>h1 with div<span> </span></div></h1>
<input id="range" type="range">
<div onclick=";" id="clickable">clickable</div>
<div id="editable" contenteditable>editable</div>
<table id="table"><tr><th>th</th></tr></table>
async function () {
await definePyVar("doc", `getDocUia()`);
await assignPyVarToUiaWithId("p");
await testIsControl("p", false);
await definePyVar(
await testIsControl("pTextLeaf", true);
await assignPyVarToUiaWithId("div");
await testIsControl("div", false);
await definePyVar(
await testIsControl("divTextLeaf", true);
await assignPyVarToUiaWithId("link");
await testIsControl("link", true);
await assignPyVarToUiaWithId("range");
await testIsControl("range", true);
await assignPyVarToUiaWithId("editable");
await testIsControl("editable", true);
await assignPyVarToUiaWithId("table");
await testIsControl("table", true);
if (!gIsUiaEnabled) {
// The remaining tests are broken with the UIA -> IA2 proxy.
await definePyVar(
await testIsControl("linkTextLeaf", false);
await assignPyVarToUiaWithId("h1");
await testIsControl("h1", true);
await definePyVar(
await testIsControl("h1TextLeaf", false);
await assignPyVarToUiaWithId("h1WithDiv");
await testIsControl("h1WithDiv", true);
// h1WithDiv's text leaf is its grandchild.
await definePyVar(
await testIsControl("h1WithDivTextLeaf", false);
await assignPyVarToUiaWithId("clickable");
await testIsControl("clickable", true);