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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
function testUiaRelationArray(id, prop, targets) {
return isUiaElementArray(
`findUiaByDomId(doc, "${id}").Current${prop}`,
`${id} has correct ${prop} targets`
* Test the ControllerFor property.
<input id="controls" aria-controls="t1 t2">
<input id="error" aria-errormessage="t3 t4" aria-invalid="true">
<input id="controlsError" aria-controls="t1 t2" aria-errormessage="t3 t4" aria-invalid="true">
<div id="t1">t1</div>
<div id="t2">t2</div>
<div id="t3">t3</div>
<div id="t4">t4</div>
<button id="none">none</button>
async function testControllerFor() {
await definePyVar("doc", `getDocUia()`);
await testUiaRelationArray("controls", "ControllerFor", ["t1", "t2"]);
// The IA2 -> UIA proxy doesn't support IA2_RELATION_ERROR.
if (gIsUiaEnabled) {
await testUiaRelationArray("error", "ControllerFor", ["t3", "t4"]);
await testUiaRelationArray("controlsError", "ControllerFor", [
await testUiaRelationArray("none", "ControllerFor", []);
* Test the DescribedBy property.
<input id="describedby" aria-describedby="t1 t2">
<input id="details" aria-details="t3 t4">
<input id="describedbyDetails" aria-describedby="t1 t2" aria-details="t3 t4" aria-invalid="true">
<div id="t1">t1</div>
<div id="t2">t2</div>
<div id="t3">t3</div>
<div id="t4">t4</div>
<button id="none">none</button>
async function testDescribedBy() {
await definePyVar("doc", `getDocUia()`);
await testUiaRelationArray("describedby", "DescribedBy", ["t1", "t2"]);
// The IA2 -> UIA proxy doesn't support IA2_RELATION_DETAILS.
if (gIsUiaEnabled) {
await testUiaRelationArray("details", "DescribedBy", ["t3", "t4"]);
await testUiaRelationArray("describedbyDetails", "DescribedBy", [
await testUiaRelationArray("none", "DescribedBy", []);
* Test the FlowsFrom and FlowsTo properties.
<div id="t1" aria-flowto="t2">t1</div>
<div id="t2">t2</div>
<button id="none">none</button>
async function testFlows() {
await definePyVar("doc", `getDocUia()`);
await testUiaRelationArray("t1", "FlowsTo", ["t2"]);
await testUiaRelationArray("t2", "FlowsFrom", ["t1"]);
await testUiaRelationArray("none", "FlowsFrom", []);
await testUiaRelationArray("none", "FlowsTo", []);
* Test the LabeledBy property.
<label id="label">label</label>
<input id="input" aria-labelledby="label">
<label id="wrappingLabel">
<input id="wrappedInput" value="wrappedInput">
<p id="wrappingLabelP">wrappingLabel</p>
<button id="button" aria-labelledby="label">content</button>
<button id="noLabel">noLabel</button>
async function testLabeledBy() {
await definePyVar("doc", `getDocUia()`);
// input's LabeledBy should be label's text leaf.
let result = await runPython(`
input = findUiaByDomId(doc, "input")
label = findUiaByDomId(doc, "label")
labelLeaf = uiaClient.RawViewWalker.GetFirstChildElement(label)
return uiaClient.CompareElements(input.CurrentLabeledBy, labelLeaf)
ok(result, "input has correct LabeledBy");
// wrappedInput's LabeledBy should be wrappingLabelP's text leaf.
result = await runPython(`
wrappedInput = findUiaByDomId(doc, "wrappedInput")
wrappingLabelP = findUiaByDomId(doc, "wrappingLabelP")
wrappingLabelLeaf = uiaClient.RawViewWalker.GetFirstChildElement(wrappingLabelP)
return uiaClient.CompareElements(wrappedInput.CurrentLabeledBy, wrappingLabelLeaf)
ok(result, "wrappedInput has correct LabeledBy");
// button has aria-labelledby, but UIA prohibits LabeledBy on buttons.
!(await runPython(
`bool(findUiaByDomId(doc, "button").CurrentLabeledBy)`
"button has no LabeledBy"
!(await runPython(
`bool(findUiaByDomId(doc, "noLabel").CurrentLabeledBy)`
"noLabel has no LabeledBy"
// The IA2 -> UIA proxy doesn't expose LabeledBy properly.
{ uiaEnabled: true, uiaDisabled: false }