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#include <type_traits>
#include "Crypto.h"
#include "EventHandlerBinding.h"
#include "EventTargetBinding.h"
#include "FunctionBinding.h"
#include "ImageBitmapBinding.h"
#include "MainThreadUtils.h"
#include "MessagePortBinding.h"
#include "RequestBinding.h"
#include "WorkerGlobalScopeBinding.h"
#include "WrapperFactory.h"
#include "js/CallAndConstruct.h"
#include "js/Exception.h"
#include "js/MapAndSet.h"
#include "js/Object.h"
#include "js/PropertyAndElement.h"
#include "js/PropertyDescriptor.h"
#include "js/experimental/JitInfo.h"
#include "mozilla/OwningNonNull.h"
#include "mozilla/ProfilerLabels.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BindingCallContext.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BindingUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Blob.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/CanvasRenderingContext2D.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/DOMJSClass.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/FontFaceSet.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLCanvasElement.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLImageElement.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLVideoElement.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/IDBFactory.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ImageBitmap.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ImageData.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/NonRefcountedDOMObject.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Nullable.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/OffscreenCanvas.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Performance.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/PrimitiveConversions.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Promise.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Request.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/RootedDictionary.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/SVGImageElement.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ToJSValue.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/TrustedTypePolicyFactory.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/VideoFrame.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/WebIDLPrefs.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/WebTaskScheduler.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/WorkerLocation.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/WorkerNavigator.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/WorkerScope.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/cache/CacheStorage.h"
#include "nsContentUtils.h"
namespace mozilla::dom {
namespace binding_detail {}; // Just to make sure it's known as a namespace
using namespace mozilla::dom::binding_detail;
namespace WorkerGlobalScope_Binding {
static_assert(IsRefcounted<NativeType>::value == IsRefcounted<EventTarget_Binding::NativeType>::value,
"Can't inherit from an interface with a different ownership model.");
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_self(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "self", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
// Have to either root across the getter call or reget after.
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> slotStorage(cx, js::UncheckedUnwrap(obj, /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false));
const size_t slotIndex = (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(JSCLASS_RESERVED_SLOTS(JS::GetClass(slotStorage)) > slotIndex);
// Scope for cachedVal
JS::Value cachedVal = JS::GetReservedSlot(slotStorage, slotIndex);
if (!cachedVal.isUndefined()) {
// The cached value is in the compartment of slotStorage,
// so wrap into the caller compartment as needed.
return MaybeWrapValue(cx, args.rval());
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Self()));
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> conversionScope(cx, slotStorage);
JSAutoRealm ar(cx, conversionScope);
do { // block we break out of when done wrapping
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
} while (false);
{ // And now store things in the realm of our slotStorage.
JSAutoRealm ar(cx, slotStorage);
// Make a copy so that we don't do unnecessary wrapping on args.rval().
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> storedVal(cx, args.rval());
if (!MaybeWrapValue(cx, &storedVal)) {
return false;
JS::SetReservedSlot(slotStorage, slotIndex, storedVal);
// And now make sure args.rval() is in the caller realm.
return MaybeWrapValue(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo self_getterinfo = {
{ get_self },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasNone, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
true, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
true, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
(DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0) /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static_assert((DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0) <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
static_assert((DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0) < 3, "There is no slot for us");
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_location(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "location", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::WorkerLocation>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Location()));
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo location_getterinfo = {
{ get_location },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_navigator(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "navigator", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::WorkerNavigator>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Navigator()));
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo navigator_getterinfo = {
{ get_navigator },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
importScripts(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "importScripts", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
AutoSequence<nsString> arg0;
if (args.length() > 0) {
if (!arg0.SetCapacity(args.length() - 0, mozilla::fallible)) {
return false;
for (uint32_t variadicArg = 0; variadicArg < args.length(); ++variadicArg) {
// OK to do infallible append here, since we ensured capacity already.
nsString& slot = *arg0.AppendElement();
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[variadicArg], eStringify, eStringify, slot)) {
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->ImportScripts(cx, NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->ImportScripts(cx, NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.importScripts"))) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo importScripts_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)importScripts },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_onerror(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "onerror", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
RefPtr<OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull> result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetOnerror());
if (result) {
args.rval().setObjectOrNull(GetCallbackFromCallbackObject(cx, result));
if (!MaybeWrapObjectOrNullValue(cx, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_onerror(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "onerror", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
RootedCallback<RefPtr<binding_detail::FastOnErrorEventHandlerNonNull>> arg0(cx);
if (args[0].isObject()) {
{ // scope for tempRoot and tempGlobalRoot if needed
arg0 = new binding_detail::FastOnErrorEventHandlerNonNull(&args[0].toObject(), JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx));
} else {
arg0 = nullptr;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetOnerror(MOZ_KnownLive(Constify(arg0))))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo onerror_getterinfo = {
{ get_onerror },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo onerror_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_onerror },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_onlanguagechange(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "onlanguagechange", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
RefPtr<EventHandlerNonNull> result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetOnlanguagechange());
if (result) {
args.rval().setObjectOrNull(GetCallbackFromCallbackObject(cx, result));
if (!MaybeWrapObjectOrNullValue(cx, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_onlanguagechange(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "onlanguagechange", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
RootedCallback<RefPtr<binding_detail::FastEventHandlerNonNull>> arg0(cx);
if (args[0].isObject()) {
{ // scope for tempRoot and tempGlobalRoot if needed
arg0 = new binding_detail::FastEventHandlerNonNull(&args[0].toObject(), JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx));
} else {
arg0 = nullptr;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetOnlanguagechange(MOZ_KnownLive(Constify(arg0))))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo onlanguagechange_getterinfo = {
{ get_onlanguagechange },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo onlanguagechange_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_onlanguagechange },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_onoffline(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "onoffline", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
RefPtr<EventHandlerNonNull> result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetOnoffline());
if (result) {
args.rval().setObjectOrNull(GetCallbackFromCallbackObject(cx, result));
if (!MaybeWrapObjectOrNullValue(cx, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_onoffline(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "onoffline", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
RootedCallback<RefPtr<binding_detail::FastEventHandlerNonNull>> arg0(cx);
if (args[0].isObject()) {
{ // scope for tempRoot and tempGlobalRoot if needed
arg0 = new binding_detail::FastEventHandlerNonNull(&args[0].toObject(), JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx));
} else {
arg0 = nullptr;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetOnoffline(MOZ_KnownLive(Constify(arg0))))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo onoffline_getterinfo = {
{ get_onoffline },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo onoffline_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_onoffline },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_ononline(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "ononline", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
RefPtr<EventHandlerNonNull> result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetOnonline());
if (result) {
args.rval().setObjectOrNull(GetCallbackFromCallbackObject(cx, result));
if (!MaybeWrapObjectOrNullValue(cx, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_ononline(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "ononline", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
RootedCallback<RefPtr<binding_detail::FastEventHandlerNonNull>> arg0(cx);
if (args[0].isObject()) {
{ // scope for tempRoot and tempGlobalRoot if needed
arg0 = new binding_detail::FastEventHandlerNonNull(&args[0].toObject(), JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx));
} else {
arg0 = nullptr;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetOnonline(MOZ_KnownLive(Constify(arg0))))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo ononline_getterinfo = {
{ get_ononline },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo ononline_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_ononline },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_onrejectionhandled(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "onrejectionhandled", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
RefPtr<EventHandlerNonNull> result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetOnrejectionhandled());
if (result) {
args.rval().setObjectOrNull(GetCallbackFromCallbackObject(cx, result));
if (!MaybeWrapObjectOrNullValue(cx, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_onrejectionhandled(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "onrejectionhandled", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
RootedCallback<RefPtr<binding_detail::FastEventHandlerNonNull>> arg0(cx);
if (args[0].isObject()) {
{ // scope for tempRoot and tempGlobalRoot if needed
arg0 = new binding_detail::FastEventHandlerNonNull(&args[0].toObject(), JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx));
} else {
arg0 = nullptr;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetOnrejectionhandled(MOZ_KnownLive(Constify(arg0))))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo onrejectionhandled_getterinfo = {
{ get_onrejectionhandled },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo onrejectionhandled_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_onrejectionhandled },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_onunhandledrejection(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "onunhandledrejection", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
RefPtr<EventHandlerNonNull> result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetOnunhandledrejection());
if (result) {
args.rval().setObjectOrNull(GetCallbackFromCallbackObject(cx, result));
if (!MaybeWrapObjectOrNullValue(cx, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_onunhandledrejection(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "onunhandledrejection", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
RootedCallback<RefPtr<binding_detail::FastEventHandlerNonNull>> arg0(cx);
if (args[0].isObject()) {
{ // scope for tempRoot and tempGlobalRoot if needed
arg0 = new binding_detail::FastEventHandlerNonNull(&args[0].toObject(), JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx));
} else {
arg0 = nullptr;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetOnunhandledrejection(MOZ_KnownLive(Constify(arg0))))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo onunhandledrejection_getterinfo = {
{ get_onunhandledrejection },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo onunhandledrejection_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_onunhandledrejection },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
dump(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "dump", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
Optional<nsAString> arg0;
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0_holder;
if (args.hasDefined(0)) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0_holder)) {
return false;
arg0 = &arg0_holder;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Dump(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0))))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo dump_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)dump },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_performance(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "performance", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
// Have to either root across the getter call or reget after.
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> slotStorage(cx, js::UncheckedUnwrap(obj, /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false));
const size_t slotIndex = (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 1);
MOZ_ASSERT(JSCLASS_RESERVED_SLOTS(JS::GetClass(slotStorage)) > slotIndex);
// Scope for cachedVal
JS::Value cachedVal = JS::GetReservedSlot(slotStorage, slotIndex);
if (!cachedVal.isUndefined()) {
// The cached value is in the compartment of slotStorage,
// so wrap into the caller compartment as needed.
return MaybeWrapValue(cx, args.rval());
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::Performance>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetPerformance()));
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> conversionScope(cx, slotStorage);
JSAutoRealm ar(cx, conversionScope);
do { // block we break out of when done wrapping
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
} while (false);
{ // And now store things in the realm of our slotStorage.
JSAutoRealm ar(cx, slotStorage);
// Make a copy so that we don't do unnecessary wrapping on args.rval().
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> storedVal(cx, args.rval());
if (!MaybeWrapValue(cx, &storedVal)) {
return false;
JS::SetReservedSlot(slotStorage, slotIndex, storedVal);
// And now make sure args.rval() is in the caller realm.
return MaybeWrapValue(cx, args.rval());
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_performance(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "performance", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
return JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "performance", args[0], JSPROP_ENUMERATE);
static const JSJitInfo performance_getterinfo = {
{ get_performance },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasNone, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
true, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
true, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
(DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 1) /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static_assert((DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 1) <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
static_assert((DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 1) < 3, "There is no slot for us");
static const JSJitInfo performance_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_performance },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
getJSTestingFunctions(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "getJSTestingFunctions", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
FastErrorResult rv;
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> result(cx);
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetJSTestingFunctions(cx, &result, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetJSTestingFunctions(cx, &result, rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.getJSTestingFunctions"))) {
return false;
if (!MaybeWrapObjectValue(cx, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo getJSTestingFunctions_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)getJSTestingFunctions },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_fonts(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "fonts", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::FontFaceSet>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetFonts(rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.fonts getter"))) {
return false;
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo fonts_getterinfo = {
{ get_fonts },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_crypto(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "crypto", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::Crypto>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetCrypto(rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.crypto getter"))) {
return false;
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo crypto_getterinfo = {
{ get_crypto },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_origin(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "origin", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
DOMString result;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetOrigin(result))>, "Should be returning void here");
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_origin(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "origin", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
return JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "origin", args[0], JSPROP_ENUMERATE);
static const JSJitInfo origin_getterinfo = {
{ get_origin },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_STRING, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo origin_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_origin },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_crossOriginIsolated(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "crossOriginIsolated", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->CrossOriginIsolated());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo crossOriginIsolated_getterinfo = {
{ get_crossOriginIsolated },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
reportError(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "reportError", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.reportError", 1)) {
return false;
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> arg0(cx);
arg0 = args[0];
FastErrorResult rv;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->ReportError(cx, arg0, nsContentUtils::ThreadsafeIsSystemCaller(cx) ? CallerType::System : CallerType::NonSystem, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->ReportError(cx, arg0, nsContentUtils::ThreadsafeIsSystemCaller(cx) ? CallerType::System : CallerType::NonSystem, rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.reportError"))) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo reportError_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)reportError },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
btoa(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "btoa", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.btoa", 1)) {
return false;
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
DOMString result;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Btoa(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), result, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Btoa(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), result, rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.btoa"))) {
return false;
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo btoa_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)btoa },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_STRING, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
atob(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "atob", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.atob", 1)) {
return false;
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
DOMString result;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Atob(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), result, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Atob(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), result, rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.atob"))) {
return false;
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo atob_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)atob },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_STRING, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
setTimeout(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "WorkerGlobalScope.setTimeout");
"WorkerGlobalScope", "setTimeout", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
unsigned argcount = std::min(args.length(), 3u);
switch (argcount) {
case 1: {
case 2: {
case 3: {
if (args[0].isObject()) {
do {
RootedCallback<OwningNonNull<binding_detail::FastFunction>> arg0(cx);
if (JS::IsCallable(&args[0].toObject())) {
{ // scope for tempRoot and tempGlobalRoot if needed
arg0 = new binding_detail::FastFunction(&args[0].toObject(), JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx));
} else {
int32_t arg1;
if (args.hasDefined(1)) {
if (!ValueToPrimitive<int32_t, eDefault>(cx, args[1], "Argument 2", &arg1)) {
return false;
} else {
arg1 = 0;
AutoSequence<JS::Value> arg2;
SequenceRooter<JS::Value> arg2_holder(cx, &arg2);
if (args.length() > 2) {
if (!arg2.SetCapacity(args.length() - 2, mozilla::fallible)) {
return false;
for (uint32_t variadicArg = 2; variadicArg < args.length(); ++variadicArg) {
// OK to do infallible append here, since we ensured capacity already.
JS::Value& slot = *arg2.AppendElement();
slot = args[variadicArg];
FastErrorResult rv;
int32_t result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetTimeout(cx, MOZ_KnownLive(NonNullHelper(arg0)), arg1, Constify(arg2), rv));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.setTimeout"))) {
return false;
return true;
} while (false);
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
return false;
int32_t arg1;
if (args.hasDefined(1)) {
if (!ValueToPrimitive<int32_t, eDefault>(cx, args[1], "Argument 2", &arg1)) {
return false;
} else {
arg1 = 0;
AutoSequence<JS::Value> arg2;
SequenceRooter<JS::Value> arg2_holder(cx, &arg2);
if (args.length() > 2) {
if (!arg2.SetCapacity(args.length() - 2, mozilla::fallible)) {
return false;
for (uint32_t variadicArg = 2; variadicArg < args.length(); ++variadicArg) {
// OK to do infallible append here, since we ensured capacity already.
JS::Value& slot = *arg2.AppendElement();
slot = args[variadicArg];
FastErrorResult rv;
int32_t result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetTimeout(cx, NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), arg1, Constify(arg2), rv));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.setTimeout"))) {
return false;
return true;
default: {
// Using nsPrintfCString here would require including that
// header. Let's not worry about it.
nsAutoCString argCountStr;
argCountStr.AppendPrintf("%u", args.length());
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_INVALID_OVERLOAD_ARGCOUNT>(argCountStr.get());
MOZ_CRASH("We have an always-returning default case");
return false;
static const JSJitInfo setTimeout_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)setTimeout },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_INT32, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
clearTimeout(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "clearTimeout", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
int32_t arg0;
if (args.hasDefined(0)) {
if (!ValueToPrimitive<int32_t, eDefault>(cx, args[0], "Argument 1", &arg0)) {
return false;
} else {
arg0 = 0;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->ClearTimeout(arg0))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo clearTimeout_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)clearTimeout },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
setInterval(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "WorkerGlobalScope.setInterval");
"WorkerGlobalScope", "setInterval", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
unsigned argcount = std::min(args.length(), 3u);
switch (argcount) {
case 1: {
case 2: {
case 3: {
if (args[0].isObject()) {
do {
RootedCallback<OwningNonNull<binding_detail::FastFunction>> arg0(cx);
if (JS::IsCallable(&args[0].toObject())) {
{ // scope for tempRoot and tempGlobalRoot if needed
arg0 = new binding_detail::FastFunction(&args[0].toObject(), JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx));
} else {
int32_t arg1;
if (args.hasDefined(1)) {
if (!ValueToPrimitive<int32_t, eDefault>(cx, args[1], "Argument 2", &arg1)) {
return false;
} else {
arg1 = 0;
AutoSequence<JS::Value> arg2;
SequenceRooter<JS::Value> arg2_holder(cx, &arg2);
if (args.length() > 2) {
if (!arg2.SetCapacity(args.length() - 2, mozilla::fallible)) {
return false;
for (uint32_t variadicArg = 2; variadicArg < args.length(); ++variadicArg) {
// OK to do infallible append here, since we ensured capacity already.
JS::Value& slot = *arg2.AppendElement();
slot = args[variadicArg];
FastErrorResult rv;
int32_t result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetInterval(cx, MOZ_KnownLive(NonNullHelper(arg0)), arg1, Constify(arg2), rv));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.setInterval"))) {
return false;
return true;
} while (false);
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
return false;
int32_t arg1;
if (args.hasDefined(1)) {
if (!ValueToPrimitive<int32_t, eDefault>(cx, args[1], "Argument 2", &arg1)) {
return false;
} else {
arg1 = 0;
AutoSequence<JS::Value> arg2;
SequenceRooter<JS::Value> arg2_holder(cx, &arg2);
if (args.length() > 2) {
if (!arg2.SetCapacity(args.length() - 2, mozilla::fallible)) {
return false;
for (uint32_t variadicArg = 2; variadicArg < args.length(); ++variadicArg) {
// OK to do infallible append here, since we ensured capacity already.
JS::Value& slot = *arg2.AppendElement();
slot = args[variadicArg];
FastErrorResult rv;
int32_t result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetInterval(cx, NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), arg1, Constify(arg2), rv));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.setInterval"))) {
return false;
return true;
default: {
// Using nsPrintfCString here would require including that
// header. Let's not worry about it.
nsAutoCString argCountStr;
argCountStr.AppendPrintf("%u", args.length());
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_INVALID_OVERLOAD_ARGCOUNT>(argCountStr.get());
MOZ_CRASH("We have an always-returning default case");
return false;
static const JSJitInfo setInterval_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)setInterval },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_INT32, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
clearInterval(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "clearInterval", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
int32_t arg0;
if (args.hasDefined(0)) {
if (!ValueToPrimitive<int32_t, eDefault>(cx, args[0], "Argument 1", &arg0)) {
return false;
} else {
arg0 = 0;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->ClearInterval(arg0))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo clearInterval_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)clearInterval },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
queueMicrotask(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "WorkerGlobalScope.queueMicrotask");
"WorkerGlobalScope", "queueMicrotask", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.queueMicrotask", 1)) {
return false;
RootedCallback<OwningNonNull<binding_detail::FastVoidFunction>> arg0(cx);
if (args[0].isObject()) {
if (JS::IsCallable(&args[0].toObject())) {
{ // scope for tempRoot and tempGlobalRoot if needed
arg0 = new binding_detail::FastVoidFunction(&args[0].toObject(), JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx));
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_CALLABLE>("Argument 1");
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("Argument 1");
return false;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->QueueMicrotask(MOZ_KnownLive(NonNullHelper(arg0))))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo queueMicrotask_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)queueMicrotask },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
createImageBitmap(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "WorkerGlobalScope.createImageBitmap");
"WorkerGlobalScope", "createImageBitmap", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
unsigned argcount = std::min(args.length(), 6u);
switch (argcount) {
case 1: {
case 2: {
HTMLImageElementOrSVGImageElementOrHTMLCanvasElementOrHTMLVideoElementOrOffscreenCanvasOrImageBitmapOrVideoFrameOrBlobOrCanvasRenderingContext2DOrImageData arg0;
if (!arg0.Init(cx, args[0], "Argument 1", false)) {
return false;
binding_detail::FastImageBitmapOptions arg1;
if (!arg1.Init(cx, (args.hasDefined(1)) ? args[1] : JS::NullHandleValue, "Argument 2", false)) {
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->CreateImageBitmap(Constify(arg0), Constify(arg1), rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.createImageBitmap"))) {
return false;
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
case 5: {
case 6: {
HTMLImageElementOrSVGImageElementOrHTMLCanvasElementOrHTMLVideoElementOrOffscreenCanvasOrImageBitmapOrVideoFrameOrBlobOrCanvasRenderingContext2DOrImageData arg0;
if (!arg0.Init(cx, args[0], "Argument 1", false)) {
return false;
int32_t arg1;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<int32_t, eDefault>(cx, args[1], "Argument 2", &arg1)) {
return false;
int32_t arg2;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<int32_t, eDefault>(cx, args[2], "Argument 3", &arg2)) {
return false;
int32_t arg3;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<int32_t, eDefault>(cx, args[3], "Argument 4", &arg3)) {
return false;
int32_t arg4;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<int32_t, eDefault>(cx, args[4], "Argument 5", &arg4)) {
return false;
binding_detail::FastImageBitmapOptions arg5;
if (!arg5.Init(cx, (args.hasDefined(5)) ? args[5] : JS::NullHandleValue, "Argument 6", false)) {
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->CreateImageBitmap(Constify(arg0), arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, Constify(arg5), rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.createImageBitmap"))) {
return false;
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
default: {
// Using nsPrintfCString here would require including that
// header. Let's not worry about it.
nsAutoCString argCountStr;
argCountStr.AppendPrintf("%u", args.length());
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_INVALID_OVERLOAD_ARGCOUNT>(argCountStr.get());
MOZ_CRASH("We have an always-returning default case");
return false;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
createImageBitmap_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = createImageBitmap(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo createImageBitmap_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)createImageBitmap_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
structuredClone(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "WorkerGlobalScope.structuredClone");
"WorkerGlobalScope", "structuredClone", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.structuredClone", 1)) {
return false;
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> arg0(cx);
arg0 = args[0];
RootedDictionary<binding_detail::FastStructuredSerializeOptions> arg1(cx);
if (!arg1.Init(cx, (args.hasDefined(1)) ? args[1] : JS::NullHandleValue, "Argument 2", false)) {
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> result(cx);
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->StructuredClone(cx, arg0, Constify(arg1), &result, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->StructuredClone(cx, arg0, Constify(arg1), &result, rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.structuredClone"))) {
return false;
if (!MaybeWrapValue(cx, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo structuredClone_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)structuredClone },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
fetch(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "WorkerGlobalScope.fetch");
"WorkerGlobalScope", "fetch", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.fetch", 1)) {
return false;
RequestOrUTF8String arg0;
if (!arg0.Init(cx, args[0], "Argument 1", false)) {
return false;
RootedDictionary<binding_detail::FastRequestInit> arg1(cx);
if (!arg1.Init(cx, (args.hasDefined(1)) ? args[1] : JS::NullHandleValue, "Argument 2", false)) {
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Fetch(Constify(arg0), Constify(arg1), nsContentUtils::ThreadsafeIsSystemCaller(cx) ? CallerType::System : CallerType::NonSystem, rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.fetch"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
fetch_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = fetch(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo fetch_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)fetch_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_isSecureContext(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "isSecureContext", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->IsSecureContext());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo isSecureContext_getterinfo = {
{ get_isSecureContext },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_indexedDB(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "indexedDB", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::IDBFactory>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetIndexedDB(cx, rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.indexedDB getter"))) {
return false;
if (!result) {
return true;
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo indexedDB_getterinfo = {
{ get_indexedDB },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_caches(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "caches", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::cache::CacheStorage>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetCaches(rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "WorkerGlobalScope.caches getter"))) {
return false;
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo caches_getterinfo = {
{ get_caches },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasNone, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_scheduler(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "scheduler", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::WebTaskScheduler>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Scheduler()));
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_scheduler(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "scheduler", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
return JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "scheduler", args[0], JSPROP_ENUMERATE);
static const JSJitInfo scheduler_getterinfo = {
{ get_scheduler },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasNone, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
true, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo scheduler_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_scheduler },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_trustedTypes(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"WorkerGlobalScope", "trustedTypes", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope*>(void_self);
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::TrustedTypePolicyFactory>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->TrustedTypes()));
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo trustedTypes_getterinfo = {
{ get_trustedTypes },
{ prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSFunctionSpec sMethods_specs[] = {
JS_FNSPEC("importScripts", (GenericMethod<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&importScripts_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("dump", (GenericMethod<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&dump_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("getJSTestingFunctions", (GenericMethod<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&getJSTestingFunctions_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("reportError", (GenericMethod<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&reportError_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("btoa", (GenericMethod<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&btoa_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("atob", (GenericMethod<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&atob_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("setTimeout", (GenericMethod<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&setTimeout_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("clearTimeout", (GenericMethod<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&clearTimeout_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("setInterval", (GenericMethod<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&setInterval_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("clearInterval", (GenericMethod<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&clearInterval_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("queueMicrotask", (GenericMethod<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&queueMicrotask_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("createImageBitmap", (GenericMethod<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&createImageBitmap_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("structuredClone", (GenericMethod<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&structuredClone_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("fetch", (GenericMethod<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&fetch_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
static const PrefableDisablers sMethods_disablers3 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::NoPref, 0, false, OriginTrial(0), &WorkerGlobalScope::IsInAutomation
static const Prefable<const JSFunctionSpec> sMethods[] = {
{ nullptr, &sMethods_specs[0] },
{ &sMethods_disablers3, &sMethods_specs[3] },
{ nullptr, &sMethods_specs[5] },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
static const JSPropertySpec sAttributes_specs[] = {
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("self", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &self_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("location", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &location_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("navigator", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &navigator_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("onerror", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &onerror_getterinfo, GenericSetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy>, &onerror_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("onlanguagechange", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &onlanguagechange_getterinfo, GenericSetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy>, &onlanguagechange_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("onoffline", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &onoffline_getterinfo, GenericSetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy>, &onoffline_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("ononline", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &ononline_getterinfo, GenericSetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy>, &ononline_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("onrejectionhandled", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &onrejectionhandled_getterinfo, GenericSetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy>, &onrejectionhandled_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("onunhandledrejection", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &onunhandledrejection_getterinfo, GenericSetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy>, &onunhandledrejection_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("performance", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &performance_getterinfo, GenericSetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy>, &performance_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("fonts", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &fonts_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("crypto", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &crypto_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("origin", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &origin_getterinfo, GenericSetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy>, &origin_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("crossOriginIsolated", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &crossOriginIsolated_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("isSecureContext", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &isSecureContext_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("indexedDB", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &indexedDB_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("caches", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &caches_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("scheduler", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &scheduler_getterinfo, GenericSetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy>, &scheduler_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("trustedTypes", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &trustedTypes_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
static const PrefableDisablers sAttributes_disablers17 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::NoPref, 0, false, OriginTrial(0), &nsGlobalWindowInner::CachesEnabled
static const PrefableDisablers sAttributes_disablers19 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::dom_enable_web_task_scheduling, 0, false, OriginTrial(0), nullptr
static const PrefableDisablers sAttributes_disablers21 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::dom_security_trusted_types_enabled, 0, false, OriginTrial(0), nullptr
static const Prefable<const JSPropertySpec> sAttributes[] = {
{ nullptr, &sAttributes_specs[0] },
{ &sAttributes_disablers17, &sAttributes_specs[17] },
{ &sAttributes_disablers19, &sAttributes_specs[19] },
{ &sAttributes_disablers21, &sAttributes_specs[21] },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
static const NativePropertiesN<2> sNativeProperties = {
false, 0,
false, 0,
true, 0 /* sMethods */,
true, 1 /* sAttributes */,
false, 0,
false, 0,
false, 0,
{ sMethods, nullptr },
{ sAttributes, nullptr }
static const DOMInterfaceInfo sInterfaceObjectInfo = {
{ ThrowingConstructor, &sEmptyNativePropertyHooks },
static const DOMIfaceAndProtoJSClass sPrototypeClass = {
CreateInterfaceObjects(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGlobal, ProtoAndIfaceCache& aProtoAndIfaceCache, bool aDefineOnGlobal)
JS::Heap<JSObject*>* protoCache = &aProtoAndIfaceCache.EntrySlotOrCreate(prototypes::id::WorkerGlobalScope);
JS::Heap<JSObject*>* interfaceCache = &aProtoAndIfaceCache.EntrySlotOrCreate(constructors::id::WorkerGlobalScope);
JS::Handle<JSObject*> parentProto(EventTarget_Binding::GetProtoObjectHandle(aCx));
if (!parentProto) {
JS::Handle<JSObject*> constructorProto(EventTarget_Binding::GetConstructorObjectHandle(aCx));
if (!constructorProto) {
dom::CreateInterfaceObjects(aCx, aGlobal, parentProto,
&sPrototypeClass, protoCache,
constructorProto, &sInterfaceObjectInfo, 0, false, Span<const LegacyFactoryFunction, 0>{},
"WorkerGlobalScope", aDefineOnGlobal,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> proto = JS::Handle<JSObject*>::fromMarkedLocation(protoCache->address());
if (!proto) {
*protoCache = nullptr;
if (interfaceCache) {
*interfaceCache = nullptr;
bool succeeded;
if (!JS_SetImmutablePrototype(aCx, proto, &succeeded)) {
*protoCache = nullptr;
if (interfaceCache) {
*interfaceCache = nullptr;
"making a fresh prototype object's [[Prototype]] "
"immutable can internally fail, but it should "
"never be unsuccessful");
GetProtoObject(JSContext* aCx)
return GetProtoObjectHandle(aCx);
GetConstructorObject(JSContext* aCx)
return GetConstructorObjectHandle(aCx);
} // namespace WorkerGlobalScope_Binding
} // namespace mozilla::dom