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#include <type_traits>
#include "DOMMediaStream.h"
#include "EventHandlerBinding.h"
#include "HTMLElementBinding.h"
#include "HTMLMediaElementBinding.h"
#include "MainThreadUtils.h"
#include "WrapperFactory.h"
#include "js/CallAndConstruct.h"
#include "js/Exception.h"
#include "js/MapAndSet.h"
#include "js/Object.h"
#include "js/PropertyAndElement.h"
#include "js/PropertyDescriptor.h"
#include "js/String.h"
#include "js/experimental/JitInfo.h"
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "mozilla/BasePrincipal.h"
#include "mozilla/FloatingPoint.h"
#include "mozilla/OwningNonNull.h"
#include "mozilla/ProfilerLabels.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/AudioTrackList.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BindingCallContext.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BindingUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/CustomElementRegistry.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/DOMJSClass.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/DocGroup.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLMediaElement.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/MediaError.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/MediaKeys.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/MediaSource.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/NonRefcountedDOMObject.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Nullable.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/PrimitiveConversions.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Promise.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/TextTrack.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/TextTrackList.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/TimeRanges.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ToJSValue.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/VideoTrackList.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/WebIDLPrefs.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/XrayExpandoClass.h"
#include "nsContentUtils.h"
#include "nsJSPrincipals.h"
namespace mozilla::dom {
namespace binding_detail {}; // Just to make sure it's known as a namespace
using namespace mozilla::dom::binding_detail;
namespace HTMLMediaElement_Binding {
static_assert(IsRefcounted<NativeType>::value == IsRefcounted<HTMLElement_Binding::NativeType>::value,
"Can't inherit from an interface with a different ownership model.");
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_error(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "error", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::MediaError>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetError()));
if (!result) {
return true;
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo error_getterinfo = {
{ get_error },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_src(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "src", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
DOMString result;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetSrc(result))>, "Should be returning void here");
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_src(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "src", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
return false;
Maybe<AutoCEReaction> ceReaction;
DocGroup* docGroup = self->GetDocGroup();
if (docGroup) {
ceReaction.emplace(docGroup->CustomElementReactionsStack(), cx);
FastErrorResult rv;
nsIPrincipal* subjectPrincipal;
JS::Realm* realm = js::GetContextRealm(cx);
JSPrincipals* principals = JS::GetRealmPrincipals(realm);
nsIPrincipal* principal = nsJSPrincipals::get(principals);
if (principal->IsSystemPrincipal()) {
principal = nullptr;
subjectPrincipal = principal;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetSrc(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), MOZ_KnownLive(subjectPrincipal), rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetSrc(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), MOZ_KnownLive(subjectPrincipal), rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.src setter"))) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo src_getterinfo = {
{ get_src },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_STRING, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo src_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_src },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_currentSrc(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "currentSrc", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
DOMString result;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetCurrentSrc(result))>, "Should be returning void here");
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo currentSrc_getterinfo = {
{ get_currentSrc },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_STRING, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_crossOrigin(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "crossOrigin", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
DOMString result;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetCrossOrigin(result))>, "Should be returning void here");
if (!xpc::StringToJsval(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_crossOrigin(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "crossOrigin", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eNull, eNull, arg0)) {
return false;
Maybe<AutoCEReaction> ceReaction;
DocGroup* docGroup = self->GetDocGroup();
if (docGroup) {
ceReaction.emplace(docGroup->CustomElementReactionsStack(), cx);
FastErrorResult rv;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetCrossOrigin(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetCrossOrigin(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.crossOrigin setter"))) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo crossOrigin_getterinfo = {
{ get_crossOrigin },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo crossOrigin_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_crossOrigin },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_networkState(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "networkState", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
uint16_t result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->NetworkState());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo networkState_getterinfo = {
{ get_networkState },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_INT32, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_preload(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "preload", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
DOMString result;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetPreload(result))>, "Should be returning void here");
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_preload(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "preload", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
return false;
Maybe<AutoCEReaction> ceReaction;
DocGroup* docGroup = self->GetDocGroup();
if (docGroup) {
ceReaction.emplace(docGroup->CustomElementReactionsStack(), cx);
FastErrorResult rv;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetPreload(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetPreload(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.preload setter"))) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo preload_getterinfo = {
{ get_preload },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_STRING, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo preload_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_preload },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_buffered(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "buffered", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::TimeRanges>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Buffered()));
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo buffered_getterinfo = {
{ get_buffered },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
load(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "load", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Load())>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo load_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)load },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
canPlayType(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "canPlayType", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.canPlayType", 1)) {
return false;
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
return false;
DOMString result;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->CanPlayType(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), result))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->CanPlayType(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), result);
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo canPlayType_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)canPlayType },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_STRING, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_readyState(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "readyState", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
uint16_t result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->ReadyState());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo readyState_getterinfo = {
{ get_readyState },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_INT32, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_seeking(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "seeking", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Seeking());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo seeking_getterinfo = {
{ get_seeking },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_currentTime(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "currentTime", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->CurrentTime());
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_currentTime(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "HTMLMediaElement.currentTime setter");
"HTMLMediaElement", "currentTime", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double arg0;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<double, eDefault>(cx, args[0], "Value being assigned", &arg0)) {
return false;
} else if (!std::isfinite(arg0)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_FINITE>("Value being assigned");
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetCurrentTime(arg0, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetCurrentTime(arg0, rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.currentTime setter"))) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo currentTime_getterinfo = {
{ get_currentTime },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo currentTime_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_currentTime },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
fastSeek(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "HTMLMediaElement.fastSeek");
"HTMLMediaElement", "fastSeek", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.fastSeek", 1)) {
return false;
double arg0;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<double, eDefault>(cx, args[0], "Argument 1", &arg0)) {
return false;
} else if (!std::isfinite(arg0)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_FINITE>("Argument 1");
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->FastSeek(arg0, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->FastSeek(arg0, rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.fastSeek"))) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo fastSeek_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)fastSeek },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_duration(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "duration", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Duration());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo duration_getterinfo = {
{ get_duration },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_isEncrypted(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "isEncrypted", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->IsEncrypted());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo isEncrypted_getterinfo = {
{ get_isEncrypted },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_paused(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "paused", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Paused());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo paused_getterinfo = {
{ get_paused },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_defaultPlaybackRate(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "defaultPlaybackRate", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->DefaultPlaybackRate());
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_defaultPlaybackRate(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "HTMLMediaElement.defaultPlaybackRate setter");
"HTMLMediaElement", "defaultPlaybackRate", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double arg0;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<double, eDefault>(cx, args[0], "Value being assigned", &arg0)) {
return false;
} else if (!std::isfinite(arg0)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_FINITE>("Value being assigned");
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetDefaultPlaybackRate(arg0, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetDefaultPlaybackRate(arg0, rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.defaultPlaybackRate setter"))) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo defaultPlaybackRate_getterinfo = {
{ get_defaultPlaybackRate },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo defaultPlaybackRate_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_defaultPlaybackRate },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_playbackRate(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "playbackRate", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->PlaybackRate());
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_playbackRate(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "HTMLMediaElement.playbackRate setter");
"HTMLMediaElement", "playbackRate", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double arg0;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<double, eDefault>(cx, args[0], "Value being assigned", &arg0)) {
return false;
} else if (!std::isfinite(arg0)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_FINITE>("Value being assigned");
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetPlaybackRate(arg0, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetPlaybackRate(arg0, rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.playbackRate setter"))) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo playbackRate_getterinfo = {
{ get_playbackRate },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo playbackRate_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_playbackRate },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_played(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "played", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::TimeRanges>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Played()));
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo played_getterinfo = {
{ get_played },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_seekable(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "seekable", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::TimeRanges>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Seekable()));
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo seekable_getterinfo = {
{ get_seekable },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_ended(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "ended", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Ended());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo ended_getterinfo = {
{ get_ended },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_autoplay(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "autoplay", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Autoplay());
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_autoplay(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "autoplay", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool arg0;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<bool, eDefault>(cx, args[0], "Value being assigned", &arg0)) {
return false;
Maybe<AutoCEReaction> ceReaction;
DocGroup* docGroup = self->GetDocGroup();
if (docGroup) {
ceReaction.emplace(docGroup->CustomElementReactionsStack(), cx);
FastErrorResult rv;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetAutoplay(arg0, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetAutoplay(arg0, rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.autoplay setter"))) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo autoplay_getterinfo = {
{ get_autoplay },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo autoplay_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_autoplay },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_loop(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "loop", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Loop());
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_loop(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "loop", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool arg0;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<bool, eDefault>(cx, args[0], "Value being assigned", &arg0)) {
return false;
Maybe<AutoCEReaction> ceReaction;
DocGroup* docGroup = self->GetDocGroup();
if (docGroup) {
ceReaction.emplace(docGroup->CustomElementReactionsStack(), cx);
FastErrorResult rv;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetLoop(arg0, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetLoop(arg0, rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.loop setter"))) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo loop_getterinfo = {
{ get_loop },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo loop_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_loop },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
play(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "play", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Play(rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, ""))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
play_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = play(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo play_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)play_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
pause(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "pause", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
FastErrorResult rv;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Pause(rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.pause"))) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo pause_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)pause },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_controls(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "controls", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Controls());
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_controls(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "controls", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool arg0;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<bool, eDefault>(cx, args[0], "Value being assigned", &arg0)) {
return false;
Maybe<AutoCEReaction> ceReaction;
DocGroup* docGroup = self->GetDocGroup();
if (docGroup) {
ceReaction.emplace(docGroup->CustomElementReactionsStack(), cx);
FastErrorResult rv;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetControls(arg0, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetControls(arg0, rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.controls setter"))) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo controls_getterinfo = {
{ get_controls },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo controls_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_controls },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_volume(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "volume", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Volume());
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_volume(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "HTMLMediaElement.volume setter");
"HTMLMediaElement", "volume", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double arg0;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<double, eDefault>(cx, args[0], "Value being assigned", &arg0)) {
return false;
} else if (!std::isfinite(arg0)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_FINITE>("Value being assigned");
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetVolume(arg0, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetVolume(arg0, rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.volume setter"))) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo volume_getterinfo = {
{ get_volume },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo volume_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_volume },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_muted(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "muted", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Muted());
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_muted(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "muted", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool arg0;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<bool, eDefault>(cx, args[0], "Value being assigned", &arg0)) {
return false;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetMuted(arg0))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo muted_getterinfo = {
{ get_muted },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo muted_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_muted },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_defaultMuted(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "defaultMuted", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->DefaultMuted());
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_defaultMuted(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "defaultMuted", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool arg0;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<bool, eDefault>(cx, args[0], "Value being assigned", &arg0)) {
return false;
Maybe<AutoCEReaction> ceReaction;
DocGroup* docGroup = self->GetDocGroup();
if (docGroup) {
ceReaction.emplace(docGroup->CustomElementReactionsStack(), cx);
FastErrorResult rv;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetDefaultMuted(arg0, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetDefaultMuted(arg0, rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.defaultMuted setter"))) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo defaultMuted_getterinfo = {
{ get_defaultMuted },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo defaultMuted_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_defaultMuted },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_audioTracks(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "audioTracks", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::AudioTrackList>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->AudioTracks()));
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo audioTracks_getterinfo = {
{ get_audioTracks },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_videoTracks(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "videoTracks", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::VideoTrackList>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->VideoTracks()));
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo videoTracks_getterinfo = {
{ get_videoTracks },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_textTracks(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "textTracks", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::TextTrackList>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetTextTracks()));
if (!result) {
return true;
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo textTracks_getterinfo = {
{ get_textTracks },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
addTextTrack(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "HTMLMediaElement.addTextTrack");
"HTMLMediaElement", "addTextTrack", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.addTextTrack", 1)) {
return false;
TextTrackKind arg0;
int index;
if (!binding_detail::FindEnumStringIndex<true>(cx, args[0],
"TextTrackKind", "argument 1",
&index)) {
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT(index >= 0);
arg0 = static_cast<TextTrackKind>(index);
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg1;
if (args.hasDefined(1)) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[1], eStringify, eStringify, arg1)) {
return false;
} else {
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg2;
if (args.hasDefined(2)) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[2], eStringify, eStringify, arg2)) {
return false;
} else {
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::TextTrack>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->AddTextTrack(arg0, NonNullHelper(Constify(arg1)), NonNullHelper(Constify(arg2)))));
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo addTextTrack_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)addTextTrack },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_mozMediaSourceObject(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "mozMediaSourceObject", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::MediaSource>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetMozMediaSourceObject()));
if (!result) {
return true;
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo mozMediaSourceObject_getterinfo = {
{ get_mozMediaSourceObject },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
mozRequestDebugInfo(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "mozRequestDebugInfo", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->MozRequestDebugInfo(rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.mozRequestDebugInfo"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
mozRequestDebugInfo_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = mozRequestDebugInfo(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo mozRequestDebugInfo_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)mozRequestDebugInfo_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
mozEnableDebugLog(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp)
"HTMLMediaElement", "mozEnableDebugLog", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx, &args.callee());
GlobalObject global(cx, xpc::XrayAwareCalleeGlobal(obj));
if (global.Failed()) {
return false;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement::MozEnableDebugLog(global))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
mozRequestDebugLog(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "mozRequestDebugLog", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->MozRequestDebugLog(rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.mozRequestDebugLog"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
mozRequestDebugLog_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = mozRequestDebugLog(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo mozRequestDebugLog_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)mozRequestDebugLog_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_srcObject(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "srcObject", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::DOMMediaStream>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetSrcObject()));
if (!result) {
return true;
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_srcObject(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "HTMLMediaElement.srcObject setter");
"HTMLMediaElement", "srcObject", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
mozilla::DOMMediaStream* arg0;
if (args[0].isObject()) {
// Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::MediaStream, mozilla::DOMMediaStream>(args[0], arg0, cx);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE>("Value being assigned", "MediaStream");
return false;
} else if (args[0].isNullOrUndefined()) {
arg0 = nullptr;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("Value being assigned");
return false;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetSrcObject(MOZ_KnownLive(Constify(arg0))))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo srcObject_getterinfo = {
{ get_srcObject },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo srcObject_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_srcObject },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_preservesPitch(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "preservesPitch", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->PreservesPitch());
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_preservesPitch(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "preservesPitch", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool arg0;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<bool, eDefault>(cx, args[0], "Value being assigned", &arg0)) {
return false;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetPreservesPitch(arg0))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo preservesPitch_getterinfo = {
{ get_preservesPitch },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo preservesPitch_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_preservesPitch },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_mozAllowCasting(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "mozAllowCasting", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->MozAllowCasting());
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_mozAllowCasting(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "mozAllowCasting", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool arg0;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<bool, eDefault>(cx, args[0], "Value being assigned", &arg0)) {
return false;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetMozAllowCasting(arg0))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo mozAllowCasting_getterinfo = {
{ get_mozAllowCasting },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo mozAllowCasting_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_mozAllowCasting },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_mozIsCasting(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "mozIsCasting", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->MozIsCasting());
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_mozIsCasting(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "mozIsCasting", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool arg0;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<bool, eDefault>(cx, args[0], "Value being assigned", &arg0)) {
return false;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetMozIsCasting(arg0))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo mozIsCasting_getterinfo = {
{ get_mozIsCasting },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo mozIsCasting_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_mozIsCasting },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
mozCaptureStream(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "mozCaptureStream", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::DOMMediaStream>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->MozCaptureStream(rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.mozCaptureStream"))) {
return false;
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo mozCaptureStream_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)mozCaptureStream },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
mozCaptureStreamUntilEnded(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "mozCaptureStreamUntilEnded", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::DOMMediaStream>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->MozCaptureStreamUntilEnded(rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.mozCaptureStreamUntilEnded"))) {
return false;
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo mozCaptureStreamUntilEnded_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)mozCaptureStreamUntilEnded },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_mozAudioCaptured(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "mozAudioCaptured", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->MozAudioCaptured());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo mozAudioCaptured_getterinfo = {
{ get_mozAudioCaptured },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
mozGetMetadata(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "mozGetMetadata", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
FastErrorResult rv;
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> result(cx);
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->MozGetMetadata(cx, &result, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->MozGetMetadata(cx, &result, rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.mozGetMetadata"))) {
return false;
if (result) {
if (!MaybeWrapObjectOrNullValue(cx, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo mozGetMetadata_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)mozGetMetadata },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_mozFragmentEnd(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "mozFragmentEnd", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->MozFragmentEnd());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo mozFragmentEnd_getterinfo = {
{ get_mozFragmentEnd },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_mediaKeys(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "mediaKeys", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<mozilla::dom::MediaKeys>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetMediaKeys()));
if (!result) {
return true;
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo mediaKeys_getterinfo = {
{ get_mediaKeys },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
setMediaKeys(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "HTMLMediaElement.setMediaKeys");
"HTMLMediaElement", "setMediaKeys", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.setMediaKeys", 1)) {
return false;
mozilla::dom::MediaKeys* arg0;
if (args[0].isObject()) {
// Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::MediaKeys, mozilla::dom::MediaKeys>(args[0], arg0, cx);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE>("Argument 1", "MediaKeys");
return false;
} else if (args[0].isNullOrUndefined()) {
arg0 = nullptr;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("Argument 1");
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetMediaKeys(MOZ_KnownLive(Constify(arg0)), rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.setMediaKeys"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
setMediaKeys_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = setMediaKeys(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo setMediaKeys_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)setMediaKeys_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_onencrypted(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "onencrypted", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
RefPtr<EventHandlerNonNull> result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetOnencrypted());
if (result) {
args.rval().setObjectOrNull(GetCallbackFromCallbackObject(cx, result));
if (!MaybeWrapObjectOrNullValue(cx, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_onencrypted(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "onencrypted", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
RootedCallback<RefPtr<binding_detail::FastEventHandlerNonNull>> arg0(cx);
if (args[0].isObject()) {
{ // scope for tempRoot and tempGlobalRoot if needed
arg0 = new binding_detail::FastEventHandlerNonNull(&args[0].toObject(), JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx));
} else {
arg0 = nullptr;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetOnencrypted(MOZ_KnownLive(Constify(arg0))))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo onencrypted_getterinfo = {
{ get_onencrypted },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo onencrypted_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_onencrypted },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_onwaitingforkey(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "onwaitingforkey", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
RefPtr<EventHandlerNonNull> result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetOnwaitingforkey());
if (result) {
args.rval().setObjectOrNull(GetCallbackFromCallbackObject(cx, result));
if (!MaybeWrapObjectOrNullValue(cx, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
set_onwaitingforkey(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "onwaitingforkey", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_SETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
RootedCallback<RefPtr<binding_detail::FastEventHandlerNonNull>> arg0(cx);
if (args[0].isObject()) {
{ // scope for tempRoot and tempGlobalRoot if needed
arg0 = new binding_detail::FastEventHandlerNonNull(&args[0].toObject(), JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx));
} else {
arg0 = nullptr;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetOnwaitingforkey(MOZ_KnownLive(Constify(arg0))))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo onwaitingforkey_getterinfo = {
{ get_onwaitingforkey },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSJitInfo onwaitingforkey_setterinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)set_onwaitingforkey },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_computedVolume(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "computedVolume", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->ComputedVolume());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo computedVolume_getterinfo = {
{ get_computedVolume },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_computedMuted(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "computedMuted", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->ComputedMuted());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo computedMuted_getterinfo = {
{ get_computedMuted },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_isSuspendedByInactiveDocOrDocShell(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "isSuspendedByInactiveDocOrDocShell", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->IsSuspendedByInactiveDocOrDocShell());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo isSuspendedByInactiveDocOrDocShell_getterinfo = {
{ get_isSuspendedByInactiveDocOrDocShell },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
seekToNextFrame(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "seekToNextFrame", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SeekToNextFrame(rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.seekToNextFrame"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
seekToNextFrame_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = seekToNextFrame(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo seekToNextFrame_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)seekToNextFrame_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
setVisible(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "setVisible", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.setVisible", 1)) {
return false;
bool arg0;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<bool, eDefault>(cx, args[0], "Argument 1", &arg0)) {
return false;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetVisible(arg0))>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo setVisible_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)setVisible },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
hasSuspendTaint(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "hasSuspendTaint", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->HasSuspendTaint());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo hasSuspendTaint_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)hasSuspendTaint },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_isInViewPort(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "isInViewPort", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->IsInViewPort());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo isInViewPort_getterinfo = {
{ get_isInViewPort },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_isVideoDecodingSuspended(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "isVideoDecodingSuspended", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->IsVideoDecodingSuspended());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo isVideoDecodingSuspended_getterinfo = {
{ get_isVideoDecodingSuspended },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_totalVideoPlayTime(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "totalVideoPlayTime", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->TotalVideoPlayTime());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo totalVideoPlayTime_getterinfo = {
{ get_totalVideoPlayTime },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_totalVideoHDRPlayTime(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "totalVideoHDRPlayTime", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->TotalVideoHDRPlayTime());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo totalVideoHDRPlayTime_getterinfo = {
{ get_totalVideoHDRPlayTime },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_visiblePlayTime(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "visiblePlayTime", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->VisiblePlayTime());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo visiblePlayTime_getterinfo = {
{ get_visiblePlayTime },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_invisiblePlayTime(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "invisiblePlayTime", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->InvisiblePlayTime());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo invisiblePlayTime_getterinfo = {
{ get_invisiblePlayTime },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_videoDecodeSuspendedTime(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "videoDecodeSuspendedTime", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->VideoDecodeSuspendedTime());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo videoDecodeSuspendedTime_getterinfo = {
{ get_videoDecodeSuspendedTime },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_totalAudioPlayTime(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "totalAudioPlayTime", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->TotalAudioPlayTime());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo totalAudioPlayTime_getterinfo = {
{ get_totalAudioPlayTime },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_audiblePlayTime(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "audiblePlayTime", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->AudiblePlayTime());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo audiblePlayTime_getterinfo = {
{ get_audiblePlayTime },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_inaudiblePlayTime(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "inaudiblePlayTime", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->InaudiblePlayTime());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo inaudiblePlayTime_getterinfo = {
{ get_inaudiblePlayTime },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_mutedPlayTime(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "mutedPlayTime", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
double result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->MutedPlayTime());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo mutedPlayTime_getterinfo = {
{ get_mutedPlayTime },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
setFormatDiagnosticsReportForMimeType(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "HTMLMediaElement.setFormatDiagnosticsReportForMimeType");
"HTMLMediaElement", "setFormatDiagnosticsReportForMimeType", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.setFormatDiagnosticsReportForMimeType", 2)) {
return false;
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
return false;
DecoderDoctorReportType arg1;
int index;
if (!binding_detail::FindEnumStringIndex<true>(cx, args[1],
"DecoderDoctorReportType", "argument 2",
&index)) {
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT(index >= 0);
arg1 = static_cast<DecoderDoctorReportType>(index);
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetFormatDiagnosticsReportForMimeType(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), arg1))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetFormatDiagnosticsReportForMimeType(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), arg1);
return true;
static const JSJitInfo setFormatDiagnosticsReportForMimeType_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)setFormatDiagnosticsReportForMimeType },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
setDecodeError(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "setDecodeError", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.setDecodeError", 1)) {
return false;
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetDecodeError(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetDecodeError(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.setDecodeError"))) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo setDecodeError_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)setDecodeError },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
setAudioSinkFailedStartup(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "setAudioSinkFailedStartup", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetAudioSinkFailedStartup())>, "Should be returning void here");
return true;
static const JSJitInfo setAudioSinkFailedStartup_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)setAudioSinkFailedStartup },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_sinkId(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "sinkId", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
DOMString result;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetSinkId(result))>, "Should be returning void here");
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo sinkId_getterinfo = {
{ get_sinkId },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_STRING, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
setSinkId(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "setSinkId", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.setSinkId", 1)) {
return false;
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->SetSinkId(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "HTMLMediaElement.setSinkId"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
setSinkId_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = setSinkId(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo setSinkId_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)setSinkId_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_allowedToPlay(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"HTMLMediaElement", "allowedToPlay", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::HTMLMediaElement*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->AllowedToPlay());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo allowedToPlay_getterinfo = {
{ get_allowedToPlay },
{ prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static const JSFunctionSpec sStaticMethods_specs[] = {
JS_FNSPEC("mozEnableDebugLog", mozEnableDebugLog, nullptr, 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
static const PrefableDisablers sStaticMethods_disablers0 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::NoPref, 0, false, OriginTrial(0), &HasDebuggerOrTabsPrivilege
static const Prefable<const JSFunctionSpec> sStaticMethods[] = {
{ &sStaticMethods_disablers0, &sStaticMethods_specs[0] },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
static_assert(1 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX,
"We have a prefable index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX)");
static_assert(1 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX,
"We have a spec index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX)");
static const JSFunctionSpec sMethods_specs[] = {
JS_FNSPEC("load", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&load_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("canPlayType", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&canPlayType_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("fastSeek", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&fastSeek_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("play", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&play_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("pause", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&pause_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("addTextTrack", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&addTextTrack_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("mozRequestDebugInfo", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&mozRequestDebugInfo_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("mozRequestDebugLog", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&mozRequestDebugLog_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("mozCaptureStream", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&mozCaptureStream_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("mozCaptureStreamUntilEnded", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&mozCaptureStreamUntilEnded_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("mozGetMetadata", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&mozGetMetadata_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("setMediaKeys", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&setMediaKeys_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("seekToNextFrame", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&seekToNextFrame_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("setVisible", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&setVisible_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("hasSuspendTaint", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&hasSuspendTaint_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("setSinkId", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&setSinkId_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
static const PrefableDisablers sMethods_disablers7 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::NoPref, 0, false, OriginTrial(0), &HasDebuggerOrTabsPrivilege
static const PrefableDisablers sMethods_disablers15 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::media_seekToNextFrame_enabled, 0, false, OriginTrial(0), nullptr
static const PrefableDisablers sMethods_disablers17 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::media_test_video_suspend, 0, false, OriginTrial(0), nullptr
static const PrefableDisablers sMethods_disablers20 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::media_setsinkid_enabled, 0, true, OriginTrial(0), nullptr
static const Prefable<const JSFunctionSpec> sMethods[] = {
{ nullptr, &sMethods_specs[0] },
{ &sMethods_disablers7, &sMethods_specs[7] },
{ nullptr, &sMethods_specs[10] },
{ &sMethods_disablers15, &sMethods_specs[15] },
{ &sMethods_disablers17, &sMethods_specs[17] },
{ &sMethods_disablers20, &sMethods_specs[20] },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
static_assert(6 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX,
"We have a prefable index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX)");
static_assert(6 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX,
"We have a spec index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX)");
static const JSFunctionSpec sChromeMethods_specs[] = {
JS_FNSPEC("setFormatDiagnosticsReportForMimeType", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&setFormatDiagnosticsReportForMimeType_methodinfo), 2, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("setDecodeError", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&setDecodeError_methodinfo), 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("setAudioSinkFailedStartup", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&setAudioSinkFailedStartup_methodinfo), 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
static const Prefable<const JSFunctionSpec> sChromeMethods[] = {
{ nullptr, &sChromeMethods_specs[0] },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
static_assert(1 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX,
"We have a prefable index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX)");
static_assert(3 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX,
"We have a spec index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX)");
static const JSPropertySpec sAttributes_specs[] = {
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("error", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &error_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("src", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &src_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &src_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("currentSrc", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &currentSrc_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("crossOrigin", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &crossOrigin_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &crossOrigin_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("networkState", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &networkState_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("preload", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &preload_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &preload_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("buffered", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &buffered_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("readyState", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &readyState_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("seeking", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &seeking_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("currentTime", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &currentTime_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &currentTime_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("duration", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &duration_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("paused", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &paused_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("defaultPlaybackRate", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &defaultPlaybackRate_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &defaultPlaybackRate_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("playbackRate", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &playbackRate_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &playbackRate_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("played", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &played_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("seekable", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &seekable_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("ended", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &ended_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("autoplay", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &autoplay_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &autoplay_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("loop", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &loop_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &loop_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("controls", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &controls_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &controls_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("volume", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &volume_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &volume_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("muted", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &muted_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &muted_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("defaultMuted", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &defaultMuted_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &defaultMuted_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("audioTracks", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &audioTracks_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("videoTracks", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &videoTracks_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("textTracks", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &textTracks_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("mozMediaSourceObject", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &mozMediaSourceObject_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("srcObject", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &srcObject_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &srcObject_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("preservesPitch", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &preservesPitch_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &preservesPitch_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("mozAllowCasting", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &mozAllowCasting_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &mozAllowCasting_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("mozIsCasting", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &mozIsCasting_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &mozIsCasting_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("mozAudioCaptured", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &mozAudioCaptured_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("mozFragmentEnd", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &mozFragmentEnd_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("mediaKeys", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &mediaKeys_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("onencrypted", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &onencrypted_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &onencrypted_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("onwaitingforkey", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &onwaitingforkey_getterinfo, GenericSetter<NormalThisPolicy>, &onwaitingforkey_setterinfo),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("computedVolume", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &computedVolume_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("computedMuted", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &computedMuted_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("sinkId", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &sinkId_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("allowedToPlay", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &allowedToPlay_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
static const PrefableDisablers sAttributes_disablers24 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::media_track_enabled, 0, false, OriginTrial(0), nullptr
static const PrefableDisablers sAttributes_disablers29 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::NoPref, 0, false, OriginTrial(0), &HasDebuggerOrTabsPrivilege
static const PrefableDisablers sAttributes_disablers34 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::NoPref, 0, false, OriginTrial(0), &IsChromeOrUAWidget
static const PrefableDisablers sAttributes_disablers43 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::media_useAudioChannelService_testing, 0, false, OriginTrial(0), nullptr
static const PrefableDisablers sAttributes_disablers46 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::media_setsinkid_enabled, 0, true, OriginTrial(0), nullptr
static const PrefableDisablers sAttributes_disablers48 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::media_allowed_to_play_enabled, 0, false, OriginTrial(0), nullptr
static const Prefable<const JSPropertySpec> sAttributes[] = {
{ nullptr, &sAttributes_specs[0] },
{ &sAttributes_disablers24, &sAttributes_specs[24] },
{ nullptr, &sAttributes_specs[27] },
{ &sAttributes_disablers29, &sAttributes_specs[29] },
{ nullptr, &sAttributes_specs[31] },
{ &sAttributes_disablers34, &sAttributes_specs[34] },
{ nullptr, &sAttributes_specs[37] },
{ &sAttributes_disablers43, &sAttributes_specs[43] },
{ &sAttributes_disablers46, &sAttributes_specs[46] },
{ &sAttributes_disablers48, &sAttributes_specs[48] },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
static_assert(10 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX,
"We have a prefable index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX)");
static_assert(23 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX,
"We have a spec index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX)");
static const JSPropertySpec sChromeAttributes_specs[] = {
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("isEncrypted", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &isEncrypted_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("isSuspendedByInactiveDocOrDocShell", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &isSuspendedByInactiveDocOrDocShell_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("isInViewPort", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &isInViewPort_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("isVideoDecodingSuspended", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &isVideoDecodingSuspended_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("totalVideoPlayTime", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &totalVideoPlayTime_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("totalVideoHDRPlayTime", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &totalVideoHDRPlayTime_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("visiblePlayTime", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &visiblePlayTime_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("invisiblePlayTime", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &invisiblePlayTime_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("videoDecodeSuspendedTime", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &videoDecodeSuspendedTime_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("totalAudioPlayTime", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &totalAudioPlayTime_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("audiblePlayTime", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &audiblePlayTime_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("inaudiblePlayTime", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &inaudiblePlayTime_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("mutedPlayTime", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &mutedPlayTime_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
static const Prefable<const JSPropertySpec> sChromeAttributes[] = {
{ nullptr, &sChromeAttributes_specs[0] },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
static_assert(1 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX,
"We have a prefable index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX)");
static_assert(13 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX,
"We have a spec index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX)");
static const ConstantSpec sConstants_specs[] = {
{ "NETWORK_EMPTY", JS::Int32Value(0) },
{ "NETWORK_IDLE", JS::Int32Value(1) },
{ "NETWORK_LOADING", JS::Int32Value(2) },
{ "NETWORK_NO_SOURCE", JS::Int32Value(3) },
{ "HAVE_NOTHING", JS::Int32Value(0) },
{ "HAVE_METADATA", JS::Int32Value(1) },
{ "HAVE_CURRENT_DATA", JS::Int32Value(2) },
{ "HAVE_FUTURE_DATA", JS::Int32Value(3) },
{ "HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA", JS::Int32Value(4) },
{ 0, JS::UndefinedValue() }
static const Prefable<const ConstantSpec> sConstants[] = {
{ nullptr, &sConstants_specs[0] },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
static_assert(1 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX,
"We have a prefable index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX)");
static_assert(9 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX,
"We have a spec index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX)");
static uint16_t sNativeProperties_sortedPropertyIndices[66];
static PropertyInfo sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[66];
static const NativePropertiesN<4> sNativeProperties = {
true, 0 /* sStaticMethods */,
false, 0,
true, 1 /* sMethods */,
true, 2 /* sAttributes */,
false, 0,
false, 0,
true, 3 /* sConstants */,
{ sStaticMethods, &sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[0] },
{ sMethods, &sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[1] },
{ sAttributes, &sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[17] },
{ sConstants, &sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[57] }
static_assert(66 < 1ull << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(sNativeProperties.propertyInfoCount)),
"We have a property info count that is oversized");
static uint16_t sChromeOnlyNativeProperties_sortedPropertyIndices[16];
static PropertyInfo sChromeOnlyNativeProperties_propertyInfos[16];
static const NativePropertiesN<2> sChromeOnlyNativeProperties = {
false, 0,
false, 0,
true, 0 /* sChromeMethods */,
true, 1 /* sChromeAttributes */,
false, 0,
false, 0,
false, 0,
{ sChromeMethods, &sChromeOnlyNativeProperties_propertyInfos[0] },
{ sChromeAttributes, &sChromeOnlyNativeProperties_propertyInfos[3] }
static_assert(16 < 1ull << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(sChromeOnlyNativeProperties.propertyInfoCount)),
"We have a property info count that is oversized");
bool sNativePropertiesInited = false;
const NativePropertyHooks sNativePropertyHooks = {
{ sNativeProperties.Upcast(), sChromeOnlyNativeProperties.Upcast(), &sNativePropertiesInited },
static const DOMInterfaceInfo sInterfaceObjectInfo = {
{ ThrowingConstructor, &sNativePropertyHooks },
static const DOMIfaceAndProtoJSClass sPrototypeClass = {
CountMaybeMissingProperty(JS::Handle<JSObject*> proxy, JS::Handle<jsid> id)
if (HTMLElement_Binding::CountMaybeMissingProperty(proxy, id)) {
return true;
MOZ_ASSERT(StaticPrefs::dom_missing_prop_counters_enabled() && id.isAtom());
Maybe<UseCounter> counter;
// Scope for our no-GC section, so we don't need to rely on SetUseCounter not GCing.
JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
JSLinearString* str = JS::AtomToLinearString(id.toAtom());
// Don't waste time fetching the chars until we've done the length switch.
switch (JS::GetLinearStringLength(str)) {
case 21: {
if (JS_LinearStringEqualsLiteral(str, "disableRemotePlayback")) {
case 6: {
if (JS_LinearStringEqualsLiteral(str, "remote")) {
if (counter) {
SetUseCounter(proxy, *counter);
return true;
return false;
CreateInterfaceObjects(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGlobal, ProtoAndIfaceCache& aProtoAndIfaceCache, bool aDefineOnGlobal)
JS::Heap<JSObject*>* protoCache = &aProtoAndIfaceCache.EntrySlotOrCreate(prototypes::id::HTMLMediaElement);
JS::Heap<JSObject*>* interfaceCache = &aProtoAndIfaceCache.EntrySlotOrCreate(constructors::id::HTMLMediaElement);
JS::Handle<JSObject*> parentProto(HTMLElement_Binding::GetProtoObjectHandle(aCx));
if (!parentProto) {
JS::Handle<JSObject*> constructorProto(HTMLElement_Binding::GetConstructorObjectHandle(aCx));
if (!constructorProto) {
dom::CreateInterfaceObjects(aCx, aGlobal, parentProto,
&sPrototypeClass, protoCache,
constructorProto, &sInterfaceObjectInfo, 0, false, Span<const LegacyFactoryFunction, 0>{},
"HTMLMediaElement", aDefineOnGlobal,
GetProtoObject(JSContext* aCx)
return GetProtoObjectHandle(aCx);
GetConstructorObject(JSContext* aCx)
return GetConstructorObjectHandle(aCx);
} // namespace HTMLMediaElement_Binding
} // namespace mozilla::dom