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/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// Dependencies:
// gBrandBundle, gMessengerBundle should already be defined
// gatherTextUnder from utilityOverlay.js
const kPhishingNotSuspicious = 0;
const kPhishingWithIPAddress = 1;
const kPhishingWithMismatchedHosts = 2;
// isEmailScam --> examines the message currently loaded in the message pane
// and returns true if we think that message is an e-mail scam.
// Assumes the message has been completely loaded in the message pane (i.e. OnMsgParsed has fired)
// aUrl: nsIURI object for the msg we want to examine...
function isMsgEmailScam(aUrl)
var isEmailScam = false;
if (!aUrl || !Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.phishing.detection.enabled"))
return isEmailScam;
try {
// nsIMsgMailNewsUrl.folder can throw an NS_ERROR_FAILURE, especially if
// we are opening an .eml file.
var folder = aUrl.folder;
// Ignore NNTP and RSS messages.
if (folder.server.type == 'nntp' || folder.server.type == 'rss')
return isEmailScam;
// Also ignore messages in Sent/Drafts/Templates/Outbox.
let outgoingFlags = Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.SentMail |
Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Drafts |
Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Templates |
if (folder.isSpecialFolder(outgoingFlags, true))
return isEmailScam;
} catch (ex) {
if (ex.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE)
throw ex;
// loop through all of the link nodes in the message's DOM, looking for phishing URLs...
var msgDocument = document.getElementById('messagepane').contentDocument;
var index;
// examine all links...
var linkNodes = msgDocument.links;
for (index = 0; index < linkNodes.length && !isEmailScam; index++)
isEmailScam = isPhishingURL(linkNodes[index], true);
// if an e-mail contains a non-addressbook form element, then assume the message is
// a phishing attack. Legitimate sites should not be using forms inside of e-mail
if (!isEmailScam)
var forms = msgDocument.getElementsByTagName("form");
for (index = 0; index < forms.length && !isEmailScam; index++)
isEmailScam = forms[index].action != "" && !/^addbook:/.test(forms[index].action);
// we'll add more checks here as our detector matures....
return isEmailScam;
// isPhishingURL --> examines the passed in linkNode and returns true if we think
// the URL is an email scam.
// aLinkNode: the link node to examine
// aSilentMode: don't prompt the user to confirm
// aHref: optional href for XLinks
function isPhishingURL(aLinkNode, aSilentMode, aHref)
if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.phishing.detection.enabled"))
return false;
var phishingType = kPhishingNotSuspicious;
var aLinkText = gatherTextUnder(aLinkNode);
var href = aHref || aLinkNode.href;
if (!href)
return false;
var linkTextURL = {};
var isPhishingURL = false;
var hrefURL;
// Make sure relative link urls don't make us bail out.
try {
hrefURL =;
} catch(ex) { return false; }
// only check for phishing urls if the url is an http or https link.
// this prevents us from flagging imap and other internally handled urls
if (hrefURL.schemeIs('http') || hrefURL.schemeIs('https'))
if (aLinkText)
aLinkText = aLinkText.replace(/^<(.+)>$|^"(.+)"$/, "$1$2");
if (aLinkText != aLinkNode.href &&
aLinkText.replace(/\/+$/, "") != aLinkNode.href.replace(/\/+$/, ""))
let ipAddress = isLegalIPAddress(, true);
if (ipAddress && !isLegalLocalIPAddress(ipAddress))
phishingType = kPhishingWithIPAddress;
else if (misMatchedHostWithLinkText(aLinkNode, hrefURL))
phishingType = kPhishingWithMismatchedHosts;
isPhishingURL = phishingType != kPhishingNotSuspicious;
if (!aSilentMode && isPhishingURL) // allow the user to override the decision
isPhishingURL = confirmSuspiciousURL(phishingType,;
return isPhishingURL;
// helper methods in support of isPhishingURL
function misMatchedHostWithLinkText(aLinkNode, aHrefURL)
var linkNodeText = gatherTextUnder(aLinkNode);
// gatherTextUnder puts a space between each piece of text it gathers,
// so strip the spaces out (see bug 326082 for details).
linkNodeText = linkNodeText.replace(/ /g, "");
// only worry about http and https urls
if (linkNodeText)
// does the link text look like a http url?
if (^http:|^https:)/) != -1)
var linkURI =;
// compare hosts, but ignore possible www. prefix
return !(^www\./, "") ==^www\./, ""));
return false;
// returns true if the user confirms the URL is a scam
function confirmSuspiciousURL(aPhishingType, aSuspiciousHostName)
var brandShortName = gBrandBundle.getString("brandShortName");
var titleMsg = gMessengerBundle.getString("confirmPhishingTitle");
var dialogMsg;
switch (aPhishingType)
case kPhishingWithIPAddress:
case kPhishingWithMismatchedHosts:
dialogMsg = gMessengerBundle.getFormattedString("confirmPhishingUrl" + aPhishingType, [brandShortName, aSuspiciousHostName], 2);
return false;
var buttons = Services.prompt.STD_YES_NO_BUTTONS +
return Services.prompt.confirmEx(window, titleMsg, dialogMsg, buttons, "", "", "", "", {}); /* the yes button is in position 0 */