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/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
//NOTE: gAddressBookBundle must be defined and set or this Overlay won't work
var gMapItURLFormat;
var gPhotoDisplayHandlers = {};
var zListName;
var zPrimaryEmail;
var zSecondaryEmail;
var zNickname;
var zDisplayName;
var zWork;
var zHome;
var zFax;
var zCellular;
var zPager;
var zBirthday;
var zCustom1;
var zCustom2;
var zCustom3;
var zCustom4;
var zYahoo;
var zSkype;
var zQQ;
var zMSN;
var zICQ;
var zXMPP;
var zIRC;
var cvData;
function OnLoadCardView()
gMapItURLFormat = GetLocalizedStringPref("mail.addr_book.mapit_url.format");
zPrimaryEmail = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyPrimaryEmail");
zSecondaryEmail = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertySecondaryEmail");
zNickname = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyNickname");
zDisplayName = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyDisplayName");
zListName = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyListName");
zWork = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyWork");
zHome = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyHome");
zFax = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyFax");
zCellular = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyCellular");
zPager = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyPager");
zBirthday = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyBirthday");
zCustom1 = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyCustom1");
zCustom2 = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyCustom2");
zCustom3 = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyCustom3");
zCustom4 = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyCustom4");
zYahoo = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyYahoo");
zSkype = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertySkype");
zQQ = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyQQ");
zMSN = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyMSN");
zICQ = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyICQ");
zXMPP = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyXMPP");
zIRC = gAddressBookBundle.getString("propertyIRC");
var doc = document;
/* data for address book, prefixes: "cvb" = card view box
"cvh" = crad view header
"cv" = card view (normal fields) */
cvData = new Object;
// Card View Box
cvData.CardViewBox = doc.getElementById("CardViewInnerBox");
// Title
cvData.CardTitle = doc.getElementById("CardTitle");
// Name section
cvData.cvbContact = doc.getElementById("cvbContact");
cvData.cvhContact = doc.getElementById("cvhContact");
cvData.cvNickname = doc.getElementById("cvNickname");
cvData.cvDisplayName = doc.getElementById("cvDisplayName");
cvData.cvEmail1Box = doc.getElementById("cvEmail1Box");
cvData.cvEmail1 = doc.getElementById("cvEmail1");
cvData.cvBuddyIcon = doc.getElementById("cvBuddyIcon");
cvData.cvListNameBox = doc.getElementById("cvListNameBox");
cvData.cvListName = doc.getElementById("cvListName");
cvData.cvEmail2Box = doc.getElementById("cvEmail2Box");
cvData.cvEmail2 = doc.getElementById("cvEmail2");
// Home section
cvData.cvbHome = doc.getElementById("cvbHome");
cvData.cvhHome = doc.getElementById("cvhHome");
cvData.cvHomeAddress = doc.getElementById("cvHomeAddress");
cvData.cvHomeAddress2 = doc.getElementById("cvHomeAddress2");
cvData.cvHomeCityStZip = doc.getElementById("cvHomeCityStZip");
cvData.cvHomeCountry = doc.getElementById("cvHomeCountry");
cvData.cvbHomeMapItBox = doc.getElementById("cvbHomeMapItBox");
cvData.cvHomeMapIt = doc.getElementById("cvHomeMapIt");
cvData.cvHomeWebPageBox = doc.getElementById("cvHomeWebPageBox");
cvData.cvHomeWebPage = doc.getElementById("cvHomeWebPage");
// Other section
cvData.cvbOther = doc.getElementById("cvbOther");
cvData.cvBirthday = doc.getElementById("cvBirthday");
cvData.cvhOther = doc.getElementById("cvhOther");
cvData.cvCustom1 = doc.getElementById("cvCustom1");
cvData.cvCustom2 = doc.getElementById("cvCustom2");
cvData.cvCustom3 = doc.getElementById("cvCustom3");
cvData.cvCustom4 = doc.getElementById("cvCustom4");
cvData.cvNotes = doc.getElementById("cvNotes");
// Description section (mailing lists only)
cvData.cvbDescription = doc.getElementById("cvbDescription");
cvData.cvhDescription = doc.getElementById("cvhDescription");
cvData.cvDescription = doc.getElementById("cvDescription");
// Addresses section (mailing lists only)
cvData.cvbAddresses = doc.getElementById("cvbAddresses");
cvData.cvhAddresses = doc.getElementById("cvhAddresses");
cvData.cvAddresses = doc.getElementById("cvAddresses");
// Phone section
cvData.cvbPhone = doc.getElementById("cvbPhone");
cvData.cvhPhone = doc.getElementById("cvhPhone");
cvData.cvPhWork = doc.getElementById("cvPhWork");
cvData.cvPhHome = doc.getElementById("cvPhHome");
cvData.cvPhFax = doc.getElementById("cvPhFax");
cvData.cvPhCellular = doc.getElementById("cvPhCellular");
cvData.cvPhPager = doc.getElementById("cvPhPager");
// Work section
cvData.cvbWork = doc.getElementById("cvbWork");
cvData.cvhWork = doc.getElementById("cvhWork");
cvData.cvJobTitle = doc.getElementById("cvJobTitle");
cvData.cvDepartment = doc.getElementById("cvDepartment");
cvData.cvCompany = doc.getElementById("cvCompany");
cvData.cvWorkAddress = doc.getElementById("cvWorkAddress");
cvData.cvWorkAddress2 = doc.getElementById("cvWorkAddress2");
cvData.cvWorkCityStZip = doc.getElementById("cvWorkCityStZip");
cvData.cvWorkCountry = doc.getElementById("cvWorkCountry");
cvData.cvbWorkMapItBox = doc.getElementById("cvbWorkMapItBox");
cvData.cvWorkMapIt = doc.getElementById("cvWorkMapIt");
cvData.cvWorkWebPageBox = doc.getElementById("cvWorkWebPageBox");
cvData.cvWorkWebPage = doc.getElementById("cvWorkWebPage");
cvData.cvbPhoto = doc.getElementById("cvbPhoto");
cvData.cvPhoto = doc.getElementById("cvPhoto");
// Chat section
cvData.cvbChat = doc.getElementById("cvbChat");
cvData.cvhChat = doc.getElementById("cvhChat");
cvData.cvYahoo = doc.getElementById("cvYahoo");
cvData.cvSkype = doc.getElementById("cvSkype");
cvData.cvQQ = doc.getElementById("cvQQ");
cvData.cvMSN = doc.getElementById("cvMSN");
cvData.cvICQ = doc.getElementById("cvICQ");
cvData.cvXMPP = doc.getElementById("cvXMPP");
cvData.cvIRC = doc.getElementById("cvIRC");
// XXX todo
// some similar code (in spirit) already exists, see OnLoadEditList()
// perhaps we could combine and put in abCommon.js?
function GetAddressesFromURI(uri)
var addresses = "";
var editList = GetDirectoryFromURI(uri);
var addressList = editList.addressLists;
if (addressList) {
var total = addressList.length;
if (total > 0)
addresses = addressList.queryElementAt(0, Ci.nsIAbCard).primaryEmail;
for (var i = 1; i < total; i++ ) {
addresses += ", " + addressList.queryElementAt(i, Ci.nsIAbCard).primaryEmail;
return addresses;
function DisplayCardViewPane(realCard)
var generatedName = realCard.generateName(Services.prefs.getIntPref("mail.addr_book.lastnamefirst"));
let data = top.cvData;
let visible = false;
let card = { getProperty : function (prop) {
return realCard.getProperty(prop, "");
primaryEmail : realCard.primaryEmail,
displayName : realCard.displayName,
isMailList : realCard.isMailList,
mailListURI : realCard.mailListURI
// Contact photo
displayPhoto(card, cvData.cvPhoto);
let titleString;
if (generatedName == "")
titleString = card.primaryEmail; // if no generatedName, use email
titleString = generatedName;
// set fields in card view pane
if (card.isMailList)
cvSetNode(data.CardTitle, gAddressBookBundle.getFormattedString("viewListTitle", [generatedName]));
cvSetNode(data.CardTitle, titleString);
// Contact section
cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvNickname, zNickname, card.getProperty("NickName"));
if (card.isMailList) {
// email1 and display name always hidden when a mailing list.
cvSetVisible(data.cvDisplayName, false);
cvSetVisible(data.cvEmail1Box, false);
visible = HandleLink(data.cvListName, zListName, card.displayName, data.cvListNameBox, "mailto:" + encodeURIComponent(GenerateAddressFromCard(card)));
else {
// listname always hidden if not a mailing list
cvSetVisible(data.cvListNameBox, false);
cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvDisplayName, zDisplayName, card.displayName);
visible = HandleLink(data.cvEmail1, zPrimaryEmail, card.primaryEmail, data.cvEmail1Box, "mailto:" + card.primaryEmail);
visible = HandleLink(data.cvEmail2, zSecondaryEmail, card.getProperty("SecondEmail"), data.cvEmail2Box, "mailto:" + card.getProperty("SecondEmail")) || visible;
// Home section
visible = cvSetNode(data.cvHomeAddress, card.getProperty("HomeAddress"));
visible = cvSetNode(data.cvHomeAddress2, card.getProperty("HomeAddress2")) || visible;
visible = cvSetCityStateZip(data.cvHomeCityStZip, card.getProperty("HomeCity"), card.getProperty("HomeState"), card.getProperty("HomeZipCode")) || visible;
visible = cvSetNode(data.cvHomeCountry, card.getProperty("HomeCountry")) || visible;
let mapURLList = data.cvHomeMapIt.firstChild;
if (visible)
mapURLList.initMapAddressFromCard(card, "Home");
cvSetVisible(data.cvbHomeMapItBox, visible && !!mapURLList.mapURL);
visible = HandleLink(data.cvHomeWebPage, "", card.getProperty("WebPage2"), data.cvHomeWebPageBox, card.getProperty("WebPage2")) || visible;
cvSetVisible(data.cvhHome, visible);
cvSetVisible(data.cvbHome, visible);
if (card.isMailList) {
// Description section
visible = cvSetNode(data.cvDescription, card.getProperty("Notes"))
cvSetVisible(data.cvbDescription, visible);
// Addresses section
visible = cvAddAddressNodes(data.cvAddresses, card.mailListURI);
cvSetVisible(data.cvbAddresses, visible);
// Other and Chat sections, not shown for mailing lists.
cvSetVisible(data.cvbOther, false);
cvSetVisible(data.cvbChat, false);
else {
// Other section
/// setup the birthday information
let day = card.getProperty("BirthDay", null);
let month = card.getProperty("BirthMonth", null);
let year = card.getProperty("BirthYear", null);
let dateStr;
if (day > 0 && day < 32 && month > 0 && month < 13) {
let date;
let formatter;
if (year) {
// use UTC-based calculations to avoid off-by-one day
// due to time zone/dst discontinuity
date = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day));
date.setUTCFullYear(year); // to handle two-digit years properly
formatter = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined,
{ dateStyle: "long", timeZone: "UTC" });
// if the year doesn't exist, display Month DD (ex. January 1)
else {
date = new Date(Date.UTC(saneBirthYear(year), month - 1, day));
formatter = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined,
{ month: "long", day: "numeric", timeZone: "UTC" });
dateStr = formatter.format(date);
else if (year) {
dateStr = year;
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvBirthday, zBirthday, dateStr);
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvCustom1, zCustom1, card.getProperty("Custom1")) || visible;
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvCustom2, zCustom2, card.getProperty("Custom2")) || visible;
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvCustom3, zCustom3, card.getProperty("Custom3")) || visible;
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvCustom4, zCustom4, card.getProperty("Custom4")) || visible;
visible = cvSetNode(data.cvNotes, card.getProperty("Notes")) || visible;
cvSetVisible(data.cvhOther, visible);
cvSetVisible(data.cvbOther, visible);
// Chat section
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvYahoo, zYahoo,
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvSkype, zSkype,
card.getProperty("_Skype")) || visible;
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvQQ, zQQ,
card.getProperty("_QQ")) || visible;
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvMSN, zMSN,
card.getProperty("_MSN")) || visible;
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvICQ, zICQ,
card.getProperty("_ICQ")) || visible;
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvXMPP, zXMPP,
card.getProperty("_JabberId")) || visible;
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvIRC, zIRC,
card.getProperty("_IRC")) || visible;
cvSetVisible(data.cvhChat, visible);
cvSetVisible(data.cvbChat, visible);
// hide description section, not show for non-mailing lists
cvSetVisible(data.cvbDescription, false);
// hide addresses section, not show for non-mailing lists
cvSetVisible(data.cvbAddresses, false);
// Phone section
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvPhWork, zWork, card.getProperty("WorkPhone"));
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvPhHome, zHome, card.getProperty("HomePhone")) || visible;
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvPhFax, zFax, card.getProperty("FaxNumber")) || visible;
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvPhCellular, zCellular, card.getProperty("CellularNumber")) || visible;
visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(data.cvPhPager, zPager, card.getProperty("PagerNumber")) || visible;
cvSetVisible(data.cvhPhone, visible);
cvSetVisible(data.cvbPhone, visible);
// Work section
visible = cvSetNode(data.cvJobTitle, card.getProperty("JobTitle"));
visible = cvSetNode(data.cvDepartment, card.getProperty("Department")) || visible;
visible = cvSetNode(data.cvCompany, card.getProperty("Company")) || visible;
let addressVisible = cvSetNode(data.cvWorkAddress, card.getProperty("WorkAddress"));
addressVisible = cvSetNode(data.cvWorkAddress2, card.getProperty("WorkAddress2")) || addressVisible;
addressVisible = cvSetCityStateZip(data.cvWorkCityStZip, card.getProperty("WorkCity"), card.getProperty("WorkState"), card.getProperty("WorkZipCode")) || addressVisible;
addressVisible = cvSetNode(data.cvWorkCountry, card.getProperty("WorkCountry")) || addressVisible;
mapURLList = data.cvWorkMapIt.firstChild;
if (addressVisible)
mapURLList.initMapAddressFromCard(card, "Work");
cvSetVisible(data.cvbWorkMapItBox, addressVisible && !!mapURLList.mapURL);
visible = HandleLink(data.cvWorkWebPage, "", card.getProperty("WebPage1"), data.cvWorkWebPageBox, card.getProperty("WebPage1")) || addressVisible || visible;
cvSetVisible(data.cvhWork, visible);
cvSetVisible(data.cvbWork, visible);
// make the card view box visible
cvSetVisible(top.cvData.CardViewBox, true);
function ClearCardViewPane()
cvSetVisible(top.cvData.CardViewBox, false);
function cvSetNodeWithLabel(node, label, text)
if (text) {
if (label)
return cvSetNode(node, label + ": " + text);
return cvSetNode(node, text);
return cvSetNode(node, "");
function cvSetCityStateZip(node, city, state, zip)
let text = "";
if (city && state && zip)
text = gAddressBookBundle.getFormattedString("cityAndStateAndZip",
[city, state, zip]);
else if (city && state && !zip)
text = gAddressBookBundle.getFormattedString("cityAndStateNoZip",
[city, state]);
else if (zip && ((!city && state) || (city && !state)))
text = gAddressBookBundle.getFormattedString("cityOrStateAndZip",
[city + state, zip]);
else {
// Only one of the strings is non-empty so contatenating them produces that string.
text = city + state + zip;
return cvSetNode(node, text);
function cvSetNode(node, text)
if (!node)
return false;
node.textContent = text;
let visible = !!text;
cvSetVisible(node, visible);
return visible;
function cvAddAddressNodes(node, uri)
var visible = false;
if (node) {
var editList = GetDirectoryFromURI(uri);
var addressList = editList.addressLists;
if (addressList) {
var total = addressList.length;
if (total > 0) {
while (node.hasChildNodes()) {
for (i = 0; i < total; i++ ) {
var descNode = document.createElement("description");
var card = addressList.queryElementAt(i, Ci.nsIAbCard);
descNode.setAttribute("class", "CardViewLink");
var linkNode = document.createElementNS("", "a");
linkNode.setAttribute("id", "addr#" + i);
linkNode.setAttribute("href", "mailto:" + card.primaryEmail);
var textNode = document.createTextNode(card.displayName + " <" + card.primaryEmail + ">");
visible = true;
cvSetVisible(node, visible);
return visible;
function cvSetVisible(node, visible)
if ( visible )
node.setAttribute("collapsed", "true");
function HandleLink(node, label, value, box, link)
var visible = cvSetNodeWithLabel(node, label, value);
if (visible)
node.setAttribute('href', link);
cvSetVisible(box, visible);
return visible;
function openLink(aEvent)
// return false, so we don't load the href in the addressbook window
return false;
function openLinkWithUrl(aUrl)
if (aUrl)
// return false, so we don't load the href in the addressbook window
return false;
/* Display the contact photo from the nsIAbCard in the IMG element.
* If the photo cannot be displayed, show the generic contact
* photo.
function displayPhoto(aCard, aImg)
var type = aCard.getProperty("PhotoType", "");
if (!gPhotoDisplayHandlers[type] ||
!gPhotoDisplayHandlers[type](aCard, aImg))
gPhotoDisplayHandlers["generic"](aCard, aImg);
/* In order to display the contact photos in the card view, there
* must be a registered photo display handler for the card photo
* type. The generic, file, and web photo types are handled
* by default.
* A photo display handler is a function that behaves as follows:
* function(aCard, aImg):
* The function is responsible for determining how to retrieve
* the photo from nsIAbCard aCard, and for displaying it in img
* img element aImg. Returns true if successful. If it returns
* false, the generic photo display handler will be called.
* The following display handlers are for the generic, file and
* web photo types.
var gGenericPhotoDisplayHandler = function(aCard, aImg)
aImg.setAttribute("src", defaultPhotoURI);
return true;
var gPhotoNameDisplayHandler = function(aCard, aImg)
var photoSrc = getPhotoURI(aCard.getProperty("PhotoName"));
aImg.setAttribute("src", photoSrc);
return true;
/* In order for a photo display handler to be registered for
* a particular photo type, it must be registered here.
function registerPhotoDisplayHandler(aType, aPhotoDisplayHandler)
if (!gPhotoDisplayHandlers[aType])
gPhotoDisplayHandlers[aType] = aPhotoDisplayHandler;
registerPhotoDisplayHandler("generic", gGenericPhotoDisplayHandler);
// File and Web are treated the same, and therefore use the
// same handler.
registerPhotoDisplayHandler("file", gPhotoNameDisplayHandler);
registerPhotoDisplayHandler("web", gPhotoNameDisplayHandler);