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/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
const kNonVcardFields =
["NickNameContainer", "SecondaryEmailContainer", "ScreenNameContainer",
"customFields", "preferDisplayName"];
const kPhoneticFields =
["PhoneticLastName", "PhoneticLabel1", "PhoneticSpacer1",
"PhoneticFirstName", "PhoneticLabel2", "PhoneticSpacer2"];
// Item is |[dialogField, cardProperty]|.
const kVcardFields =
[ // Contact > Name
["FirstName", "FirstName"],
["LastName", "LastName"],
["DisplayName", "DisplayName"],
["NickName", "NickName"],
// Contact > Internet
["PrimaryEmail", "PrimaryEmail"],
["SecondEmail", "SecondEmail"],
// Contact > Phones
["WorkPhone", "WorkPhone"],
["HomePhone", "HomePhone"],
["FaxNumber", "FaxNumber"],
["PagerNumber", "PagerNumber"],
["CellularNumber", "CellularNumber"],
// Address > Home
["HomeAddress", "HomeAddress"],
["HomeAddress2", "HomeAddress2"],
["HomeCity", "HomeCity"],
["HomeState", "HomeState"],
["HomeZipCode", "HomeZipCode"],
["HomeCountry", "HomeCountry"],
["WebPage2", "WebPage2"],
// Address > Work
["JobTitle", "JobTitle"],
["Department", "Department"],
["Company", "Company"],
["WorkAddress", "WorkAddress"],
["WorkAddress2", "WorkAddress2"],
["WorkCity", "WorkCity"],
["WorkState", "WorkState"],
["WorkZipCode", "WorkZipCode"],
["WorkCountry", "WorkCountry"],
["WebPage1", "WebPage1"],
// Other > (custom)
["Custom1", "Custom1"],
["Custom2", "Custom2"],
["Custom3", "Custom3"],
["Custom4", "Custom4"],
// Other > Notes
["Notes", "Notes"],
// Chat
["Yahoo", "_Yahoo"],
["Skype", "_Skype"],
["QQ", "_QQ"],
["MSN", "_MSN"],
["ICQ", "_ICQ"],
["XMPP", "_JabberId"],
["IRC", "_IRC"]
var gEditCard;
var gOnSaveListeners = [];
var gOnLoadListeners = [];
var gOkCallback = null;
var gHideABPicker = false;
var gPhotoHandlers = {};
// If any new photos were added to the card, this stores the name of the original
// and any temporary new filenames used to store photos of the card.
// 'null' is a valid value when there was no photo (e.g. the generic photo).
var gOldPhotos = [];
// If a new photo was added, the name is stored here.
var gNewPhoto = null;
function OnLoadNewCard()
gEditCard.card =
(("arguments" in window) && (window.arguments.length > 0) &&
(window.arguments[0] instanceof Ci.nsIAbCard))
? window.arguments[0]
: Cc[";1"]
gEditCard.titleProperty = "newContactTitle";
gEditCard.selectedAB = "";
if ("arguments" in window && window.arguments[0])
gEditCard.selectedAB = kPersonalAddressbookURI;
if ("selectedAB" in window.arguments[0] &&
(window.arguments[0].selectedAB != kAllDirectoryRoot + "?")) {
// check if selected ab is a mailing list
var abURI = window.arguments[0].selectedAB;
var directory = GetDirectoryFromURI(abURI);
if (directory.isMailList) {
var parentURI = GetParentDirectoryFromMailingListURI(abURI);
if (parentURI)
gEditCard.selectedAB = parentURI;
else if (!directory.readOnly)
gEditCard.selectedAB = window.arguments[0].selectedAB;
// we may have been given properties to pre-initialize the window with....
// we'll fill these in here...
if ("primaryEmail" in window.arguments[0])
gEditCard.card.primaryEmail = window.arguments[0].primaryEmail;
if ("displayName" in window.arguments[0]) {
gEditCard.card.displayName = window.arguments[0].displayName;
// if we've got a display name, don't generate
// a display name (and stomp on the existing display name)
// when the user types a first or last name
if (gEditCard.card.displayName)
gEditCard.generateDisplayName = false;
if ("okCallback" in window.arguments[0])
gOkCallback = window.arguments[0].okCallback;
if ("escapedVCardStr" in window.arguments[0]) {
// hide non vcard values
gEditCard.card = Cc[";1"]
if ("titleProperty" in window.arguments[0])
gEditCard.titleProperty = window.arguments[0].titleProperty;
if ("hideABPicker" in window.arguments[0])
gHideABPicker = window.arguments[0].hideABPicker;
// set popup with address book names
var abPopup = document.getElementById('abPopup');
abPopup.value = gEditCard.selectedAB || kPersonalAddressbookURI;
if (gHideABPicker && abPopup) {
abPopup.hidden = true;
document.getElementById("abPopupLabel").hidden = true;
GetCardValues(gEditCard.card, document);
// FIX ME - looks like we need to focus on both the text field and the tab widget
// probably need to do the same in the addressing widget
// focus on first or last name based on the pref
var focus = document.getElementById(gEditCard.displayLastNameFirst
? "LastName" : "FirstName");
if (focus) {
// XXX Using the setTimeout hack until bug 103197 is fixed
setTimeout( function(firstTextBox) { firstTextBox.focus(); }, 0, focus );
* Get the source directory containing the card we are editing.
function getContainingDirectory() {
let directory = GetDirectoryFromURI(gEditCard.abURI);
// If the source directory is "All Address Books", find the parent
// address book of the card being edited and reflect the changes in it.
if (directory.URI == kAllDirectoryRoot + "?") {
let dirId =
.substring(0, gEditCard.card.directoryId.indexOf("&"));
directory = MailServices.ab.getDirectoryFromId(dirId);
return directory;
function EditCardOKButton()
if (!CheckCardRequiredDataPresence(document))
return false; // don't close window
// See if this card is in any mailing list
// if so then we need to update the addresslists of those mailing lists
let directory = getContainingDirectory();
// if the directory is a mailing list we need to search all the mailing lists
// in the parent directory if the card exists.
if (directory.isMailList) {
var parentURI = GetParentDirectoryFromMailingListURI(gEditCard.abURI);
directory = GetDirectoryFromURI(parentURI);
var listDirectoriesCount = directory.addressLists.length;
var foundDirectories = [];
// create a list of mailing lists and the index where the card is at.
for (let i = 0; i < listDirectoriesCount; i++)
var subdirectory = directory.addressLists.queryElementAt(i, Ci.nsIAbDirectory);
if (subdirectory.isMailList)
// See if any card in this list is the one we edited.
// Must compare card contents using .equals() instead of .indexOf()
// because gEditCard is not really a member of the .addressLists array.
let listCardsCount = subdirectory.addressLists.length;
for (let index = 0; index < listCardsCount; index++)
let card = subdirectory.addressLists.queryElementAt(index, Ci.nsIAbCard);
if (card.equals(gEditCard.card))
foundDirectories.push({directory:subdirectory, cardIndex:index});
CheckAndSetCardValues(gEditCard.card, document, false);
while (foundDirectories.length)
// Update the addressLists item for this card
let foundItem = foundDirectories.pop();, foundItem.cardIndex);
// callback to allow caller to update
if (gOkCallback)
return true; // close the window
function EditCardCancelButton()
// If a new photo was created, remove it now as it won't be used.
function OnLoadEditCard()
gEditCard.titleProperty = "editContactTitle";
if (window.arguments && window.arguments[0])
if ( window.arguments[0].card )
gEditCard.card = window.arguments[0].card;
if ( window.arguments[0].okCallback )
gOkCallback = window.arguments[0].okCallback;
if ( window.arguments[0].abURI )
gEditCard.abURI = window.arguments[0].abURI;
// set global state variables
// if first or last name entered, disable generateDisplayName
if (gEditCard.generateDisplayName &&
(gEditCard.card.firstName.length +
gEditCard.card.lastName.length +
gEditCard.card.displayName.length > 0))
gEditCard.generateDisplayName = false;
GetCardValues(gEditCard.card, document);
// check if selectedAB is a writeable
// if not disable all the fields
if ("arguments" in window && window.arguments[0])
if ("abURI" in window.arguments[0]) {
var abURI = window.arguments[0].abURI;
var directory = GetDirectoryFromURI(abURI);
if (directory.readOnly)
// Set all the editable vcard fields to read only
for (var i = kVcardFields.length; i-- > 0; )
document.getElementById(kVcardFields[i][0]).readOnly = true;
// the birthday fields
document.getElementById("Birthday").readOnly = true;
document.getElementById("BirthYear").readOnly = true;
document.getElementById("Age").readOnly = true;
// the photo field and buttons
document.getElementById("PhotoType").disabled = true;
document.getElementById("GenericPhotoList").disabled = true;
document.getElementById("PhotoURI").disabled = true;
document.getElementById("PhotoURI").placeholder = "";
document.getElementById("BrowsePhoto").disabled = true;
document.getElementById("UpdatePhoto").disabled = true;
// And the phonetic fields
document.getElementById(kPhoneticFields[0]).readOnly = true;
document.getElementById(kPhoneticFields[3]).readOnly = true;
// Also disable the mail format popup.
document.getElementById("PreferMailFormatPopup").disabled = true;
// And the "prefer display name" checkbox.
document.getElementById("preferDisplayName").disabled = true;
document.documentElement.buttons = "accept";
/* Registers functions that are called when loading the card
* values into the contact editor dialog. This is useful if
* extensions have added extra fields to the nsIAbCard, and
* need to display them in the contact editor.
function RegisterLoadListener(aFunc)
function UnregisterLoadListener(aFunc)
var fIndex = gOnLoadListeners.indexOf(aFunc);
if (fIndex != -1)
gOnLoadListeners.splice(fIndex, 1);
// Notifies load listeners that an nsIAbCard is being loaded.
function NotifyLoadListeners(aCard, aDoc)
if (!gOnLoadListeners.length)
for (let listener of gOnLoadListeners)
listener(aCard, aDoc);
/* Registers functions that are called when saving the card
* values. This is useful if extensions have added extra
* fields to the user interface, and need to set those values
* in their nsIAbCard.
function RegisterSaveListener(aFunc)
function UnregisterSaveListener(aFunc)
var fIndex = gOnSaveListeners.indexOf(aFunc);
if (fIndex != -1)
gOnSaveListeners.splice(fIndex, 1);
// Notifies save listeners that an nsIAbCard is being saved.
function NotifySaveListeners(directory)
if (!gOnSaveListeners.length)
for (let listener of gOnSaveListeners)
listener(gEditCard.card, document);
// the save listeners might have tweaked the card
// in which case we need to commit it.
function InitPhoneticFields()
var showPhoneticFields =
// show phonetic fields if indicated by the pref
if (showPhoneticFields == "true")
for (var i = kPhoneticFields.length; i-- > 0; )
document.getElementById(kPhoneticFields[i]).hidden = false;
function InitEditCard()
// Create gEditCard object that contains global variables for the current js
// file.
gEditCard = new Object();
// get specific prefs that gEditCard will need
try {
var displayLastNameFirst =
gEditCard.displayLastNameFirst = (displayLastNameFirst == "true");
gEditCard.generateDisplayName =
catch (ex) {
dump("ex: failed to get pref" + ex + "\n");
function NewCardOKButton()
if (gOkCallback)
if (!CheckAndSetCardValues(gEditCard.card, document, true))
return false; // don't close window
return true; // close the window
var popup = document.getElementById('abPopup');
if ( popup )
var uri = popup.value;
// FIX ME - hack to avoid crashing if no ab selected because of blank option bug from template
// should be able to just remove this if we are not seeing blank lines in the ab popup
if ( !uri )
return false; // don't close window
// -----
if (gEditCard.card)
if (!CheckAndSetCardValues(gEditCard.card, document, true))
return false; // don't close window
// replace gEditCard.card with the card we added
// so that save listeners can get / set attributes on
// the card that got created.
var directory = GetDirectoryFromURI(uri);
gEditCard.card = directory.addCard(gEditCard.card);
return true; // close the window
function NewCardCancelButton()
// If a new photo was created, remove it now as it won't be used.
// Move the data from the cardproperty to the dialog
function GetCardValues(cardproperty, doc)
if (!cardproperty)
// Pass the nsIAbCard and the Document through the listeners
// to give extensions a chance to populate custom fields.
NotifyLoadListeners(cardproperty, doc);
for (var i = kVcardFields.length; i-- > 0; ) {
doc.getElementById(kVcardFields[i][0]).value =
cardproperty.getProperty(kVcardFields[i][1], "");
var birthday = doc.getElementById("Birthday");
// Get the year first, so that the following month/day
// calculations can take leap years into account.
var year = cardproperty.getProperty("BirthYear", null);
var birthYear = doc.getElementById("BirthYear");
// set the year in the datepicker to the stored year
// if the year isn't present, default to 2000 (a leap year)
birthday.year = saneBirthYear(year);
birthYear.value = year;
// get the month of the year (1 - 12)
var month = cardproperty.getProperty("BirthMonth", null);
if (month > 0 && month < 13)
birthday.month = month - 1;
birthday.monthField.value = null;
// get the date of the month (1 - 31)
var date = cardproperty.getProperty("BirthDay", null);
if (date > 0 && date < 32) = date;
birthday.dateField.value = null;
// get the current age
calculateAge(null, birthYear);
// when the birth year changes, update the datepicker's year to the new value
// or to kDefaultYear if the value is null
birthYear.onchange = calculateAge;
birthday.onchange = calculateAge;
var age = doc.getElementById("Age");
age.onchange = calculateYear;
var popup = document.getElementById("PreferMailFormatPopup");
if (popup)
popup.value = cardproperty.getProperty("PreferMailFormat", "");
var preferDisplayNameEl = document.getElementById("preferDisplayName");
if (preferDisplayNameEl)
// getProperty may return a "1" or "0" string, we want a boolean
preferDisplayNameEl.checked = cardproperty.getProperty("PreferDisplayName", true) != false;
// get phonetic fields if exist
try {
doc.getElementById("PhoneticFirstName").value = cardproperty.getProperty("PhoneticFirstName", "");
doc.getElementById("PhoneticLastName").value = cardproperty.getProperty("PhoneticLastName", "");
catch (ex) {}
// Select the type if there is a valid value stored for that type, otherwise
// select the generic photo
// when the ab card dialog is being loaded to show a vCard,
// hide the fields which aren't supported
// by vCard so the user does not try to edit them.
function HideNonVcardFields()
document.getElementById("homeTabButton").hidden = true;
document.getElementById("photoTabButton").hidden = true;
var i;
for (i = kNonVcardFields.length; i-- > 0; )
document.getElementById(kNonVcardFields[i]).collapsed = true;
for (i = kPhoneticFields.length; i-- > 0; )
document.getElementById(kPhoneticFields[i]).collapsed = true;
// Move the data from the dialog to the cardproperty to be stored in the database
// @Returns false - Some required data are missing (card values were not set);
// true - Card values were set, or there is no card to set values on.
function CheckAndSetCardValues(cardproperty, doc, check)
// If requested, check the required data presence.
if (check && !CheckCardRequiredDataPresence(document))
return false;
if (!cardproperty)
return true;
for (var i = kVcardFields.length; i-- > 0; )
// get the birthday information from the dialog
var birthdayElem = doc.getElementById("Birthday");
var birthMonth = birthdayElem.monthField.value;
var birthDay = birthdayElem.dateField.value;
var birthYear = doc.getElementById("BirthYear").value;
// set the birth day, month, and year properties
cardproperty.setProperty("BirthDay", birthDay);
cardproperty.setProperty("BirthMonth", birthMonth);
cardproperty.setProperty("BirthYear", birthYear);
var popup = document.getElementById("PreferMailFormatPopup");
if (popup)
cardproperty.setProperty("PreferMailFormat", popup.value);
var preferDisplayNameEl = document.getElementById("preferDisplayName");
if (preferDisplayNameEl)
cardproperty.setProperty("PreferDisplayName", preferDisplayNameEl.checked);
// set phonetic fields if exist
try {
cardproperty.setProperty("PhoneticFirstName", doc.getElementById("PhoneticFirstName").value);
cardproperty.setProperty("PhoneticLastName", doc.getElementById("PhoneticLastName").value);
catch (ex) {}
let photoType = doc.getElementById("PhotoType").value;
if (gPhotoHandlers[photoType]) {
if (!gPhotoHandlers[photoType].onSave(cardproperty, doc)) {
photoType = "generic";
gPhotoHandlers[photoType].onSave(cardproperty, doc);
cardproperty.setProperty("PhotoType", photoType);
// Remove obsolete chat names.
try {
cardproperty.setProperty("_GoogleTalk", "");
catch (ex) {}
try {
cardproperty.setProperty("_AimScreenName", "");
catch (ex) {}
return true;
function CleanUpWebPage(webPage)
// no :// yet so we should add something
if ( webPage.length &&"://") == -1 )
// check for missing / on http://
if ( webPage.substr(0, 6) == "http:/" )
return( "http://" + webPage.substr(6) );
return( "http://" + webPage );
// @Returns false - Some required data are missing;
// true - All required data are present.
function CheckCardRequiredDataPresence(doc)
// Bug 314995 - We require at least one of the following fields to be
// filled in: email address, first name, last name, display name,
// organization (company name).
var primaryEmail = doc.getElementById("PrimaryEmail");
if (primaryEmail.textLength == 0 &&
doc.getElementById("FirstName").textLength == 0 &&
doc.getElementById("LastName").textLength == 0 &&
doc.getElementById("DisplayName").textLength == 0 &&
doc.getElementById("Company").textLength == 0)
return false;
// Simple checks that the primary email should be of the form |user@host|.
// Note: if the length of the primary email is 0 then we skip the check
// as some other field must have something as per the check above.
if (primaryEmail.textLength != 0 && !/.@./.test(primaryEmail.value))
// Focus the dialog field, to help the user.
document.getElementById("abTabs").selectedIndex = 0;
return false;
return true;
function GenerateDisplayName()
if (!gEditCard.generateDisplayName)
var displayName;
var firstNameValue = document.getElementById("FirstName").value;
var lastNameValue = document.getElementById("LastName").value;
if (lastNameValue && firstNameValue) {
displayName = (gEditCard.displayLastNameFirst)
? gAddressBookBundle.getFormattedString("lastFirstFormat", [lastNameValue, firstNameValue])
: gAddressBookBundle.getFormattedString("firstLastFormat", [firstNameValue, lastNameValue]);
else {
// one (or both) of these is empty, so this works.
displayName = firstNameValue + lastNameValue;
document.getElementById("DisplayName").value = displayName;
function DisplayNameChanged()
// turn off generateDisplayName if the user changes the display name
gEditCard.generateDisplayName = false;
function SetCardDialogTitle(displayName)
document.title = displayName
? gAddressBookBundle.getFormattedString(gEditCard.titleProperty + "WithDisplayName", [displayName])
: gAddressBookBundle.getString(gEditCard.titleProperty);
* Calculates the duration of time between an event and now and updates the year
* of whichever element did not call this function.
* @param aEvent The event calling this method.
* @param aElement Optional, but required if this function is not called from an
* element's event listener. The element that would call this.
function calculateAge(aEvent, aElement) {
var datepicker, yearElem, ageElem;
if (aEvent)
aElement = this;
if ( == "BirthYear" || == "Birthday") {
datepicker = document.getElementById("Birthday");
yearElem = document.getElementById("BirthYear");
ageElem = document.getElementById("Age");
if (!datepicker || !yearElem || !ageElem)
// if the datepicker was updated, update the year element
if (aElement == datepicker && !(datepicker.year == kDefaultYear && !yearElem.value))
yearElem.value = datepicker.year;
var year = yearElem.value;
// if the year element's value is invalid set the year and age elements to null
if (isNaN(year) || year < kMinYear || year > kMaxYear) {
yearElem.value = null;
ageElem.value = null;
datepicker.year = kDefaultYear;
else if (aElement == yearElem)
datepicker.year = year;
// calculate the length of time between the event and now
try {
var event = new Date(datepicker.year, datepicker.month,;
// if the year is only 2 digits, then the year won't be set correctly
// using setFullYear fixes this issue
// get the difference between today and the event
var age = new Date(new Date() - event);
// get the number of years of the difference and subtract 1970 (epoch)
ageElem.value = age.getFullYear() - 1970;
catch(e) {
datepicker.year = kDefaultYear;
// if there was an error (like invalid year) set the year and age to null
yearElem.value = null;
ageElem.value = null;
* Calculates the year an event ocurred based on the number of years, months,
* and days since the event and updates the relevant element.
* @param aEvent The event calling this method.
* @param aElement Optional, but required if this function is not called from an
* element's event listener. The element that would call this.
function calculateYear(aEvent, aElement) {
var yearElem, datepicker;
if (aEvent)
aElement = this;
if ( == "Age") {
datepicker = document.getElementById("Birthday");
yearElem = document.getElementById("BirthYear");
if (!datepicker || !yearElem)
// if the age is null, remove the year from the year element, and set the
// datepicker to the default year
if (!aElement.value) {
datepicker.year = kDefaultYear;
yearElem.value = null;
var today = new Date();
try {
var date = new Date(aElement.value, datepicker.month,;
// get the difference between today and the age (the year is offset by 1970)
var difference = new Date(today - date);
datepicker.year = yearElem.value = difference.getFullYear() - 1970;
// the above code may throw an invalid year exception. If that happens, set
// the year to kDefaultYear and set the year element's value to 0
catch (e) {
datepicker.year = kDefaultYear;
// if there was an error (like invalid year) set the year and age to null
yearElem.value = null;
let ageElem = document.getElementById("Age");
if (ageElem)
ageElem.value = null;
* Modifies a datepicker in the following ways:
* - Removes the scroll arrows
* - Hides the year
* - Allows the day and month to be blank
* The datepicker's date, month, year, and dateValue properties are not always
* what appear physically to the user in the datepicker fields.
* If any field is blank, the corresponding property is either the previous
* value if there was one since the card was opened or the relevant portion of
* the current date.
* To get the displayed values, get the value of the individual field, such as
* datepicker.yyyyField.value where yyyy is "year", "month", or "date" for the
* year, month, and day, respectively.
* If the value is null, then the field is blank and vice versa.
* @param aDatepicker The datepicker to modify.
function modifyDatepicker(aDatepicker) {
// collapse the year field and separator
aDatepicker.yearField.parentNode.collapsed = true;
if (aDatepicker.yearField == aDatepicker._fieldThree ||
aDatepicker.yearField == aDatepicker._fieldTwo)
aDatepicker._separatorSecond.collapsed = true;
aDatepicker._separatorFirst.collapsed = true;
// collapse the spinner element
document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aDatepicker, "anonid", "buttons")
.collapsed = true;
// this modified constrain value function ignores values less than the minimum
// to let the value be blank (null)
// from: mozilla/toolkit/content/widgets/datetimepicker.xml#759
aDatepicker._constrainValue = function newConstrainValue(aField, aValue, aNoWrap) {
// if the value is less than one, make the field's value null
if (aValue < 1) {
aField.value = null;
return null;
if (aNoWrap && aField == this.monthField)
// make sure the date is valid for the given month
if (aField == this.dateField) {
var currentMonth = this.month;
var dt = new Date(this.year, currentMonth, aValue);
return dt.getMonth() != currentMonth ? 1 : aValue;
var min = (aField == this.monthField) ? 0 : 1;
var max = (aField == this.monthField) ? 11 : kMaxYear;
// make sure the value isn't too high
if (aValue > max)
return aNoWrap ? max : min;
return aValue;
// sets the specified field to the given value, but allows blank fields
// from: mozilla/toolkit/content/widgets/datetimepicker.xml#698
aDatepicker._setFieldValue = function setValue(aField, aValue) {
if (aField == this.yearField && aValue >= kMinYear && aValue <= kMaxYear) {
var oldDate = this._dateValue;
if (oldDate != this._dateValue) {
// update the month if the value isn't null
else if (aField == this.monthField && aValue != null) {
var oldDate =;
if (oldDate !=
var date = this._dateValue.getDate();
this.dateField.value = date < 10 && this.dateLeadingZero ? "0" + date : date;
var month = this._dateValue.getMonth() + 1;
this.monthField.value = month < 10 && this.monthLeadingZero ? "0" + month : month;
// update the date if the value isn't null
else if (aField == this.dateField && aValue != null) {
var date = this._dateValue.getDate();
this.dateField.value = date < 10 && this.dateLeadingZero ? "0" + date : date;
var month = this._dateValue.getMonth() + 1;
this.monthField.value = month < 10 && this.monthLeadingZero ? "0" + month : month;
this.setAttribute("value", this.value);
if (this.attachedControl)
// if the aField's value is null or 0, set both field's values to null
if (!aField.value && aField != this.yearField) {
this.dateField.value = null;
this.monthField.value = null;
// make the field's value null if aValue is null and the field's value isn't
if (aValue == null && aField.value != null)
aField.value = null;
var chatNameFieldIds =
["Yahoo", "Skype", "QQ", "MSN", "ICQ", "XMPP", "IRC"];
* Show the 'Chat' tab and focus the first field that has a value, or
* the first field if none of them has a value.
function showChat()
document.getElementById('abTabPanels').parentNode.selectedTab =
for (let id of chatNameFieldIds) {
let elt = document.getElementById(id);
if (elt.value) {
* Fill in the value of the ChatName readonly field with the first
* value of the fields in the Chat tab.
function updateChatName()
let value = "";
for (let id of chatNameFieldIds) {
let val = document.getElementById(id).value;
if (val) {
value = val;
document.getElementById("ChatName").value = value;
* Extract the photo information from an nsIAbCard, and populate
* the appropriate input fields in the contact editor. If the
* nsIAbCard returns an unrecognized PhotoType, the generic
* display photo is switched to.
* @param aCard The nsIAbCard to extract the information from.
function loadPhoto(aCard) {
var type = aCard.getProperty("PhotoType", "");
if (!gPhotoHandlers[type] || !gPhotoHandlers[type].onLoad(aCard, document)) {
type = "generic";
gPhotoHandlers[type].onLoad(aCard, document);
document.getElementById("PhotoType").value = type;
gPhotoHandlers[type].onShow(aCard, document, "photo");
* Event handler for when the user switches the type of
* photo for the nsIAbCard being edited. Tries to initiate a
* photo download.
* @param aPhotoType {string} The type to switch to
* @param aEvent {Event} The event object if used as an event handler
function onSwitchPhotoType(aPhotoType, aEvent) {
if (!gEditCard)
// Stop event propagation to the radiogroup command event in case that the
// child button is pressed. Otherwise, the download is started twice in a row.
if (aEvent) {
if (aPhotoType) {
if (aPhotoType != document.getElementById("PhotoType").value) {
document.getElementById("PhotoType").value = aPhotoType;
} else {
aPhotoType = document.getElementById("PhotoType").value;
if (gPhotoHandlers[aPhotoType]) {
if (!gPhotoHandlers[aPhotoType].onRead(gEditCard.card, document)) {
* Removes the photo file at the given path, if present.
* @param aName The name of the photo to remove from the Photos directory.
* 'null' value is allowed and means to remove no file.
* @return {boolean} True if the file was deleted, false otherwise.
function removePhoto(aName) {
if (!aName)
return false;
// Get the directory with all the photos
var file = getPhotosDir();
// Get the photo (throws an exception for invalid names)
try {
return true;
catch (e) {}
return false;
* Remove previous and temporary photo files from the Photos directory.
* @param aSaved {boolean} Whether the new card is going to be saved/committed.
function purgeOldPhotos(aSaved = true) {
// If photo was changed, the array contains at least one member, the original photo.
while (gOldPhotos.length > 0) {
let photoName = gOldPhotos.pop();
if (!aSaved && (gOldPhotos.length == 0)) {
// If the saving was cancelled, we want to keep the original photo of the card.
if (aSaved) {
// The new photo should stay so we clear the reference to it.
gNewPhoto = null;
} else {
// Changes to card not saved, we don't need the new photo.
// It may be null when there was no change of it.
* Opens a file picker with image filters to look for a contact photo.
* If the user selects a file and clicks OK then the PhotoURI textbox is set
* with a file URI pointing to that file and updatePhoto is called.
* @param aEvent {Event} The event object if used as an event handler.
function browsePhoto(aEvent) {
// Stop event propagation to the radiogroup command event in case that the
// child button is pressed. Otherwise, the download is started twice in a row.
if (aEvent)
let fp = Cc[";1"]
fp.init(window, gAddressBookBundle.getString("browsePhoto"),
// Open the directory of the currently chosen photo (if any)
let currentPhotoFile = document.getElementById("PhotoFile").file
if (currentPhotoFile) {
fp.displayDirectory = currentPhotoFile.parent;
// Add All Files & Image Files filters and select the latter
fp.appendFilters(Ci.nsIFilePicker.filterAll); => {
if (rv != Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnOK) {
document.getElementById("PhotoFile").file = fp.file;
* Handlers to add drag and drop support.
function checkDropPhoto(aEvent) {
// Just allow anything to be dropped. Different types of data are handled
// in doDropPhoto() below.
function doDropPhoto(aEvent) {
let photoType = "";
// Check if a file has been dropped.
let file = aEvent.dataTransfer.mozGetDataAt("application/x-moz-file", 0);
if (file instanceof Ci.nsIFile) {
photoType = "file";
document.getElementById("PhotoFile").file = file;
} else {
// Check if a URL has been dropped.
let link = aEvent.dataTransfer.getData("URL");
if (link) {
photoType = "web";
document.getElementById("PhotoURI").value = link;
} else {
// Check if dropped text is a URL.
link = aEvent.dataTransfer.getData("text/plain");
if (/^(ftps?|https?):\/\//i.test(link)) {
photoType = "web";
document.getElementById("PhotoURI").value = link;
* Self-contained object to manage the user interface used for downloading
* and storing contact photo images.
var gPhotoDownloadUI = (function() {
// UI DOM elements
let elProgressbar;
let elProgressLabel;
let elPhotoType;
let elProgressContainer;
window.addEventListener("load", function load(event) {
if (!elProgressbar)
elProgressbar = document.getElementById("PhotoDownloadProgress");
if (!elProgressLabel)
elProgressLabel = document.getElementById("PhotoStatus");
if (!elPhotoType)
elPhotoType = document.getElementById("PhotoType");
if (!elProgressContainer)
elProgressContainer = document.getElementById("ProgressContainer");
}, false);
function onStart() {
elProgressContainer.setAttribute("class", "expanded");
elProgressLabel.value = "";
elProgressbar.hidden = false;
elProgressbar.value = 3; // Start with a tiny visible progress
function onSuccess() {
elProgressLabel.value = "";
elProgressContainer.setAttribute("class", "");
function onError(state) {
let msg;
switch (state) {
case gImageDownloader.ERROR_INVALID_URI:
msg = gAddressBookBundle.getString("errorInvalidUri");
case gImageDownloader.ERROR_UNAVAILABLE:
msg = gAddressBookBundle.getString("errorNotAvailable");
case gImageDownloader.ERROR_INVALID_IMG:
msg = gAddressBookBundle.getString("errorInvalidImage");
case gImageDownloader.ERROR_SAVE:
msg = gAddressBookBundle.getString("errorSaveOperation");
if (msg) {
elProgressLabel.value = msg;
elProgressbar.hidden = true;
function onProgress(state, percent) {
elProgressbar.value = percent;
elProgressLabel.value = gAddressBookBundle.getString("stateImageSave");
return {
onStart: onStart,
onSuccess: onSuccess,
onError: onError,
onProgress: onProgress
/* A photo handler defines the behaviour of the contact editor
* for a particular photo type. Each photo handler must implement
* the following interface:
* onLoad: function(aCard, aDocument):
* Called when the editor wants to populate the contact editor
* input fields with information about aCard's photo. Note that
* this does NOT make aCard's photo appear in the contact editor -
* this is left to the onShow function. Returns true on success.
* If the function returns false, the generic photo handler onLoad
* function will be called.
* onShow: function(aCard, aDocument, aTargetID):
* Called when the editor wants to show this photo type.
* The onShow method should take the input fields in the document,
* and render the requested photo in the IMG tag with id
* aTargetID. Note that onShow does NOT save the photo for aCard -
* this job is left to the onSave function. Returns true on success.
* If the function returns false, the generic photo handler onShow
* function will be called.
* onRead: function(aCard, aDocument)
* Called when the editor wants to read the user supplied new photo.
* The onRead method is responsible for analyzing the photo of this
* type requested by the user, and storing it, as well as the
* other fields required by onLoad/onShow to retrieve and display
* the photo again. Returns true on success. If the function
* returns false, the generic photo handler onRead function will
* be called.
* onSave: function(aCard, aDocument)
* Called when the editor wants to save this photo type to the card.
* Returns true on success.
var gGenericPhotoHandler = {
onLoad: function(aCard, aDocument) {
return true;
onShow: function(aCard, aDocument, aTargetID) {
// XXX TODO: this ignores any other value from the generic photos
// menulist than "default".
.setAttribute("src", defaultPhotoURI);
return true;
onRead: function(aCard, aDocument) {
newPhotoAdded("", aCard);
gGenericPhotoHandler.onShow(aCard, aDocument, "photo");
return true;
onSave: function(aCard, aDocument) {
// XXX TODO: this ignores any other value from the generic photos
// menulist than "default".
// Update contact
aCard.setProperty("PhotoName", "");
aCard.setProperty("PhotoURI", "");
return true;
var gFilePhotoHandler = {
onLoad: function(aCard, aDocument) {
let photoURI = aCard.getProperty("PhotoURI", "");
let file;
try {
// The original file may not exist anymore, but we still display it.
file =
} catch (e) {}
if (!file)
return false;
aDocument.getElementById("PhotoFile").file = file;
return true;
onShow: function(aCard, aDocument, aTargetID) {
let photoName = gNewPhoto || aCard.getProperty("PhotoName", null);
let photoURI = getPhotoURI(photoName);
aDocument.getElementById(aTargetID).setAttribute("src", photoURI);
return true;
onRead: function(aCard, aDocument) {
let file = aDocument.getElementById("PhotoFile").file;
if (!file)
return false;
// If the local file has been removed/renamed, keep the current photo as is.
if (!file.exists() || !file.isFile())
return false;
let photoURI =;
let cbSuccess = function(newPhotoName) {
newPhotoAdded(newPhotoName, aCard);
aDocument.getElementById("PhotoFile").setAttribute("PhotoURI", photoURI);
gFilePhotoHandler.onShow(aCard, aDocument, "photo");
gImageDownloader.savePhoto(photoURI, cbSuccess,
return true;
onSave: function(aCard, aDocument) {
// Update contact
if (gNewPhoto) {
// The file may not be valid unless the photo has changed.
let photoURI = aDocument.getElementById("PhotoFile").getAttribute("PhotoURI");
aCard.setProperty("PhotoName", gNewPhoto);
aCard.setProperty("PhotoURI", photoURI);
return true;
var gWebPhotoHandler = {
onLoad: function(aCard, aDocument) {
let photoURI = aCard.getProperty("PhotoURI", null);
if (!photoURI)
return false;
aDocument.getElementById("PhotoURI").value = photoURI;
return true;
onShow: function(aCard, aDocument, aTargetID) {
let photoName = gNewPhoto || aCard.getProperty("PhotoName", null);
if (!photoName)
return false;
let photoURI = getPhotoURI(photoName);
aDocument.getElementById(aTargetID).setAttribute("src", photoURI);
return true;
onRead: function(aCard, aDocument) {
let photoURI = aDocument.getElementById("PhotoURI").value;
if (!photoURI)
return false;
let cbSuccess = function(newPhotoName) {
newPhotoAdded(newPhotoName, aCard);
gWebPhotoHandler.onShow(aCard, aDocument, "photo");
gImageDownloader.savePhoto(photoURI, cbSuccess,
return true;
onSave: function(aCard, aDocument) {
// Update contact
if (gNewPhoto) {
let photoURI = aDocument.getElementById("PhotoURI").value;
aCard.setProperty("PhotoName", gNewPhoto);
aCard.setProperty("PhotoURI", photoURI);
return true;
function newPhotoAdded(aPhotoName, aCard) {
// If we had the photo saved locally, shedule it for removal if card is saved.
gOldPhotos.push(gNewPhoto !== null ? gNewPhoto : aCard.getProperty("PhotoName", null));
gNewPhoto = aPhotoName;
/* In order for other photo handlers to be recognized for
* a particular type, they must be registered through this
* function.
* @param aType the type of photo to handle
* @param aPhotoHandler the photo handler to register
function registerPhotoHandler(aType, aPhotoHandler)
gPhotoHandlers[aType] = aPhotoHandler;
registerPhotoHandler("generic", gGenericPhotoHandler);
registerPhotoHandler("web", gWebPhotoHandler);
registerPhotoHandler("file", gFilePhotoHandler);