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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Session Storage and Restoration
* Overview
* This service keeps track of a user's session, storing the various bits
* required to return the browser to its current state. The relevant data is
* stored in memory, and is periodically saved to disk in a file in the
* profile directory. The service is started at first window load, in
* delayedStartup, and will restore the session from the data received from
* the nsSessionStartup service.
/* :::::::: Constants and Helpers ::::::::::::::: */
const STATE_STOPPED = 0;
const STATE_RUNNING = 1;
const STATE_QUITTING = -1;
const STATE_STOPPED_STR = "stopped";
const STATE_RUNNING_STR = "running";
const PRIVACY_NONE = 0;
const PRIVACY_FULL = 2;
const NOTIFY_WINDOWS_RESTORED = "sessionstore-windows-restored";
const NOTIFY_BROWSER_STATE_RESTORED = "sessionstore-browser-state-restored";
// global notifications observed
const OBSERVING = [
"quit-application-requested", "quit-application-granted", "quit-application",
"browser-lastwindow-close-granted", "browser:purge-session-history"
XUL Window properties to (re)store
Restored in restoreDimensions()
width: "outerWidth",
height: "outerHeight",
screenX: "screenX",
screenY: "screenY",
sizemode: "windowState"
Hideable window features to (re)store
Restored in restoreWindowFeatures()
"menubar", "toolbar", "locationbar",
"personalbar", "statusbar", "scrollbars"
docShell capabilities to (re)store
Restored in restoreHistory()
eg: browser.docShell["allow" + aCapability] = false;
XXX keep these in sync with all the attributes starting
with "allow" in /docshell/base/nsIDocShell.idl
"Subframes", "Plugins", "Javascript", "MetaRedirects", "Images",
"DNSPrefetch", "Auth", "WindowControl"
// These are tab events that we listen to.
const TAB_EVENTS = ["TabOpen", "TabClose", "TabSelect", "TabShow", "TabHide"];
var {XPCOMUtils} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm");
var {NetUtil} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "SecMan",
";1", "nsIScriptSecurityManager");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gScreenManager",
";1", "nsIScreenManager");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "uuidGenerator",
";1", "nsIUUIDGenerator");
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "AppConstants",
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "Utils",
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "XPathGenerator",
function debug(aMsg) {
Services.console.logStringMessage("SessionStore: " + aMsg);
/* :::::::: The Service ::::::::::::::: */
function SessionStoreService() {
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "_prefBranch", function () {
return Services.prefs.getBranch("browser.");
// minimal interval between two save operations (in milliseconds)
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "_interval", function () {
// used often, so caching/observing instead of fetching on-demand
this._prefBranch.addObserver("sessionstore.interval", this, true);
return this._prefBranch.getIntPref("sessionstore.interval");
// when crash recovery is disabled, session data is not written to disk
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "_resume_from_crash", function () {
// get crash recovery state from prefs and allow for proper reaction to state changes
this._prefBranch.addObserver("sessionstore.resume_from_crash", this, true);
return this._prefBranch.getBoolPref("sessionstore.resume_from_crash");
SessionStoreService.prototype = {
classID: Components.ID("{d37ccdf1-496f-4135-9575-037180af010d}"),
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISessionStore,
// xul:tab attributes to (re)store (extensions might want to hook in here);
// the favicon is always saved for the about:sessionrestore page
xulAttributes: {"image": true},
// set default load state
_loadState: STATE_STOPPED,
// During the initial restore and setBrowserState calls tracks the number of
// windows yet to be restored
_restoreCount: -1,
// whether a setBrowserState call is in progress
_browserSetState: false,
// time in milliseconds ( when the session was last written to file
_lastSaveTime: 0,
// time in milliseconds when the session was started (saved across sessions),
// defaults to now if no session was restored or timestamp doesn't exist
// states for all currently opened windows
_windows: {},
// states for all recently closed windows
_closedWindows: [],
// collection of session states yet to be restored
_statesToRestore: {},
// counts the number of crashes since the last clean start
_recentCrashes: 0,
// whether the last window was closed and should be restored
_restoreLastWindow: false,
// tabs to restore in order
_tabsToRestore: { visible: [], hidden: [] },
_tabsRestoringCount: 0,
// number of tabs to restore concurrently, pref controlled.
_maxConcurrentTabRestores: null,
// The state from the previous session (after restoring pinned tabs). This
// state is persisted and passed through to the next session during an app
// restart to make the third party add-on warning not trash the deferred
// session
_lastSessionState: null,
// Whether we've been initialized
_initialized: false,
// Mapping from legacy docshellIDs to docshellUUIDs.
_docshellUUIDMap: new Map(),
/* ........ Public Getters .............. */
get canRestoreLastSession() {
// Always disallow restoring the previous session when in private browsing
return this._lastSessionState;
set canRestoreLastSession(val) {
// Cheat a bit; only allow false.
if (!val)
this._lastSessionState = null;
/* ........ Global Event Handlers .............. */
* Initialize the component
initService: function() {
OBSERVING.forEach(function(aTopic) {
Services.obs.addObserver(this, aTopic, true);
}, this);
this._max_tabs_undo = this._prefBranch.getIntPref("sessionstore.max_tabs_undo");
this._prefBranch.addObserver("sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", this, true);
this._max_windows_undo = this._prefBranch.getIntPref("sessionstore.max_windows_undo");
this._prefBranch.addObserver("sessionstore.max_windows_undo", this, true);
// this pref is only read at startup, so no need to observe it
this._sessionhistory_max_entries =
this._maxConcurrentTabRestores =
this._prefBranch.addObserver("sessionstore.max_concurrent_tabs", this, true);
// Make sure gRestoreTabsProgressListener has a reference to sessionstore
// so that it can make calls back in = this;
// get file references
this._sessionFile = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile);
this._sessionFileBackup = this._sessionFile.clone();
// get string containing session state
var ss = Cc[";1"]
try {
if (ss.sessionType != Ci.nsISessionStartup.NO_SESSION)
this._initialState = ss.state;
catch(ex) { dump(ex + "\n"); } // no state to restore, which is ok
if (this._initialState) {
try {
// If we're doing a DEFERRED session, then we want to pull pinned tabs
// out so they can be restored.
if (ss.sessionType == Ci.nsISessionStartup.DEFER_SESSION) {
let [iniState, remainingState] = this._prepDataForDeferredRestore(this._initialState);
// If we have a iniState with windows, that means that we have windows
// with app tabs to restore.
if (
this._initialState = iniState;
this._initialState = null;
if (
this._lastSessionState = remainingState;
else {
// Get the last deferred session in case the user still wants to
// restore it
this._lastSessionState = this._initialState.lastSessionState;
let lastSessionCrashed =
this._initialState.session && this._initialState.session.state &&
this._initialState.session.state == STATE_RUNNING_STR;
if (lastSessionCrashed) {
this._recentCrashes = (this._initialState.session &&
this._initialState.session.recentCrashes || 0) + 1;
if (this._needsRestorePage(this._initialState, this._recentCrashes)) {
// replace the crashed session with a restore-page-only session
let pageData = {
url: "about:sessionrestore",
triggeringPrincipal_base64: Utils.SERIALIZED_SYSTEMPRINCIPAL,
formdata: { "#sessionData": JSON.stringify(this._initialState) }
this._initialState = { windows: [{ tabs: [{ entries: [pageData] }] }] };
// Load the session start time from the previous state
this._sessionStartTime = this._initialState.session &&
this._initialState.session.startTime ||
// make sure that at least the first window doesn't have anything hidden
// Since nothing is hidden in the first window, it cannot be a popup
// clear any lastSessionWindowID attributes since those don't matter
// during normal restore {
delete aWindow.__lastSessionWindowID;
catch (ex) { debug("The session file is invalid: " + ex); }
if (this._resume_from_crash) {
// create a backup if the session data file exists
try {
if (this._sessionFileBackup.exists())
if (this._sessionFile.exists())
this._sessionFile.copyTo(null, this._sessionFileBackup.leafName);
catch (ex) { Cu.reportError(ex); } // file was write-locked?
// at this point, we've as good as resumed the session, so we can
// clear the resume_session_once flag, if it's set
if (this._loadState != STATE_QUITTING &&
this._prefBranch.setBoolPref("sessionstore.resume_session_once", false);
this._initialized = true;
* Start tracking a window.
* This function also initializes the component if it's not already
* initialized.
init: function sss_init(aWindow) {
// Initialize the service if needed.
if (!this._initialized)
if (aWindow) {
} else if (this._loadState == STATE_STOPPED) {
// If init is being called with a null window, it's possible that we
// just want to tell sessionstore that a session is live (as is the case
// with starting Firefox with -private, for example; see bug 568816),
// so we should mark the load state as running to make sure that
// things like setBrowserState calls will succeed in restoring the session.
this._loadState = STATE_RUNNING;
* Called on application shutdown, after notifications:
* quit-application-granted, quit-application
_uninit: function sss_uninit() {
// save all data for session resuming
// clear out _tabsToRestore in case it's still holding refs
this._tabsToRestore.visible = null;
this._tabsToRestore.hidden = null;
// remove the ref to us from the progress listener = null;
// Make sure to break our cycle with the save timer
if (this._saveTimer) {
this._saveTimer = null;
* Handle notifications
observe: function sss_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
switch (aTopic) {
case "domwindowclosed": // catch closed windows
case "quit-application-requested":
// get a current snapshot of all windows
this._forEachBrowserWindow(function(aWindow) {
case "quit-application-granted":
// freeze the data at what we've got (ignoring closing windows)
this._loadState = STATE_QUITTING;
case "browser-lastwindow-close-granted":
// last browser window is quitting.
// remember to restore the last window when another browser window is openend
// do not account for pref(resume_session_once) at this point, as it might be
// set by another observer getting this notice after us
this._restoreLastWindow = true;
case "quit-application":
if (aData == "restart" && !this._isSwitchingProfile()) {
this._prefBranch.setBoolPref("sessionstore.resume_session_once", true);
// The browser:purge-session-history notification fires after the
// quit-application notification so unregister the
// browser:purge-session-history notification to prevent clearing
// session data on disk on a restart. It is also unnecessary to
// perform any other sanitization processing on a restart as the
// browser is about to exit anyway.
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "browser:purge-session-history");
if (aData != "restart") {
// Throw away the previous session on shutdown
this._lastSessionState = null;
this._loadState = STATE_QUITTING; // just to be sure
case "browser:purge-session-history": // catch sanitization
// If the browser is shutting down, simply return after clearing the
// session data on disk as this notification fires after the
// quit-application notification so the browser is about to exit.
if (this._loadState == STATE_QUITTING)
this._lastSessionState = null;
let openWindows = {};
this._forEachBrowserWindow(function(aWindow) {
//Hide "Restore Last Session" menu item
let restoreItem = aWindow.document.getElementById("historyRestoreLastSession");
restoreItem.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
Array.from(aWindow.getBrowser().tabs).forEach(function(aTab) {
delete aTab.linkedBrowser.__SS_data;
delete aTab.linkedBrowser.__SS_formDataSaved;
if (aTab.linkedBrowser.__SS_restoreState)
openWindows[aWindow.__SSi] = true;
// also clear all data about closed tabs and windows
for (let ix in this._windows) {
if (ix in openWindows) {
this._windows[ix]._closedTabs = [];
else {
delete this._windows[ix];
// also clear all data about closed windows
this._closedWindows = [];
// give the tabbrowsers a chance to clear their histories first
if (this._getMostRecentBrowserWindow()), true),
else if (this._loadState == STATE_RUNNING)
case "nsPref:changed": // catch pref changes
switch (aData) {
// if the user decreases the max number of closed tabs they want
// preserved update our internal states to match that max
case "sessionstore.max_tabs_undo":
this._max_tabs_undo = this._prefBranch.getIntPref("sessionstore.max_tabs_undo");
for (let ix in this._windows) {
this._windows[ix]._closedTabs.splice(this._max_tabs_undo, this._windows[ix]._closedTabs.length);
case "sessionstore.max_windows_undo":
this._max_windows_undo = this._prefBranch.getIntPref("sessionstore.max_windows_undo");
case "sessionstore.interval":
this._interval = this._prefBranch.getIntPref("sessionstore.interval");
// reset timer and save
if (this._saveTimer) {
this._saveTimer = null;
this.saveStateDelayed(null, -1);
case "sessionstore.resume_from_crash":
this._resume_from_crash = this._prefBranch.getBoolPref("sessionstore.resume_from_crash");
// either create the file with crash recovery information or remove it
// (when _loadState is not STATE_RUNNING, that file is used for session resuming instead)
if (this._resume_from_crash)
else if (this._loadState == STATE_RUNNING)
case "sessionstore.max_concurrent_tabs":
this._maxConcurrentTabRestores =
case "timer-callback": // timer call back for delayed saving
this._saveTimer = null;
/* ........ Window Event Handlers .............. */
* Implement EventListener for handling various window and tab events
handleEvent: function sss_handleEvent(aEvent) {
var win = aEvent.currentTarget.ownerDocument.defaultView;
switch (aEvent.type) {
case "load":
// If __SS_restore_data is set, then we need to restore the document
// (form data, scrolling, etc.). This will only happen when a tab is
// first restored.
if (aEvent.currentTarget.__SS_restore_data)
this.restoreDocument(win, aEvent.currentTarget, aEvent);
// We still need to call onTabLoad, so fall through to "pageshow" case.
case "pageshow":
this.onTabLoad(win, aEvent.currentTarget, aEvent);
case "input":
case "DOMAutoComplete":
this.onTabInput(win, aEvent.currentTarget);
case "TabOpen":
this.onTabAdd(win, aEvent.originalTarget);
case "TabClose":
// aEvent.detail determines if the tab was closed by moving to a different window
if (!aEvent.detail)
this.onTabClose(win, aEvent.originalTarget);
this.onTabRemove(win, aEvent.originalTarget);
case "TabSelect":
case "TabShow":
case "TabHide":
* If it's the first window load since app start...
* - determine if we're reloading after a crash or a forced-restart
* - restore window state
* - restart downloads
* Set up event listeners for this window's tabs
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
onLoad: function sss_onLoad(aWindow) {
// return if window has already been initialized
if (aWindow && aWindow.__SSi && this._windows[aWindow.__SSi])
// ignore non-browser windows and windows opened while shutting down
if (aWindow.document.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype") != "navigator:browser" ||
this._loadState == STATE_QUITTING)
// assign it a unique identifier (timestamp)
aWindow.__SSi = "window" +;
// and create its data object
this._windows[aWindow.__SSi] = { tabs: [], selected: 0, _closedTabs: [] };
if (!this._isWindowLoaded(aWindow))
this._windows[aWindow.__SSi]._restoring = true;
if (!aWindow.toolbar.visible)
this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].isPopup = true;
// perform additional initialization when the first window is loading
if (this._loadState == STATE_STOPPED) {
this._loadState = STATE_RUNNING;
this._lastSaveTime =;
// restore a crashed session resp. resume the last session if requested
if (this._initialState) {
// make sure that the restored tabs are first in the window
this._initialState._firstTabs = true;
this._restoreCount = ? : 0;
this.restoreWindow(aWindow, this._initialState,
delete this._initialState;
// _loadState changed from "stopped" to "running"
// force a save operation so that crashes happening during startup are correctly counted
else {
// Nothing to restore, notify observers things are complete.
this.windowToFocus = aWindow;, Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL);
// the next delayed save request should execute immediately
this._lastSaveTime -= this._interval;
// this window was opened by _openWindowWithState
else if (!this._isWindowLoaded(aWindow)) {
let followUp = this._statesToRestore[aWindow.__SS_restoreID].windows.length == 1;
this.restoreWindow(aWindow, this._statesToRestore[aWindow.__SS_restoreID], true, followUp);
else if (this._restoreLastWindow && aWindow.toolbar.visible &&
this._closedWindows.length) {
// default to the most-recently closed window
// don't use popup windows
let closedWindowState = null;
let closedWindowIndex;
for (let i = 0; i < this._closedWindows.length; i++) {
// Take the first non-popup, point our object at it, and break out.
if (!this._closedWindows[i].isPopup) {
closedWindowState = this._closedWindows[i];
closedWindowIndex = i;
if (closedWindowState) {
let newWindowState;
if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx" || !this._doResumeSession()) {
// We want to split the window up into pinned tabs and unpinned tabs.
// Pinned tabs should be restored. If there are any remaining tabs,
// they should be added back to _closedWindows.
// We'll cheat a little bit and reuse _prepDataForDeferredRestore
// even though it wasn't built exactly for this.
let [appTabsState, normalTabsState] =
this._prepDataForDeferredRestore({ windows: [closedWindowState] });
// These are our pinned tabs, which we should restore
if ( {
newWindowState =[0];
delete newWindowState.__lastSessionWindowID;
// In case there were no unpinned tabs, remove the window from _closedWindows
if (! {
this._closedWindows.splice(closedWindowIndex, 1);
// Or update _closedWindows with the modified state
else {
this._closedWindows[closedWindowIndex] =[0];
else {
// If we're just restoring the window, make sure it gets removed from
// _closedWindows.
this._closedWindows.splice(closedWindowIndex, 1);
newWindowState = closedWindowState;
delete newWindowState.hidden;
if (newWindowState) {
// Ensure that the window state isn't hidden
this._restoreCount = 1;
let state = { windows: [newWindowState] };
this.restoreWindow(aWindow, state, this._isCmdLineEmpty(aWindow));
// we actually restored the session just now.
this._prefBranch.setBoolPref("sessionstore.resume_session_once", false);
if (this._restoreLastWindow && aWindow.toolbar.visible) {
// always reset (if not a popup window)
// we don't want to restore a window directly after, for example,
// undoCloseWindow was executed.
this._restoreLastWindow = false;
var tabbrowser = aWindow.getBrowser();
// add tab change listeners to all already existing tabs
for (let i = 0; i < tabbrowser.tabs.length; i++) {
this.onTabAdd(aWindow, tabbrowser.tabs[i], true);
// notification of tab add/remove/selection/show/hide
TAB_EVENTS.forEach(function(aEvent) {
tabbrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener(aEvent, this, true);
}, this);
* On window close...
* - remove event listeners from tabs
* - save all window data
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
onClose: function sss_onClose(aWindow) {
// this window was about to be restored - conserve its original data, if any
let isFullyLoaded = this._isWindowLoaded(aWindow);
if (!isFullyLoaded) {
if (!aWindow.__SSi)
aWindow.__SSi = "window" +;
this._windows[aWindow.__SSi] = this._statesToRestore[aWindow.__SS_restoreID];
delete this._statesToRestore[aWindow.__SS_restoreID];
delete aWindow.__SS_restoreID;
// ignore windows not tracked by SessionStore
if (!aWindow.__SSi || !this._windows[aWindow.__SSi]) {
if (this.windowToFocus && this.windowToFocus == aWindow) {
delete this.windowToFocus;
var tabbrowser = aWindow.getBrowser();
TAB_EVENTS.forEach(function(aEvent) {
tabbrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener(aEvent, this, true);
}, this);
// remove the progress listener for this window
try {
} catch (ex) {};
let winData = this._windows[aWindow.__SSi];
if (this._loadState == STATE_RUNNING) { // window not closed during a regular shut-down
// update all window data for a last time
if (isFullyLoaded) {
winData.title = aWindow.content.document.title || tabbrowser.selectedTab.label;
winData.title = this._replaceLoadingTitle(winData.title, tabbrowser,
// save the window if it has multiple tabs or a single saveable tab
if (winData.tabs.length > 1 ||
(winData.tabs.length == 1 && this._shouldSaveTabState(winData.tabs[0]))) {
// clear this window from the list
delete this._windows[aWindow.__SSi];
// save the state without this window to disk
for (let i = 0; i < tabbrowser.tabs.length; i++) {
this.onTabRemove(aWindow, tabbrowser.tabs[i], true);
// Cache the window state until it is completely gone.
DyingWindowCache.set(aWindow, winData);
delete aWindow.__SSi;
* set up listeners for a new tab
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
* @param aTab
* Tab reference
* @param aNoNotification
* bool Do not save state if we're updating an existing tab
onTabAdd: function sss_onTabAdd(aWindow, aTab, aNoNotification) {
let browser = aTab.linkedBrowser;
browser.addEventListener("load", this, true);
browser.addEventListener("pageshow", this, true);
browser.addEventListener("input", this, true);
browser.addEventListener("DOMAutoComplete", this, true);
if (!aNoNotification) {
* remove listeners for a tab
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
* @param aTab
* Tab reference
* @param aNoNotification
* bool Do not save state if we're updating an existing tab
onTabRemove: function sss_onTabRemove(aWindow, aTab, aNoNotification) {
let browser = aTab.linkedBrowser;
browser.removeEventListener("load", this, true);
browser.removeEventListener("pageshow", this, true);
browser.removeEventListener("change", this, true);
browser.removeEventListener("input", this, true);
browser.removeEventListener("DOMAutoComplete", this, true);
delete browser.__SS_data;
// If this tab was in the middle of restoring or still needs to be restored,
// we need to reset that state. If the tab was restoring, we will attempt to
// restore the next tab.
let previousState = browser.__SS_restoreState;
if (previousState) {
if (previousState == TAB_STATE_RESTORING)
if (!aNoNotification) {
* When a tab closes, collect its properties
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
* @param aTab
* Tab reference
onTabClose: function sss_onTabClose(aWindow, aTab) {
// notify the tabbrowser that the tab state will be retrieved for the last time
// (so that extension authors can easily set data on soon-to-be-closed tabs)
var event = aWindow.document.createEvent("Events");
event.initEvent("SSTabClosing", true, false);
// don't update our internal state if we don't have to
if (this._max_tabs_undo == 0) {
// make sure that the tab related data is up-to-date
var tabState = this._collectTabData(aTab);
this._updateTextAndScrollDataForTab(aWindow, aTab.linkedBrowser, tabState);
// store closed-tab data for undo
if (this._shouldSaveTabState(tabState)) {
aTab.tabData = { state: tabState };
var closedTabs = this._windows[aWindow.__SSi]._closedTabs;
if (closedTabs.length > this._max_tabs_undo)
closedTabs.length = this._max_tabs_undo;
* When a tab loads, save state.
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
* @param aBrowser
* Browser reference
* @param aEvent
* Event obj
onTabLoad: function sss_onTabLoad(aWindow, aBrowser, aEvent) {
// react on "load" and solitary "pageshow" events (the first "pageshow"
// following "load" is too late for deleting the data caches)
// It's possible to get a load event after calling stop on a browser (when
// overwriting tabs). We want to return early if the tab hasn't been restored yet.
if ((aEvent.type != "load" && !aEvent.persisted) ||
(aBrowser.__SS_restoreState &&
aBrowser.__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_NEEDS_RESTORE)) {
delete aBrowser.__SS_data;
// attempt to update the current URL we send in a crash report
* Called when a browser sends the "input" notification
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
* @param aBrowser
* Browser reference
onTabInput: function sss_onTabInput(aWindow, aBrowser) {
this.saveStateDelayed(aWindow, 3000);
* When a tab is selected, save session data
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
onTabSelect: function sss_onTabSelect(aWindow) {
if (this._loadState == STATE_RUNNING) {
this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].selected = aWindow.getBrowser().tabContainer.selectedIndex;
let tab = aWindow.getBrowser().selectedTab;
// If __SS_restoreState is still on the browser and it is
// TAB_STATE_NEEDS_RESTORE, then then we haven't restored
// this tab yet. Explicitly call restoreTab to kick off the restore.
if (tab.linkedBrowser.__SS_restoreState &&
tab.linkedBrowser.__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_NEEDS_RESTORE)
// attempt to update the current URL we send in a crash report
onTabShow: function sss_onTabShow(aTab) {
// If the tab hasn't been restored yet, move it into the right _tabsToRestore bucket
if (aTab.linkedBrowser.__SS_restoreState &&
aTab.linkedBrowser.__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_NEEDS_RESTORE) {
this._tabsToRestore.hidden.splice(this._tabsToRestore.hidden.indexOf(aTab), 1);
// Just put it at the end of the list of visible tabs;
onTabHide: function sss_onTabHide(aTab) {
// If the tab hasn't been restored yet, move it into the right _tabsToRestore bucket
if (aTab.linkedBrowser.__SS_restoreState &&
aTab.linkedBrowser.__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_NEEDS_RESTORE) {
this._tabsToRestore.visible.splice(this._tabsToRestore.visible.indexOf(aTab), 1);
// Just put it at the end of the list of hidden tabs;
/* ........ nsISessionStore API .............. */
getBrowserState: function sss_getBrowserState() {
return this._toJSONString(this._getCurrentState());
setBrowserState: function sss_setBrowserState(aState) {
try {
var state = JSON.parse(aState);
catch (ex) { /* invalid state object - don't restore anything */ }
if (!state || !
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
this._browserSetState = true;
// Make sure _tabsToRestore is emptied out
var window = this._getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
if (!window) {
this._restoreCount = 1;
// close all other browser windows
this._forEachBrowserWindow(function(aWindow) {
if (aWindow != window) {
// make sure closed window data isn't kept
this._closedWindows = [];
// determine how many windows are meant to be restored
this._restoreCount = ? : 0;
// restore to the given state
this.restoreWindow(window, state, true);
getWindowState: function sss_getWindowState(aWindow) {
if ("__SSi" in aWindow) {
return this._toJSONString(this._getWindowState(aWindow));
if (DyingWindowCache.has(aWindow)) {
let data = DyingWindowCache.get(aWindow);
return this._toJSONString({ windows: [data] });
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
setWindowState: function sss_setWindowState(aWindow, aState, aOverwrite) {
if (!aWindow.__SSi)
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
this.restoreWindow(aWindow, aState, aOverwrite);
getTabState: function sss_getTabState(aTab) {
if (!aTab.ownerDocument || !aTab.ownerDocument.defaultView.__SSi)
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
var tabState = this._collectTabData(aTab);
var window = aTab.ownerDocument.defaultView;
this._updateTextAndScrollDataForTab(window, aTab.linkedBrowser, tabState);
return this._toJSONString(tabState);
setTabState: function sss_setTabState(aTab, aState) {
var tabState = JSON.parse(aState);
if (!tabState.entries || !aTab.ownerDocument || !aTab.ownerDocument.defaultView.__SSi)
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
var window = aTab.ownerDocument.defaultView;
this._sendWindowStateEvent(window, "Busy");
this.restoreHistoryPrecursor(window, [aTab], [tabState], 0, 0, 0);
duplicateTab: function sss_duplicateTab(aWindow, aTab, aDelta, aRelated) {
if (!aTab.ownerDocument || !aTab.ownerDocument.defaultView.__SSi ||
aWindow && !aWindow.getBrowser)
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
var tabState = this._collectTabData(aTab, true);
var sourceWindow = aTab.ownerDocument.defaultView;
this._updateTextAndScrollDataForTab(sourceWindow, aTab.linkedBrowser, tabState, true);
tabState.index += aDelta;
tabState.index = Math.max(1, Math.min(tabState.index, tabState.entries.length));
if (aWindow) {
this._sendWindowStateEvent(aWindow, "Busy");
var newTab = aWindow.getBrowser()
.addTab(null, { relatedToCurrent: aRelated });
this.restoreHistoryPrecursor(aWindow, [newTab], [tabState], 0, 0, 0);
return newTab;
var state = { windows: [{ tabs: [tabState] }] };
this.windowToFocus = this._openWindowWithState(state);
return null;
_getClosedTabs: function sss_getClosedTabs(aWindow) {
if (!aWindow.__SSi)
return this._toJSONString(aWindow.__SS_dyingCache._closedTabs);
var closedTabs = this._windows[aWindow.__SSi]._closedTabs;
closedTabs = closedTabs.concat(aWindow.getBrowser().savedBrowsers);
closedTabs = closedTabs.filter(function(aTabData, aIndex, aArray) {
return aArray.indexOf(aTabData) == aIndex;
return closedTabs;
getClosedTabCount: function sss_getClosedTabCount(aWindow) {
if ("__SSi" in aWindow) {
return this._windows[aWindow.__SSi]._closedTabs.length;
if (DyingWindowCache.has(aWindow)) {
return DyingWindowCache.get(aWindow)._closedTabs.length;
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
getClosedTabData: function sss_getClosedTabData(aWindow) {
if ("__SSi" in aWindow) {
return this._toJSONString(this._windows[aWindow.__SSi]._closedTabs);
if (DyingWindowCache.has(aWindow)) {
let data = DyingWindowCache.get(aWindow);
return this._toJSONString(data._closedTabs);
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
undoCloseTab: function sss_undoCloseTab(aWindow, aIndex) {
if (!aWindow.__SSi)
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
var closedTabs = this._getClosedTabs(aWindow);
if (!(aIndex in closedTabs))
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
// fetch the data of closed tab, while removing it from the array
let closedTab = closedTabs[aIndex];
if (aIndex in this._windows[aWindow.__SSi]._closedTabs)
this._windows[aWindow.__SSi]._closedTabs.splice(aIndex, 1);
var tabbrowser = aWindow.getBrowser();
var index = tabbrowser.savedBrowsers.indexOf(closedTab);
this._sendWindowStateEvent(aWindow, "Busy");
if (index != -1)
// SeaMonkey has its own undoclosetab functionality
return tabbrowser.restoreTab(index);
// create a new tab
var tab = tabbrowser.addTab();
// restore the tab's position
tabbrowser.moveTabTo(tab, closedTab.pos);
// restore tab content
this.restoreHistoryPrecursor(aWindow, [tab], [closedTab.state], 1, 0, 0);
// focus the tab's content area (bug 342432)
return tab;
forgetClosedTab: function sss_forgetClosedTab(aWindow, aIndex) {
if (!aWindow.__SSi)
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
var closedTabs = this._getClosedTabs(aWindow);
if (!(aIndex in closedTabs))
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
// remove closed tab from the array
var closedTab = closedTabs[aIndex];
if (aIndex in this._windows[aWindow.__SSi]._closedTabs)
this._windows[aWindow.__SSi]._closedTabs.splice(aIndex, 1);
var tabbrowser = aWindow.getBrowser();
var index = tabbrowser.savedBrowsers.indexOf(closedTab);
if (index != -1)
getClosedWindowCount: function sss_getClosedWindowCount() {
return this._closedWindows.length;
getClosedWindowData: function sss_getClosedWindowData() {
return this._toJSONString(this._closedWindows);
undoCloseWindow: function sss_undoCloseWindow(aIndex) {
if (!(aIndex in this._closedWindows))
return null;
// reopen the window
let state = { windows: this._closedWindows.splice(aIndex, 1) };
let window = this._openWindowWithState(state);
this.windowToFocus = window;
return window;
forgetClosedWindow: function sss_forgetClosedWindow(aIndex) {
// default to the most-recently closed window
aIndex = aIndex || 0;
if (!(aIndex in this._closedWindows))
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
// remove closed window from the array
this._closedWindows.splice(aIndex, 1);
getWindowValue: function sss_getWindowValue(aWindow, aKey) {
if ("__SSi" in aWindow) {
var data = this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].extData || {};
return data[aKey] || "";
if (DyingWindowCache.has(aWindow)) {
let data = DyingWindowCache.get(aWindow).extData || {};
return data[aKey] || "";
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
setWindowValue: function sss_setWindowValue(aWindow, aKey, aStringValue) {
if (aWindow.__SSi) {
if (!this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].extData) {
this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].extData = {};
this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].extData[aKey] = aStringValue;
else {
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
deleteWindowValue: function sss_deleteWindowValue(aWindow, aKey) {
if (aWindow.__SSi && this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].extData &&
delete this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].extData[aKey];
getTabValue: function sss_getTabValue(aTab, aKey) {
let data = {};
if (aTab.__SS_extdata) {
data = aTab.__SS_extdata;
else if (aTab.linkedBrowser.__SS_data && aTab.linkedBrowser.__SS_data.extData) {
// If the tab hasn't been fully restored, get the data from the to-be-restored data
data = aTab.linkedBrowser.__SS_data.extData;
return data[aKey] || "";
setTabValue: function sss_setTabValue(aTab, aKey, aStringValue) {
// If the tab hasn't been restored, then set the data there, otherwise we
// could lose newly added data.
let saveTo;
if (aTab.__SS_extdata) {
saveTo = aTab.__SS_extdata;
else if (aTab.linkedBrowser.__SS_data && aTab.linkedBrowser.__SS_data.extData) {
saveTo = aTab.linkedBrowser.__SS_data.extData;
else {
aTab.__SS_extdata = {};
saveTo = aTab.__SS_extdata;
saveTo[aKey] = aStringValue;
deleteTabValue: function sss_deleteTabValue(aTab, aKey) {
// We want to make sure that if data is accessed early, we attempt to delete
// that data from __SS_data as well. Otherwise we'll throw in cases where
// data can be set or read.
let deleteFrom = null;
if (aTab.__SS_extdata) {
deleteFrom = aTab.__SS_extdata;
else if (aTab.linkedBrowser.__SS_data && aTab.linkedBrowser.__SS_data.extData) {
deleteFrom = aTab.linkedBrowser.__SS_data.extData;
if (deleteFrom && deleteFrom[aKey])
delete deleteFrom[aKey];
persistTabAttribute: function sss_persistTabAttribute(aName) {
if (aName in this.xulAttributes)
return; // this attribute is already being tracked
this.xulAttributes[aName] = true;
doRestoreLastWindow: function sss_doRestoreLastWindow() {
let state = null;
this._closedWindows.forEach(function(aWinState) {
if (!state && !aWinState.isPopup) {
state = aWinState;
return (this._restoreLastWindow && state &&
* Restores the session state stored in _lastSessionState. This will attempt
* to merge data into the current session. If a window was opened at startup
* with pinned tab(s), then the remaining data from the previous session for
* that window will be opened into that winddow. Otherwise new windows will
* be opened.
restoreLastSession: function sss_restoreLastSession() {
// Use the public getter since it also checks PB mode
if (!this.canRestoreLastSession)
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
// First collect each window with its id...
let windows = {};
this._forEachBrowserWindow(function(aWindow) {
if (aWindow.__SS_lastSessionWindowID)
windows[aWindow.__SS_lastSessionWindowID] = aWindow;
let lastSessionState = this._lastSessionState;
// This shouldn't ever be the case...
if (!
throw (Components.returnCode = Cr.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
// We're technically doing a restore, so set things up so we send the
// notification when we're done. We want to send "sessionstore-browser-state-restored".
this._restoreCount =;
this._browserSetState = true;
// We want to re-use the last opened window instead of opening a new one in
// the case where it's "empty" and not associated with a window in the session.
// We will do more processing via _prepWindowToRestoreInto if we need to use
// the lastWindow.
let lastWindow = this._getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
let canUseLastWindow = lastWindow &&
// Restore into windows or open new ones as needed.
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
let winState =[i];
let lastSessionWindowID = winState.__lastSessionWindowID;
// delete lastSessionWindowID so we don't add that to the window again
delete winState.__lastSessionWindowID;
// See if we can use an open window. First try one that is associated with
// the state we're trying to restore and then fallback to the last selected
// window.
let windowToUse = windows[lastSessionWindowID];
if (!windowToUse && canUseLastWindow) {
windowToUse = lastWindow;
canUseLastWindow = false;
let [canUseWindow, canOverwriteTabs] = this._prepWindowToRestoreInto(windowToUse);
// If there's a window already open that we can restore into, use that
if (canUseWindow) {
// Since we're not overwriting existing tabs, we want to merge _closedTabs,
// putting existing ones first. Then make sure we're respecting the max pref.
if (winState._closedTabs && winState._closedTabs.length) {
let curWinState = this._windows[windowToUse.__SSi];
curWinState._closedTabs = curWinState._closedTabs.concat(winState._closedTabs);
curWinState._closedTabs.splice(this._max_tabs_undo, curWinState._closedTabs.length);
// Restore into that window - pretend it's a followup since we'll already
// have a focused window.
//XXXzpao This is going to merge extData together (taking what was in
// winState over what is in the window already. The hack we have
// in _preWindowToRestoreInto will prevent most (all?) Panorama
// weirdness but we will still merge other extData.
// Bug 588217 should make this go away by merging the group data.
this.restoreWindow(windowToUse, { windows: [winState] }, canOverwriteTabs, true);
else {
this._openWindowWithState({ windows: [winState] });
// Merge closed windows from this session with ones from last session
if (lastSessionState._closedWindows) {
this._closedWindows = this._closedWindows.concat(lastSessionState._closedWindows);
// Set data that persists between sessions
this._recentCrashes = lastSessionState.session &&
lastSessionState.session.recentCrashes || 0;
this._sessionStartTime = lastSessionState.session &&
lastSessionState.session.startTime ||
this._lastSessionState = null;
* See if aWindow is usable for use when restoring a previous session via
* restoreLastSession. If usable, prepare it for use.
* @param aWindow
* the window to inspect & prepare
* @returns [canUseWindow, canOverwriteTabs]
* canUseWindow: can the window be used to restore into
* canOverwriteTabs: all of the current tabs are home pages and we
* can overwrite them
_prepWindowToRestoreInto: function sss__prepWindowToRestoreInto(aWindow) {
if (!aWindow)
return [false, false];
// We might be able to overwrite the existing tabs instead of just adding
// the previous session's tabs to the end. This will be set if possible.
let canOverwriteTabs = false;
// Step 1 of processing:
// Inspect extData for Panorama identifiers. If found, then we want to
// inspect further. If there is a single group, then we can use this
// window. If there are multiple groups then we won't use this window.
let data = this.getWindowValue(aWindow, "tabview-group");
if (data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
// Multiple keys means multiple groups, which means we don't want to use this window.
if (Object.keys(data).length > 1) {
return [false, false];
else {
// If there is only one group, then we want to ensure that its group id
// is 0. This is how Panorama forces group merging when new tabs are opened.
//XXXzpao This is a hack and the proper fix really belongs in Panorama.
let groupKey = Object.keys(data)[0];
if (groupKey !== "0") {
data["0"] = data[groupKey];
delete data[groupKey];
this.setWindowValue(aWindow, "tabview-groups", JSON.stringify(data));
// Step 2 of processing:
// If we're still here, then the window is usable. Look at the open tabs in
// comparison to home pages. If all the tabs are home pages then we'll end
// up overwriting all of them. Otherwise we'll just close the tabs that
// match home pages.
let homePages = aWindow.getHomePage();
let removableTabs = [];
let tabbrowser = aWindow.getBrowser();
let normalTabsLen = tabbrowser.tabs.length - tabbrowser._numPinnedTabs;
for (let i = 0; i < tabbrowser.tabs.length; i++) {
let tab = tabbrowser.tabs[i];
if (homePages.includes(tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec)) {
if (tabbrowser.tabs.length == removableTabs.length) {
canOverwriteTabs = true;
else {
// If we're not overwriting all of the tabs, then close the home tabs.
for (let i = removableTabs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
tabbrowser.removeTab(removableTabs.pop(), { animate: false });
return [true, canOverwriteTabs];
/* ........ Saving Functionality .............. */
* Store all session data for a window
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
_saveWindowHistory: function sss_saveWindowHistory(aWindow) {
var tabbrowser = aWindow.getBrowser();
var tabs = tabbrowser.tabs;
var tabsData = this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].tabs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++)
this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].selected = tabbrowser.mTabBox.selectedIndex + 1;
* Collect data related to a single tab
* @param aTab
* tabbrowser tab
* @param aFullData
* always return privacy sensitive data (use with care)
* @returns object
_collectTabData: function sss_collectTabData(aTab, aFullData) {
var tabData = { entries: [] };
var browser = aTab.linkedBrowser;
if (!browser || !browser.currentURI)
// can happen when calling this function right after .addTab()
return tabData;
else if (browser.__SS_data &&
browser.__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_NEEDS_RESTORE) {
// use the data to be restored when the tab hasn't been completely loaded
tabData = browser.__SS_data;
if (aTab.pinned)
tabData.pinned = true;
delete tabData.pinned;
tabData.hidden = aTab.hidden;
// If __SS_extdata is set then we'll use that since it might be newer.
if (aTab.__SS_extdata)
tabData.extData = aTab.__SS_extdata;
// If it exists but is empty then a key was likely deleted. In that case just
// delete extData.
if (tabData.extData && !Object.keys(tabData.extData).length)
delete tabData.extData;
return tabData;
var history = null;
try {
history = browser.sessionHistory;
catch (ex) { } // this could happen if we catch a tab during (de)initialization
// XXXzeniko anchor navigation doesn't reset __SS_data, so we could reuse
// data even when we shouldn't (e.g. Back, different anchor)
if (history && browser.__SS_data &&
browser.__SS_data.entries[history.index] &&
browser.__SS_data.entries[history.index].url == browser.currentURI.spec &&
history.index < this._sessionhistory_max_entries - 1 && !aFullData) {
tabData = browser.__SS_data;
tabData.index = history.index + 1;
else if (history && history.count > 0) {
try {
for (var j = 0; j < history.count; j++) {
let entry = this._serializeHistoryEntry(history.getEntryAtIndex(j),
aFullData, aTab.pinned);
// If we make it through the for loop, then we're ok and we should clear
// any indicator of brokenness.
delete aTab.__SS_broken_history;
catch (ex) {
// In some cases, getEntryAtIndex will throw. This seems to be due to
// history.count being higher than it should be. By doing this in a
// try-catch, we'll update history to where it breaks, assert for
// non-release builds, and still save sessionstore.js. We'll track if
// we've shown the assert for this tab so we only show it once.
// cf. bug 669196.
if (!aTab.__SS_broken_history) {
// First Focus the window & tab we're having trouble with.
aTab.ownerDocument.defaultView.getBrowser().selectedTab = aTab;
debug("SessionStore failed gathering complete history " +
"for the focused window/tab. See bug 669196.");
aTab.__SS_broken_history = true;
tabData.index = history.index + 1;
// make sure not to cache privacy sensitive data which shouldn't get out
if (!aFullData)
browser.__SS_data = tabData;
else if (browser.currentURI.spec != "about:blank" ||
browser.contentDocument.body.hasChildNodes()) {
tabData.entries[0] = { url: browser.currentURI.spec,
triggeringPrincipal_base64: Utils.SERIALIZED_SYSTEMPRINCIPAL };
tabData.index = 1;
// If there is a userTypedValue set, then either the user has typed something
// in the URL bar, or a new tab was opened with a URI to load. userTypedClear
// is used to indicate whether the tab was in some sort of loading state with
// userTypedValue.
if (browser.userTypedValue) {
tabData.userTypedValue = browser.userTypedValue;
tabData.userTypedClear = browser.userTypedClear;
} else {
delete tabData.userTypedValue;
delete tabData.userTypedClear;
var disallow = [];
for (var i = 0; i < CAPABILITIES.length; i++)
if (!browser.docShell["allow" + CAPABILITIES[i]])
if (disallow.length > 0)
tabData.disallow = disallow.join(",");
else if (tabData.disallow)
delete tabData.disallow;
tabData.attributes = {};
for (let name in this.xulAttributes) {
if (aTab.hasAttribute(name))
tabData.attributes[name] = aTab.getAttribute(name);
if (aTab.__SS_extdata)
tabData.extData = aTab.__SS_extdata;
else if (tabData.extData)
delete tabData.extData;
if (history && browser.docShell instanceof Ci.nsIDocShell)
this._serializeSessionStorage(tabData, history, browser.docShell, aFullData,
return tabData;
* Get an object that is a serialized representation of a History entry
* Used for data storage
* @param aEntry
* nsISHEntry instance
* @param aFullData
* always return privacy sensitive data (use with care)
* @param aIsPinned
* the tab is pinned and should be treated differently for privacy
* @returns object
function sss_serializeHistoryEntry(aEntry, aFullData, aIsPinned) {
var entry = { url: aEntry.URI.spec,
triggeringPrincipal_base64: Utils.SERIALIZED_SYSTEMPRINCIPAL };
if (aEntry.title && aEntry.title != entry.url) {
entry.title = aEntry.title;
if (aEntry.isSubFrame) {
entry.subframe = true;
if (!(aEntry instanceof Ci.nsISHEntry)) {
return entry;
var cacheKey = aEntry.cacheKey;
if (cacheKey && cacheKey instanceof Ci.nsISupportsPRUint32 && != 0) {
// XXXbz would be better to have cache keys implement
// nsISerializable or something.
entry.cacheKey =;
entry.ID = aEntry.ID;
entry.docshellUUID = aEntry.docshellID.toString();
if (aEntry.referrerURI)
entry.referrer = aEntry.referrerURI.spec;
if (aEntry.contentType)
entry.contentType = aEntry.contentType;
var x = {}, y = {};
aEntry.getScrollPosition(x, y);
if (x.value != 0 || y.value != 0)
entry.scroll = x.value + "," + y.value;
try {
var prefPostdata = this._prefBranch.getIntPref("sessionstore.postdata");
if (aEntry.postData && (aFullData || prefPostdata &&
this._checkPrivacyLevel(aEntry.URI.schemeIs("https"), aIsPinned))) {
.seek(Ci.nsISeekableStream.NS_SEEK_SET, 0);
var stream = Cc[";1"]
var postBytes = stream.readByteArray(stream.available());
var postdata = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, postBytes);
if (aFullData || prefPostdata == -1 ||
postdata.replace(/^(Content-.*\r\n)+(\r\n)*/, "").length <=
prefPostdata) {
// We can stop doing base64 encoding once our serialization into JSON
// is guaranteed to handle all chars in strings, including embedded
// nulls.
entry.postdata_b64 = btoa(postdata);
catch (ex) { debug(ex); } // POSTDATA is tricky - especially since some extensions don't get it right
// Collect triggeringPrincipal data for the current history entry.
// Please note that before Bug 1297338 there was no concept of a
// principalToInherit. To remain backward/forward compatible we
// serialize the principalToInherit as triggeringPrincipal_b64.
// Once principalToInherit is well established (within Gecko 55)
// we can update this code, remove triggeringPrincipal_b64 and
// just keep triggeringPrincipal_base64 as well as
// principalToInherit_base64.
if (aEntry.principalToInherit) {
try {
let principalToInherit = Utils.serializePrincipal(aEntry.principalToInherit);
if (principalToInherit) {
entry.triggeringPrincipal_b64 = principalToInherit;
entry.principalToInherit_base64 = principalToInherit;
} catch (e) {
if (aEntry.triggeringPrincipal) {
try {
let triggeringPrincipal = Utils.serializePrincipal(aEntry.triggeringPrincipal);
if (triggeringPrincipal) {
entry.triggeringPrincipal_base64 = triggeringPrincipal;
} catch (e) {
entry.docIdentifier = aEntry.BFCacheEntry.ID;
if (aEntry.stateData) {
entry.structuredCloneState = aEntry.stateData.getDataAsBase64();
entry.structuredCloneVersion = aEntry.stateData.formatVersion;
if (!(aEntry instanceof Ci.nsISHContainer)) {
return entry;
if (aEntry.childCount > 0) {
entry.children = [];
for (var i = 0; i < aEntry.childCount; i++) {
var child = aEntry.GetChildAt(i);
if (child) {
entry.children.push(this._serializeHistoryEntry(child, aFullData, aIsPinned));
else { // to maintain the correct frame order, insert a dummy entry
entry.children.push({ url: "about:blank",
triggeringPrincipal_base64: Utils.SERIALIZED_SYSTEMPRINCIPAL});
// don't try to restore framesets containing wyciwyg URLs (cf. bug 424689 and bug 450595)
if (/^wyciwyg:\/\//.test(entry.children[i].url)) {
delete entry.children;
return entry;
* Updates all sessionStorage "super cookies"
* @param aTabData
* The data object for a specific tab
* @param aHistory
* That tab's session history
* @param aDocShell
* That tab's docshell (containing the sessionStorage)
* @param aFullData
* always return privacy sensitive data (use with care)
* @param aIsPinned
* the tab is pinned and should be treated differently for privacy
function sss_serializeSessionStorage(aTabData, aHistory, aDocShell, aFullData, aIsPinned) {
let storageData = {};
let hasContent = false;
for (let i = 0; i < aHistory.count; i++) {
let principal;
try {
let uri = aHistory.getEntryAtIndex(i).URI;
principal = SecMan.getDocShellCodebasePrincipal(uri, aDocShell);
catch (ex) {
// Chances are that this is getEntryAtIndex throwing, as seen in bug 669196.
// We've already asserted in _collectTabData, so we won't show that again.
// sessionStorage is saved per principal (cf. nsGlobalWindow::GetSessionStorage)
let origin;
try {
origin = principal.origin;
catch (ex) {
origin = principal.URI.spec;
if (storageData[origin])
let isHTTPS = principal.URI && principal.URI.schemeIs("https");
if (!(aFullData || this._checkPrivacyLevel(isHTTPS, aIsPinned)))
let storage, storageItemCount = 0;
let window = aDocShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
try {
let storageManager = aDocShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMStorageManager);
storage = storageManager.getStorage(window, principal);
// See Bug 1232955 - storage.length can throw, catch that failure here inside the try.
if (storage)
storageItemCount = storage.length;
catch (ex) { /* sessionStorage might throw if it's turned off, see bug 458954 */ }
if (storageItemCount == 0)
let data = storageData[origin] = {};
for (let j = 0; j < storageItemCount; j++) {
try {
let key = storage.key(j);
data[key] = storage.getItem(key);
catch (ex) { /* XXXzeniko this currently throws for secured items (cf. bug 442048) */ }
hasContent = true;
if (hasContent) = storageData;
* go through all tabs and store the current scroll positions
* and innerHTML content of WYSIWYG editors
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
_updateTextAndScrollData: function sss_updateTextAndScrollData(aWindow) {
var browsers = aWindow.getBrowser().browsers;
for (var i = 0; i < browsers.length; i++) {
try {
var tabData = this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].tabs[i];
if (browsers[i].__SS_data &&
browsers[i].__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_NEEDS_RESTORE)
continue; // ignore incompletely initialized tabs
this._updateTextAndScrollDataForTab(aWindow, browsers[i], tabData);
catch (ex) { debug(ex); } // get as much data as possible, ignore failures (might succeed the next time)
* go through all frames and store the current scroll positions
* and innerHTML content of WYSIWYG editors
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
* @param aBrowser
* single browser reference
* @param aTabData
* tabData object to add the information to
* @param aFullData
* always return privacy sensitive data (use with care)
function sss_updateTextAndScrollDataForTab(aWindow, aBrowser, aTabData, aFullData) {
var tabIndex = (aTabData.index || aTabData.entries.length) - 1;
// entry data needn't exist for tabs just initialized with an incomplete session state
if (!aTabData.entries[tabIndex])
let selectedPageStyle = aBrowser.markupDocumentViewer.authorStyleDisabled ? "_nostyle" :
if (selectedPageStyle)
aTabData.pageStyle = selectedPageStyle;
else if (aTabData.pageStyle)
delete aTabData.pageStyle;
this._updateTextAndScrollDataForFrame(aWindow, aBrowser.contentWindow,
if (aBrowser.currentURI.spec == "about:config")
aTabData.entries[tabIndex].formdata = {
"#textbox": aBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("textbox").value
* go through all subframes and store all form data, the current
* scroll positions and innerHTML content of WYSIWYG editors
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
* @param aContent
* frame reference
* @param aData
* part of a tabData object to add the information to
* @param aFullData
* always return privacy sensitive data (use with care)
* @param aIsPinned
* the tab is pinned and should be treated differently for privacy
function sss_updateTextAndScrollDataForFrame(aWindow, aContent, aData,
aFullData, aIsPinned) {
for (var i = 0; i < aContent.frames.length; i++) {
if (aData.children && aData.children[i])
this._updateTextAndScrollDataForFrame(aWindow, aContent.frames[i],
aFullData, aIsPinned);
var isHTTPS = this._getURIFromString((aContent.parent || aContent).
if (aFullData || this._checkPrivacyLevel(isHTTPS, aIsPinned) || == "about:sessionrestore") {
let formData = this._collectFormDataForFrame(aContent.document);
if (formData)
aData.formdata = formData;
else if (aData.formdata)
delete aData.formdata;
// designMode is undefined e.g. for XUL documents (as about:config)
if ((aContent.document.designMode || "") == "on") {
if (aData.innerHTML === undefined && !aFullData) {
// we get no "input" events from iframes - listen for keypress here
aContent.addEventListener("keypress", this.saveStateDelayed.bind(this, aWindow, 3000), true);
aData.innerHTML = aContent.document.body.innerHTML;
// get scroll position from nsIDOMWindowUtils, since it allows avoiding a
// flush of layout
let domWindowUtils = aContent.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
let scrollX = {}, scrollY = {};
domWindowUtils.getScrollXY(false, scrollX, scrollY);
aData.scroll = scrollX.value + "," + scrollY.value;
* determine the title of the currently enabled style sheet (if any)
* and recurse through the frameset if necessary
* @param aContent is a frame reference
* @returns the title style sheet determined to be enabled (empty string if none)
_getSelectedPageStyle: function sss_getSelectedPageStyle(aContent) {
const forScreen = /(?:^|,)\s*(?:all|screen)\s*(?:,|$)/i;
for (let i = 0; i < aContent.document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
let ss = aContent.document.styleSheets[i];
let media =;
if (!ss.disabled && ss.title && (!media || forScreen.test(media)))
return ss.title
for (let i = 0; i < aContent.frames.length; i++) {
let selectedPageStyle = this._getSelectedPageStyle(aContent.frames[i]);
if (selectedPageStyle)
return selectedPageStyle;
return "";
* collect the state of all form elements
* @param aDocument
* document reference
_collectFormDataForFrame: function sss_collectFormDataForFrame(aDocument) {
let formNodes = aDocument.evaluate(XPathGenerator.restorableFormNodes, aDocument,
aDocument.defaultView.XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null);
let node = formNodes.iterateNext();
if (!node)
return null;
let generatedCount = 0;
let data = {};
do {
let nId =;
let hasDefaultValue = true;
let value;
// Only generate a limited number of XPath expressions for perf reasons (cf. bug 477564)
if (!nId && generatedCount > MAX_GENERATED_XPATHS)
if (ChromeUtils.getClassName(node) === "HTMLInputElement" ||
ChromeUtils.getClassName(node) === "HTMLTextAreaElement") {
switch (node.type) {
case "checkbox":
case "radio":
value = node.checked;
hasDefaultValue = value == node.defaultChecked;
case "file":
value = { type: "file", fileList: node.mozGetFileNameArray() };
hasDefaultValue = !value.fileList.length;
default: // text, textarea
value = node.value;
hasDefaultValue = value == node.defaultValue;
else if (!node.multiple) {
// <select>s without the multiple attribute are hard to determine the
// default value, so assume we don't have the default.
hasDefaultValue = false;
value = node.selectedIndex;
else {
// <select>s with the multiple attribute are easier to determine the
// default value since each <option> has a defaultSelected
let options = Array.from(node.options, function(aOpt, aIx) {
let oSelected = aOpt.selected;
hasDefaultValue = hasDefaultValue && (oSelected == aOpt.defaultSelected);
return oSelected ? aIx : -1;
value = options.filter(aIx => aIx >= 0);
// In order to reduce XPath generation (which is slow), we only save data
// for form fields that have been changed. (cf. bug 537289)
if (!hasDefaultValue) {
if (nId) {
data["#" + nId] = value;
else {
data[XPathGenerator.generate(node)] = value;
} while ((node = formNodes.iterateNext()));
return data;
* extract the base domain from a history entry and its children
* @param aEntry
* the history entry, serialized
* @param aHosts
* the hash that will be used to store hosts eg, { hostname: true }
* @param aCheckPrivacy
* should we check the privacy level for https
* @param aIsPinned
* is the entry we're evaluating for a pinned tab; used only if
* aCheckPrivacy
function sss__extractHostsForCookiesFromEntry(aEntry, aHosts, aCheckPrivacy, aIsPinned) {
if (aEntry.children) {
aEntry.children.forEach(function(entry) {
this._extractHostsForCookiesFromEntry(entry, aHosts, aCheckPrivacy, aIsPinned);
}, this);
* extract the base domain from a host & scheme
* @param aHost
* the host of a uri (usually via
* @param aScheme
* the scheme of a uri (usually via nsIURI.scheme)
* @param aHosts
* the hash that will be used to store hosts eg, { hostname: true }
* @param aCheckPrivacy
* should we check the privacy level for https
* @param aIsPinned
* is the entry we're evaluating for a pinned tab; used only if
* aCheckPrivacy
function sss__extractHostsForCookiesFromHostScheme(aHost, aScheme, aHosts, aCheckPrivacy, aIsPinned) {
// host and scheme may not be set (for about: urls for example), in which
// case testing scheme will be sufficient.
if (/https?/.test(aScheme) && !aHosts[aHost] &&
(!aCheckPrivacy ||
this._checkPrivacyLevel(aScheme == "https", aIsPinned))) {
// By setting this to true or false, we can determine when looking at
// the host in _updateCookies if we should check for privacy.
aHosts[aHost] = aIsPinned;
else if (aScheme == "file") {
aHosts[aHost] = true;
* Serialize cookie data
* @param aWindows
* JS object containing window data references
* { id: winData, etc. }
_updateCookies: function sss_updateCookies(aWindows) {
var jscookies = {};
// MAX_EXPIRY should be 2^63-1, but JavaScript can't handle that precision
var MAX_EXPIRY = Math.pow(2, 62);
for (let window of aWindows) {
window.cookies = [];
// Collect all hosts for the current window.
let hosts = {};
window.tabs.forEach(function(tab) {
tab.entries.forEach(function(entry) {
this._extractHostsForCookiesFromEntry(entry, hosts, true, tab.pinned);
}, this);
}, this);
for (var [host, isPinned] of Object.entries(hosts)) {
try {
var list = Services.cookies.getCookiesFromHost(host, {});
while (list.hasMoreElements()) {
var cookie = list.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsICookie2);
// window._hosts will only have hosts with the right privacy rules,
// so there is no need to do anything special with this call to
// _checkPrivacyLevel.
if (cookie.isSession && this._checkPrivacyLevel(cookie.isSecure, isPinned)) {
// use the cookie's host, path, and name as keys into a hash,
// to make sure we serialize each cookie only once
// lazily build up a 3-dimensional hash, with
// host, path, and name as keys
if (!jscookies[])
jscookies[] = {};
if (!jscookies[][cookie.path])
jscookies[][cookie.path] = {};
if (!jscookies[][cookie.path][]) {
var jscookie = { "host":, "value": cookie.value };
// only add attributes with non-default values (saving a few bits)
if (cookie.path)
jscookie.path = cookie.path;
if ( =;
if (cookie.isSecure) = true;
if (cookie.isHttpOnly)
jscookie.httponly = true;
if (cookie.expiry < MAX_EXPIRY)
jscookie.expiry = cookie.expiry;
if (cookie.originAttributes)
jscookie.originAttributes = cookie.originAttributes;
jscookies[][cookie.path][] = jscookie;
catch (ex) {
debug("getCookiesFromHost failed. Host: " + host);
// don't include empty cookie sections
if (!window.cookies.length)
delete window.cookies;
* Store window dimensions, visibility, sidebar
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
_updateWindowFeatures: function sss_updateWindowFeatures(aWindow) {
var winData = this._windows[aWindow.__SSi];
for (var aAttr in WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES)
winData[aAttr] = this._getWindowDimension(aWindow, aAttr);
var hidden = WINDOW_HIDEABLE_FEATURES.filter(function(aItem) {
return aWindow[aItem] && !aWindow[aItem].visible;
if (hidden.length != 0)
winData.hidden = hidden.join(",");
else if (winData.hidden)
delete winData.hidden;
var sidebar = aWindow.document.getElementById("sidebar-box").getAttribute("sidebarcommand");
if (sidebar)
winData.sidebar = sidebar;
else if (winData.sidebar)
delete winData.sidebar;
* serialize session data as Ini-formatted string
* @param aUpdateAll
* Bool update all windows
* @returns string
_getCurrentState: function sss_getCurrentState(aUpdateAll) {
var activeWindow = this._getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
if (this._loadState == STATE_RUNNING) {
// update the data for all windows with activities since the last save operation
this._forEachBrowserWindow(function(aWindow) {
if (!this._isWindowLoaded(aWindow)) // window data is still in _statesToRestore
if (aUpdateAll || DirtyWindows.has(aWindow) || aWindow == activeWindow) {
else { // always update the window features (whose change alone never triggers a save operation)
// collect the data for all windows
var total = [], ids = [];
var nonPopupCount = 0;
var ix;
for (ix in this._windows) {
if (this._windows[ix]._restoring) // window data is still in _statesToRestore
if (!this._windows[ix].isPopup)
// collect the data for all windows yet to be restored
for (ix in this._statesToRestore) {
for (let winData of this._statesToRestore[ix].windows) {
if (!winData.isPopup)
// shallow copy this._closedWindows to preserve current state
let lastClosedWindowsCopy = this._closedWindows.slice();
// If no non-popup browser window remains open, return the state of the last
// closed window(s). We only want to do this when we're actually "ending"
// the session.
//XXXzpao We should do this for _restoreLastWindow == true, but that has
// its own check for popups. c.f. bug 597619
if (AppConstants.platform != "macosx" &&
nonPopupCount == 0 && lastClosedWindowsCopy.length > 0 &&
this._loadState == STATE_QUITTING) {
// prepend the last non-popup browser window, so that if the user loads more tabs
// at startup we don't accidentally add them to a popup window
do {
} while (total[0].isPopup)
if (activeWindow) {
this.activeWindowSSiCache = activeWindow.__SSi || "";
ix = ids.indexOf(this.activeWindowSSiCache);
// We don't want to restore focus to a minimized window.
if (ix != -1 && total[ix].sizemode == "minimized")
ix = -1;
let session = {
startTime: this._sessionStartTime,
recentCrashes: this._recentCrashes
return {
windows: total,
selectedWindow: ix + 1,
_closedWindows: lastClosedWindowsCopy,
session: session
* serialize session data for a window
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
* @returns string
_getWindowState: function sss_getWindowState(aWindow) {
if (!this._isWindowLoaded(aWindow))
return this._statesToRestore[aWindow.__SS_restoreID];
if (this._loadState == STATE_RUNNING) {
let windows = [this._windows[aWindow.__SSi]];
return { windows: windows };
_collectWindowData: function sss_collectWindowData(aWindow) {
if (!this._isWindowLoaded(aWindow))
// update the internal state data for this window
// Make sure we keep __SS_lastSessionWindowID around for cases like entering
// or leaving PB mode.
if (aWindow.__SS_lastSessionWindowID)
this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].__lastSessionWindowID =
/* ........ Restoring Functionality .............. */
* restore features to a single window
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
* @param aState
* JS object or its eval'able source
* @param aOverwriteTabs
* bool overwrite existing tabs w/ new ones
* @param aFollowUp
* bool this isn't the restoration of the first window
restoreWindow: function sss_restoreWindow(aWindow, aState, aOverwriteTabs, aFollowUp) {
if (!aFollowUp) {
this.windowToFocus = aWindow;
// initialize window if necessary
if (aWindow && (!aWindow.__SSi || !this._windows[aWindow.__SSi]))
try {
var root = typeof aState == "string" ? JSON.parse(aState) : aState;
if (![0]) {
return; // nothing to restore
catch (ex) { // invalid state object - don't restore anything
// We're not returning from this before we end up calling restoreHistoryPrecursor
// for this window, so make sure we send the SSWindowStateBusy event.
this._sendWindowStateEvent(aWindow, "Busy");
if (root._closedWindows)
this._closedWindows = root._closedWindows;
var winData;
if (!aState.selectedWindow || aState.selectedWindow > {
aState.selectedWindow = 0;
// open new windows for all further window entries of a multi-window session
// (unless they don't contain any tab data)
for (var w = 1; w <; w++) {
winData =[w];
if (winData && winData.tabs && winData.tabs[0]) {
var window = this._openWindowWithState({ windows: [winData] });
if (w == aState.selectedWindow - 1) {
this.windowToFocus = window;
winData =[0];
if (!winData.tabs) {
winData.tabs = [];
// don't restore a single blank tab when we've had an external
// URL passed in for loading at startup (cf. bug 357419)
else if (root._firstTabs && !aOverwriteTabs && winData.tabs.length == 1 &&
(!winData.tabs[0].entries || winData.tabs[0].entries.length == 0)) {
winData.tabs = [];
var tabbrowser = aWindow.getBrowser();
var openTabCount = aOverwriteTabs ? tabbrowser.browsers.length : -1;
var newTabCount = winData.tabs.length;
var tabs = [];
// disable smooth scrolling while adding, moving, removing and selecting tabs
var tabstrip = tabbrowser.tabContainer.arrowScrollbox;
var smoothScroll = tabstrip.smoothScroll;
tabstrip.smoothScroll = false;
// make sure that the selected tab won't be closed in order to
// prevent unnecessary flickering
if (aOverwriteTabs && tabbrowser.tabContainer.selectedIndex >= newTabCount)
tabbrowser.moveTabTo(tabbrowser.selectedTab, newTabCount - 1);
for (var t = 0; t < newTabCount; t++) {
tabs.push(t < openTabCount ?
tabbrowser.tabs[t] :
// Ftr, SeaMonkey doesn't support animation (yet).
// when resuming at startup: add additionally requested pages to the end
if (!aOverwriteTabs && root._firstTabs) {
tabbrowser.moveTabTo(tabs[t], t);
// If overwriting tabs, we want to reset each tab's "restoring" state. Since
// we're overwriting those tabs, they should no longer be restoring. The
// tabs will be rebuilt and marked if they need to be restored after loading
// state (in restoreHistoryPrecursor).
if (aOverwriteTabs) {
for (let i = 0; i < tabbrowser.tabs.length; i++) {
if (tabbrowser.browsers[i].__SS_restoreState)
// We want to set up a counter on the window that indicates how many tabs
// in this window are unrestored. This will be used in restoreNextTab to
// determine if gRestoreTabsProgressListener should be removed from the window.
// If we aren't overwriting existing tabs, then we want to add to the existing
// count in case there are still tabs restoring.
if (!aWindow.__SS_tabsToRestore)
aWindow.__SS_tabsToRestore = 0;
if (aOverwriteTabs)
aWindow.__SS_tabsToRestore = newTabCount;
aWindow.__SS_tabsToRestore += newTabCount;
// We want to correlate the window with data from the last session, so
// assign another id if we have one. Otherwise clear so we don't do
// anything with it.
delete aWindow.__SS_lastSessionWindowID;
if (winData.__lastSessionWindowID)
aWindow.__SS_lastSessionWindowID = winData.__lastSessionWindowID;
// when overwriting tabs, remove all superflous ones
for (t = openTabCount - 1; t >= newTabCount; t--) {
if (aOverwriteTabs) {
this.restoreWindowFeatures(aWindow, winData);
delete this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].extData;
if (winData.cookies) {
if (winData.extData) {
if (!this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].extData) {
this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].extData = {};
for (var key in winData.extData) {
this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].extData[key] = winData.extData[key];
if (aOverwriteTabs || root._firstTabs) {
this._windows[aWindow.__SSi]._closedTabs = winData._closedTabs || [];
this.restoreHistoryPrecursor(aWindow, tabs, winData.tabs,
(aOverwriteTabs ? (parseInt(winData.selected) || 1) : 0), 0, 0);
// set smoothScroll back to the original value
tabstrip.smoothScroll = smoothScroll;
* Manage history restoration for a window
* @param aWindow
* Window to restore the tabs into
* @param aTabs
* Array of tab references
* @param aTabData
* Array of tab data
* @param aSelectTab
* Index of selected tab
* @param aIx
* Index of the next tab to check readyness for
* @param aCount
* Counter for number of times delaying b/c browser or history aren't ready
function sss_restoreHistoryPrecursor(aWindow, aTabs, aTabData, aSelectTab, aIx, aCount) {
var tabbrowser = aWindow.getBrowser();
// make sure that all browsers and their histories are available
// - if one's not, resume this check in 100ms (repeat at most 10 times)
for (var t = aIx; t < aTabs.length; t++) {
try {
if (!tabbrowser.getBrowserForTab(aTabs[t]).webNavigation.sessionHistory) {
throw new Error();
catch (ex) { // in case browser or history aren't ready yet
if (aCount < 10) {
var restoreHistoryFunc = function(self) {
self.restoreHistoryPrecursor(aWindow, aTabs, aTabData, aSelectTab, aIx, aCount + 1);
aWindow.setTimeout(restoreHistoryFunc, 100, this);
if (!this._isWindowLoaded(aWindow)) {
// from now on, the data will come from the actual window
delete this._statesToRestore[aWindow.__SS_restoreID];
delete aWindow.__SS_restoreID;
delete this._windows[aWindow.__SSi]._restoring;
// It's important to set the window state to dirty so that
// we collect their data for the first time when saving state.
if (aTabs.length == 0) {
// this is normally done in restoreHistory() but as we're returning early
// here we need to take care of it.
this._sendWindowStateEvent(aWindow, "Ready");
if (aTabs.length > 1) {
// Load hidden tabs last, by pushing them to the end of the list
let unhiddenTabs = aTabs.length;
for (let t = 0; t < unhiddenTabs; ) {
if (aTabData[t].hidden) {
aTabs = aTabs.concat(aTabs.splice(t, 1));
aTabData = aTabData.concat(aTabData.splice(t, 1));
if (aSelectTab > t)
// Determine if we can optimize & load visible tabs first
let maxVisibleTabs = Math.ceil(tabbrowser.tabContainer.arrowScrollbox.scrollClientSize /
aTabs[unhiddenTabs - 1].getBoundingClientRect().width);
// make sure we restore visible tabs first, if there are enough
if (maxVisibleTabs < unhiddenTabs && aSelectTab > 1) {
let firstVisibleTab = 0;
if (unhiddenTabs - maxVisibleTabs > aSelectTab) {
// aSelectTab is leftmost since we scroll to it when possible
firstVisibleTab = aSelectTab - 1;
} else {
// aSelectTab is rightmost or no more room to scroll right
firstVisibleTab = unhiddenTabs - maxVisibleTabs;
aTabs = aTabs.splice(firstVisibleTab, maxVisibleTabs).concat(aTabs);
aTabData = aTabData.splice(firstVisibleTab, maxVisibleTabs).concat(aTabData);
aSelectTab -= firstVisibleTab;
// make sure to restore the selected tab first (if any)
if (aSelectTab-- && aTabs[aSelectTab]) {
aTabs.unshift(aTabs.splice(aSelectTab, 1)[0]);
aTabData.unshift(aTabData.splice(aSelectTab, 1)[0]);
tabbrowser.selectedTab = aTabs[0];
// Prepare the tabs so that they can be properly restored. We'll pin/unpin
// and show/hide tabs as necessary. We'll also set the labels, user typed
// value, and attach a copy of the tab's data in case we close it before
// it's been restored.
for (t = 0; t < aTabs.length; t++) {
let tab = aTabs[t];
let browser = tabbrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab);
let tabData = aTabData[t];
if (tabData.hidden) {
tab.setAttribute("hidden", true);
} else {
if (tab.hidden) {
for (let name in tabData.attributes)
this.xulAttributes[name] = true;
// keep the data around to prevent dataloss in case
// a tab gets closed before it's been properly restored
browser.__SS_data = tabData;
browser.__SS_restoreState = TAB_STATE_NEEDS_RESTORE;
// Make sure that set/getTabValue will set/read the correct data by
// wiping out any current value in tab.__SS_extdata.
delete tab.__SS_extdata;
if (!tabData.entries || tabData.entries.length == 0) {
// make sure to blank out this tab's content
// (just purging the tab's history won't be enough)
browser.contentDocument.location = "about:blank";
browser.stop(); // in case about:blank isn't done yet
// wall-paper fix for bug 439675: make sure that the URL to be loaded
// is always visible in the address bar
let activeIndex = (tabData.index || tabData.entries.length) - 1;
let activePageData = tabData.entries[activeIndex] || null;
let uri = activePageData ? activePageData.url || null : null;
// NB: we won't set initial URIs (about:blank, about:privatebrowsing, etc.)
// here because their load will not normally trigger a location bar clearing
// when they finish loading (to avoid race conditions where we then
// clear user input instead), so we shouldn't set them here either.
// They also don't fall under the issues in bug 439675 where user input
// needs to be preserved if the load doesn't succeed.
if (!browser.userTypedValue && uri && !aWindow.gInitialPages.has(uri)) {
browser.userTypedValue = uri;
// Also make sure currentURI is set so that switch-to-tab works before
// the tab is restored. We'll reset this to about:blank when we try to
// restore the tab to ensure that docshell doeesn't get confused.
if (uri)
// If the page has a title, set it.
if (activePageData) {
if (activePageData.title) {
tab.label = activePageData.title;
tab.crop = "end";
} else if (activePageData.url != "about:blank") {
tab.label = activePageData.url;
tab.crop = "center";
// helper hashes for ensuring unique frame IDs and unique document
// identifiers.
var idMap = { used: {} };
var docIdentMap = {};
this.restoreHistory(aWindow, aTabs, aTabData, idMap, docIdentMap);
* Restore history for a window
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
* @param aTabs
* Array of tab references
* @param aTabData
* Array of tab data
* @param aIdMap
* Hash for ensuring unique frame IDs
function sss_restoreHistory(aWindow, aTabs, aTabData, aIdMap, aDocIdentMap) {
// if the tab got removed before being completely restored, then skip it
while (aTabs.length > 0 && (!aTabs[0].parentNode || !aTabs[0].linkedBrowser)) {
if (aTabs.length == 0) {
// At this point we're essentially ready for consumers to read/write data
// via the sessionstore API so we'll send the SSWindowStateReady event.
this._sendWindowStateEvent(aWindow, "Ready");
return; // no more tabs to restore
var tab = aTabs.shift();
var tabData = aTabData.shift();
var browser = aWindow.getBrowser().getBrowserForTab(tab);
var history = browser.webNavigation.sessionHistory;
if (history.count > 0) {
browser.__SS_shistoryListener = new SessionStoreSHistoryListener(this, tab);
if (!tabData.entries) {
tabData.entries = [];
if (tabData.extData) {
tab.__SS_extdata = {};
for (let key in tabData.extData)
tab.__SS_extdata[key] = tabData.extData[key];
delete tab.__SS_extdata;
for (var i = 0; i < tabData.entries.length; i++) {
let cloneEntry = false;
//XXXzpao Wallpaper patch for bug 509315
if (!tabData.entries[i].url)
let shEntry = this._deserializeHistoryEntry(tabData.entries[i],
aIdMap, aDocIdentMap);
try {
history.addEntry(shEntry, true);
catch (ex) {
cloneEntry = true;
// Workaround for bug 1466911.
// FIXME Remove this after the issue which caused the exception above
// to be thrown has been fixed.
if (cloneEntry) {
shEntry = shEntry.clone();
try {
history.addEntry(shEntry, true);
catch (ex) {
// make sure to reset the capabilities and attributes, in case this tab gets reused
var disallow = (tabData.disallow)?tabData.disallow.split(","):[];
CAPABILITIES.forEach(function(aCapability) {
browser.docShell["allow" + aCapability] = !disallow.includes(aCapability);
for (let name in this.xulAttributes)
for (let name in tabData.attributes)
tab.setAttribute(name, tabData.attributes[name]);
if ( && browser.docShell instanceof Ci.nsIDocShell)
this._deserializeSessionStorage(, browser.docShell);
// notify the tabbrowser that the tab chrome has been restored
var event = aWindow.document.createEvent("Events");
event.initEvent("SSTabRestoring", true, false);
// Restore the history in the next tab, aWindow,
aTabs, aTabData, aIdMap, aDocIdentMap), Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL);
// This could cause us to ignore the max_concurrent_tabs pref a bit, but
// it ensures each window will have its selected tab loaded.
if (aWindow.getBrowser().selectedBrowser == browser) {
else {
// Put the tab into the right bucket
if (tabData.hidden)
* Restores the specified tab. If the tab can't be restored (eg, no history or
* calling gotoIndex fails), then state changes will be rolled back.
* This method will check if gTabsProgressListener is attached to the tab's
* window, ensuring that we don't get caught without one.
* This method removes the session history listener right before starting to
* attempt a load. This will prevent cases of "stuck" listeners.
* If this method returns false, then it is up to the caller to decide what to
* do. In the common case (restoreNextTab), we will want to then attempt to
* restore the next tab. In the other case (selecting the tab, reloading the
* tab), the caller doesn't actually want to do anything if no page is loaded.
* @param aTab
* the tab to restore
* @returns true/false indicating whether or not a load actually happened
restoreTab: function sss_restoreTab(aTab) {
let window = aTab.ownerDocument.defaultView;
let browser = aTab.linkedBrowser;
let tabData = browser.__SS_data;
// If the tabData which we're sending down has any sessionStorage associated
// with it, we need to send down permissions for the domains, as this
// information will be needed to correctly restore the session.
if ( {
for (let origin of Object.getOwnPropertyNames( {
try {
let {frameLoader} = browser;
if (frameLoader.tabParent) {
let attrs = browser.contentPrincipal.originAttributes;
let dataPrincipal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createCodebasePrincipalFromOrigin(origin);
let principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createCodebasePrincipal(dataPrincipal.URI, attrs);
} catch (e) {
// There are cases within where we haven't actually started a load. In that
// that case we'll reset state changes we made and return false to the caller
// can handle appropriately.
let didStartLoad = false;
// Make sure that the tabs progress listener is attached to this window
// Make sure that this tab is removed from _tabsToRestore
// Increase our internal count.
// Set this tab's state to restoring
browser.__SS_restoreState = TAB_STATE_RESTORING;
// Remove the history listener, since we no longer need it once we start restoring
let activeIndex = (tabData.index || tabData.entries.length) - 1;
if (activeIndex >= tabData.entries.length)
activeIndex = tabData.entries.length - 1;
// Reset currentURI.
// Attach data that will be restored on "load" event, after tab is restored.
if (activeIndex > -1) {
// restore those aspects of the currently active documents which are not
// preserved in the plain history entries (mainly scroll state and text data)
browser.__SS_restore_data = tabData.entries[activeIndex] || {};
browser.__SS_restore_pageStyle = tabData.pageStyle || "";
browser.__SS_restore_tab = aTab;
didStartLoad = true;
try {
// In order to work around certain issues in session history, we need to
// force session history to update its internal index and call reload
// instead of gotoIndex. See bug 597315.
var sessionHistory = browser.webNavigation.sessionHistory;
sessionHistory.index = activeIndex;
catch (ex) {
// ignore page load errors
didStartLoad = false;
// Handle userTypedValue. Setting userTypedValue seems to update gURLbar
// as needed. Calling loadURI will cancel form filling in restoreDocument
if (tabData.userTypedValue) {
browser.userTypedValue = tabData.userTypedValue;
if (tabData.userTypedClear) {
// Make it so that we'll enter restoreDocument on page load. We will
// fire SSTabRestored from there. We don't have any form data to
// restore so we can just set the URL to null.
browser.__SS_restore_data = { url: null };
browser.__SS_restore_tab = aTab;
didStartLoad = true;
null, null, null,
// If we didn't start a load, then we won't reset this tab through the usual
// channel (via the progress listener), so reset the tab ourselves. We will
// also send SSTabRestored since this tab has technically been restored.
if (!didStartLoad) {
return didStartLoad;
* This _attempts_ to restore the next available tab. If the restore fails,
* then we will attempt the next one.
* There are conditions where this won't do anything:
* if we're in the process of quitting
* if there are no tabs to restore
* if we have already reached the limit for number of tabs to restore
restoreNextTab: function sss_restoreNextTab() {
// If we call in here while quitting, we don't actually want to do anything
if (this._loadState == STATE_QUITTING)
// If it's not possible to restore anything, then just bail out.
if (this._maxConcurrentTabRestores >= 0 &&
this._tabsRestoringCount >= this._maxConcurrentTabRestores)
// Look in visible, then hidden
let nextTabArray;
if (this._tabsToRestore.visible.length) {
nextTabArray = this._tabsToRestore.visible;
else if (this._tabsToRestore.hidden.length) {
nextTabArray = this._tabsToRestore.hidden;
if (nextTabArray) {
let tab = nextTabArray.shift();
let didStartLoad = this.restoreTab(tab);
// If we don't start a load in the restored tab (eg, no entries) then we
// want to attempt to restore the next tab.
if (!didStartLoad)
* expands serialized history data into a session-history-entry instance
* @param aEntry
* Object containing serialized history data for a URL
* @param aIdMap
* Hash for ensuring unique frame IDs
* @returns nsISHEntry
function sss_deserializeHistoryEntry(aEntry, aIdMap, aDocIdentMap) {
var shEntry = Cc[";1"]
shEntry.URI = this._getURIFromString(aEntry.url);
shEntry.title = aEntry.title || aEntry.url;
if (aEntry.subframe)
shEntry.isSubFrame = aEntry.subframe || false;
shEntry.loadType = Ci.nsIDocShellLoadInfo.loadHistory;
if (aEntry.contentType)
shEntry.contentType = aEntry.contentType;
if (aEntry.referrer)
shEntry.referrerURI = this._getURIFromString(aEntry.referrer);
if (aEntry.cacheKey) {
var cacheKey = Cc[";1"]
.createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsPRUint32); = aEntry.cacheKey;
shEntry.cacheKey = cacheKey;
if (aEntry.ID) {
// get a new unique ID for this frame (since the one from the last
// start might already be in use)
var id = aIdMap[aEntry.ID] || 0;
if (!id) {
for (id =; id in aIdMap.used; id++);
aIdMap[aEntry.ID] = id;
aIdMap.used[id] = true;
shEntry.ID = id;
// If we have the legacy docshellID on our entry, upgrade it to a
// docshellUUID by going through the mapping.
if (aEntry.docshellID) {
if (!this._docshellUUIDMap.has(aEntry.docshellID)) {
// Convert the nsID to a string so that the docshellUUID property
// is correctly stored as a string.
aEntry.docshellUUID = this._docshellUUIDMap.get(aEntry.docshellID);
delete aEntry.docshellID;
if (aEntry.docshellUUID)
shEntry.docshellID = Components.ID(aEntry.docshellUUID);
if (aEntry.structuredCloneState && aEntry.structuredCloneVersion) {
shEntry.stateData =
if (aEntry.scroll) {
var scrollPos = (aEntry.scroll || "0,0").split(",");
scrollPos = [parseInt(scrollPos[0]) || 0, parseInt(scrollPos[1]) || 0];
shEntry.setScrollPosition(scrollPos[0], scrollPos[1]);
if (aEntry.postdata_b64) {
var postdata = atob(aEntry.postdata_b64);
var stream = Cc[";1"]
stream.setData(postdata, postdata.length);
shEntry.postData = stream;
let childDocIdents = {};
if (aEntry.docIdentifier) {
// If we have a serialized document identifier, try to find an SHEntry
// which matches that doc identifier and adopt that SHEntry's
// BFCacheEntry. If we don't find a match, insert shEntry as the match
// for the document identifier.
let matchingEntry = aDocIdentMap[aEntry.docIdentifier];
if (!matchingEntry) {
matchingEntry = {shEntry: shEntry, childDocIdents: childDocIdents};
aDocIdentMap[aEntry.docIdentifier] = matchingEntry;
else {
childDocIdents = matchingEntry.childDocIdents;
// The field entry.owner_b64 got renamed to entry.triggeringPricipal_b64 in
// Bug 1286472 and Bug 1334780 for SeaMonkey.
// To remain backward compatible we still have to support that field for a
// few cycles before we can remove it.
if (aEntry.owner_b64) {
aEntry.triggeringPricipal_b64 = aEntry.owner_b64;
delete aEntry.owner_b64;
// Before introducing the concept of principalToInherit we only had
// a triggeringPrincipal within every entry which basically is the
// equivalent of the new principalToInherit. To avoid compatibility
// issues, we first check if the entry has entries for
// triggeringPrincipal_base64 and principalToInherit_base64. If not
// we fall back to using the principalToInherit (which is stored
// as triggeringPrincipal_b64) as the triggeringPrincipal and
// the principalToInherit.
// FF55 will remove the triggeringPrincipal_b64, see Bug 1301666.
if (aEntry.triggeringPrincipal_base64 || aEntry.principalToInherit_base64) {
if (aEntry.triggeringPrincipal_base64) {
shEntry.triggeringPrincipal =
if (aEntry.principalToInherit_base64) {
shEntry.principalToInherit =
} else if (aEntry.triggeringPrincipal_b64) {
shEntry.triggeringPrincipal = Utils.deserializePrincipal(aEntry.triggeringPrincipal_b64);
shEntry.principalToInherit = shEntry.triggeringPrincipal;
if (aEntry.children && shEntry instanceof Ci.nsISHContainer) {
for (var i = 0; i < aEntry.children.length; i++) {
//XXXzpao Wallpaper patch for bug 509315
if (!aEntry.children[i].url)
// We're mysteriously getting sessionrestore.js files with a cycle in
// the doc-identifier graph. (That is, we have an entry where doc
// identifier A is an ancestor of doc identifier B, and another entry
// where doc identifier B is an ancestor of A.)
// If we were to respect these doc identifiers, we'd create a cycle in
// the SHEntries themselves, which causes the docshell to loop forever
// when it looks for the root SHEntry.
// So as a hack to fix this, we restrict the scope of a doc identifier
// to be a node's siblings and cousins, and pass childDocIdents, not
// aDocIdents, to _deserializeHistoryEntry. That is, we say that two
// SHEntries with the same doc identifier have the same document iff
// they have the same parent or their parents have the same document.
shEntry.AddChild(this._deserializeHistoryEntry(aEntry.children[i], aIdMap,
childDocIdents), i);
return shEntry;
* restores all sessionStorage "super cookies"
* @param aStorageData
* Storage data to be restored
* @param aDocShell
* A tab's docshell (containing the sessionStorage)
_deserializeSessionStorage: function sss_deserializeSessionStorage(aStorageData, aDocShell) {
for (let origin of Object.keys(aStorageData)) {
let data = aStorageData[origin];
let principal;
try {
// NOTE: We record the full origin for the URI which the
// sessionStorage is being captured for. As of bug 1319114 this code
// stopped parsing any origins which have originattributes correctly, as
// it decided to use the origin attributes from the docshell, and try to
// interpret the origin as a URI. Since bug 1473426 code now correctly
// parses the full origin, and then discards the origin attributes, to
// make the behavior line up with the original intentions in bug 1235657
// while preserving the ability to read all session storage from
// previous versions. In the future, if this behavior is desired, we may
// want to use the spec instead of the origin as the key, and avoid
// transmitting origin attribute information which we then discard when
// restoring.
// If changing this logic, make sure to also change the principal
// computation logic in restoretab.
let attrs = aDocShell.getOriginAttributes();
let dataPrincipal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createCodebasePrincipalFromOrigin(origin);
principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createCodebasePrincipal(dataPrincipal.URI, attrs);
} catch (e) {
let storageManager = aDocShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMStorageManager);
let window = aDocShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
// There is no need to pass documentURI, it's only used to fill documentURI property of
// domstorage event, which in this case has no consumer. Prevention of events in case
// of missing documentURI will be solved in a followup bug to bug 600307.
let storage = storageManager.createStorage(window, principal, "");
for (let key of Object.keys(data)) {
try {
storage.setItem(key, data[key]);
} catch (e) {
// Throws e.g. for URIs that can't have sessionStorage.
* Restore properties to a loaded document
restoreDocument: function sss_restoreDocument(aWindow, aBrowser, aEvent) {
// wait for the top frame to be loaded completely
if (!aEvent || !aEvent.originalTarget || !aEvent.originalTarget.defaultView || aEvent.originalTarget.defaultView != {
// always call this before injecting content into a document!
function hasExpectedURL(aDocument, aURL) {
return !aURL || aURL.replace(/#.*/, "") == aDocument.location.href.replace(/#.*/, "");
function restoreFormData(aDocument, aData, aURL) {
for (let key in aData) {
if (!hasExpectedURL(aDocument, aURL))
let node = key.charAt(0) == "#" ? aDocument.getElementById(key.slice(1)) :
XPathGenerator.resolve(aDocument, key);
if (!node)
let eventType;
let value = aData[key];
if (typeof value == "string" && node.type != "file") {
if (node.value == value)
continue; // don't dispatch an input event for no change
node.value = value;
eventType = "input";
else if (typeof value == "boolean") {
if (node.checked == value)
continue; // don't dispatch a change event for no change
node.checked = value;
eventType = "change";
else if (typeof value == "number") {
// We saved the value blindly since selects take more work to determine
// default values. So now we should check to avoid unnecessary events.
if (node.selectedIndex == value)
try {
node.selectedIndex = value;
eventType = "change";
} catch (ex) { /* throws for invalid indices */ }
else if (value && value.fileList && value.type == "file" && node.type == "file") {
node.mozSetFileNameArray(value.fileList, value.fileList.length);
eventType = "input";
else if (value && typeof value.indexOf == "function" && node.options) {
Array.from(node.options).forEach(function(aOpt, aIx) {
aOpt.selected = value.includes(aIx);
// Only fire the event here if this wasn't selected by default
if (!aOpt.defaultSelected)
eventType = "change";
// Fire events for this node if applicable
if (eventType) {
let event = aDocument.createEvent("UIEvents");
event.initUIEvent(eventType, true, true, aDocument.defaultView, 0);
let selectedPageStyle = aBrowser.__SS_restore_pageStyle;
function restoreTextDataAndScrolling(aContent, aData, aPrefix) {
if (aData.formdata)
restoreFormData(aContent.document, aData.formdata, aData.url);
if (aData.innerHTML) {
aWindow.setTimeout(function() {
if (aContent.document.designMode == "on" &&
hasExpectedURL(aContent.document, aData.url)) {
aContent.document.body.innerHTML = aData.innerHTML;
}, 0);
var match;
if (aData.scroll && (match = /(\d+),(\d+)/.exec(aData.scroll)) != null) {
aContent.scrollTo(match[1], match[2]);
Array.from(aContent.document.styleSheets).forEach(function(aSS) {
aSS.disabled = aSS.title && aSS.title != selectedPageStyle;
for (var i = 0; i < aContent.frames.length; i++) {
if (aData.children && aData.children[i] &&
hasExpectedURL(aContent.document, aData.url)) {
restoreTextDataAndScrolling(aContent.frames[i], aData.children[i], aPrefix + i + "|");
// don't restore text data and scrolling state if the user has navigated
// away before the loading completed (except for in-page navigation)
if (hasExpectedURL(aEvent.originalTarget, aBrowser.__SS_restore_data.url)) {
var content = aEvent.originalTarget.defaultView;
restoreTextDataAndScrolling(content, aBrowser.__SS_restore_data, "");
aBrowser.markupDocumentViewer.authorStyleDisabled = selectedPageStyle == "_nostyle";
// notify the tabbrowser that this document has been completely restored
delete aBrowser.__SS_restore_data;
delete aBrowser.__SS_restore_pageStyle;
delete aBrowser.__SS_restore_tab;
* Restore visibility and dimension features to a window
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
* @param aWinData
* Object containing session data for the window
restoreWindowFeatures: function sss_restoreWindowFeatures(aWindow, aWinData) {
var hidden = (aWinData.hidden)?aWinData.hidden.split(","):[];
WINDOW_HIDEABLE_FEATURES.forEach(function(aItem) {
aWindow[aItem].visible = !hidden.includes(aItem);
if (aWinData.isPopup)
this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].isPopup = true;
delete this._windows[aWindow.__SSi].isPopup;, aWindow,
+aWinData.width || 0,
+aWinData.height || 0,
"screenX" in aWinData ? +aWinData.screenX : NaN,
"screenY" in aWinData ? +aWinData.screenY : NaN,
aWinData.sizemode || "", aWinData.sidebar || ""),
* Restore a window's dimensions
* @param aWidth
* Window width
* @param aHeight
* Window height
* @param aLeft
* Window left
* @param aTop
* Window top
* @param aSizeMode
* Window size mode (eg: maximized)
* @param aSidebar
* Sidebar command
restoreDimensions: function sss_restoreDimensions(aWindow, aWidth, aHeight, aLeft, aTop, aSizeMode, aSidebar) {
var win_ = this._getWindowDimension.bind(this, aWindow);
// find available space on the screen where this window is being placed
let screen = gScreenManager.screenForRect(aLeft, aTop, aWidth, aHeight);
if (screen) {
let screenLeft = {}, screenTop = {}, screenWidth = {}, screenHeight = {};
screen.GetAvailRectDisplayPix(screenLeft, screenTop, screenWidth, screenHeight);
// constrain the dimensions to the actual space available
if (aWidth > screenWidth.value) {
aWidth = screenWidth.value;
if (aHeight > screenHeight.value) {
aHeight = screenHeight.value;
// and then pull the window within the screen's bounds
if (aLeft < screenLeft.value) {
aLeft = screenLeft.value;
} else if (aLeft + aWidth > screenLeft.value + screenWidth.value) {
aLeft = screenLeft.value + screenWidth.value - aWidth;
if (aTop < screenTop.value) {
aTop = screenTop.value;
} else if (aTop + aHeight > screenTop.value + screenHeight.value) {
aTop = screenTop.value + screenHeight.value - aHeight;
// only modify those aspects which aren't correct yet
if (aWidth && aHeight && (aWidth != win_("width") || aHeight != win_("height"))) {
aWindow.resizeTo(aWidth, aHeight);
if (!isNaN(aLeft) && !isNaN(aTop) && (aLeft != win_("screenX") || aTop != win_("screenY"))) {
aWindow.moveTo(aLeft, aTop);
if (aSizeMode && win_("sizemode") != aSizeMode)
switch (aSizeMode)
case "maximized":
case "minimized":
case "normal":
var sidebar = aWindow.document.getElementById("sidebar-box");
if (sidebar.getAttribute("sidebarcommand") != aSidebar) {
// since resizing/moving a window brings it to the foreground,
// we might want to re-focus the last focused window
if (this.windowToFocus && this.windowToFocus.content) {
* Restores cookies
* @param aCookies
* Array of cookie objects
restoreCookies: function sss_restoreCookies(aCookies) {
// MAX_EXPIRY should be 2^63-1, but JavaScript can't handle that precision
var MAX_EXPIRY = Math.pow(2, 62);
for (let i = 0; i < aCookies.length; i++) {
var cookie = aCookies[i];
try {
Services.cookies.add(, cookie.path || "", || "",
cookie.value, !!, !!cookie.httponly,
"expiry" in cookie ? cookie.expiry : MAX_EXPIRY,
"originAttributes" in cookie ? cookie.originAttributes : {});
catch (ex) { Cu.reportError(ex); } // don't let a single cookie stop recovering
/* ........ Disk Access .............. */
* save state delayed by N ms
* marks window as dirty (i.e. data update can't be skipped)
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
* @param aDelay
* Milliseconds to delay
saveStateDelayed: function sss_saveStateDelayed(aWindow, aDelay) {
if (aWindow) {
if (!this._saveTimer && this._resume_from_crash) {
// interval until the next disk operation is allowed
var minimalDelay = this._lastSaveTime + this._interval -;
// if we have to wait, set a timer, otherwise saveState directly
aDelay = Math.max(minimalDelay, aDelay || 2000);
if (aDelay > 0) {
this._saveTimer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
this._saveTimer.init(this, aDelay, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
else {
* save state to disk
* @param aUpdateAll
* Bool update all windows
saveState: function sss_saveState(aUpdateAll) {
// if crash recovery is disabled, only save session resuming information
if (!this._resume_from_crash && this._loadState == STATE_RUNNING)
// If crash recovery is disabled, we only want to resume with pinned tabs
// if we crash.
let pinnedOnly = this._loadState == STATE_RUNNING && !this._resume_from_crash;
var oState = this._getCurrentState(aUpdateAll);
if (!oState)
// Persist the last session if we deferred restoring it
if (this._lastSessionState)
oState.lastSessionState = this._lastSessionState;
* write a state object to disk
_saveStateObject: function sss_saveStateObject(aStateObj) {
var stateString = Cc[";1"]
// parentheses are for backwards compatibility with older sessionstore files = this._toJSONString(aStateObj);
Services.obs.notifyObservers(stateString, "sessionstore-state-write");
// don't touch the file if an observer has deleted all state data
if (
this._lastSaveTime =;
* delete session datafile and backup
_clearDisk: function sss_clearDisk() {
if (this._sessionFile.exists()) {
try {
catch (ex) { dump(ex + '\n'); } // couldn't remove the file - what now?
if (this._sessionFileBackup.exists()) {
try {
catch (ex) { dump(ex + '\n'); } // couldn't remove the file - what now?
/* ........ Auxiliary Functions .............. */
* call a callback for all currently opened browser windows
* (might miss the most recent one)
* @param aFunc
* Callback each window is passed to
_forEachBrowserWindow: function sss_forEachBrowserWindow(aFunc) {
var windowsEnum = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
while (windowsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
var window = windowsEnum.getNext();
if (!window.closed && window.__SSi) {, window);
* Returns most recent window
* @returns Window reference
_getMostRecentBrowserWindow: function sss_getMostRecentBrowserWindow() {
var win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
if (!win)
return null;
if (!win.closed)
return win;
let broken_wm_z_order =
AppConstants.platform != "macosx" && AppConstants.platform != "win";
if (broken_wm_z_order) {
win = null;
var windowsEnum = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
// this is oldest to newest, so this gets a bit ugly
while (windowsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
let nextWin = windowsEnum.getNext();
if (!nextWin.closed)
win = nextWin;
return win;
var windowsEnum =
Services.wm.getZOrderDOMWindowEnumerator("navigator:browser", true);
while (windowsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
win = windowsEnum.getNext();
if (!win.closed)
return win;
return null;
* Calls onClose for windows that are determined to be closed but aren't
* destroyed yet, which would otherwise cause getBrowserState and
* setBrowserState to treat them as open windows.
_handleClosedWindows: function sss_handleClosedWindows() {
var windowsEnum = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
while (windowsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
var window = windowsEnum.getNext();
if (window.closed) {
* open a new browser window for a given session state
* called when restoring a multi-window session
* @param aState
* Object containing session data
_openWindowWithState: function sss_openWindowWithState(aState) {
var argString = Cc[";1"]
.createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString); = "about:blank";
var features = "chrome,dialog=no,suppressanimation,all";
var winState =[0];
for (var aAttr in WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES) {
// Use !isNaN as an easy way to ignore sizemode and check for numbers
if (aAttr in winState && !isNaN(winState[aAttr]))
features += "," + WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES[aAttr] + "=" + winState[aAttr];
var window =
Services.ww.openWindow(null, this._prefBranch.getCharPref("chromeURL"),
"_blank", features, argString);
do {
var ID = "window" + Math.random();
} while (ID in this._statesToRestore);
this._statesToRestore[(window.__SS_restoreID = ID)] = aState;
return window;
* Gets the tab for the given browser. This should be marginally better
* than using tabbrowser's getTabForContentWindow. This assumes the browser
* is the linkedBrowser of a tab, not a dangling browser.
* @param aBrowser
* The browser from which to get the tab.
_getTabForBrowser: function sss_getTabForBrowser(aBrowser) {
let windowTabs = aBrowser.ownerDocument.defaultView.getBrowser().tabs;
for (let i = 0; i < windowTabs.length; i++) {
let tab = windowTabs[i];
if (tab.linkedBrowser == aBrowser)
return tab;
* Whether or not to resume session, if not recovering from a crash.
* @returns bool
_doResumeSession: function sss_doResumeSession() {
return this._prefBranch.getIntPref("") == 3 ||
* Are we restarting to switch profile.
* @returns bool
_isSwitchingProfile: function sss_isSwitchingProfile() {
var env = Cc[";1"]
return env.exists("XRE_PROFILE_NAME");
* whether the user wants to load any other page at startup
* (except the homepage) - needed for determining whether to overwrite the current tabs
* C.f.: nsBrowserContentHandler's defaultArgs implementation.
* @returns bool
_isCmdLineEmpty: function sss_isCmdLineEmpty(aWindow) {
return "arguments" in aWindow && aWindow.arguments.length &&
aWindow.arguments[0] == "about:blank";
* don't save sensitive data if the user doesn't want to
* (distinguishes between encrypted and non-encrypted sites)
* @param aIsHTTPS
* Bool is encrypted
* @param aUseDefaultPref
* don't do normal check for deferred
* @returns bool
_checkPrivacyLevel: function sss_checkPrivacyLevel(aIsHTTPS, aUseDefaultPref) {
let pref = "sessionstore.privacy_level";
// If we're in the process of quitting and we're not autoresuming the session
// then we should treat it as a deferred session. We have a different privacy
// pref for that case.
if (!aUseDefaultPref && this._loadState == STATE_QUITTING && !this._doResumeSession())
pref = "sessionstore.privacy_level_deferred";
return this._prefBranch.getIntPref(pref) < (aIsHTTPS ? PRIVACY_ENCRYPTED : PRIVACY_FULL);
* on popup windows, the XULWindow's attributes seem not to be set correctly
* we use thus JSDOMWindow attributes for sizemode and normal window attributes
* (and hope for reasonable values when maximized/minimized - since then
* outerWidth/outerHeight aren't the dimensions of the restored window)
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
* @param aAttribute
* String sizemode | width | height | other window attribute
* @returns string
_getWindowDimension: function sss_getWindowDimension(aWindow, aAttribute) {
var dimension = aWindow[WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES[aAttribute]];
if (aAttribute == "sizemode") {
switch (dimension) {
return "maximized";
return "minimized";
return "normal";
if (aWindow.windowState == aWindow.STATE_NORMAL) {
return dimension;
return aWindow.document.documentElement.getAttribute(aAttribute) || dimension;
* Get nsIURI from string
* @param string
* @returns nsIURI
_getURIFromString: function sss_getURIFromString(aString) {
* Annotate a breakpad crash report with the currently selected tab's URL.
_updateCrashReportURL: function sss_updateCrashReportURL(aWindow) {
// If the crash reporter isn't built, we bail out.
if (!AppConstants.MOZ_CRASHREPORTER) {
try {
var currentURI = aWindow.getBrowser().currentURI.clone();
// if the current URI contains a username/password, remove it
try {
currentURI.userPass = "";
catch (ex) { } // ignore failures on about: URIs
.annotateCrashReport("URL", currentURI.spec);
catch (ex) {
// don't make noise when crashreporter is built but not enabled
if (ex.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED)
* @param aState is a session state
* @param aRecentCrashes is the number of consecutive crashes
* @returns whether a restore page will be needed for the session state
_needsRestorePage: function sss_needsRestorePage(aState, aRecentCrashes) {
const SIX_HOURS_IN_MS = 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
// don't display the page when there's nothing to restore
if (! || !
return false;
// don't wrap a single about:sessionrestore page
let winData =;
if (winData.length == 1 && winData[0].tabs &&
winData[0].tabs.length == 1 && winData[0].tabs[0].entries &&
winData[0].tabs[0].entries.length == 1 &&
winData[0].tabs[0].entries[0].url == "about:sessionrestore")
return false;
// don't automatically restore in Safe Mode
if (Services.appinfo.inSafeMode)
return true;
let max_resumed_crashes =
let sessionAge = aState.session && aState.session.lastUpdate &&
( - aState.session.lastUpdate);
return max_resumed_crashes != -1 &&
(aRecentCrashes > max_resumed_crashes ||
sessionAge && sessionAge >= SIX_HOURS_IN_MS);
* Determine if the tab state we're passed is something we should save. This
* is used when closing a tab or closing a window with a single tab
* @param aTabState
* The current tab state
* @returns boolean
_shouldSaveTabState: function sss__shouldSaveTabState(aTabState) {
// If the tab has only the transient about:blank history entry, no other
// session history, and no userTypedValue, then we don't actually want to
// store this tab's data.
return aTabState.entries.length &&
!(aTabState.entries.length == 1 &&
aTabState.entries[0].url == "about:blank" &&
* This is going to take a state as provided at startup (via
* nsISessionStartup.state) and split it into 2 parts. The first part
* (defaultState) will be a state that should still be restored at startup,
* while the second part (state) is a state that should be saved for later.
* defaultState will be comprised of windows with only pinned tabs, extracted
* from state. It will contain the cookies that go along with the history
* entries in those tabs. It will also contain window position information.
* defaultState will be restored at startup. state will be placed into
* this._lastSessionState and will be kept in case the user explicitly wants
* to restore the previous session (publicly exposed as restoreLastSession).
* @param state
* The state, presumably from nsISessionStartup.state
* @returns [defaultState, state]
_prepDataForDeferredRestore: function sss__prepDataForDeferredRestore(state) {
let defaultState = { windows: [], selectedWindow: 1 };
state.selectedWindow = state.selectedWindow || 1;
// Look at each window, remove pinned tabs, adjust selectedindex,
// remove window if necessary.
for (let wIndex = 0; wIndex <;) {
let window =[wIndex];
window.selected = window.selected || 1;
// We're going to put the state of the window into this object
let pinnedWindowState = { tabs: [], cookies: []};
for (let tIndex = 0; tIndex < window.tabs.length;) {
if (window.tabs[tIndex].pinned) {
// Adjust window.selected
if (tIndex + 1 < window.selected)
window.selected -= 1;
else if (tIndex + 1 == window.selected)
pinnedWindowState.selected = pinnedWindowState.tabs.length + 2;
// + 2 because the tab isn't actually in the array yet
// Now add the pinned tab to our window
pinnedWindowState.tabs =
pinnedWindowState.tabs.concat(window.tabs.splice(tIndex, 1));
// We don't want to increment tIndex here.
// At this point the window in the state object has been modified (or not)
// We want to build the rest of this new window object if we have pinnedTabs.
if (pinnedWindowState.tabs.length) {
// First get the other attributes off the window
WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES.forEach(function(attr) {
if (attr in window) {
pinnedWindowState[attr] = window[attr];
delete window[attr];
// We're just copying position data into the pinned window.
// Not copying over:
// - _closedTabs
// - extData
// - isPopup
// - hidden
// Assign a unique ID to correlate the window to be opened with the
// remaining data
window.__lastSessionWindowID = pinnedWindowState.__lastSessionWindowID
= "" + + Math.random();
// Extract the cookies that belong with each pinned tab
this._splitCookiesFromWindow(window, pinnedWindowState);
// Actually add this window to our defaultState;
// Remove the window from the state if it doesn't have any tabs
if (!window.tabs.length) {
if (wIndex + 1 <= state.selectedWindow)
state.selectedWindow -= 1;
else if (wIndex + 1 == state.selectedWindow)
defaultState.selectedIndex = + 1;, 1);
// We don't want to increment wIndex here.
return [defaultState, state];
* Splits out the cookies from aWinState into aTargetWinState based on the
* tabs that are in aTargetWinState.
* This alters the state of aWinState and aTargetWinState.
function sss_splitCookiesFromWindow(aWinState, aTargetWinState) {
if (!aWinState.cookies || !aWinState.cookies.length)
// Get the hosts for history entries in aTargetWinState
let cookieHosts = {};
aTargetWinState.tabs.forEach(function(tab) {
tab.entries.forEach(function(entry) {
this._extractHostsForCookiesFromEntry(entry, cookieHosts, false);
}, this);
}, this);
// By creating a regex we reduce overhead and there is only one loop pass
// through either array (cookieHosts and aWinState.cookies).
let hosts = Object.keys(cookieHosts).join("|").replace(/\./g, "\\.");
let cookieRegex = new RegExp(".*(" + hosts + ")");
for (let cIndex = 0; cIndex < aWinState.cookies.length;) {
if (cookieRegex.test(aWinState.cookies[cIndex].host)) {
aTargetWinState.cookies =
aTargetWinState.cookies.concat(aWinState.cookies.splice(cIndex, 1));
* Converts a JavaScript object into a JSON string
* (see for more information).
* The inverse operation consists of JSON.parse(JSON_string).
* @param aJSObject is the object to be converted
* @returns the object's JSON representation
_toJSONString: function sss_toJSONString(aJSObject) {
return JSON.stringify(aJSObject);
_sendRestoreCompletedNotifications: function sss_sendRestoreCompletedNotifications() {
// not all windows restored, yet
if (this._restoreCount > 1) {
// observers were already notified
if (this._restoreCount == -1)
return;, Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL);
this._restoreCount = -1;
run: function sss_run() {
// This was the last window restored at startup, notify observers.
this._browserSetState = false;
* Dispatch an SSWindowState_____ event for the given window.
* @param aWindow the window
* @param aType the type of event, SSWindowState will be prepended to this string
_sendWindowStateEvent: function sss_sendWindowStateEvent(aWindow, aType) {
let event = aWindow.document.createEvent("Events");
event.initEvent("SSWindowState" + aType, true, false);
* Dispatch the SSTabRestored event for the given tab.
* @param aTab the which has been restored
_sendTabRestoredNotification: function sss_sendTabRestoredNotification(aTab) {
let event = aTab.ownerDocument.createEvent("Events");
event.initEvent("SSTabRestored", true, false);
* @param aWindow
* Window reference
* @returns whether this window's data is still cached in _statesToRestore
* because it's not fully loaded yet
_isWindowLoaded: function sss_isWindowLoaded(aWindow) {
return !aWindow.__SS_restoreID;
* Replace "Loading..." with the tab label (with minimal side-effects)
* @param aString is the string the title is stored in
* @param aTabbrowser is a tabbrowser object, containing aTab
* @param aTab is the tab whose title we're updating & using
* @returns aString that has been updated with the new title
_replaceLoadingTitle : function sss_replaceLoadingTitle(aString, aTabbrowser, aTab) {
if (aString == aTabbrowser.mStringBundle.getString("tabs.loading")) {
[aString, aTab.label] = [aTab.label, aString];
return aString;
* Resize this._closedWindows to the value of the pref, except in the case
* where we don't have any non-popup windows on Windows and Linux. Then we must
* resize such that we have at least one non-popup window.
_capClosedWindows : function sss_capClosedWindows() {
if (this._closedWindows.length <= this._max_windows_undo)
let spliceTo = this._max_windows_undo;
if (AppConstants.platform != "macosx") {
let normalWindowIndex = 0;
// try to find a non-popup window in this._closedWindows
while (normalWindowIndex < this._closedWindows.length &&
if (normalWindowIndex >= this._max_windows_undo)
spliceTo = normalWindowIndex + 1;
this._closedWindows.splice(spliceTo, this._closedWindows.length);
* Reset state to prepare for a new session state to be restored.
_resetRestoringState: function sss_initRestoringState() {
this._tabsToRestore = { visible: [], hidden: [] };
this._tabsRestoringCount = 0;
* Reset the restoring state for a particular tab. This will be called when
* removing a tab or when a tab needs to be reset (it's being overwritten).
* @param aTab
* The tab that will be "reset"
_resetTabRestoringState: function sss_resetTabRestoringState(aTab) {
let window = aTab.ownerDocument.defaultView;
let browser = aTab.linkedBrowser;
// Keep the tab's previous state for later in this method
let previousState = browser.__SS_restoreState;
// The browser is no longer in any sort of restoring state.
delete browser.__SS_restoreState;
// We want to decrement window.__SS_tabsToRestore here so that we always
// decrement it AFTER a tab is done restoring or when a tab gets "reset".
// Remove the progress listener if we should.
if (previousState == TAB_STATE_RESTORING) {
if (this._tabsRestoringCount)
else if (previousState == TAB_STATE_NEEDS_RESTORE) {
// Make sure the session history listener is removed. This is normally
// done in restoreTab, but this tab is being removed before that gets called.
// Make sure that the tab is removed from the list of tabs to restore.
// Again, this is normally done in restoreTab, but that isn't being called
// for this tab.
* Remove the tab from this._tabsToRestore[visible/hidden]
* @param aTab
_removeTabFromTabsToRestore: function sss_removeTabFromTabsToRestore(aTab) {
let arr = this._tabsToRestore[aTab.hidden ? "hidden" : "visible"];
let index = arr.indexOf(aTab);
if (index > -1)
arr.splice(index, 1);
* Add the tabs progress listener to the window if it isn't already
* @param aWindow
* The window to add our progress listener to
_ensureTabsProgressListener: function sss_ensureTabsProgressListener(aWindow) {
let tabbrowser = aWindow.getBrowser();
try {
} catch (ex) { }
* Attempt to remove the tabs progress listener from the window.
* @param aWindow
* The window from which to remove our progress listener from
_removeTabsProgressListener: function sss_removeTabsProgressListener(aWindow) {
// If there are no tabs left to restore (or restoring) in this window, then
// we can safely remove the progress listener from this window.
if (!aWindow.__SS_tabsToRestore)
try {
} catch (ex) { }
* Remove the session history listener from the tab's browser if there is one.
* @param aTab
* The tab who's browser to remove the listener
_removeSHistoryListener: function sss_removeSHistoryListener(aTab) {
let browser = aTab.linkedBrowser;
if (browser.__SS_shistoryListener) {
delete browser.__SS_shistoryListener;
/* ........ Storage API .............. */
* write file to disk
* @param aFile
* nsIFile
* @param aData
* String data
_writeFile: function sss_writeFile(aFile, aData) {
// Initialize the file output stream.
var ostream = Cc[";1"]
ostream.init(aFile, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, parseInt("0600", 8), ostream.DEFER_OPEN);
// Obtain a converter to convert our data to a UTF-8 encoded input stream.
var converter = Cc[""]
converter.charset = "UTF-8";
// Asynchronously copy the data to the file.
var istream = converter.convertToInputStream(aData);
var ObserverService = this._observerService;
NetUtil.asyncCopy(istream, ostream, function(rc) {
if (Components.isSuccessCode(rc)) {
// A map storing a closed window's state data until it goes aways (is GC'ed).
// This ensures that API clients can still read (but not write) states of
// windows they still hold a reference to but we don't.
var DyingWindowCache = {
_data: new WeakMap(),
has: function (window) {
return this._data.has(window);
get: function (window) {
return this._data.get(window);
set: function (window, data) {
this._data.set(window, data);
remove: function (window) {
// A weak set of dirty windows. We use it to determine which windows we need to
// recollect data for when getCurrentState() is called.
var DirtyWindows = {
_data: new WeakMap(),
has: function (window) {
return this._data.has(window);
add: function (window) {
return this._data.set(window, true);
remove: function (window) {
clear: function (window) {
this._data = new WeakMap();
// This is used to help meter the number of restoring tabs. This is the control
// point for telling the next tab to restore. It gets attached to each gBrowser
// via gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener
var gRestoreTabsProgressListener = {
ss: null,
onStateChange: function (aBrowser, aWebProgress, aRequest, aStateFlags, aStatus) {
// Ignore state changes on browsers that we've already restored and state
// changes that aren't applicable.
if (aBrowser.__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_RESTORING &&
aStateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP &&
aStateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_NETWORK &&
aStateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_WINDOW) {
// We need to reset the tab before starting the next restore.
let tab =;;;
// A SessionStoreSHistoryListener will be attached to each browser before it is
// restored. We need to catch reloads that occur before the tab is restored
// because otherwise, docShell will reload an old URI (usually about:blank).
function SessionStoreSHistoryListener(ss, aTab) { = aTab; = ss;
SessionStoreSHistoryListener.prototype = {
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISHistoryListener,
browser: null,
ss: null,
tab: null,
OnHistoryNewEntry: function(aNewURI) { },
OnHistoryGotoIndex: function(aIndex, aGotoURI) { },
OnHistoryPurge: function(aNumEntries) { },
OnHistoryReload: function(aReloadURI, aReloadFlags) {
// On reload, we want to make sure that session history loads the right
// URI. In order to do that, we will just call restoreTab. That will remove
// the history listener and load the right URI.;
// Returning false will stop the load that docshell is attempting.
return false;
OnHistoryReplaceEntry: function(aIndex) { },
var NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([SessionStoreService]);