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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// @internal
function getAccessKey(str)
var i = str.indexOf("&");
if (i == -1)
return "";
return str[i + 1];
function objectContains(o, p)
return, p);
// @internal
function CommandRecord(name, func, usage, help, label, accesskey, flags,
keystr, tip, format, helpUsage)
{ = name;
this.func = func;
this._usage = usage;
this.scanUsage(); = help;
this.label = label ? label : name;
this.accesskey = accesskey ? accesskey : "";
this.format = format;
this.helpUsage = helpUsage;
this.labelstr = label.replace ("&", "");
this.tip = tip;
this.flags = flags;
this._enabled = true;
this.keyNodes = new Array();
this.keystr = keystr;
this.uiElements = new Array();
CommandRecord.prototype.__defineGetter__ ("enabled", cr_getenable);
function cr_getenable ()
return this._enabled;
CommandRecord.prototype.__defineSetter__ ("enabled", cr_setenable);
function cr_setenable (state)
for (var i = 0; i < this.uiElements.length; ++i)
if (state)
this.uiElements[i].removeAttribute ("disabled");
this.uiElements[i].setAttribute ("disabled", "true");
return (this._enabled = state);
CommandRecord.prototype.__defineSetter__ ("usage", cr_setusage);
function cr_setusage (usage)
this._usage = usage;
CommandRecord.prototype.__defineGetter__ ("usage", cr_getusage);
function cr_getusage()
return this._usage;
* @internal
* Scans the argument spec, in the format "<a1> <a2> [<o1> <o2>]", into an
* array of strings.
CommandRecord.prototype.scanUsage =
function cr_scanusage()
var spec = this._usage;
var currentName = "";
var inName = false;
var len = spec.length;
var capNext = false;
this._usage = spec;
this.argNames = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
switch (spec[i])
case '[':
this.argNames.push (":");
case '<':
inName = true;
case '-':
capNext = true;
case '>':
inName = false;
this.argNames.push (currentName);
currentName = "";
capNext = false;
if (inName)
currentName += capNext ? spec[i].toUpperCase() : spec[i];
capNext = false;
* Manages commands, with accelerator keys, help text and argument processing.
* You should never need to create an instance of this prototype; access the
* command manager through |client.commandManager|.
* @param defaultBundle An |nsIStringBundle| object to load command parameters,
* labels a help text from.
function CommandManager(defaultBundle)
this.commands = new Object();
this.commandHistory = new Object();
this.defaultBundle = defaultBundle;
this.currentDispatchDepth = 0;
this.maxDispatchDepth = 10;
this.dispatchUnwinding = false;
// @undocumented
CommandManager.prototype.defaultFlags = 0;
* Adds multiple commands in a single call.
* @param cmdary |Array| containing commands to define; each item in the |Array|
* is also an |Array|, with either 3 or 4 items - corresponding to
* the first three or four arguments of |defineCommand|. An extra
* property, |stringBundle|, may be set on the |cmdary| |Array|
* to override the |defaultBundle| for all the commands.
CommandManager.prototype.defineCommands =
function cmgr_defcmds(cmdary)
var len = cmdary.length;
var commands = new Object();
var bundle = "stringBundle" in cmdary ? cmdary.stringBundle : null;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
let name = cmdary[i][0];
let func = cmdary[i][1];
let flags = cmdary[i][2];
let usage = (3 in cmdary[i]) ? cmdary[i][3] : "";
commands[name] = this.defineCommand(name, func, flags, usage, bundle);
return commands;
* Adds a single command.
* @param name The |String| name of the command to define.
* @param func A |Function| to call to handle dispatch of the new command.
* @param flags Optional. A |Number| indicating any special requirements for the
* command.
* @param usage Optional. A |String| specifying the arguments to the command. If
* not specified, then it is assumed there are none.
* @param bundle Optional. An |nsIStringBundle| to fetch parameters, labels,
* accelerator keys and help from. If not specified, the
* |defaultBundle| is used.
CommandManager.prototype.defineCommand =
function cmdmgr_defcmd(name, func, flags, usage, bundle)
if (!bundle)
bundle = this.defaultBundle;
var helpDefault = MSG_NO_HELP;
var labelDefault = name;
var aliasFor;
if (typeof flags != "number")
flags = this.defaultFlags;
if (typeof usage != "string")
usage = "";
if (typeof func == "string")
var ary = func.match(/(\S+)/);
if (ary)
aliasFor = ary[1];
aliasFor = null;
helpDefault = getMsg (MSG_DEFAULT_ALIAS_HELP, func);
if (aliasFor)
labelDefault = getMsgFrom (bundle, "cmd." + aliasFor + ".label",
null, name);
var label = getMsgFrom(bundle, "cmd." + name + ".label", null,
var accesskey = getMsgFrom(bundle, "cmd." + name + ".accesskey", null,
var help = helpDefault;
var helpUsage = "";
// Help is only shown for commands that available from the console.
if (flags & CMD_CONSOLE)
help = getMsgFrom(bundle, "cmd." + name + ".help", null, helpDefault);
// Only need to lookup localized helpUsage for commands that have them.
if (usage)
helpUsage = getMsgFrom(bundle, "cmd." + name + ".helpUsage", null,
var keystr = getMsgFrom (bundle, "cmd." + name + ".key", null, "");
var format = getMsgFrom (bundle, "cmd." + name + ".format", null, null);
var tip = getMsgFrom (bundle, "cmd." + name + ".tip", null, "");
var command = new CommandRecord(name, func, usage, help, label, accesskey,
flags, keystr, tip, format, helpUsage);
if (aliasFor)
command.aliasFor = aliasFor;
return command;
* Installs accelerator keys for commands into an existing document.
* @internal
* @param document An |XULDocument| within which to install the accelerator
* keys. Each command's key is installed by |installKey|.
* @param commands Optional. An |Array| or |Object| continaing |CommandRecord|
* objects. If not specified, all commands in the
* |CommandManager| are installed.
CommandManager.prototype.installKeys =
function cmgr_instkeys(document, commands)
var parentElem = document.getElementById("dynamic-keys");
if (!parentElem)
parentElem = document.createElement("keyset");
parentElem.setAttribute("id", "dynamic-keys");
if (!commands)
commands = this.commands;
for (var c in commands)
this.installKey (parentElem, commands[c]);
* Installs the accelerator key for a single command.
* This creates a <key> XUL element inside |parentElem|. It should usually be
* called once per command, per document, so that accelerator keys work in all
* application windows.
* @internal
* @param parentElem An |XULElement| to add the <key> too.
* @param command The |CommandRecord| to install.
CommandManager.prototype.installKey =
function cmgr_instkey(parentElem, command)
if (!command.keystr)
var ary = command.keystr.match (/(.*\s)?([\S]+)$/);
if (!ASSERT(ary, "couldn't parse key string ``" + command.keystr +
"'' for command ``" + + "''"))
var key = document.createElement ("key");
key.setAttribute ("id", "key:" +;
key.setAttribute ("oncommand", "dispatch('" + +
"', {isInteractive: true, source: 'keyboard'});");
if (ary[1])
key.setAttribute ("modifiers", ary[1]);
if (ary[2].indexOf("VK_") == 0)
key.setAttribute ("keycode", ary[2]);
key.setAttribute ("key", ary[2]);
* Uninstalls accelerator keys for commands from a document.
* @internal
* @param commands Optional. An |Array| or |Object| continaing |CommandRecord|
* objects. If not specified, all commands in the
* |CommandManager| are uninstalled.
CommandManager.prototype.uninstallKeys =
function cmgr_uninstkeys(commands)
if (!commands)
commands = this.commands;
for (var c in commands)
this.uninstallKey (commands[c]);
* Uninstalls the accelerator key for a single command.
* @internal
* @param command The |CommandRecord| to uninstall.
CommandManager.prototype.uninstallKey =
function cmgr_uninstkey(command)
for (var i in command.keyNodes)
/* document may no longer exist in a useful state. */
catch (ex)
dd ("*** caught exception uninstalling key node: " + ex);
* Use |defineCommand|.
* @internal
* @param command The |CommandRecord| to add to the |CommandManager|.
CommandManager.prototype.addCommand =
function cmgr_add(command)
if (objectContains(this.commands,
/* We've already got a command with this name - invoke the history
* storage so that we can undo this back to its original state.
if (!objectContains(this.commandHistory,
this.commandHistory[] = new Array();
this.commands[] = command;
* Removes multiple commands in a single call.
* @param cmdary An |Array| or |Object| containing |CommandRecord| objects.
* Ideally use the value returned from |defineCommands|.
CommandManager.prototype.removeCommands =
function cmgr_removes(cmdary)
for (var i in cmdary)
var command = isinstance(cmdary[i], Array) ?
{name: cmdary[i][0]} : cmdary[i];
* Removes a single command.
* @param command The |CommandRecord| to remove from the |CommandManager|.
* Ideally use the value returned from |defineCommand|.
CommandManager.prototype.removeCommand =
function cmgr_remove(command)
delete this.commands[];
if (objectContains(this.commandHistory,
/* There was a previous command with this name - restore the most
* recent from the history, returning the command to its former glory.
this.commands[] = this.commandHistory[].pop();
if (this.commandHistory[].length == 0)
delete this.commandHistory[];
* Registers a hook for a particular command.
* A command hook is uniquely identified by the pair |id|, |before|; only a
* single hook may exist for a given pair of |id| and |before| values. It is
* wise to use a unique |id|; plugins should construct an |id| using
* ||, e.g. | + "-my-hook-1"|.
* @param commandName A |String| command name to hook. The command named must
* already exist in the |CommandManager|; if it does not, no
* hook is added.
* @param func A |Function| to handle the hook.
* @param id A |String| identifier for the hook.
* @param before A |Boolean| indicating whether the hook wishes to be
* called before or after the command executes.
CommandManager.prototype.addHook =
function cmgr_hook (commandName, func, id, before)
if (!ASSERT(objectContains(this.commands, commandName),
"Unknown command '" + commandName + "'"))
var command = this.commands[commandName];
if (before)
if (!("beforeHooks" in command))
command.beforeHooks = new Object();
command.beforeHooks[id] = func;
if (!("afterHooks" in command))
command.afterHooks = new Object();
command.afterHooks[id] = func;
* Registers multiple hooks for commands.
* @param hooks An |Object| containing |Function| objects to call for each
* hook; the key of each item is the name of the command it
* wishes to hook. Optionally, the |_before| property can be
* added to a |function| to override the default |before| value
* of |false|.
* @param prefix Optional. A |String| prefix to apply to each hook's command
* name to compute an |id| for it.
CommandManager.prototype.addHooks =
function cmgr_hooks (hooks, prefix)
if (!prefix)
prefix = "";
for (var h in hooks)
this.addHook(h, hooks[h], prefix + ":" + h,
("_before" in hooks[h]) ? hooks[h]._before : false);
* Unregisters multiple hooks for commands.
* @param hooks An |Object| identical to the one passed to |addHooks|.
* @param prefix Optional. A |String| identical to the one passed to |addHooks|.
CommandManager.prototype.removeHooks =
function cmgr_remhooks (hooks, prefix)
if (!prefix)
prefix = "";
for (var h in hooks)
this.removeHook(h, prefix + ":" + h,
("before" in hooks[h]) ? hooks[h].before : false);
* Unregisters a hook for a particular command.
* The arguments to |removeHook| are the same as |addHook|, but without the
* hook function itself.
* @param commandName The |String| command name to unhook.
* @param id The |String| identifier for the hook.
* @param before A |Boolean| indicating whether the hook was to be
* called before or after the command executed.
CommandManager.prototype.removeHook =
function cmgr_unhook (commandName, id, before)
var command = this.commands[commandName];
if (before)
delete command.beforeHooks[id];
delete command.afterHooks[id];
* Gets a sorted |Array| of |CommandRecord| objects which match.
* After filtering by |flags| (if specified), if an exact match for
* |partialName| is found, only that is returned; otherwise, all commands
* starting with |partialName| are returned in alphabetical order by |label|.
* @param partialName Optional. A |String| prefix to search for.
* @param flags Optional. Flags to logically AND with commands.
CommandManager.prototype.list =
function cmgr_list(partialName, flags, exact)
/* returns array of command objects which look like |partialName|, or
* all commands if |partialName| is not specified */
function compare (a, b)
a = a.labelstr.toLowerCase();
b = b.labelstr.toLowerCase();
if (a == b)
return 0;
if (a > b)
return 1;
return -1;
var ary = new Array();
var commandNames = Object.keys(this.commands);
for (var name of commandNames)
let command = this.commands[name];
if ((!flags || (command.flags & flags)) &&
(!partialName ||
if (exact && partialName &&
partialName.length ==
/* exact match */
return [command];
return ary;
* Gets a sorted |Array| of command names which match.
* |listNames| operates identically to |list|, except that only command names
* are returned, not |CommandRecord| objects.
CommandManager.prototype.listNames =
function cmgr_listnames (partialName, flags)
var cmds = this.list(partialName, flags, false);
var cmdNames = new Array();
for (var c in cmds)
cmdNames.push (cmds[c].name);
return cmdNames;
* Internal use only.
* Called to parse the arguments stored in |e.inputData|, as properties of |e|,
* for the CommandRecord stored on |e.command|.
* @params e Event object to be processed.
// @undocumented
CommandManager.prototype.parseArguments =
function cmgr_parseargs (e)
var rv = this.parseArgumentsRaw(e);
//dd("parseArguments '" + e.command.usage + "' " +
// (rv ? "passed" : "failed") + "\n" + dumpObjectTree(e));
delete e.currentArgIndex;
return rv;
* Internal use only.
* Don't call parseArgumentsRaw directly, use parseArguments instead.
* Parses the arguments stored in the |inputData| property of the event object,
* according to the format specified by the |command| property.
* On success this method returns true, and propery names corresponding to the
* argument names used in the format spec will be created on the event object.
* All optional parameters will be initialized to |null| if not already present
* on the event.
* On failure this method returns false and a description of the problem
* will be stored in the |parseError| property of the event.
* For example...
* Given the argument spec "<int> <word> [ <word2> <word3> ]", and given the
* input string "411 foo", stored as |e.command.usage| and |e.inputData|
* respectively, this method would add the following propertys to the event
* object...
* -name---value--notes-
* 411 Parsed as an integer
* e.word foo Parsed as a string
* e.word2 null Optional parameters not specified will be set to null.
* e.word3 null If word2 had been provided, word3 would be required too.
* Each parameter is parsed by calling the function with the same name, located
* in this.argTypes. The first parameter is parsed by calling the function
* this.argTypes["int"], for example. This function is expected to act on
* e.unparsedData, taking it's chunk, and leaving the rest of the string.
* The default parse functions are...
* <word> parses contiguous non-space characters.
* <int> parses as an int.
* <rest> parses to the end of input data.
* <state> parses yes, on, true, 1, 0, false, off, no as a boolean.
* <toggle> parses like a <state>, except allows "toggle" as well.
* <...> parses according to the parameter type before it, until the end
* of the input data. Results are stored in an array named
* paramnameList, where paramname is the name of the parameter
* before <...>. The value of the parameter before this will be
* paramnameList[0].
* If there is no parse function for an argument type, "word" will be used by
* default. You can alias argument types with code like...
* commandManager.argTypes["my-integer-name"] = commandManager.argTypes["int"];
// @undocumented
CommandManager.prototype.parseArgumentsRaw =
function parse_parseargsraw (e)
var argc = e.command.argNames.length;
function initOptionals()
for (var i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
if (e.command.argNames[i] != ":" &&
e.command.argNames[i] != "..." &&
!(e.command.argNames[i] in e))
e[e.command.argNames[i]] = null;
if (e.command.argNames[i] == "...")
var paramName = e.command.argNames[i - 1];
if (paramName == ":")
paramName = e.command.argNames[i - 2];
var listName = paramName + "List";
if (!(listName in e))
e[listName] = [ e[paramName] ];
if ("inputData" in e && e.inputData)
/* if data has been provided, parse it */
e.unparsedData = e.inputData;
var parseResult;
var currentArg;
e.currentArgIndex = 0;
if (argc)
currentArg = e.command.argNames[e.currentArgIndex];
while (e.unparsedData)
if (currentArg != ":")
if (!this.parseArgument (e, currentArg))
return false;
if (++e.currentArgIndex < argc)
currentArg = e.command.argNames[e.currentArgIndex];
if (e.currentArgIndex < argc && currentArg != ":")
/* parse loop completed because it ran out of data. We haven't
* parsed all of the declared arguments, and we're not stopped
* at an optional marker, so we must be missing something
* required... */
e.parseError = getMsg(MSG_ERR_REQUIRED_PARAM,
return false;
if (e.unparsedData)
/* parse loop completed with unparsed data, which means we've
* successfully parsed all arguments declared. Whine about the
* extra data... */
display (getMsg(MSG_EXTRA_PARAMS, e.unparsedData), MT_WARN);
var rv = this.isCommandSatisfied(e);
if (rv)
return rv;
* Returns true if |e| has the properties required to call the command
* |command|.
* If |command| is not provided, |e.command| is used instead.
* @param e Event object to test against the command.
* @param command Command to test.
// @undocumented
CommandManager.prototype.isCommandSatisfied =
function cmgr_isok (e, command)
if (typeof command == "undefined")
command = e.command;
else if (typeof command == "string")
command = this.commands[command];
if (!command.enabled)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < command.argNames.length; ++i)
if (command.argNames[i] == ":")
return true;
if (!(command.argNames[i] in e))
e.parseError = getMsg(MSG_ERR_REQUIRED_PARAM, command.argNames[i]);
//dd("command '" + + "' unsatisfied: " + e.parseError);
return false;
//dd ("command '" + + "' satisfied.");
return true;
* Internal use only.
* See parseArguments above and the |argTypes| object below.
* Parses the next argument by calling an appropriate parser function, or the
* generic "word" parser if none other is found.
* @param e event object.
* @param name property name to use for the parse result.
// @undocumented
CommandManager.prototype.parseArgument =
function cmgr_parsearg (e, name)
var parseResult;
if (name in this.argTypes)
parseResult = this.argTypes[name](e, name, this);
parseResult = this.argTypes["word"](e, name, this);
if (!parseResult)
e.parseError = getMsg(MSG_ERR_INVALID_PARAM,
[name, e.unparsedData]);
return parseResult;
// @undocumented
CommandManager.prototype.argTypes = new Object();
* Convenience function used to map a list of new types to an existing parse
* function.
// @undocumented
CommandManager.prototype.argTypes.__aliasTypes__ =
function at_alias (list, type)
for (var i in list)
this[list[i]] = this[type];
* Internal use only.
* Parses an integer, stores result in |e[name]|.
// @undocumented
CommandManager.prototype.argTypes["int"] =
function parse_int (e, name)
var ary = e.unparsedData.match (/(\d+)(?:\s+(.*))?$/);
if (!ary)
return false;
e[name] = Number(ary[1]);
e.unparsedData = arrayHasElementAt(ary, 2) ? ary[2] : "";
return true;
* Internal use only.
* Parses a word, which is defined as a list of nonspace characters.
* Stores result in |e[name]|.
// @undocumented
CommandManager.prototype.argTypes["word"] =
function parse_word (e, name)
var ary = e.unparsedData.match (/(\S+)(?:\s+(.*))?$/);
if (!ary)
return false;
e[name] = ary[1];
e.unparsedData = arrayHasElementAt(ary, 2) ? ary[2] : "";
return true;
* Internal use only.
* Parses a "state" which can be "true", "on", "yes", or 1 to indicate |true|,
* or "false", "off", "no", or 0 to indicate |false|.
* Stores result in |e[name]|.
// @undocumented
CommandManager.prototype.argTypes["state"] =
function parse_state (e, name)
var ary =
e.unparsedData.match (/(true|on|yes|1|false|off|no|0)(?:\s+(.*))?$/i);
if (!ary)
return false;
if (ary[1].search(/true|on|yes|1/i) != -1)
e[name] = true;
e[name] = false;
e.unparsedData = arrayHasElementAt(ary, 2) ? ary[2] : "";
return true;
* Internal use only.
* Parses a "toggle" which can be "true", "on", "yes", or 1 to indicate |true|,
* or "false", "off", "no", or 0 to indicate |false|. In addition, the string
* "toggle" is accepted, in which case |e[name]| will be the string "toggle".
* Stores result in |e[name]|.
// @undocumented
CommandManager.prototype.argTypes["toggle"] =
function parse_toggle (e, name)
var ary = e.unparsedData.match
if (!ary)
return false;
if (ary[1].search(/toggle/i) != -1)
e[name] = "toggle";
else if (ary[1].search(/true|on|yes|1/i) != -1)
e[name] = true;
e[name] = false;
e.unparsedData = arrayHasElementAt(ary, 2) ? ary[2] : "";
return true;
* Internal use only.
* Returns all unparsed data to the end of the line.
* Stores result in |e[name]|.
// @undocumented
CommandManager.prototype.argTypes["rest"] =
function parse_rest (e, name)
e[name] = e.unparsedData;
e.unparsedData = "";
return true;
* Internal use only.
* Parses the rest of the unparsed data the same way the previous argument was
* parsed. Can't be used as the first parameter. if |name| is "..." then the
* name of the previous argument, plus the suffix "List" will be used instead.
* Stores result in |e[name]| or |e[lastName + "List"]|.
// @undocumented
CommandManager.prototype.argTypes["..."] =
function parse_repeat (e, name, cm)
ASSERT (e.currentArgIndex > 0, "<...> can't be the first argument.");
var lastArg = e.command.argNames[e.currentArgIndex - 1];
if (lastArg == ":")
lastArg = e.command.argNames[e.currentArgIndex - 2];
var listName = lastArg + "List";
e[listName] = [ e[lastArg] ];
while (e.unparsedData)
if (!cm.parseArgument(e, lastArg))
return false;
e[lastArg] = e[listName][0];
return true;