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/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80 filetype=javascript: */
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
// This tests the additional methods added to JaMsgFolder.cpp that are not
// in nsMsgDBFolder.cpp Although this code have been done creating the
// delegator class directly, instead we use a JS component as a demo of
// JS override classes.
var { JaBaseMsgFolderProperties } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var { MailUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var { MailServices } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
function run_test() {
const server = MailServices.accounts.createIncomingServer(
Assert.ok(server instanceof Ci.msgIOverride);
// If you create a folder object directly, it will complain about not being registered.
// Use folder-lookup-service instead.
const testJaMsgFolder = MailUtils.getOrCreateFolder(
// let testJaMsgFolder = Cc[JaBaseMsgFolderProperties.contractID]
// .createInstance(Ci.msgIOverride);
Assert.ok(testJaMsgFolder instanceof Ci.nsIMsgFolder);
JaBaseMsgFolderProperties.baseInterfaces.forEach(iface => {
dump("testing interface " + iface + "(" + Ci[iface] + ")\n");
let db = testJaMsgFolder.msgDatabase;
Assert.ok(db instanceof Ci.nsIMsgDatabase);
// Make sure the DB actually works.
const dbFolder = db.folder;
Assert.ok(dbFolder instanceof Ci.nsIMsgFolder);
Assert.equal(dbFolder.URI, "testja://foouser@foohost/somefolder");
const fi = db.dBFolderInfo;
Assert.ok(fi instanceof Ci.nsIDBFolderInfo);
fi.setCharProperty("testProperty", "foobar");
Assert.equal(fi.getCharProperty("testProperty"), "foobar");
db = null;
// Confirm that we can access XPCOM properties.