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var { MailServices } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
// used by checkProgress to periodically check the progress of the import
var gGenericImportHelper;
* GenericImportHelper
* The parent class of AbImportHelper, MailImportHelper, SettingsImportHelper
* and FiltersImportHelper.
* @param aModuleType The type of import module. Should be addressbook or mail.
* @param aModuleSearchString
* The string to search the module names for, such as
* "Text file" to find the import module for comma-separated
* value, LDIF, and tab-delimited files.
* @param aFile An instance of nsIFile to import.
* @class
* @class
function GenericImportHelper(aModuleType, aModuleSearchString, aFile) {
gGenericImportHelper = null;
if (!["addressbook", "mail", "settings", "filters"].includes(aModuleType)) {
do_throw("Unexpected type passed to the GenericImportHelper constructor");
this.mModuleType = aModuleType;
this.mModuleSearchString = aModuleSearchString;
this.mInterface = this._findInterface();
Assert.ok(this.mInterface !== null);
this.mFile = aFile; // checked in the beginImport method
GenericImportHelper.prototype = {
interfaceType: Ci.nsIImportGeneric,
* GenericImportHelper.beginImport
* Imports the given address book export or mail data and invoke
* checkProgress of child class to check the data,
beginImport() {
Assert.ok(this.mFile instanceof Ci.nsIFile && this.mFile.exists());
if (this.mModuleType == "addressbook") {
this.mInterface.SetData("addressLocation", this.mFile);
} else if (this.mModuleType == "mail") {
this.mInterface.SetData("mailLocation", this.mFile);
const error = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
Assert.ok(this.mInterface.BeginImport(null, error));
Assert.equal(, "");
* GenericImportHelper.getInterface
* @returns An nsIImportGeneric import interface.
getInterface() {
return this.mInterface;
_findInterface() {
var importService = Cc[";1"].getService(
var count = importService.GetModuleCount(this.mModuleType);
// Iterate through each import module until the one being searched for is
// found and then return the ImportInterface of that module
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// Check if the current module fits the search string gets the interface
if (
.GetModuleName(this.mModuleType, i)
) {
return importService
.GetModule(this.mModuleType, i)
return null; // it wasn't found
* GenericImportHelper.checkProgress
* Checks the progress of an import every 200 milliseconds until it is
* complete. Checks the test results if there is an original address book,
* otherwise evaluates the optional command, or calls do_test_finished().
checkProgress() {
this.mInterface && this.mInterface instanceof Ci.nsIImportGeneric
// if the import isn't done, check again in 200 milliseconds.
if (this.mInterface.GetProgress() != 100) {
// use the helper object to check the progress of the import after 200 ms
gGenericImportHelper = this;
do_timeout(200, function () {
} else {
// if it is done, check the results or finish the test.
* GenericImportHelper.checkResults
* Checks the results of the import.
* Child class should implement this method.
checkResults() {},
* AbImportHelper
* A helper for Address Book imports. To use, supply at least the file and type.
* If you would like the results checked, add a new array in the addressbook
* JSON file in the resources folder and supply aAbName and aJsonName.
* See AB_README for more information.
* @param aFile An instance of nsIAbFile to import.
* @param aModuleSearchString
* The string to search the module names for, such as
* "Text file" to find the import module for comma-separated
* value, LDIF, and tab-delimited files.
* Optional parameters: Include if you would like the import checked.
* @param aAbName The name the address book will have (the filename without
* the extension).
* @param aJsonName The name of the array in addressbook.json with the cards
* to compare with the imported cards.
* @class
* @class
function AbImportHelper(aFile, aModuleSearchString, aAbName, aJsonName) {, "addressbook", aModuleSearchString, aFile);
this.mAbName = aAbName;
/* Attribute notes: The attributes listed in the declaration below are
* supported by all three text export/import types.
* The following are not supported: anniversaryYear, anniversaryMonth,
* anniversaryDay, popularityIndex, isMailList, mailListURI, lastModifiedDate.
var supportedAttributes = [
// get the extra attributes supported for the given type of import
if (this.mFile.leafName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".ldif")) {
this.mSupportedAttributes = supportedAttributes;
} else if (this.mFile.leafName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv")) {
this.mSupportedAttributes = supportedAttributes;
} else if (this.mFile.leafName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".vcf")) {
this.mSupportedAttributes = supportedAttributes;
// get the "cards" from the JSON file, if necessary
if (aJsonName) {
this.mJsonCards = this.getJsonCards(aJsonName);
AbImportHelper.prototype = {
__proto__: GenericImportHelper.prototype,
* AbImportHelper.getDefaultFieldMap
* Returns the default field map.
* @param aSkipFirstRecord True if the first record of the text file should
* be skipped.
* @returns A default field map.
getDefaultFieldMap(aSkipFirstRecord) {
var importService = Cc[";1"].getService(
var fieldMap = importService.CreateNewFieldMap();
fieldMap.skipFirstRecord = aSkipFirstRecord;
return fieldMap;
* AbImportHelper.setFieldMap
* Set the field map.
* @param aFieldMap The field map used for address book import.
setFieldMap(aFieldMap) {
this.mInterface.SetData("fieldMap", aFieldMap);
* AbImportHelper.setAddressLocation
* Set the the location of the address book.
* @param aLocation The location of the source address book.
setAddressBookLocation(aLocation) {
this.mInterface.SetData("addressLocation", aLocation);
* AbImportHelper.setAddressDestination
* Set the the destination of the address book.
* @param aDestination URI of destination address book or null if
* new address books will be created.
setAddressDestination(aDestination) {
this.mInterface.SetData("addressDestination", aDestination);
* AbImportHelper.checkResults
* Checks the results of the import.
* Ensures the an address book was created, then compares the supported
* attributes of each card with the card(s) in the JSON array.
* Calls do_test_finished() when done
checkResults() {
if (!this.mJsonCards) {
do_throw("The address book must be setup before checking results");
// When do_test_pending() was called and there is an error the test hangs.
// This try/catch block will catch any errors and call do_throw() with the
// error to throw the error and avoid the hang.
try {
// make sure an address book was created
var newAb = this.getAbByName(this.mAbName);
Assert.ok(newAb !== null);
// get the imported card(s) and check each one
var count = 0;
for (const importedCard of newAb.childCards) {
this.compareCards(this.mJsonCards[count], importedCard);
// make sure there are the same number of cards in the address book and
// the JSON array
Assert.equal(count, this.mJsonCards.length);
} catch (e) {
* AbImportHelper.getAbByName
* Returns the Address Book (if any) with the given name.
* @param aName The name of the Address Book to find.
* @returns An nsIAbDirectory, if found.
* null if the requested Address Book could not be found.
getAbByName(aName) {
Assert.ok(aName && aName.length > 0);
for (const data of MailServices.ab.directories) {
if (data.dirName == aName) {
return data;
return null;
* AbImportHelper.compareCards
* Compares a JSON "card" with an imported card and throws an error if the
* values of a supported attribute are different.
* @param aJsonCard The object decoded from addressbook.json.
* @param aCard The imported card to compare with.
compareCards(aJsonCard, aCard) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(aJsonCard)) {
if (!this.mSupportedAttributes.includes(key)) {
if (key == "_vCard") {
.getProperty(key, "")
"_vCard should be correct"
} else {
equal(aCard.getProperty(key, ""), value, `${key} should be correct`);
* AbImportHelper.getJsonCards
* Gets an array of "cards" from the JSON file addressbook.json located in the
* mailnews/import/test/resources folder. The array should contain objects
* with the expected properties and values of the cards in the imported
* address book.
* See addressbook.json for an example and AB_README for more details.
* @param aName The name of the array in addressbook.json.
* @returns An array of "cards".
getJsonCards(aName) {
if (!aName) {
do_throw("Error - getJSONAb requires an address book name");
var file = do_get_file("resources/addressbook.json");
if (!file || !file.exists() || !file.isFile()) {
do_throw("Unable to get JSON file");
var fis = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
fis.init(file, 0x01, 0o444, 0);
var istream = Cc[
var replacementChar =
istream.init(fis, "UTF-8", 1024, replacementChar);
var json = "";
var str = {};
// get the entire file into the json string
while (istream.readString(4096, str) != 0) {
json += str.value;
// close the input streams
// decode the JSON and get the array of cards
var arr = JSON.parse(json)[aName];
Assert.ok(arr && arr.length > 0);
return arr;
setSupportedAttributes(attributes) {
this.mSupportedAttributes = attributes;
* MailImportHelper
* A helper for mail imports.
* @param aFile An instance of nsIFile to import.
* @param aModuleSearchString
* The string to search the module names for, such as
* "Outlook Express", etc.
* @param aExpected An instance of nsIFile to compare with the imported
* folders.
* @class
* @class
function MailImportHelper(aFile, aModuleSearchString, aExpected) {, "mail", aModuleSearchString, aFile);
this.mExpected = aExpected;
MailImportHelper.prototype = {
__proto__: GenericImportHelper.prototype,
interfaceType: Ci.nsIImportGeneric,
_checkEqualFolder(expectedFolder, actualFolder) {
const expectedSubFolders = [];
for (const entry of expectedFolder.directoryEntries) {
if (entry.isDirectory()) {
const actualSubFolders = actualFolder.subFolders;
Assert.equal(expectedSubFolders.length, actualSubFolders.length);
for (let i = 0; i < expectedSubFolders.length; i++) {
this._checkEqualFolder(expectedSubFolders[i], actualSubFolders[i]);
checkResults() {
const rootFolder = MailServices.accounts.localFoldersServer.rootFolder;
const importedFolder = rootFolder.getChildNamed(this.mFile.leafName);
Assert.notEqual(importedFolder, null);
this._checkEqualFolder(this.mExpected, importedFolder);
* SettingsImportHelper
* A helper for settings imports.
* @param aFile An instance of nsIFile to import, can be null.
* @param aModuleSearchString
* The string to search the module names for, such as
* "Outlook Express", etc.
* @param aExpected An array of object which has incomingServer, identity
* and smtpSever to compare with imported nsIMsgAccount.
* @class
* @class
function SettingsImportHelper(aFile, aModuleSearchString, aExpected) {, "settings", aModuleSearchString, aFile);
this.mExpected = aExpected;
SettingsImportHelper.prototype = {
__proto__: GenericImportHelper.prototype,
interfaceType: Ci.nsIImportSettings,
* SettingsImportHelper.beginImport
* Imports settings from a specific file or auto-located if the file is null,
* and compare the import results with the expected array.
beginImport() {
if (this.mFile) {
} else {
Assert.equal(true, this.mInterface.AutoLocate({}, {}));
Assert.equal(true, this.mInterface.Import({}));
_ensureNoAccounts() {
for (const account of MailServices.accounts.accounts) {
_checkSmtpServer(expected, actual) {
Assert.equal(expected.port, actual.serverURI.port);
Assert.equal(expected.username, actual.username);
Assert.equal(expected.authMethod, actual.authMethod);
Assert.equal(expected.socketType, actual.socketType);
_checkIdentity(expected, actual) {
Assert.equal(expected.fullName, actual.fullName);
Assert.equal(expected.replyTo, actual.replyTo);
Assert.equal(expected.organization, actual.organization);
_checkPop3IncomingServer(expected, actual) {
Assert.equal(expected.leaveMessagesOnServer, actual.leaveMessagesOnServer);
Assert.equal(expected.deleteByAgeFromServer, actual.deleteByAgeFromServer);
_checkIncomingServer(expected, actual) {
Assert.equal(expected.type, actual.type);
Assert.equal(expected.port, actual.port);
Assert.equal(expected.username, actual.username);
Assert.equal(expected.isSecure, actual.isSecure);
Assert.equal(expected.hostName, actual.hostName);
Assert.equal(expected.prettyName, actual.prettyName);
Assert.equal(expected.authMethod, actual.authMethod);
Assert.equal(expected.socketType, actual.socketType);
Assert.equal(expected.doBiff, actual.doBiff);
Assert.equal(expected.biffMinutes, actual.biffMinutes);
if (expected.type == "pop3") {
_checkAccount(expected, actual) {
this._checkIncomingServer(expected.incomingServer, actual.incomingServer);
Assert.equal(1, actual.identities.length);
const actualIdentity = actual.identities[0];
this._checkIdentity(expected.identity, actualIdentity);
if (expected.incomingServer.type != "nntp") {
const actualSmtpServer = MailServices.outgoingServer.getServerByKey(
this._checkSmtpServer(expected.smtpServer, actualSmtpServer);
_isLocalMailAccount(account) {
return (
account.incomingServer.type == "none" &&
account.incomingServer.username == "nobody" &&
account.incomingServer.hostName == "Local Folders"
_findExpectedAccount(account) {
return this.mExpected.filter(function (expectedAccount) {
return (
expectedAccount.incomingServer.type == account.incomingServer.type &&
expectedAccount.incomingServer.username ==
account.incomingServer.username &&
expectedAccount.incomingServer.hostName ==
checkResults() {
for (const actualAccount of MailServices.accounts.accounts) {
if (this._isLocalMailAccount(actualAccount)) {
const expectedAccounts = this._findExpectedAccount(actualAccount);
Assert.notEqual(null, expectedAccounts);
Assert.equal(1, expectedAccounts.length);
this._checkAccount(expectedAccounts[0], actualAccount);
* FiltersImportHelper
* A helper for filter imports.
* @param aFile An instance of nsIFile to import.
* @param aModuleSearchString
* The string to search the module names for, such as
* "Outlook Express", etc.
* @param aExpected The number of filters that should exist after import.
* @class
* @class
function FiltersImportHelper(aFile, aModuleSearchString, aExpected) {, "filters", aModuleSearchString, aFile);
this.mExpected = aExpected;
FiltersImportHelper.prototype = {
__proto__: GenericImportHelper.prototype,
interfaceType: Ci.nsIImportFilters,
* FiltersImportHelper.beginImport
* Imports filters from a specific file/folder or auto-located if the file is null,
* and compare the import results with the expected array.
beginImport() {
if (this.mFile) {
} else {
Assert.equal(true, this.mInterface.AutoLocate({}, {}));
Assert.equal(true, this.mInterface.Import({}));
_loopOverFilters(aFilterList, aCondition) {
let result = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < aFilterList.filterCount; i++) {
const filter = aFilterList.getFilterAt(i);
if (aCondition(filter)) {
return result;
checkResults() {
const expected = this.mExpected;
const server = MailServices.accounts.localFoldersServer;
const filterList = server.getFilterList(null);
if ("count" in expected) {
Assert.equal(filterList.filterCount, expected.count);
if ("enabled" in expected) {
this._loopOverFilters(filterList, f => f.enabled),
if ("incoming" in expected) {
f => f.filterType & Ci.nsMsgFilterType.InboxRule
if ("outgoing" in expected) {
f => f.filterType & Ci.nsMsgFilterType.PostOutgoing