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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef nsBayesianFilter_h__
#define nsBayesianFilter_h__
#include <stdio.h>
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsIMsgFilterPlugin.h"
#include "PLDHashTable.h"
#include "nsITimer.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsWeakReference.h"
#include "nsIObserver.h"
#include "nsHashPropertyBag.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/WordBreaker.h"
#include "mozilla/ArenaAllocator.h"
struct Token;
class TokenEnumeration;
class TokenAnalyzer;
class nsIMsgWindow;
class nsIUTF8StringEnumerator;
struct BaseToken;
struct CorpusToken;
* Helper class to enumerate Token objects in a PLDHashTable
* safely and without copying (see bugzilla #174859). The
* enumeration is safe to use until an Add()
* or Remove() is performed on the table.
class TokenEnumeration {
explicit TokenEnumeration(PLDHashTable* table);
bool hasMoreTokens();
BaseToken* nextToken();
PLDHashTable::Iterator mIterator;
// A trait is some aspect of a message, like being junk or tagged as
// Personal, that the statistical classifier should track. The Trait
// structure is a per-token representation of information pertaining to
// a message trait.
// Traits per token are maintained as a linked list.
struct TraitPerToken {
uint32_t mId; // identifying number for a trait
uint32_t mCount; // count of messages with this token and trait
uint32_t mNextLink; // index in mTraitStore for the next trait, or 0
// for none
TraitPerToken(uint32_t aId, uint32_t aCount); // inititializer
// An Analysis is the statistical results for a particular message, a
// particular token, and for a particular pair of trait/antitrait, that
// is then used in subsequent analysis to score the message.
// Analyses per token are maintained as a linked list.
struct AnalysisPerToken {
uint32_t mTraitIndex; // index representing a protrait/antitrait pair.
// So if we are analyzing 3 different traits, then
// the first trait is 0, the second 1, etc.
double mDistance; // absolute value of mProbability - 0.5
double mProbability; // relative indicator of match of trait to token
uint32_t mNextLink; // index in mAnalysisStore for the Analysis object
// for the next trait index, or 0 for none.
// initializer
AnalysisPerToken(uint32_t aTraitIndex, double aDistance, double aProbability);
class TokenHash {
virtual ~TokenHash();
* Clears out the previous message tokens.
nsresult clearTokens();
uint32_t countTokens();
TokenEnumeration getTokens();
BaseToken* add(const char* word);
explicit TokenHash(uint32_t entrySize);
mozilla::ArenaAllocator<16384, 2> mWordPool;
uint32_t mEntrySize;
PLDHashTable mTokenTable;
char* copyWord(const char* word, uint32_t len);
BaseToken* get(const char* word);
class Tokenizer : public TokenHash {
Token* get(const char* word);
// The training set keeps an occurrence count on each word. This count
// is supposed to count the # of messages it occurs in.
// When add/remove is called while tokenizing a message and NOT the training
// set,
Token* add(const char* word, uint32_t count = 1);
Token* copyTokens();
void tokenize(const char* text);
* Creates specific tokens based on the mime headers for the message being
* tokenized
void tokenizeHeaders(nsTArray<nsCString>& aHeaderNames,
nsTArray<nsCString>& aHeaderValues);
void tokenizeAttachments(nsTArray<RefPtr<nsIPropertyBag2>>& attachments);
nsCString mBodyDelimiters; // delimiters for body tokenization
nsCString mHeaderDelimiters; // delimiters for header tokenization
// arrays of extra headers to tokenize / to not tokenize
nsTArray<nsCString> mEnabledHeaders;
nsTArray<nsCString> mDisabledHeaders;
// Delimiters used in tokenizing a particular header.
// Parallel array to mEnabledHeaders
nsTArray<nsCString> mEnabledHeadersDelimiters;
bool mCustomHeaderTokenization; // Are there any preference-set tokenization
// customizations?
uint32_t mMaxLengthForToken; // maximum length of a token
// should we convert iframe to div during tokenization?
bool mIframeToDiv;
void tokenize_ascii_word(char* word);
void tokenize_japanese_word(char* chunk);
inline void addTokenForHeader(const char* aTokenPrefix, nsACString& aValue,
bool aTokenizeValue = false,
const char* aDelimiters = nullptr);
nsresult stripHTML(const nsAString& inString, nsAString& outString);
// helper function to escape \n, \t, etc from a CString
void UnescapeCString(nsCString& aCString);
nsresult ScannerNext(const char16_t* text, int32_t length, int32_t pos,
bool isLastBuffer, int32_t* begin, int32_t* end,
bool* _retval);
* Implements storage of a collection of message tokens and counts for
* a corpus of classified messages
class CorpusStore : public TokenHash {
* retrieve the token structure for a particular string
* @param word the character representation of the token
* @return token structure containing counts, null if not found
CorpusToken* get(const char* word);
* add tokens to the storage, or increment counts if already exists.
* @param aTokenizer tokenizer for the list of tokens to remember
* @param aTraitId id for the trait whose counts will be remembered
* @param aCount number of new messages represented by the token list
void rememberTokens(Tokenizer& aTokenizer, uint32_t aTraitId,
uint32_t aCount);
* decrement counts for tokens in the storage, removing if all counts
* are zero
* @param aTokenizer tokenizer for the list of tokens to forget
* @param aTraitId id for the trait whose counts will be removed
* @param aCount number of messages represented by the token list
void forgetTokens(Tokenizer& aTokenizer, uint32_t aTraitId, uint32_t aCount);
* write the corpus information to file storage
* @param aMaximumTokenCount prune tokens if number of tokens exceeds
* this value. == 0 for no pruning
void writeTrainingData(uint32_t aMaximumTokenCount);
* read the corpus information from file storage
void readTrainingData();
* delete the local corpus storage file and data
nsresult resetTrainingData();
* get the count of messages whose tokens are stored that are associated
* with a trait
* @param aTraitId identifier for the trait
* @return number of messages for that trait
uint32_t getMessageCount(uint32_t aTraitId);
* set the count of messages whose tokens are stored that are associated
* with a trait
* @param aTraitId identifier for the trait
* @param aCount number of messages for that trait
void setMessageCount(uint32_t aTraitId, uint32_t aCount);
* get the count of messages associated with a particular token and trait
* @param token the token string and associated counts
* @param aTraitId identifier for the trait
uint32_t getTraitCount(CorpusToken* token, uint32_t aTraitId);
* Add (or remove) data from a particular file to the corpus data.
* @param aFile the file with the data, in the format:
* Format of the trait file for version 1:
* [0xFCA93601] (the 01 is the version)
* for each trait to write:
* [id of trait to write] (0 means end of list)
* [number of messages per trait]
* for each token with non-zero count
* [count]
* [length of word]word
* @param aIsAdd should the data be added, or removed? true if adding,
* else removing.
* @param aFromTraits array of trait ids used in aFile. If aFile contains
* trait ids that are not in this array, they are not
* remapped, but assumed to be local trait ids.
* @param aToTraits array of trait ids, corresponding to elements of
* aFromTraits, that represent the local trait ids to be
* used in storing data from aFile into the local corpus.
nsresult UpdateData(nsIFile* aFile, bool aIsAdd,
const nsTArray<uint32_t>& aFromTraits,
const nsTArray<uint32_t>& aToTraits);
* remove all counts (message and tokens) for a trait id
* @param aTrait trait id for the trait to remove
nsresult ClearTrait(uint32_t aTrait);
* return the local corpus storage file for junk traits
nsresult getTrainingFile(nsIFile** aFile);
* return the local corpus storage file for non-junk traits
nsresult getTraitFile(nsIFile** aFile);
* read token strings from the data file
* @param stream file stream with token data
* @param fileSize file size
* @param aTraitId id for the trait whose counts will be read
* @param aIsAdd true to add the counts, false to remove them
* @return true if successful, false if error
bool readTokens(FILE* stream, int64_t fileSize, uint32_t aTraitId,
bool aIsAdd);
* write token strings to the data file
bool writeTokens(FILE* stream, bool shrink, uint32_t aTraitId);
* remove counts for a token string
void remove(const char* word, uint32_t aTraitId, uint32_t aCount);
* add counts for a token string, adding the token string if new
CorpusToken* add(const char* word, uint32_t aTraitId, uint32_t aCount);
* change counts in a trait in the traits array, adding the trait if needed
nsresult updateTrait(CorpusToken* token, uint32_t aTraitId,
int32_t aCountChange);
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> mTrainingFile; // file used to store junk training data
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> mTraitFile; // file used to store non-junk
// training data
nsTArray<TraitPerToken> mTraitStore; // memory for linked-list of counts
uint32_t mNextTraitIndex; // index in mTraitStore to first empty
// TraitPerToken
nsTArray<uint32_t> mMessageCounts; // count of messages per trait
// represented in the store
nsTArray<uint32_t> mMessageCountsId; // Parallel array to mMessageCounts,
// with the corresponding trait ID
class nsBayesianFilter : public nsIJunkMailPlugin,
nsSupportsWeakReference {
nsresult Init();
nsresult tokenizeMessage(const nsACString& messageURI,
nsIMsgWindow* aMsgWindow, TokenAnalyzer* analyzer);
void classifyMessage(Tokenizer& tokens, const nsACString& messageURI,
nsIJunkMailClassificationListener* listener);
void classifyMessage(Tokenizer& tokenizer, const nsACString& messageURI,
nsTArray<uint32_t>& aProTraits,
nsTArray<uint32_t>& aAntiTraits,
nsIJunkMailClassificationListener* listener,
nsIMsgTraitClassificationListener* aTraitListener,
nsIMsgTraitDetailListener* aDetailListener);
void observeMessage(Tokenizer& tokens, const nsACString& messageURI,
nsTArray<uint32_t>& oldClassifications,
nsTArray<uint32_t>& newClassifications,
nsIJunkMailClassificationListener* listener,
nsIMsgTraitClassificationListener* aTraitListener);
virtual ~nsBayesianFilter();
static void TimerCallback(nsITimer* aTimer, void* aClosure);
CorpusStore mCorpus;
double mJunkProbabilityThreshold;
int32_t mMaximumTokenCount;
bool mTrainingDataDirty;
int32_t mMinFlushInterval; // in milliseconds, must be positive
// and not too close to 0
nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mTimer;
// index in mAnalysisStore for first empty AnalysisPerToken
uint32_t mNextAnalysisIndex;
// memory for linked list of AnalysisPerToken objects
nsTArray<AnalysisPerToken> mAnalysisStore;
* Determine the location in mAnalysisStore where the AnalysisPerToken
* object for a particular token and trait is stored
uint32_t getAnalysisIndex(Token& token, uint32_t aTraitIndex);
* Set the value of the AnalysisPerToken object for a particular
* token and trait
nsresult setAnalysis(Token& token, uint32_t aTraitIndex, double aDistance,
double aProbability);
#endif // _nsBayesianFilter_h__