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Copy as Markdown

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* Simple tests for copying local messages to a folder whose db is missing
* or invalid
const { PromiseTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { MessageGenerator } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
async function setup() {
const createSubfolder = async function (parentFolder, name) {
const promiseAdded = PromiseTestUtils.promiseFolderAdded(name);
parentFolder.createSubfolder(name, null);
await promiseAdded;
return parentFolder.getChildNamed(name);
// Create account.
const account = MailServices.accounts.createLocalMailAccount();
const root = account.incomingServer.rootFolder;
// Add a couple of folders containing some test messages.
const folder1 = await createSubfolder(root, "test1");
const folder2 = await createSubfolder(root, "test2");
const gen = new MessageGenerator();
const msg1 = gen.makeMessage();
const msg2 = gen.makeMessage({ inReplyTo: msg1 });
folder1.addMessageBatch([msg1, msg2].map(m => m.toMessageString()));
const msg3 = gen.makeMessage();
return [folder1, folder2];
add_task(async function test_copyToInvalidDB() {
const [folder1, folder2] = await setup();
// folder1 contains [msg1, msg2].
// folder2 contains [msg3].
// Take note of the message we're going to move (first msg in folder1).
const msgHdr = Array.from(folder1.msgDatabase.enumerateMessages())[0];
const expectedID = msgHdr.messageId;
const expectedMsg = mailTestUtils.loadMessageToString(folder1, msgHdr);
// Sabotage the destination folder2 database.
folder2.msgDatabase.summaryValid = false;
folder2.msgDatabase = null;
// In fact, delete the .msf file entirely.
// So folder2 has no trace of a DB.
Assert.equal(folder2.databaseOpen, false);
Assert.equal(folder2.summaryFile.exists(), false);
// Move the message from folder1 to folder2.
const copyListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseCopyListener();
true, // isMove
null, // window
false // allowUndo
await copyListener.promise;
// Current behaviour:
// After the move, there's still no sign of a DB file.
// Yet the copy didn't fail (see Bug 1737203).
Assert.equal(folder2.databaseOpen, false);
Assert.equal(folder2.summaryFile.exists(), false);
// Rebuild the the database.
const urlListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener();
try {
folder2.getDatabaseWithReparse(urlListener, null);
} catch (ex) {
// We expect this - it indicates the DB is not valid. But it will have
// kicked off an async reparse, so we need to wait for the listener.
Assert.equal(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED);
await urlListener.promise;
Assert.equal(folder2.summaryFile.exists(), true);
// Check that the message moved over intact.
const gotHdr = folder2.msgDatabase.getMsgHdrForMessageID(expectedID);
const gotMsg = mailTestUtils.loadMessageToString(folder2, gotHdr);
// NOTE: With maildir store, the message seems to gain an extra trailing
// "\n" during the copy. See Bug 1716651.
// For now, use .trim() as a workaround.
Assert.equal(gotMsg.trim(), expectedMsg.trim());