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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* import-globals-from ../../../mail/components/addrbook/content/abCommon.js */
/* import-globals-from ../../../mail/components/compose/content/addressingWidgetOverlay.js */
var { MailServices } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var gListCard;
var gEditList;
var gOldListName = "";
var gAWContentHeight = 0;
var gAWRowHeight = 0;
var gNumberOfCols = 0;
window.addEventListener("load", onAbListDialogLoad);
window.addEventListener("dragover", DragOverAddressListTree);
window.addEventListener("drop", DropOnAddressListTree);
function onAbListDialogLoad() {
if (window.arguments[0].listURI) {
document.getElementById("abListSelector").hidden = true;
var test_addresses_sequence = false;
if (
Services.prefs.getPrefType("mail.debug.test_addresses_sequence") ==
) {
test_addresses_sequence = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(
try {
var gDragService = Cc[";1"].getService(
} catch (e) {}
// Returns the load context for the current window
function getLoadContext() {
return window.docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext);
function mailingListExists(listname) {
if (MailServices.ab.mailListNameExists(listname)) {
const bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(
return true;
return false;
* Get the new inputs from the create/edit mailing list dialog and use them to
* update the mailing list that was passed in as an argument.
* @param {nsIAbDirectory} mailList - The mailing list object to update. When
* creating a new list it will be newly created and empty.
* @param {boolean} isNewList - Whether we are populating a new list.
* @returns {boolean} - Whether the operation succeeded or not.
function updateMailList(mailList, isNewList) {
const bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(
const listname = document.getElementById("ListName").value.trim();
if (listname.length == 0) {
return false;
if (listname.match(" ")) {
return false;
for (const char of ',;"<>') {
if (listname.includes(char)) {
return false;
const canonicalNewListName = listname.toLowerCase();
const canonicalOldListName = gOldListName.toLowerCase();
if (isNewList || canonicalOldListName != canonicalNewListName) {
if (mailingListExists(listname)) {
// After showing the "Mailing List Already Exists" error alert,
// focus ListName input field for user to choose a different name.
return false;
mailList.isMailList = true;
mailList.dirName = listname;
mailList.listNickName = document.getElementById("ListNickName").value;
mailList.description = document.getElementById("ListDescription").value;
return true;
* Updates the members of the mailing list.
* @param {nsIAbDirectory} mailList - The mailing list object to
* update. When creating a new list it will be newly created and empty.
* @param {nsIAbDirectory} parentDirectory - The address book containing the
* mailing list.
function updateMailListMembers(mailList, parentDirectory) {
// Gather email address inputs into a single string (comma-separated).
const addresses = Array.from(
element => element.value
.filter(value => value.trim())
// Convert the addresses string into address objects.
const addressObjects =
const existingCards = mailList.childCards;
// Work out which addresses need to be added...
const existingCardAddresses = => card.primaryEmail);
const addressObjectsToAdd = addressObjects.filter(
aObj => !existingCardAddresses.includes(
// Eliminate duplicate emails while retaining the first occurrence.
const addressesToAdd = new Map(
.map(obj => [,])
// ... and which need to be removed.
const addressObjectAddresses = =>;
const cardsToRemove = existingCards.filter(
card => !addressObjectAddresses.includes(card.primaryEmail)
for (const [email, name] of addressesToAdd) {
let card = parentDirectory.cardForEmailAddress(email);
if (!card) {
card = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
card.primaryEmail = email;
card.displayName = name || email;
if (cardsToRemove.length > 0) {
function MailListOKButton(event) {
var popup = document.getElementById("abPopup");
if (popup) {
var uri = popup.getAttribute("value");
// FIX ME - hack to avoid crashing if no ab selected because of blank option bug from template
// should be able to just remove this if we are not seeing blank lines in the ab popup
if (!uri) {
return; // don't close window
// -----
// Add mailing list to database
var mailList =
mailList = mailList.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAbDirectory);
if (updateMailList(mailList, true)) {
var parentDirectory = GetDirectoryFromURI(uri);
mailList = parentDirectory.addMailList(mailList);
updateMailListMembers(mailList, parentDirectory);
window.arguments[0].newListUID = mailList.UID;
window.arguments[0].newListURI = mailList.URI;
} else {
function OnLoadNewMailList() {
var selectedAB = null;
if ("arguments" in window && window.arguments[0]) {
var abURI = window.arguments[0].selectedAB;
if (abURI && abURI != kAllDirectoryRoot + "?") {
var directory = GetDirectoryFromURI(abURI);
if (directory.isMailList) {
var parentURI = GetParentDirectoryFromMailingListURI(abURI);
if (parentURI) {
selectedAB = parentURI;
} else if (directory.readOnly) {
selectedAB = kPersonalAddressbookURI;
} else {
selectedAB = abURI;
const cards = window.arguments[0].cards;
if (cards && cards.length > 0) {
const listbox = document.getElementById("addressingWidget");
const newListBoxNode = listbox.cloneNode(false);
const templateNode = listbox.querySelector("richlistitem");
for (const card of cards) {
const address = MailServices.headerParser
.makeMailboxObject(card.displayName, card.primaryEmail)
SetInputValue(address, newListBoxNode, templateNode);
listbox.parentNode.replaceChild(newListBoxNode, listbox);
if (!selectedAB) {
selectedAB = kPersonalAddressbookURI;
// set popup with address book names
var abPopup = document.getElementById("abPopup");
abPopup.value = selectedAB;
if (AppConstants.MOZ_APP_NAME == "seamonkey") {
/* global awDocumentKeyPress */
document.addEventListener("keypress", awDocumentKeyPress, true);
// focus on first name
var listName = document.getElementById("ListName");
if (listName) {
function (firstTextBox) {
const input = document.getElementById("addressCol1#1");
input.popup.addEventListener("click", () => {
document.addEventListener("dialogaccept", MailListOKButton);
function EditListOKButton(event) {
// edit mailing list in database
if (updateMailList(gEditList, false)) {
const parentURI = GetParentDirectoryFromMailingListURI(gEditList.URI);
const parentDirectory = GetDirectoryFromURI(parentURI);
updateMailListMembers(gEditList, parentDirectory);
if (gListCard) {
// modify the list card (for the results pane) from the mailing list
gListCard.displayName = gEditList.dirName;
gListCard.lastName = gEditList.dirName;
gListCard.setProperty("NickName", gEditList.listNickName);
gListCard.setProperty("Notes", gEditList.description);
window.arguments[0].refresh = true;
return; // close the window
function OnLoadEditList() {
gListCard = window.arguments[0].abCard;
var listUri = window.arguments[0].listURI;
gEditList = GetDirectoryFromURI(listUri);
document.getElementById("ListName").value = gEditList.dirName;
document.getElementById("ListNickName").value = gEditList.listNickName;
document.getElementById("ListDescription").value = gEditList.description;
gOldListName = gEditList.dirName;
const bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(
document.title = bundle.formatStringFromName("mailingListTitleEdit", [
const cards = gEditList.childCards;
if (cards.length > 0) {
const listbox = document.getElementById("addressingWidget");
const newListBoxNode = listbox.cloneNode(false);
const templateNode = listbox.querySelector("richlistitem");
for (const card of cards) {
const address = MailServices.headerParser
.makeMailboxObject(card.displayName, card.primaryEmail)
SetInputValue(address, newListBoxNode, templateNode);
listbox.parentNode.replaceChild(newListBoxNode, listbox);
// Is this directory read-only? If so, we now need to set all the fields to
// read-only.
if (gEditList.readOnly) {
const kMailListFields = ["ListName", "ListNickName", "ListDescription"];
for (let i = 0; i < kMailListFields.length; ++i) {
document.getElementById(kMailListFields[i]).readOnly = true;
document.querySelector("dialog").buttons = "accept";
// Getting a sane read-only implementation for the addressing widget would
// basically need a separate dialog. Given I'm not sure about the future of
// the mailing list dialog in its current state, let's just disable it
// completely.
document.getElementById("addressingWidget").disabled = true;
} else {
document.addEventListener("dialogaccept", EditListOKButton);
if (AppConstants.MOZ_APP_NAME == "seamonkey") {
document.addEventListener("keypress", awDocumentKeyPress, true);
// workaround for bug 118337 - for mailing lists that have more rows than fits inside
// the display, the value of the textbox inside the new row isn't inherited into the input -
// the first row then appears to be duplicated at the end although it is actually empty.
// see awAppendNewRow which copies first row and clears it
setTimeout(AppendLastRow, 0);
document.querySelectorAll(`input[is="autocomplete-input"]`).forEach(input => {
input.popup.addEventListener("click", () => {
function AppendLastRow() {
// focus on first name
const listName = document.getElementById("ListName");
if (listName) {
function AppendNewRowAndSetFocus() {
const lastInput = awGetInputElement(top.MAX_RECIPIENTS);
if (lastInput && lastInput.value) {
} else {
function SetInputValue(inputValue, parentNode, templateNode) {
var newNode = templateNode.cloneNode(true);
parentNode.appendChild(newNode); // we need to insert the new node before we set the value of the select element!
var input = newNode.querySelector(`input[is="autocomplete-input"]`);
const label = newNode.querySelector(`label.person-icon`);
if (input) {
input.value = inputValue;
input.setAttribute("id", "addressCol1#" + top.MAX_RECIPIENTS);
label.setAttribute("for", "addressCol1#" + top.MAX_RECIPIENTS);
input.popup.addEventListener("click", () => {
function awClickEmptySpace(target, setFocus) {
if (target == null || target.localName != "hbox") {
const lastInput = awGetInputElement(top.MAX_RECIPIENTS);
if (lastInput && lastInput.value) {
} else if (setFocus) {
function awReturnHit(inputElement) {
const row = awGetRowByInputElement(inputElement);
if (inputElement.value) {
const nextInput = awGetInputElement(row + 1);
if (!nextInput) {
} else {
function awDeleteRow(rowToDelete) {
/* When we delete a row, we must reset the id of others row in order to not break the sequence */
var maxRecipients = top.MAX_RECIPIENTS;
var numberOfCols = awGetNumberOfCols();
for (var row = rowToDelete + 1; row <= maxRecipients; row++) {
for (var col = 1; col <= numberOfCols; col++) {
awGetElementByCol(row, col).setAttribute(
"addressCol" + col + "#" + (row - 1)
* Append a new row.
* @param {boolean} setFocus - Whether to set the focus on the new row.
* @returns {Element?} The input element from the new row.
function awAppendNewRow(setFocus) {
const body = document.getElementById("addressingWidget");
const listitem1 = awGetListItem(1);
let input;
let label;
if (body && listitem1) {
const nextDummy = awGetNextDummyRow();
const newNode = listitem1.cloneNode(true);
if (nextDummy) {
body.replaceChild(newNode, nextDummy);
} else {
input = newNode.querySelector(`input[is="autocomplete-input"]`);
label = newNode.querySelector(`label.person-icon`);
if (input) {
input.value = "";
input.setAttribute("id", "addressCol1#" + top.MAX_RECIPIENTS);
label.setAttribute("for", "addressCol1#" + top.MAX_RECIPIENTS);
input.popup.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Focus the new input widget.
if (setFocus && input) {
return input;
// functions for accessing the elements in the addressing widget
* Returns the recipient inputbox for a row.
* @param {integer} row - Index of the recipient row to return. Starts at 1.
* @returns {Element} This returns the input element.
function awGetInputElement(row) {
return document.getElementById("addressCol1#" + row);
function awGetElementByCol(row, col) {
var colID = "addressCol" + col + "#" + row;
return document.getElementById(colID);
function awGetListItem(row) {
var listbox = document.getElementById("addressingWidget");
if (listbox && row > 0) {
return listbox.getItemAtIndex(row - 1);
return null;
* @param {Element} inputElement - The recipient input element.
* @returns {integer} The row index (starting from 1) where the input element
* is found. 0 if the element is not found.
function awGetRowByInputElement(inputElement) {
if (!inputElement) {
return 0;
var listitem = inputElement.parentNode.parentNode;
return (
document.getElementById("addressingWidget").getIndexOfItem(listitem) + 1
function DragOverAddressListTree() {
var dragSession = gDragService.getCurrentSession();
// XXX add support for other flavors here
if (dragSession.isDataFlavorSupported("text/x-moz-address")) {
dragSession.canDrop = true;
function DropOnAddressListTree(event) {
const dragSession = gDragService.getCurrentSession();
let trans;
try {
trans = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
} catch (ex) {
for (let i = 0; i < dragSession.numDropItems; ++i) {
dragSession.getData(trans, i);
let dataObj = {};
const bestFlavor = {};
trans.getAnyTransferData(bestFlavor, dataObj);
if (dataObj) {
dataObj = dataObj.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString);
if (!dataObj) {
// pull the URL out of the data object
const address =, dataObj.length);
if (!address) {
DropListAddress(, address);
function DropListAddress(target, address) {
// Set focus on a new available, visible row.
awClickEmptySpace(target, true);
if (top.MAX_RECIPIENTS == 0) {
// Break apart the MIME-ready header address into individual addressees to
// add to the dialog.
const addresses = MailServices.headerParser.parseEncodedHeader(address);
for (const addr of addresses) {
const lastInput = awGetInputElement(top.MAX_RECIPIENTS);
lastInput.value = addr.toString();
* Handles keypress events for the email address inputs (that auto-fill)
* in the Address Book Mailing List dialogs. When a comma-separated list of
* addresses is entered on one row, split them into one address per row. Only
* add a new blank row on "Enter" key. On "Tab" key focus moves to the "Cancel"
* button.
* @param {KeyboardEvent} event - The DOM keypress event.
* @param {Element} element - The element that triggered the keypress event.
function awAbRecipientKeyPress(event, element) {
if (event.key != "Enter" && event.key != "Tab") {
if (!element.value) {
if (event.key == "Enter") {
} else {
let inputElement = element;
const originalRow = awGetRowByInputElement(element);
let row;
const addresses = MailServices.headerParser.makeFromDisplayAddress(
if (addresses.length > 1) {
// Collect any existing addresses from the following rows so we don't
// simply overwrite them.
row = originalRow + 1;
inputElement = awGetInputElement(row);
while (inputElement) {
if (inputElement.value) {
inputElement.value = "";
row += 1;
inputElement = awGetInputElement(row);
// Insert the addresses, adding new rows if needed.
row = originalRow;
let needNewRows = false;
for (const address of addresses) {
if (needNewRows) {
inputElement = awAppendNewRow(false);
} else {
inputElement = awGetInputElement(row);
if (!inputElement) {
needNewRows = true;
inputElement = awAppendNewRow(false);
if (inputElement) {
inputElement.value = address;
row += 1;
if (event.key == "Enter") {
// Prevent the dialog from closing. "Enter" inserted a new row instead.
} else if (event.key == "Tab") {
// Focus the last row to let "Tab" move focus to the "Cancel" button.
const lastRow = row - 1;
* Handle keydown event on a recipient input.
* Enables recipient row deletion with DEL or BACKSPACE and
* recipient list navigation with cursor up/down.
* Note that the keydown event fires for ALL keys, so this may affect
* autocomplete as user enters a recipient text.
* @param {KeyboardEvent} event - The keydown event fired on a recipient input.
* @param {HTMLInputElement} inputElement - The recipient input element
* on which the event fired (textbox-addressingWidget).
function awRecipientKeyDown(event, inputElement) {
switch (event.key) {
// Enable deletion of empty recipient rows.
case "Delete":
case "Backspace":
if (inputElement.value.length == 1 && event.repeat) {
// User is holding down Delete or Backspace to delete recipient text
// inline and is now deleting the last character: Set flag to
// temporarily block row deletion.
top.awRecipientInlineDelete = true;
if (!inputElement.value && !event.altKey) {
// When user presses DEL or BACKSPACE on an empty row, and it's not an
// ongoing inline deletion, and not ALT+BACKSPACE for input undo,
// we delete the row.
if (top.awRecipientInlineDelete && !event.repeat) {
// User has released and re-pressed Delete or Backspace key
// after holding them down to delete recipient text inline:
// unblock row deletion.
top.awRecipientInlineDelete = false;
if (!top.awRecipientInlineDelete) {
const deleteForward = event.key == "Delete";
awDeleteHit(inputElement, deleteForward);
// Enable browsing the list of recipients up and down with cursor keys.
case "ArrowDown":
case "ArrowUp":
// Only browse recipients if the autocomplete popup is not open.
if (!inputElement.popupOpen) {
const row = awGetRowByInputElement(inputElement);
const down = event.key == "ArrowDown";
const noEdgeRow = down ? row < top.MAX_RECIPIENTS : row > 1;
if (noEdgeRow) {
const targetRow = down ? row + 1 : row - 1;
* Delete recipient row (addressingWidgetItem) from UI.
* @param {HTMLInputElement} inputElement - The recipient input element.
* textbox-addressingWidget) whose parent row (addressingWidgetItem) will be
* deleted.
* @param {boolean} deleteForward - true: focus next row after deleting the row
* false: focus previous row after deleting the row
function awDeleteHit(inputElement, deleteForward = false) {
const row = awGetRowByInputElement(inputElement);
// Don't delete the row if it's the last one remaining; just reset it.
if (top.MAX_RECIPIENTS <= 1) {
inputElement.value = "";
// Set the focus to the input field of the next/previous row according to
// the direction of deleting if possible.
// Note: awSetFocusTo() is asynchronous, i.e. we'll focus after row removal.
if (
(!deleteForward && row > 1) ||
(deleteForward && row == top.MAX_RECIPIENTS)
) {
// We're deleting backwards, but not the first row,
// or forwards on the last row: Focus previous row.
awSetFocusTo(awGetInputElement(row - 1));
} else {
// We're deleting forwards, but not the last row,
// or backwards on the first row: Focus next row.
awSetFocusTo(awGetInputElement(row + 1));
// Delete the row.
function awTestRowSequence() {
This function is for debug and testing purpose only, normal user should not run it!
Every time we insert or delete a row, we must be sure we didn't break the ID sequence of
the addressing widget rows. This function will run a quick test to see if the sequence still ok
You need to define the pref mail.debug.test_addresses_sequence to true in order to activate it
if (!test_addresses_sequence) {
return true;
// Debug code to verify the sequence is still good.
const listbox = document.getElementById("addressingWidget");
const listitems = listbox.itemChildren;
if (listitems.length >= top.MAX_RECIPIENTS) {
for (let i = 1; i <= listitems.length; i++) {
const item = listitems[i - 1];
const inputID = item
const menulist = item.querySelector("menulist");
// In some places like the mailing list dialog there is no menulist,
// and so no popupID that needs to be kept in sequence.
const popupID = menulist &&"#")[1];
if (inputID != i || (popupID && popupID != i)) {
`#ERROR: sequence broken at row ${i}, ` +
`inputID=${inputID}, popupID=${popupID}\n`
return false;
dump("---SEQUENCE OK---\n");
return true;
} else {
`#ERROR: listitems.length(${listitems.length}) < ` +
return false;
function awRemoveRow(row) {
function awGetNumberOfCols() {
if (gNumberOfCols == 0) {
var listbox = document.getElementById("addressingWidget");
var listCols = listbox.getElementsByTagName("treecol");
gNumberOfCols = listCols.length;
if (!gNumberOfCols) {
// If no cols defined, that means we have only one!
gNumberOfCols = 1;
return gNumberOfCols;
function awCreateDummyItem(aParent) {
var listbox = document.getElementById("addressingWidget");
var item = listbox.getItemAtIndex(0);
var titem = document.createXULElement("richlistitem");
titem.setAttribute("_isDummyRow", "true");
titem.setAttribute("class", "dummy-row"); = item.getBoundingClientRect().height + "px";
for (let i = 0; i < awGetNumberOfCols(); i++) {
const cell = awCreateDummyCell(titem);
if (item.children[i].hasAttribute("style")) {
cell.setAttribute("style", item.children[i].getAttribute("style"));
if (item.children[i].hasAttribute("flex")) {
cell.setAttribute("flex", item.children[i].getAttribute("flex"));
if (aParent) {
return titem;
function awFitDummyRows() {
function awCreateOrRemoveDummyRows() {
const listbox = document.getElementById("addressingWidget");
const listboxHeight = listbox.getBoundingClientRect().height;
// remove rows to remove scrollbar
const kids = listbox.querySelectorAll("[_isDummyRow]");
for (
let i = kids.length - 1;
gAWContentHeight > listboxHeight && i >= 0;
) {
gAWContentHeight -= gAWRowHeight;
// add rows to fill space
if (gAWRowHeight) {
while (gAWContentHeight + gAWRowHeight < listboxHeight) {
gAWContentHeight += gAWRowHeight;
function awCalcContentHeight() {
var listbox = document.getElementById("addressingWidget");
var items = listbox.itemChildren;
gAWContentHeight = 0;
if (items.length > 0) {
// all rows are forced to a uniform height in xul listboxes, so
// find the first listitem with a boxObject and use it as precedent
var i = 0;
do {
gAWRowHeight = items[i].getBoundingClientRect().height;
} while (i < items.length && !gAWRowHeight);
gAWContentHeight = gAWRowHeight * items.length;
/* ::::::::::: addressing widget dummy rows ::::::::::::::::: */
function awCreateDummyCell(aParent) {
var cell = document.createXULElement("hbox");
cell.setAttribute("class", "addressingWidgetCell dummy-row-cell");
if (aParent) {
return cell;
function awGetNextDummyRow() {
// gets the next row from the top down
return document.querySelector("#addressingWidget > [_isDummyRow]");
* Set focus to the specified element, typically a recipient input element.
* We do this asynchronously to allow other processes like adding or removing rows
* to complete before shifting focus.
* @param {Element} element - The element to receive focus asynchronously.
function awSetFocusTo(element) {
// Remember the (input) element to focus for asynchronous focusing, so that we
// play safe if this gets called again and the original element gets removed
// before we can focus it.
top.awInputToFocus = element;
setTimeout(_awSetFocusTo, 0);
function _awSetFocusTo() {
// returns null if abURI is not a mailing list URI
function GetParentDirectoryFromMailingListURI(abURI) {
var abURIArr = abURI.split("/");
into ["jsaddrbook:","","abook.sqlite","MailList6"],
Turn "moz-aboutlookdirectory:///<top dir ID>/<ML dir ID>"
into ["moz-aboutlookdirectory:","","","<top dir ID>","<ML dir ID>"],
and then into: "moz-aboutlookdirectory:///<top dir ID>".
if (
abURIArr.length == 4 &&
["jsaddrbook:", "moz-abmdbdirectory:"].includes(abURIArr[0]) &&
abURIArr[3] != ""
) {
return abURIArr[0] + "//" + abURIArr[2];
} else if (
abURIArr.length == 5 &&
abURIArr[0] == "moz-aboutlookdirectory:" &&
abURIArr[4] != ""
) {
return abURIArr[0] + "///" + abURIArr[3];
return null;