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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Tests attachment handling functionality of the message compose window.
"use strict";
var {
} = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var {
} = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var { promise_modal_dialog } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var messenger;
var folder;
var epsilon;
var filePrefix;
var rawAttachment =
"Can't make the frug contest, Helen; stomach's upset. I'll fix you, " +
"Ubik! Ubik drops you back in the thick of things fast. Taken as " +
"directed, Ubik speeds relief to head and stomach. Remember: Ubik is " +
"only seconds away. Avoid prolonged use.";
var b64Attachment =
"FlzAAAN1wAADdcBQiibeAAAABl0RVh0U29mdHdhcmUAd3d3Lmlua3NjYXBlLm9yZ5vuPBoAAA" +
var b64Size = 188;
add_setup(async function () {
folder = await create_folder("ComposeAttachmentA");
messenger = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIMessenger);
/* Today's gory details (thanks to Jonathan Protzenko): libmime somehow
* counts the trailing newline for an attachment MIME part. Most of the time,
* assuming attachment has N bytes (no matter what's inside, newlines or
* not), libmime will return N + 1 bytes. On Linux and Mac, this always
* holds. However, on Windows, if the attachment is not encoded (that is, is
* inline text), libmime will return N + 2 bytes. Since we're dealing with
* forwarded message data here, the bonus byte(s) appear twice.
epsilon = AppConstants.platform == "win" ? 4 : 2;
filePrefix = AppConstants.platform == "win" ? "file:///C:/" : "file:///";
// create some messages that have various types of attachments
const messages = [
// no attachment
// raw attachment
attachments: [{ body: rawAttachment, filename: "ubik.txt", format: "" }],
// b64-encoded image attachment
attachments: [
body: b64Attachment,
contentType: "image/png",
filename: "lines.png",
encoding: "base64",
format: "",
for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
await add_message_to_folder([folder], create_message(messages[i]));
* Make sure that the attachment's size is what we expect.
* @param {Window} win - The compose window.
* @param {integer} index - The attachment to examine, as an index into the listbox.
* @param {integer} expectedSize - The expected size of the attachment, in bytes.
function check_attachment_size(win, index, expectedSize) {
const bucket = win.document.getElementById("attachmentBucket");
const node = bucket.querySelectorAll("richlistitem.attachmentItem")[index];
// First, let's check that the attachment size is correct
const size = node.attachment.size;
if (Math.abs(size - expectedSize) > epsilon) {
throw new Error(
"Reported attachment size (" +
size +
") not within epsilon " +
"of actual attachment size (" +
expectedSize +
// Next, make sure that the formatted size in the label is correct
const formattedSize = node.getAttribute("size");
const expectedFormattedSize = messenger.formatFileSize(size);
if (formattedSize != expectedFormattedSize) {
throw new Error(
"Formatted attachment size (" +
formattedSize +
") does not " +
"match expected value (" +
expectedFormattedSize +
* Make sure that the attachment's size is not displayed.
* @param {Window} win - The compose window.
* @param {integer} index - The attachment to examine, as an index into the listbox.
function check_no_attachment_size(win, index) {
const bucket = win.document.getElementById("attachmentBucket");
const node = bucket.querySelectorAll("richlistitem.attachmentItem")[index];
if (node.attachment.size != -1) {
throw new Error("attachment.size attribute should be -1!");
// For unknown size, the size attribute is set to empty.
if (node.getAttribute("size") !== "") {
throw new Error("Attachment size should not be displayed!");
* Make sure that the total size of all attachments is what we expect.
* @param {Window} win - The compose window.
* @param {integer} count - The expected number of attachments.
function check_total_attachment_size(win, count) {
const bucket = win.document.getElementById("attachmentBucket");
const nodes = bucket.querySelectorAll("richlistitem.attachmentItem");
const sizeNode = win.document.getElementById("attachmentBucketSize");
if (nodes.length != count) {
throw new Error(
"Saw " + nodes.length + " attachments, but expected " + count
let size = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
const currSize = nodes[i].attachment.size;
if (currSize != -1) {
size += currSize;
// Next, make sure that the formatted size in the label is correct
const expectedFormattedSize = messenger.formatFileSize(size);
if (sizeNode.textContent != expectedFormattedSize) {
throw new Error(
"Formatted attachment size (" +
sizeNode.textContent +
") does not " +
"match expected value (" +
expectedFormattedSize +
add_task(async function test_file_attachment() {
const cwc = await open_compose_new_mail();
const url = filePrefix + "some/file/here.txt";
const size = 1234;
await add_attachments(cwc, url, size);
check_attachment_size(cwc, 0, size);
check_total_attachment_size(cwc, 1);
await close_compose_window(cwc);
add_task(async function test_webpage_attachment() {
const cwc = await open_compose_new_mail();
await add_attachments(cwc, "");
check_no_attachment_size(cwc, 0);
check_total_attachment_size(cwc, 1);
await close_compose_window(cwc);
add_task(async function test_multiple_attachments() {
const cwc = await open_compose_new_mail();
const files = [
{ name: "foo.txt", size: 1234 },
{ name: "bar.txt", size: 5678 },
{ name: "baz.txt", size: 9012 },
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
await add_attachments(cwc, filePrefix + files[i].name, files[i].size);
check_attachment_size(cwc, i, files[i].size);
check_total_attachment_size(cwc, files.length);
await close_compose_window(cwc);
add_task(async function test_delete_attachments() {
const cwc = await open_compose_new_mail();
const files = [
{ name: "foo.txt", size: 1234 },
{ name: "bar.txt", size: 5678 },
{ name: "baz.txt", size: 9012 },
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
await add_attachments(cwc, filePrefix + files[i].name, files[i].size);
check_attachment_size(cwc, i, files[i].size);
delete_attachment(cwc, 0);
check_total_attachment_size(cwc, files.length - 1);
await close_compose_window(cwc);
function subtest_rename_attachment(cwc) {
cwc.document.getElementById("loginTextbox").value = "renamed.txt";
add_task(async function test_rename_attachment() {
const cwc = await open_compose_new_mail();
const url = filePrefix + "some/file/here.txt";
const size = 1234;
await add_attachments(cwc, url, size);
// Now, rename the attachment.
const bucket = cwc.document.getElementById("attachmentBucket");
const node = bucket.querySelector("richlistitem.attachmentItem");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(node, {}, node.ownerGlobal);
const dialogPromise = promise_modal_dialog(
await dialogPromise;
Assert.equal(node.getAttribute("name"), "renamed.txt");
check_attachment_size(cwc, 0, size);
check_total_attachment_size(cwc, 1);
await close_compose_window(cwc);
function subtest_open_attachment(cwc) {
add_task(async function test_open_attachment() {
const cwc = await open_compose_new_mail();
// set up our external file for attaching
const file = new FileUtils.File(getTestFilePath("data/attachment.txt"));
const fileHandler =
const url = fileHandler.getURLSpecFromActualFile(file);
const size = file.fileSize;
await add_attachments(cwc, url, size);
// Now, open the attachment.
const bucket = cwc.document.getElementById("attachmentBucket");
const node = bucket.querySelector("richlistitem.attachmentItem");
const dialogPromise = promise_modal_dialog(
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(node, { clickCount: 2 }, node.ownerGlobal);
await dialogPromise;
await close_compose_window(cwc);
add_task(async function test_forward_raw_attachment() {
await be_in_folder(folder);
await select_click_row(-2);
const cwc = await open_compose_with_forward();
check_attachment_size(cwc, 0, rawAttachment.length);
check_total_attachment_size(cwc, 1);
await close_compose_window(cwc);
add_task(async function test_forward_b64_attachment() {
await be_in_folder(folder);
await select_click_row(-3);
const cwc = await open_compose_with_forward();
check_attachment_size(cwc, 0, b64Size);
check_total_attachment_size(cwc, 1);
await close_compose_window(cwc);
add_task(async function test_forward_message_as_attachment() {
await be_in_folder(folder);
const curMessage = await select_click_row(-1);
const cwc = await open_compose_with_forward_as_attachments();
check_attachment_size(cwc, 0, curMessage.messageSize);
check_total_attachment_size(cwc, 1);
await close_compose_window(cwc);
add_task(async function test_forward_message_with_attachments_as_attachment() {
await be_in_folder(folder);
const curMessage = await select_click_row(-2);
const cwc = await open_compose_with_forward_as_attachments();
check_attachment_size(cwc, 0, curMessage.messageSize);
check_total_attachment_size(cwc, 1);
await close_compose_window(cwc);
* Check that the compose window has the attachments we expect.
* @param {Window} aWin - The compose window.
* @param {string[]} aNames - An array of attachment names that are expected.
function check_attachment_names(aWin, aNames) {
const bucket = aWin.document.getElementById("attachmentBucket");
Assert.equal(aNames.length, bucket.itemCount);
for (let i = 0; i < aNames.length; i++) {
Assert.equal(bucket.getItemAtIndex(i).getAttribute("name"), aNames[i]);
* Execute a test of attachment reordering actions and check the resulting order.
* @param {Window} aCwc - The compose window.
* @param {string} aInitialAttachmentNames - An array of attachment names
* specifying the initial set of attachments to be created.
* @param {object[]} aReorder_actions - An array of objects specifying a
* reordering action:
* - select: array of attachment item indexes to select,
* - button: ID of button to click in the reordering menu,
* - key: keycode of key to press instead of a click,
* - key_modifiers: { accelKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, etc.},
* - result: an array of attachment names in the new order that should result.
* @param {boolean} openPanel - Whether to open reorderAttachmentsPanel for the test.
async function subtest_reordering(
aOpenPanel = true
) {
const bucket = aCwc.document.getElementById("attachmentBucket");
let panel;
// Create a set of attachments for the test.
const size = 1234;
for (const name of aInitialAttachmentNames) {
await add_attachments(aCwc, filePrefix + name, size);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve));
Assert.equal(bucket.itemCount, aInitialAttachmentNames.length);
check_attachment_names(aCwc, aInitialAttachmentNames);
if (aOpenPanel) {
// Bring up the reordering panel.
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve));
panel = aCwc.document.getElementById("reorderAttachmentsPanel");
await wait_for_popup_to_open(panel);
for (const action of aReorder_actions) {
// Ensure selection.
for (const itemIndex of {
// Take action.
if ("button" in action) {
} else if ("key" in action) {
EventUtils.synthesizeKey(action.key, action.key_modifiers, aCwc);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve));
// Check result.
check_attachment_names(aCwc, action.result);
if (aOpenPanel) {
// Close the panel.
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => panel.state == "closed",
"Reordering panel didn't close"
// Clean up for a new set of attachments.
* Check basic and advanced attachment reordering operations.
* This is the main function of this test.
add_task(async function test_attachment_reordering() {
const cwc = await open_compose_new_mail();
const editorEl = cwc.GetCurrentEditorElement();
const bucket = cwc.document.getElementById("attachmentBucket");
const panel = cwc.document.getElementById("reorderAttachmentsPanel");
// const openReorderPanelModifiers =
// (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") ? { controlKey: true }
// : { altKey: true };
// First, some checks if the 'Reorder Attachments' panel
// opens and closes correctly.
// Create two attachments as otherwise the reordering panel won't open.
const size = 1234;
const initialAttachmentNames_0 = ["A1", "A2"];
for (const name of initialAttachmentNames_0) {
await add_attachments(cwc, filePrefix + name, size);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve));
Assert.equal(bucket.itemCount, initialAttachmentNames_0.length);
check_attachment_names(cwc, initialAttachmentNames_0);
// Show 'Reorder Attachments' panel via mouse clicks.
const contextMenu = cwc.document.getElementById(
const shownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(contextMenu, "popupshown");
{ type: "contextmenu" },
await shownPromise;
await wait_for_popup_to_open(panel);
// Click on the editor which should close the panel.
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(editorEl, {}, editorEl.ownerGlobal);
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => panel.state == "closed",
"Reordering panel didn't close when editor was clicked."
// Clean up for a new set of attachments.
// Define checks for various moving operations.
// Check 1: basic, mouse-only.
const initialAttachmentNames_1 = ["a", "C", "B", "b", "bb", "x"];
const reorderActions_1 = [
select: [1, 2, 3],
button: "btn_sortAttachmentsToggle",
result: ["a", "b", "B", "C", "bb", "x"],
select: [4],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentLeft",
result: ["a", "b", "B", "bb", "C", "x"],
select: [5],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentFirst",
result: ["x", "a", "b", "B", "bb", "C"],
select: [0],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentRight",
result: ["a", "x", "b", "B", "bb", "C"],
select: [1],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentLast",
result: ["a", "b", "B", "bb", "C", "x"],
select: [1, 3],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentBundleUp",
result: ["a", "b", "bb", "B", "C", "x"],
select: [2],
button: "btn_sortAttachmentsToggle",
result: ["a", "b", "B", "bb", "C", "x"],
// Check 2: basic and advanced, mouse-only.
const initialAttachmentNames_2 = [
const reorderActions_2 = [
// For starters: moving a single attachment around in the list.
select: [1],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentLeft",
result: ["x", "a", "C", "y1", "y2", "B", "b", "z", "bb"],
select: [0],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentLast",
result: ["a", "C", "y1", "y2", "B", "b", "z", "bb", "x"],
select: [8],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentFirst",
result: ["x", "a", "C", "y1", "y2", "B", "b", "z", "bb"],
select: [0],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentRight",
result: ["a", "x", "C", "y1", "y2", "B", "b", "z", "bb"],
// Moving multiple, disjunct selection with inner block up/down as-is.
// This feature can be useful for multiple disjunct selection patterns
// in an alternating list of attachments like
// {photo1.jpg, description1.txt, photo2.jpg, description2.txt},
// where the order of alternation should be inverted to become
// {description1.txt, photo1.jpg, description2.txt, photo2.txt}.
select: [1, 3, 4, 7],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentRight",
result: ["a", "C", "x", "B", "y1", "y2", "b", "bb", "z"],
select: [2, 4, 5, 8],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentLeft",
result: ["a", "x", "C", "y1", "y2", "B", "b", "z", "bb"],
select: [1, 3, 4, 7],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentLeft",
result: ["x", "a", "y1", "y2", "C", "B", "z", "b", "bb"],
// Folding multiple, disjunct selection with inner block towards top/bottom.
select: [0, 2, 3, 6],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentLeft",
result: ["x", "y1", "y2", "a", "C", "z", "B", "b", "bb"],
select: [0, 1, 2, 5],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentLeft",
result: ["x", "y1", "y2", "a", "z", "C", "B", "b", "bb"],
select: [0, 1, 2, 4],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentLeft",
result: ["x", "y1", "y2", "z", "a", "C", "B", "b", "bb"],
select: [3, 5, 6, 8],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentRight",
result: ["x", "y1", "y2", "a", "z", "b", "C", "B", "bb"],
select: [4, 6, 7, 8],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentRight",
result: ["x", "y1", "y2", "a", "b", "z", "C", "B", "bb"],
// Prepare scenario for and test 'Group together' (upwards).
select: [1, 2],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentRight",
result: ["x", "a", "y1", "y2", "b", "z", "C", "B", "bb"],
select: [0, 2, 3, 5],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentRight",
result: ["a", "x", "b", "y1", "y2", "C", "z", "B", "bb"],
select: [1, 3, 4, 6],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentBundleUp",
result: ["a", "x", "y1", "y2", "z", "b", "C", "B", "bb"],
// 'Group together' (downwards) is not tested here because it is
// only available via keyboard shortcuts, e.g. Alt+Cursor Right.
// Sort selected attachments only.
// Unsorted multiple selection must be collapsed upwards first if disjunct,
// then sorted ascending.
select: [0, 5, 6, 8],
button: "btn_sortAttachmentsToggle",
result: ["a", "b", "bb", "C", "x", "y1", "y2", "z", "B"],
// Sorted multiple block selection must be sorted the other way round.
select: [0, 1, 2, 3],
button: "btn_sortAttachmentsToggle",
result: ["C", "bb", "b", "a", "x", "y1", "y2", "z", "B"],
// Sorted, multiple, disjunct selection must just be collapsed upwards.
select: [3, 8],
button: "btn_sortAttachmentsToggle",
result: ["C", "bb", "b", "a", "B", "x", "y1", "y2", "z"],
select: [0, 2, 3],
button: "btn_sortAttachmentsToggle",
result: ["C", "b", "a", "bb", "B", "x", "y1", "y2", "z"],
// Bug 1417856: Sort all attachments when 1 or no attachment selected.
select: [1],
button: "btn_sortAttachmentsToggle",
result: ["a", "b", "B", "bb", "C", "x", "y1", "y2", "z"],
select: [],
button: "btn_sortAttachmentsToggle",
result: ["z", "y2", "y1", "x", "C", "bb", "B", "b", "a"],
// Collapsing multiple, disjunct selection with inner block to top/bottom.
select: [3, 5, 6, 8],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentFirst",
result: ["x", "bb", "B", "a", "z", "y2", "y1", "C", "b"],
select: [0, 2, 3, 7],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentLast",
result: ["bb", "z", "y2", "y1", "b", "x", "B", "a", "C"],
// Check 3: basic and advanced, keyboard-only.
const initialAttachmentNames_3 = [
const modAlt = { altKey: true };
const modifiers2 =
AppConstants.platform == "macosx"
? { accelKey: true, altKey: true }
: { altKey: true };
const reorderActions_3 = [
// For starters: moving a single attachment around in the list.
select: [1],
// key_moveAttachmentLeft
key: "VK_LEFT",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["x", "a", "C", "y1", "y2", "B", "b", "z", "bb"],
select: [0],
// key_moveAttachmentBottom
key: AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ? "VK_DOWN" : "VK_END",
key_modifiers: modifiers2,
result: ["a", "C", "y1", "y2", "B", "b", "z", "bb", "x"],
select: [8],
// key_moveAttachmentTop
key: AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ? "VK_UP" : "VK_HOME",
key_modifiers: modifiers2,
result: ["x", "a", "C", "y1", "y2", "B", "b", "z", "bb"],
select: [0],
// key_moveAttachmentBottom2 (secondary shortcut on MAC, same as Win primary)
key: "VK_END",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["a", "C", "y1", "y2", "B", "b", "z", "bb", "x"],
select: [8],
// key_moveAttachmentTop2 (secondary shortcut on MAC, same as Win primary)
key: "VK_HOME",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["x", "a", "C", "y1", "y2", "B", "b", "z", "bb"],
select: [0],
// key_moveAttachmentRight
key: "VK_RIGHT",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["a", "x", "C", "y1", "y2", "B", "b", "z", "bb"],
// Moving multiple, disjunct selection with inner block up/down as-is.
// This feature can be useful for multiple disjunct selection patterns
// in an alternating list of attachments like
// {photo1.jpg, description1.txt, photo2.jpg, description2.txt},
// where the order of alternation should be inverted to become
// {description1.txt, photo1.jpg, description2.txt, photo2.txt}.
select: [1, 3, 4, 7],
// key_moveAttachmentRight
key: "VK_RIGHT",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["a", "C", "x", "B", "y1", "y2", "b", "bb", "z"],
select: [2, 4, 5, 8],
// key_moveAttachmentLeft
key: "VK_LEFT",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["a", "x", "C", "y1", "y2", "B", "b", "z", "bb"],
select: [1, 3, 4, 7],
// key_moveAttachmentLeft
key: "VK_LEFT",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["x", "a", "y1", "y2", "C", "B", "z", "b", "bb"],
// Folding multiple, disjunct selection with inner block towards top/bottom.
select: [0, 2, 3, 6],
// key_moveAttachmentLeft
key: "VK_LEFT",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["x", "y1", "y2", "a", "C", "z", "B", "b", "bb"],
select: [0, 1, 2, 5],
// key_moveAttachmentLeft
key: "VK_LEFT",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["x", "y1", "y2", "a", "z", "C", "B", "b", "bb"],
select: [0, 1, 2, 4],
// key_moveAttachmentLeft
key: "VK_LEFT",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["x", "y1", "y2", "z", "a", "C", "B", "b", "bb"],
select: [3, 5, 6, 8],
// key_moveAttachmentRight
key: "VK_RIGHT",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["x", "y1", "y2", "a", "z", "b", "C", "B", "bb"],
select: [4, 6, 7, 8],
// key_moveAttachmentRight
key: "VK_RIGHT",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["x", "y1", "y2", "a", "b", "z", "C", "B", "bb"],
// Prepare scenario for and test 'Group together' (upwards/downwards).
select: [1, 2],
// key_moveAttachmentRight
key: "VK_RIGHT",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["x", "a", "y1", "y2", "b", "z", "C", "B", "bb"],
select: [0, 2, 3, 5],
// key_moveAttachmentRight
key: "VK_RIGHT",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["a", "x", "b", "y1", "y2", "C", "z", "B", "bb"],
select: [1, 3, 4, 6],
// key_moveAttachmentBundleUp
key: "VK_UP",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["a", "x", "y1", "y2", "z", "b", "C", "B", "bb"],
select: [5, 6],
// key_moveAttachmentLeft
key: "VK_LEFT",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["a", "x", "y1", "y2", "b", "C", "z", "B", "bb"],
select: [0, 4, 5, 7],
// key_moveAttachmentBundleDown
key: "VK_DOWN",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["x", "y1", "y2", "z", "a", "b", "C", "B", "bb"],
// Collapsing multiple, disjunct selection with inner block to top/bottom.
select: [0, 4, 5, 7],
// key_moveAttachmentTop
key: AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ? "VK_UP" : "VK_HOME",
key_modifiers: modifiers2,
result: ["x", "a", "b", "B", "y1", "y2", "z", "C", "bb"],
select: [0, 4, 5, 6],
// key_moveAttachmentBottom
key: AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ? "VK_DOWN" : "VK_END",
key_modifiers: modifiers2,
result: ["a", "b", "B", "C", "bb", "x", "y1", "y2", "z"],
select: [0, 1, 3, 4],
// key_moveAttachmentBottom2 (secondary shortcut on MAC, same as Win primary)
key: "VK_END",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["B", "x", "y1", "y2", "z", "a", "b", "C", "bb"],
select: [5, 6, 7, 8],
// key_moveAttachmentTop2 (secondary shortcut on MAC, same as Win primary)
key: "VK_HOME",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["a", "b", "C", "bb", "B", "x", "y1", "y2", "z"],
// Check 4: Alt+Y keyboard shortcut for sorting (Bug 1425891).
const initialAttachmentNames_4 = [
const reorderActions_4 = [
select: [1],
// key_sortAttachmentsToggle
key: "y",
key_modifiers: modAlt,
result: ["a", "b", "B", "bb", "C", "x", "y1", "y2", "z"],
// Execute the tests of reordering actions as defined above.
await subtest_reordering(cwc, initialAttachmentNames_1, reorderActions_1);
await subtest_reordering(cwc, initialAttachmentNames_2, reorderActions_2);
// Check 3 (keyboard-only) with panel open.
await subtest_reordering(cwc, initialAttachmentNames_3, reorderActions_3);
// Check 3 (keyboard-only) without panel.
await subtest_reordering(
// Check 4 (Alt+Y keyboard shortcut for sorting) without panel.
await subtest_reordering(
// Check 4 (Alt+Y keyboard shortcut for sorting) with panel open.
await subtest_reordering(cwc, initialAttachmentNames_4, reorderActions_4);
// XXX When the root problem of bug 1425891 has been found and fixed, we should
// test here if the panel stays open as it should, esp. on Windows.
await close_compose_window(cwc);
add_task(async function test_restore_attachment_bucket_height() {
const cwc = await open_compose_new_mail();
const attachmentArea = cwc.document.getElementById("attachmentArea");
const attachmentBucket = cwc.document.getElementById("attachmentBucket");
"Attachment area should be hidden initially with no attachments"
// Add 9 attachments to open a pane least 2 rows height.
const files = [
{ name: "foo.txt", size: 1234 },
{ name: "bar.txt", size: 5678 },
{ name: "baz.txt", size: 9012 },
{ name: "foo2.txt", size: 1234 },
{ name: "bar2.txt", size: 5678 },
{ name: "baz2.txt", size: 9012 },
{ name: "foo3.txt", size: 1234 },
{ name: "bar3.txt", size: 5678 },
{ name: "baz3.txt", size: 9012 },
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
await add_attachments(cwc, filePrefix + files[i].name, files[i].size);
// Store the height of the attachment bucket.
const heightBefore = attachmentBucket.getBoundingClientRect().height;
const modifiers =
AppConstants.platform == "macosx"
? { accelKey: true, shiftKey: true }
: { ctrlKey: true, shiftKey: true };
const collapsedPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(attachmentArea) && !,
"The attachment area should be visible but closed."
// Press Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+M to collapse the attachment pane.
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("M", modifiers, cwc);
await collapsedPromise;
const visiblePromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(attachmentArea) &&,
"The attachment area should be visible and open."
// Press Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+M again.
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("M", modifiers, cwc);
await visiblePromise;
// The height of these elements should have been properly restored.
Assert.equal(attachmentBucket.getBoundingClientRect().height, heightBefore);
await close_compose_window(cwc);