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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* import-globals-from SearchDialog.js */
/* globals ViewPickerBinding */ // From msgViewPickerOverlay.js
var { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, {
const { ThreadPaneColumns } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var gDBView;
var nsMsgKey_None = 0xffffffff;
var nsMsgViewIndex_None = 0xffffffff;
* Abstraction for a widget that (roughly speaking) displays the contents of
* folders. The widget belongs to a tab and has a lifetime as long as the tab
* that contains it. This class is strictly concerned with the UI aspects of
* this; the DBViewWrapper class handles the view details (and is exposed on
* the 'view' attribute.)
* The search window subclasses this into the SearchFolderDisplayWidget rather
* than us attempting to generalize everything excessively. This is because
* we hate the search window and don't want to clutter up this code for it.
* The standalone message display window also subclasses us; we do not hate it,
* but it's not invited to our birthday party either.
* For reasons of simplicity and the original order of implementation, this
* class does alter its behavior slightly for the benefit of the standalone
* message window. If no tab info is provided, we avoid touching tabmail
* (which is good, because it won't exist!) And now we guard against treeBox
* manipulations...
function FolderDisplayWidget() {
// If the folder does not get handled by the DBViewWrapper, stash it here.
// ex: when isServer is true.
this._nonViewFolder = null;
this.view = new DBViewWrapper(this);
* The XUL tree node, as retrieved by getDocumentElementById. The caller is
* responsible for setting this.
this.tree = null;
* The nsIMsgWindow corresponding to the window that holds us. There is only
* one of these per tab. The caller is responsible for setting this.
this.msgWindow = null;
* The nsIMessenger instance that corresponds to our tab/window. We do not
* use this ourselves, but are responsible for using it to update the
* global |messenger| object so that our tab maintains its own undo and
* navigation history. At some point we might touch it for those reasons.
this.messenger = null;
this.threadPaneCommandUpdater = this;
* Flag to expose whether all messages are loaded or not. Set by
* onMessagesLoaded() when aAll is true.
this._allMessagesLoaded = false;
* Save the top row displayed when we go inactive, restore when we go active,
* nuke it when we destroy the view.
this._savedFirstVisibleRow = null;
/** the next view index to select once the delete completes */
this._nextViewIndexAfterDelete = null;
* Track when a message is being deleted so we can respond appropriately.
this._deleteInProgress = false;
this._mostRecentSelectionCounts = [];
this._mostRecentCurrentIndices = [];
FolderDisplayWidget.prototype = {
* @returns the currently displayed folder. This is just proxied from the
* view wrapper.
* @groupName Displayed
get displayedFolder() {
return this._nonViewFolder || this.view.displayedFolder;
* @returns true if the selection should be summarized for this folder. This
* is based on the mail.operate_on_msgs_in_collapsed_threads pref and
* if we are in a newsgroup folder. XXX When bug 478167 is fixed, this
* should be limited to being disabled for newsgroups that are not stored
* offline.
get summarizeSelectionInFolder() {
return (
Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.operate_on_msgs_in_collapsed_threads") &&
!(this.displayedFolder instanceof Ci.nsIMsgNewsFolder)
* @returns the nsITreeSelection object for our tree view. This exists for
* the benefit of message tabs that haven't been switched to yet.
* We provide a fake tree selection in those cases.
* @protected
get treeSelection() {
// If we haven't switched to this tab yet, dbView will exist but
// dbView.selection won't, so use the fake tree selection instead.
if (this.view.dbView) {
return this.view.dbView.selection;
return null;
* Number of headers to tell the message database to cache when we enter a
* folder. This value is being propagated from legacy code which provided
* no explanation for its choice.
* We definitely want the header cache size to be larger than the number of
* rows that can be displayed on screen simultaneously.
* @private
* @name Columns
* @protected
// @{
* A Map of all stock sortable columns, mapping their column ids and their
* sortType. Since it only includes built-in columns, this can be cached.
* @type {Map<string, string>}
.filter(c => !c.custom && c.sortKey)
.map(c => [, c.sortKey])
* A Set of all stock unsortable columns. Since it only includes built-in
* columns, this can be cached.
* @type {Set<string>}
.filter(c => !c.custom && !c.sortKey)
.map(c =>
// @}
* Close resources associated with the currently displayed folder because you
* no longer care about this FolderDisplayWidget.
close() {
this.messenger.setWindow(null, null);
this.messenger = null;
/* =============================== */
/* ===== IDBViewWrapper Listener ===== */
/* =============================== */
* @name IDBViewWrapperListener Interface
* @private
// @{
* @returns true if the mail view picker is visible. This affects whether the
* DBViewWrapper will actually use the persisted mail view or not.
get shouldUseMailViews() {
return false;
* Let the viewWrapper know if we should defer message display because we
* want the user to connect to the server first so password authentication
* can occur.
* @returns true if the folder should be shown immediately, false if we should
* wait for updateFolder to complete.
get shouldDeferMessageDisplayUntilAfterServerConnect() {
let passwordPromptRequired = false;
if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.password_protect_local_cache")) {
passwordPromptRequired =
return passwordPromptRequired;
* The view wrapper tells us when it starts loading a folder, and we set the
* cursor busy. Setting the cursor busy on a per-tab basis is us being
* nice to the future. Loading a folder is a blocking operation that is going
* to make us unresponsive and accordingly make it very hard for the user to
* change tabs.
onFolderLoading() {},
* The view wrapper tells us when a search is active, and we mark the tab as
* thinking so the user knows something is happening. 'Searching' in this
* case is more than just a user-initiated search. Virtual folders / saved
* searches, mail views, plus the more obvious quick search are all based off
* of searches and we will receive a notification for them.
onSearching() {},
* Things we do on creating a view:
* - notify the observer service so that custom column handler providers can
* add their custom columns to our view.
onCreatedView() {
// All of our messages are not displayed if the view was just created. We
// will get an onMessagesLoaded(true) nearly immediately if this is a local
// folder where view creation is synonymous with having all messages.
this._allMessagesLoaded = false;
gDBView = this.view.dbView; // eslint-disable-line no-global-assign
// A change in view may result in changes to sorts, the view menu, etc.
// Do this before we 'reroot' the dbview.
// this creates a new selection object for the view.
if (this.tree) {
this.tree.view = this.view.dbView;
// The data payload used to be viewType + ":" + viewFlags. We no longer
// do this because we already have the implied contract that gDBView is
// valid at the time we generate the notification. In such a case, you
// can easily get that information from the gDBView. (The documentation
// on creating a custom column assumes gDBView.)
Services.obs.notifyObservers(this.displayedFolder, "MsgCreateDBView");
* If our view is being destroyed and it is coming back, we want to save the
* current selection so we can restore it when the view comes back.
onDestroyingView() {
gDBView = null; // eslint-disable-line no-global-assign
// if we have no view, no messages could be loaded.
this._allMessagesLoaded = false;
// but the actual tree view selection (based on view indices) is a goner no
// matter what, make everyone forget.
this.view.dbView.selection = null;
this._savedFirstVisibleRow = null;
this._nextViewIndexAfterDelete = null;
* Restore persisted information about what columns to display for the folder.
* If we have no persisted information, we leave/set _savedColumnStates null.
* The column states will be set to default values in onDisplayingFolder in
* that case.
onLoadingFolder() {},
* We are entering the folder for display:
* - set the header cache size.
* - Setup the columns if we did not already depersist in |onLoadingFolder|.
onDisplayingFolder() {},
* Notification from DBViewWrapper that it is closing the folder. This can
* happen for reasons other than our own 'close' method closing the view.
* For example, user deletion of the folder or underlying folder closes it.
onLeavingFolder() {},
* Indicates whether we are done loading the messages that should be in this
* folder. This is being surfaced for testing purposes, but could be useful
* to other code as well. But don't poll this property; ask for an event
* that you can hook.
get allMessagesLoaded() {
return this._allMessagesLoaded;
* Things to do once some or all the messages that should show up in a folder
* have shown up. For a real folder, this happens when the folder is
* entered. For a virtual folder, this happens when the search completes.
* What we do:
* - Any scrolling required!
onMessagesLoaded(aAll) {
this._allMessagesLoaded = aAll;
// - if something's already selected (e.g. in a message tab), scroll to the
// first selected message and get out
if (this.view.dbView.numSelected > 0) {
// - new messages
// if configured to scroll to new messages, try that
if (
Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mailnews.scroll_to_new_message") &&
this.navigate(Ci.nsMsgNavigationType.firstNew, /* select */ false)
) {
// - towards the newest messages, but don't select
if (
this.view.isSortedAscending &&
this.view.sortImpliesTemporalOrdering &&
this.navigate(Ci.nsMsgNavigationType.lastMessage, /* select */ false)
) {
// - to the top, the coliseum
* Just the sort or threading was changed, without changing other things. We
* will not get this notification if the view was re-created, for example.
onSortChanged() {
* Messages (that may have been displayed) have been removed; this may impact
* our message selection. We might know it's coming; if we do then
* this._nextViewIndexAfterDelete should know what view index to select next.
* For the imap mark-as-deleted we won't know beforehand.
onMessagesRemoved() {
this._deleteInProgress = false;
// - we saw this coming
const rowCount = this.view.dbView.rowCount;
if (this._nextViewIndexAfterDelete != null) {
// adjust the index if it is after the last row...
// (this can happen if the "mail.delete_matches_sort_order" pref is not
// set and the message is the last message in the view.)
if (this._nextViewIndexAfterDelete >= rowCount) {
this._nextViewIndexAfterDelete = rowCount - 1;
// just select the index and get on with our lives
this._nextViewIndexAfterDelete = null;
// - we didn't see it coming
// A deletion happened to our folder.
const treeSelection = this.treeSelection;
// we can't fix the selection if we have no selection
if (!treeSelection) {
// For reasons unknown (but theoretically knowable), sometimes the selection
// object will be invalid. At least, I've reliably seen a selection of
// [0, 0] with 0 rows. If that happens, we need to fix up the selection
// here.
if (rowCount == 0 && treeSelection.count) {
// nsTreeSelection doesn't generate an event if we use clearRange, so use
// that to avoid spurious events, given that we are going to definitely
// trigger a change notification below.
treeSelection.clearRange(0, 0);
// Check if we now no longer have a selection, but we had exactly one
// message selected previously. If we did, then try and do some
// 'persistence of having a thing selected'.
if (
treeSelection.count == 0 &&
this._mostRecentSelectionCounts.length > 1 &&
this._mostRecentSelectionCounts[1] == 1 &&
this._mostRecentCurrentIndices[1] != -1
) {
let targetIndex = this._mostRecentCurrentIndices[1];
if (targetIndex >= rowCount) {
targetIndex = rowCount - 1;
// Otherwise, just tell the view that things have changed so it can update
// itself to the new state of things.
// tell the view that things have changed so it can update itself suitably.
if (this.view.dbView) {
* Messages were not actually removed, but we were expecting that they would
* be. Clean-up what onMessagesRemoved would have cleaned up, namely the
* next view index to select.
onMessageRemovalFailed() {
this._nextViewIndexAfterDelete = null;
* Update the status bar to reflect our exciting message counts.
onMessageCountsChanged() {},
// @}
/* ===== End IDBViewWrapperListener ===== */
/* ================================== */
/* ===== nsIMsgDBViewCommandUpdater ===== */
/* ================================== */
* @name nsIMsgDBViewCommandUpdater Interface
* @private
// @{
* This gets called when the selection changes AND !suppressCommandUpdating
* AND (we're not removing a row OR we are now out of rows).
* In response, we update the toolbar.
updateCommandStatus() {},
* This gets called by nsMsgDBView::UpdateDisplayMessage following a call
* to nsIMessenger.OpenURL to kick off message display OR (UDM gets called)
* by nsMsgDBView::SelectionChanged in lieu of loading the message because
* mSupressMsgDisplay.
* In other words, we get notified immediately after the process of displaying
* a message triggered by the nsMsgDBView happens. We get some arguments
* that are display optimizations for historical reasons (as usual).
* Things this makes us want to do:
* - Set the tab title, perhaps. (If we are a message display.)
* - Update message counts, because things might have changed, why not.
* - Update some toolbar buttons, why not.
* @param aFolder The display/view folder, as opposed to the backing folder.
* @param aSubject The subject with "Re: " if it's got one, which makes it
* notably different from just directly accessing the message header's
* subject.
* @param aKeywords The keywords, which roughly translates to message tags.
displayMessageChanged() {},
* This gets called as a hint that the currently selected message is junk and
* said junked message is going to be moved out of the current folder, or
* right before a header is removed from the db view. The legacy behaviour
* is to retrieve the msgToSelectAfterDelete attribute off the db view,
* stashing it for benefit of the code that gets called when a message
* move/deletion is completed so that we can trigger its display.
updateNextMessageAfterDelete() {
* The most recent currentIndexes on the selection (from the last time
* summarizeSelection got called). We use this in onMessagesRemoved if
* we get an unexpected notification.
* We keep a maximum of 2 entries in this list.
_mostRecentCurrentIndices: undefined, // initialized in constructor
* The most recent counts on the selection (from the last time
* summarizeSelection got called). We use this in onMessagesRemoved if
* we get an unexpected notification.
* We keep a maximum of 2 entries in this list.
_mostRecentSelectionCounts: undefined, // initialized in constructor
* Always called by the db view when the selection changes in
* SelectionChanged. This event will come after the notification to
* displayMessageChanged (if one happens), and before the notification to
* updateCommandStatus (if one happens).
summarizeSelection() {
// save the current index off in case the selection gets deleted out from
// under us and we want to have persistence of actually-having-something
// selected.
const treeSelection = this.treeSelection;
if (treeSelection) {
// @}
/* ===== End nsIMsgDBViewCommandUpdater ===== */
/* ===== Hints from the command infrastructure ===== */
* @name Command Infrastructure Hints
* @protected
// @{
* doCommand helps us out by telling us when it is telling the view to delete
* some messages. Ideally it should go through us / the DB View Wrapper to
* kick off the delete in the first place, but that's a thread I don't want
* to pull on right now.
* We use this hint to figure out the next message to display once the
* deletion completes. We do this before the deletion happens because the
* selection is probably going away (except in the IMAP delete model), and it
* might be too late to figure this out after the deletion happens.
* Our automated complement (that calls us) is updateNextMessageAfterDelete.
hintAboutToDeleteMessages() {
this._deleteInProgress = true;
// save the value, even if it is nsMsgViewIndex_None.
this._nextViewIndexAfterDelete = this.view.dbView.msgToSelectAfterDelete;
// @}
/* ===== End hints from the command infrastructure ==== */
_updateThreadDisplay() {
if (this.view.dbView) {
* @name Command Support
// @{
* @returns true if there is a db view and the command is enabled on the view.
* This function hides some of the XPCOM-odditities of the getCommandStatus
* call.
getCommandStatus(aCommandType) {
// no view means not enabled
if (!this.view.dbView) {
return false;
const enabledObj = {},
checkStatusObj = {};
this.view.dbView.getCommandStatus(aCommandType, enabledObj, checkStatusObj);
return enabledObj.value;
* Make code cleaner by allowing peoples to call doCommand on us rather than
* having to do folderDisplayWidget.view.dbView.doCommand.
* @param aCommandName The command name to invoke.
doCommand(aCommandName) {
return this.view.dbView && this.view.dbView.doCommand(aCommandName);
* Make code cleaner by allowing peoples to call doCommandWithFolder on us
* rather than having to do:
* folderDisplayWidget.view.dbView.doCommandWithFolder.
* @param aCommandName The command name to invoke.
* @param aFolder The folder context for the command.
doCommandWithFolder(aCommandName, aFolder) {
return (
this.view.dbView &&
this.view.dbView.doCommandWithFolder(aCommandName, aFolder)
// @}
* @name Navigation
* @protected
// @{
* Navigate using nsMsgNavigationType rules and ensuring the resulting row is
* visible. This is trickier than it used to be because we now support
* treating collapsed threads as the set of all the messages in the collapsed
* thread rather than just the root message in that thread.
* @param {nsMsgNavigationType} aNavType navigation command.
* @param {boolean} [aSelect=true] should we select the message if we find
* one?
* @returns true if the navigation constraint matched anything, false if not.
* We will have navigated if true, we will have done nothing if false.
navigate(aNavType, aSelect) {
if (aSelect === undefined) {
aSelect = true;
const resultKeyObj = {},
resultIndexObj = {},
threadIndexObj = {};
const summarizeSelection = this.summarizeSelectionInFolder;
const treeSelection = this.treeSelection; // potentially magic getter
const currentIndex = treeSelection ? treeSelection.currentIndex : 0;
let viewIndex;
// if we're doing next unread, and a collapsed thread is selected, and
// the top level message is unread, just set the result manually to
// the top level message, without using viewNavigate.
if (
summarizeSelection &&
aNavType == Ci.nsMsgNavigationType.nextUnreadMessage &&
currentIndex != -1 &&
this.view.isCollapsedThreadAtIndex(currentIndex) &&
!(this.view.dbView.getFlagsAt(currentIndex) & Ci.nsMsgMessageFlags.Read)
) {
viewIndex = currentIndex;
} else {
// always 'wrap' because the start index is relative to the selection.
// (keep in mind that many forms of navigation do not care about the
// starting position or 'wrap' at all; for example, firstNew just finds
// the first new message.)
// allegedly this does tree-expansion for us.
viewIndex = resultIndexObj.value;
if (viewIndex == nsMsgViewIndex_None) {
return false;
// - Expand if required.
// (The nsMsgDBView isn't really aware of the varying semantics of
// collapsed threads, so viewNavigate might tell us about the root message
// and leave it collapsed, not realizing that it needs to be expanded.)
if (summarizeSelection && this.view.isCollapsedThreadAtIndex(viewIndex)) {
if (aSelect) {
} else {
return true;
// @}
* @name Selection
// @{
* @returns the message header for the first selected message, or null if
* there is no selected message.
* If the user has right-clicked on a message, this method will return that
* message and not the 'current index' (the dude with the dotted selection
* rectangle around him.) If you instead always want the currently
* displayed message (which is not impacted by right-clicking), then you
* would want to access the displayedMessage property on the
* MessageDisplayWidget. You can get to that via the messageDisplay
* attribute on this object or (potentially) via the gMessageDisplay object.
get selectedMessage() {
// there are inconsistencies in hdrForFirstSelectedMessage between
// nsMsgDBView and nsMsgSearchDBView in whether they use currentIndex,
// do it ourselves. (nsMsgDBView does not use currentIndex, search does.)
const treeSelection = this.treeSelection;
if (!treeSelection || !treeSelection.count) {
return null;
const minObj = {},
maxObj = {};
treeSelection.getRangeAt(0, minObj, maxObj);
return this.view.dbView.getMsgHdrAt(minObj.value);
* @returns true if there is a selected message and it's an RSS feed message;
* a feed message does not have to be in an rss account folder if stored in
* Tb15 and later.
get selectedMessageIsFeed() {
return FeedUtils.isFeedMessage(this.selectedMessage);
* @returns the number of selected messages. If summarizeSelectionInFolder is
* true, then any collapsed thread roots that are selected will also
* conceptually have all of the messages in that thread selected.
get selectedCount() {
return this.selectedMessages.length;
* Provides a list of the view indices that are selected which is *not* the
* same as the rows of the selected messages. When
* summarizeSelectionInFolder is true, messages may be selected but not
* visible (because the thread root is selected.)
* You probably want to use the |selectedMessages| attribute instead of this
* one. (Or selectedMessageUris in some rare cases.)
* If the user has right-clicked on a message, this will return that message
* and not the selection prior to the right-click.
* @returns a list of the view indices that are currently selected
get selectedIndices() {
if (!this.view.dbView) {
return [];
return this.view.dbView.getIndicesForSelection();
* Provides a list of the message headers for the currently selected messages.
* If summarizeSelectionInFolder is true, then any collapsed thread roots
* that are selected will also (conceptually) have all of the messages in
* that thread selected and they will be included in the returned list.
* If the user has right-clicked on a message, this will return that message
* (and any collapsed children if so enabled) and not the selection prior to
* the right-click.
* @returns a list of the message headers for the currently selected messages.
* If there are no selected messages, the result is an empty list.
get selectedMessages() {
if (!this.view.dbView) {
return [];
return this.view.dbView.getSelectedMsgHdrs();
* @returns a list of the URIs for the currently selected messages or null
* (instead of a list) if there are no selected messages. Do not
* pass around URIs unless you have a good reason. Legacy code is an
* ok reason.
* If the user has right-clicked on a message, this will return that message's
* URI and not the selection prior to the right-click.
get selectedMessageUris() {
if (!this.view.dbView) {
return null;
const messageArray = this.view.dbView.getURIsForSelection();
return messageArray.length ? messageArray : null;
* Select the message at view index.
* @param aViewIndex The view index to select. This will be bounds-checked
* and if it is outside the bounds, we will clear the selection and
* bail.
selectViewIndex(aViewIndex) {
const treeSelection = this.treeSelection;
// if we have no selection, we can't select something
if (!treeSelection) {
const rowCount = this.view.dbView.rowCount;
if (
aViewIndex == nsMsgViewIndex_None ||
aViewIndex < 0 ||
aViewIndex >= rowCount
) {
// Check whether the index is already selected/current. This can be the
// case when we are here as the result of a deletion. Assuming
// nsMsgDBView::NoteChange ran and was not suppressing change
// notifications, then it's very possible the selection is already where
// we want it to go. However, in that case, nsMsgDBView::SelectionChanged
// bailed without doing anything because m_deletingRows...
// So we want to generate a change notification if that is the case. (And
// we still want to call ensureRowIsVisible, as there may be padding
// required.)
if (
treeSelection.count == 1 &&
(treeSelection.currentIndex == aViewIndex ||
) {
// Make sure the index we just selected is also the current index.
// This can happen when the tree selection adjusts itself as a result of
// changes to the tree as a result of deletion. This will not trigger
// a notification.;
} else {
// Previous code was concerned about avoiding updating commands on the
// assumption that only the selection count mattered. We no longer
// make this assumption.
// Things that may surprise you about the call to
// 1) This ends up calling the onselect method defined on the XUL 'tree'
// tag. For the 3pane this is the ThreadPaneSelectionChanged method in
// threadPane.js. That code checks a global to see if it is dealing
// with a right-click, and ignores it if so.;
// The saved selection is invalidated, since we've got something newer
this._savedSelection = null;
// @}
* @name Ensure Visibility
// @{
* Minimum number of lines to display between the 'focused' message and the
* top / bottom of the thread pane.
get visibleRowPadding() {
let topPadding, bottomPadding;
// If we can get the height of the folder pane, treat the values as
// percentages of that.
if (this.tree) {
const topPercentPadding = Services.prefs.getIntPref(
const bottomPercentPadding = Services.prefs.getIntPref(
// Assume the bottom row is half-visible and should generally be ignored.
// (We could actually do the legwork to see if there is a partial one...)
const paneHeight = this.tree.getPageLength() - 1;
// Convert from percentages to absolute row counts.
topPadding = Math.ceil((topPercentPadding / 100) * paneHeight);
bottomPadding = Math.ceil((bottomPercentPadding / 100) * paneHeight);
// We need one visible row not counted in either padding, for the actual
// target message. Also helps correct for rounding errors.
if (topPadding + bottomPadding > paneHeight) {
if (topPadding > bottomPadding) {
} else {
} else {
// Something's gone wrong elsewhere, and we likely have bigger problems.
topPadding = 0;
bottomPadding = 0;
console.error("Unable to get height of folder pane (treeBox is null)");
return [topPadding, bottomPadding];
* Ensure the given view index is visible, optionally with some padding.
* By padding, we mean that the index will not be the first or last message
* displayed, but rather have messages on either side.
* We have the concept of a 'lip' when we are at the end of the message
* display. If we are near the end of the display, we want to show an
* empty row (at the bottom) so the user knows they are at the end. Also,
* if a message shows up that is new and things are sorted ascending, this
* turns out to be useful.
ensureRowIsVisible(aViewIndex, aBounced) {
// Dealing with the tree view layout is a nightmare, let's just always make
// sure we re-schedule ourselves. The most particular rationale here is
// that the message pane may be toggling its state and it's much simpler
// and reliable if we ensure that all of FolderDisplayWidget's state
// change logic gets to run to completion before we run ourselves.
if (!aBounced) {
const dis = this;
window.setTimeout(function () {
dis.ensureRowIsVisible(aViewIndex, true);
}, 0);
const tree = this.tree;
if (!tree || !tree.view) {
// try and trigger a reflow...
const maxIndex = tree.view.rowCount - 1;
const first = tree.getFirstVisibleRow();
// Assume the bottom row is half-visible and should generally be ignored.
// (We could actually do the legwork to see if there is a partial one...)
const halfVisible = 1;
const last = tree.getLastVisibleRow() - halfVisible;
const span = tree.getPageLength() - halfVisible;
const [topPadding, bottomPadding] = this.visibleRowPadding;
let target;
if (aViewIndex >= last - bottomPadding) {
// The index is after the last visible guy (with padding),
// move down so that the target index is padded in 1 from the bottom.
target = Math.min(maxIndex, aViewIndex + bottomPadding) - span;
} else if (aViewIndex <= first + topPadding) {
// The index is before the first visible guy (with padding), move up.
target = Math.max(0, aViewIndex - topPadding);
} else {
// It is already visible.
// this sets the first visible row
// @}
function SetNewsFolderColumns() {
var sizeColumn = document.getElementById("sizeCol");
var bundle = document.getElementById("bundle_messenger");
if (gDBView.usingLines) {
sizeColumn.setAttribute("label", bundle.getString("linesColumnHeader"));
} else {
sizeColumn.setAttribute("label", bundle.getString("sizeColumnHeader"));