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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* exported gAlarmsPane */
/* import-globals-from ../calendar-ui-utils.js */
/* globals Preferences */
{ id: "calendar.alarms.playsound", type: "bool" },
{ id: "calendar.alarms.soundURL", type: "string" },
{ id: "calendar.alarms.soundType", type: "int" },
{ id: "", type: "bool" },
{ id: "calendar.alarms.showmissed", type: "bool" },
{ id: "calendar.alarms.onforevents", type: "int" },
{ id: "calendar.alarms.onfortodos", type: "int" },
{ id: "calendar.alarms.eventalarmlen", type: "int" },
{ id: "calendar.alarms.eventalarmunit", type: "string" },
{ id: "calendar.alarms.todoalarmlen", type: "int" },
{ id: "calendar.alarms.todoalarmunit", type: "string" },
{ id: "calendar.alarms.defaultsnoozelength", type: "int" },
* Global Object to hold methods for the alarms pref pane
var gAlarmsPane = {
* Initialize the alarms pref pane. Sets up dialog controls to match the
* values set in prefs.
init() {
// Enable/disable the alarm sound URL box and buttons
// Set the correct singular/plural for the time units
updateMenuLabelsPlural("eventdefalarmlen", "eventdefalarmunit");
updateMenuLabelsPlural("tododefalarmlen", "tododefalarmunit");
updateUnitLabelPlural("defaultsnoozelength", "defaultsnoozelengthunit", "minutes");
Preferences.addSyncFromPrefListener(document.getElementById("alarmSoundFileField"), () =>
* Converts the given file url to a nsIFile
* @param aFileURL A string with a file:// url.
* @returns The corresponding nsIFile.
convertURLToLocalFile(aFileURL) {
// Convert the file url into a nsIFile
if (aFileURL) {
const fph ="file").QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileProtocolHandler);
return fph.getFileFromURLSpec(aFileURL);
return null;
* Handler function to be called when the calendar.alarms.soundURL pref has
* changed. Updates the label in the dialog.
readSoundLocation() {
const soundUrl = document.getElementById("alarmSoundFileField");
soundUrl.value = Preferences.get("calendar.alarms.soundURL").value;
if (soundUrl.value.startsWith("file://")) {
soundUrl.label = gAlarmsPane.convertURLToLocalFile(soundUrl.value).leafName;
} else {
soundUrl.label = soundUrl.value;
} = "url(moz-icon://" + soundUrl.label + "?size=16)";
return undefined;
* Causes the default sound to be selected in the dialog controls
useDefaultSound() {
const defaultSoundUrl = "chrome://calendar/content/sound.wav";
Preferences.get("calendar.alarms.soundURL").value = defaultSoundUrl;
document.getElementById("alarmSoundCheckbox").checked = true;
* Opens a filepicker to open a local sound for the alarm.
browseAlarm() {
const picker = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFilePicker);
// If we already have a sound file, then use the path for that sound file
// as the initial path in the dialog.
const currentValue = Preferences.get("calendar.alarms.soundURL").value;
if (currentValue && currentValue.startsWith("file://")) {
const localFile =;
picker.displayDirectory = localFile.parent;
const title = document.getElementById("bundlePreferences").getString("soundFilePickerTitle");
picker.init(window.browsingContext, title, Ci.nsIFilePicker.modeOpen);
picker.appendFilters(Ci.nsIFilePicker.filterAll); => {
if (rv != Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnOK || !picker.file) {
Preferences.get("calendar.alarms.soundURL").value = picker.fileURL.spec;
document.getElementById("alarmSoundCheckbox").checked = true;
* Plays the alarm sound currently selected.
previewAlarm() {
let soundUrl;
if (Preferences.get("calendar.alarms.soundType").value == 0) {
} else {
soundUrl = Preferences.get("calendar.alarms.soundURL").value;
const soundIfc = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsISound);
let url;
try {
if (soundUrl && soundUrl.length && soundUrl.length > 0) {
url =;;
} else {
} catch (ex) {
dump("alarms.js previewAlarm Exception caught! " + ex + "\n");
* Handler function to call when the calendar.alarms.playsound preference
* has been changed. Updates the disabled state of fields that depend on
* playing a sound.
alarmsPlaySoundPrefChanged() {
const alarmsPlaySoundPref = Preferences.get("calendar.alarms.playsound");
const alarmsSoundType = Preferences.get("calendar.alarms.soundType");
for (const item of ["alarmSoundType", ""]) {
document.getElementById(item).disabled = !alarmsPlaySoundPref.value;
for (const item of ["alarmSoundFileField", "calendar.prefs.alarm.sound.browse"]) {
document.getElementById(item).disabled =
alarmsSoundType.value != 1 || !alarmsPlaySoundPref.value;
Preferences.get("calendar.alarms.playsound").on("change", gAlarmsPane.alarmsPlaySoundPrefChanged);
Preferences.get("calendar.alarms.soundType").on("change", gAlarmsPane.alarmsPlaySoundPrefChanged);
Preferences.get("calendar.alarms.soundURL").on("change", gAlarmsPane.readSoundLocation);