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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* import-globals-from ../calendar-management.js */
/* import-globals-from ../calendar-views-utils.js */
/* globals goUpdateCommand */
var { cal } = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource:///modules/calendar/calUtils.sys.mjs");
var { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs");
var { CalTransactionManager } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, {
/* exported modifyEventWithDialog, undo, redo, setContextPartstat */
* The global calendar transaction manager.
* @type {CalTransactionManager}
var gCalTransactionMgr = CalTransactionManager.getInstance();
* If a batch transaction is active, it is stored here.
* @type {CalBatchTransaction?}
var gCalBatchTransaction = null;
* Sets the default values for new items, taking values from either the passed
* parameters or the preferences.
* @param {calIItemBase} aItem - The item to set up.
* @param {?calICalendar} aCalendar - The calendar to apply.
* @param {?calIDateTime} aStartDate - The start date to set.
* @param {?calIDateTime} aEndDate - The end date/due date to set.
* @param {?calIDateTime} aInitialDate - The reference date for the date pickers.
* @param {boolean} [aForceAllday=false] - Force the event/task to be an all-day item.
* @param {calIAttendee[]} aAttendees - Attendees to add, if `aItem` is an event.
function setDefaultItemValues(
aCalendar = null,
aStartDate = null,
aEndDate = null,
aInitialDate = null,
aForceAllday = false,
aAttendees = []
) {
function endOfDay(aDate) {
const eod = aDate ? aDate.clone() :;
eod.hour = Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.view.dayendhour", 19);
eod.minute = 0;
eod.second = 0;
return eod;
function startOfDay(aDate) {
const sod = aDate ? aDate.clone() :;
sod.hour = Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.view.daystarthour", 8);
sod.minute = 0;
sod.second = 0;
return sod;
const initialDate = aInitialDate ? aInitialDate.clone() :;
initialDate.isDate = true;
if (aItem.isEvent()) {
if (aStartDate) {
aItem.startDate = aStartDate.clone();
if (aStartDate.isDate && !aForceAllday) {
// This is a special case where the date is specified, but the
// time is not. To take care, we setup up the time to our
// default event start time.
aItem.startDate = cal.dtz.getDefaultStartDate(aItem.startDate);
} else if (aForceAllday) {
// If the event should be forced to be allday, then don't set up
// any default hours and directly make it allday.
aItem.startDate.isDate = true;
aItem.startDate.timezone = cal.dtz.floating;
} else {
// If no start date was passed, then default to the next full hour
// of today, but with the date of the selected day
aItem.startDate = cal.dtz.getDefaultStartDate(initialDate);
if (aEndDate) {
aItem.endDate = aEndDate.clone();
if (aForceAllday) {
// XXX it is currently not specified, how callers that force all
// day should pass the end date. Right now, they should make
// sure that the end date is 00:00:00 of the day after.
aItem.endDate.isDate = true;
aItem.endDate.timezone = cal.dtz.floating;
} else {
aItem.endDate = aItem.startDate.clone();
if (aForceAllday) {
// All day events need to go to the beginning of the next day.;
} else {
// If the event is not all day, then add the default event
// length.
aItem.endDate.minute += Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.event.defaultlength", 60);
// Free/busy status is only valid for events, must not be set for tasks.
aItem.setProperty("TRANSP", cal.item.getEventDefaultTransparency(aForceAllday));
for (const attendee of aAttendees) {
} else if (aItem.isTodo()) {
const now =;
const initDate = initialDate ? initialDate.clone() : now;
initDate.isDate = false;
initDate.hour = now.hour;
initDate.minute = now.minute;
initDate.second = now.second;
if (aStartDate) {
aItem.entryDate = aStartDate.clone();
} else {
let defaultStart = Services.prefs.getStringPref("calendar.task.defaultstart", "none");
if (
Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.alarms.onfortodos", 0) == 1 &&
defaultStart == "none"
) {
// start date is required if we want to set an alarm
defaultStart = "offsetcurrent";
let units = Services.prefs.getStringPref("calendar.task.defaultstartoffsetunits", "minutes");
if (!["days", "hours", "minutes"].includes(units)) {
units = "minutes";
const startOffset = cal.createDuration();
startOffset[units] = Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.task.defaultstartoffset", 0);
let start;
switch (defaultStart) {
case "none":
case "startofday":
start = startOfDay(initDate);
case "tomorrow":
start = startOfDay(initDate);;
case "nextweek":
start = startOfDay(initDate); += 7;
case "offsetcurrent":
start = initDate.clone();
case "offsetnexthour":
start = initDate.clone();
start.second = 0;
start.minute = 0;
if (start) {
aItem.entryDate = start;
if (aEndDate) {
aItem.dueDate = aEndDate.clone();
} else {
const defaultDue = Services.prefs.getStringPref("calendar.task.defaultdue", "none");
let units = Services.prefs.getStringPref("calendar.task.defaultdueoffsetunits", "minutes");
if (!["days", "hours", "minutes"].includes(units)) {
units = "minutes";
const dueOffset = cal.createDuration();
dueOffset[units] = Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.task.defaultdueoffset", 0);
const start = aItem.entryDate ? aItem.entryDate.clone() : initDate.clone();
let due;
switch (defaultDue) {
case "none":
case "endofday":
due = endOfDay(start);
// go to tomorrow if we're past the end of today
if ( > 0) {;
case "tomorrow":
due = endOfDay(start);;
case "nextweek":
due = endOfDay(start); += 7;
case "offsetcurrent":
due = start.clone();
case "offsetnexthour":
due = start.clone();
due.second = 0;
due.minute = 0;
if (aItem.entryDate && due && > 0) {
// due can't be earlier than start date.
due = aItem.entryDate;
if (due) {
aItem.dueDate = due;
// Calendar
aItem.calendar = aCalendar || getSelectedCalendar();
// Alarms
* Creates an event with the calendar event dialog.
* @param {?calICalendar} calendar - The calendar to create the event in
* @param {?calIDateTime} startDate - The event's start date.
* @param {?calIDateTime} endDate - The event's end date.
* @param {?string} summary - The event's title.
* @param {?calIEvent} event - A template event to show in the dialog
* @param {?boolean} forceAllDay - Make sure the event shown in the dialog is an all-day event.
* @param {?calIAttendee} attendees - Attendees to add to the event.
function createEventWithDialog(
) {
const onNewEvent = function (item, opcalendar, originalItem, listener, extresponse = null) {
if ( {
// If the item already has an id, then this is the result of
// saving the item without closing, and then saving again.
doTransaction("modify", item, opcalendar, originalItem, listener, extresponse);
} else {
// Otherwise, this is an addition
doTransaction("add", item, opcalendar, null, listener, extresponse);
if (event) {
if (!event.isMutable) {
event = event.clone();
// If the event should be created from a template, then make sure to
// remove the id so that the item obtains a new id when doing the
// transaction = null;
if (forceAllDay) {
event.startDate.isDate = true;
event.endDate.isDate = true;
if ( == 0) {
// For a one day all day event, the end date must be 00:00:00 of
// the next day.;
if (!event.calendar) {
event.calendar = calendar || getSelectedCalendar();
} else {
event = new CalEvent();
const refDate = currentView().selectedDay?.clone();
setDefaultItemValues(event, calendar, startDate, endDate, refDate, forceAllDay, attendees);
if (summary) {
event.title = summary;
openEventDialog(event, event.calendar, "new", onNewEvent);
* Creates a task with the calendar event dialog.
* @param {?calICalendar} calendar - The calendar to create the task in.
* @param {?calIDateTime} dueDate - The task's due date.
* @param {?string} summary - The task's title.
* @param {?calITodo} todo - A template task to show in the dialog.
* @param {?calIDateTime} initialDate - The initial date for new task
* datepickers
function createTodoWithDialog(calendar, dueDate, summary, todo, initialDate) {
const onNewItem = function (item, opcalendar, originalItem, listener, extresponse = null) {
if ( {
// If the item already has an id, then this is the result of
// saving the item without closing, and then saving again.
doTransaction("modify", item, opcalendar, originalItem, listener, extresponse);
} else {
// Otherwise, this is an addition
doTransaction("add", item, opcalendar, null, listener, extresponse);
if (todo) {
// If the todo should be created from a template, then make sure to
// remove the id so that the item obtains a new id when doing the
// transaction
if ( {
todo = todo.clone(); = null;
if (!todo.calendar) {
todo.calendar = calendar || getSelectedCalendar();
} else {
todo = new CalTodo();
setDefaultItemValues(todo, calendar, null, dueDate, initialDate);
if (summary) {
todo.title = summary;
openEventDialog(todo, calendar, "new", onNewItem, initialDate);
* Opens the passed event item for viewing. This enables the modify callback in
* openEventDialog so invitation responses can be edited.
* @param {calIItemBase} item - The calendar item to view.
function openEventDialogForViewing(item) {
function onDialogComplete(newItem, calendar, originalItem, listener, extresponse) {
doTransaction("modify", newItem, calendar, originalItem, listener, extresponse);
openEventDialog(item, item.calendar, "view", onDialogComplete);
* Modifies the passed event in the event dialog.
* @param {calIItemBase} aItem - The item to modify.
* @param {boolean} aPromptOccurrence - If the user should be prompted to select
* if the parent item or occurrence should be modified.
* @param {?calIDateTime} [initialDate] - The initial date for new task
* datepickers.
* @param {object} [aCounterProposal] - An object representing the
* counterproposal.
* @param {object} aCounterProposal.result - Result.
* @param {"OK"|"OUTDATED"|"NOTLATESTUPDATE"|"ERROR"|"NODIFF"} aCounterProposal.result.type -
* Type of proposal.
* @param {string} aCounterProposal.result.desc - Technical description of the
* problem if type is ERROR or NODIFF, otherwise an empty string.
* @param {object[]} aCounterProposal.differences - Array of counterproposal
* differences. Should be empty if aCounterproposal.result.type is "ERROR" or
* @param {string} aCounterProposal.differences[].property - A property that is
* subject to the proposal.
* @param {string} aCounterProposal.differences[].proposed - The proposed value.
* @param {string} aCounterProposal.differences[].original - The original value.
function modifyEventWithDialog(aItem, aPromptOccurrence, initialDate = null, aCounterProposal) {
const dlg = cal.item.findWindow(aItem);
if (dlg) {
const onModifyItem = function (item, calendar, originalItem, listener, extresponse = null) {
doTransaction("modify", item, calendar, originalItem, listener, extresponse);
let item = aItem;
let response;
if (aPromptOccurrence !== false) {
[item, , response] = promptOccurrenceModification(aItem, true, "edit");
if (item && (response || response === undefined)) {
openEventDialog(item, item.calendar, "modify", onModifyItem, initialDate, aCounterProposal);
* @callback onDialogComplete
* @param {calIItemBase} newItem
* @param {calICalendar} calendar
* @param {calIItemBase} originalItem
* @param {?calIOperationListener} listener
* @param {?object} extresponse
* Opens the event dialog with the given item (task OR event).
* @param {calIItemBase} calendarItem - The item to open the dialog with.
* @param {calICalendar} calendar - The calendar to open the dialog with.
* @param {"new"|"view"|"modify"} mode - The operation the dialog should do.
* "modify").
* @param {onDialogComplete} callback - The callback to call when the dialog has
* completed.
* @param {?calIDateTime} initialDate - The initial date for new task
* datepickers.
* @param {?object} counterProposal - An object representing the
* counterproposal - see description for modifyEventWithDialog().
function openEventDialog(
initialDate = null,
) {
const dlg = cal.item.findWindow(calendarItem);
if (dlg) {
// Set up some defaults
mode = mode || "new";
calendar = calendar || getSelectedCalendar();
let calendars = cal.manager.getCalendars();
calendars = calendars.filter(cal.acl.isCalendarWritable);
let isItemSupported;
if (calendarItem.isTodo()) {
isItemSupported = function (aCalendar) {
return aCalendar.getProperty("capabilities.tasks.supported") !== false;
} else if (calendarItem.isEvent()) {
isItemSupported = function (aCalendar) {
return aCalendar.getProperty("") !== false;
// Filter out calendars that don't support the given calendar item
calendars = calendars.filter(isItemSupported);
// Filter out calendar/items that we cannot write to/modify
if (mode == "new") {
calendars = calendars.filter(cal.acl.userCanAddItemsToCalendar);
} else if (mode == "modify") {
calendars = calendars.filter(aCalendar => {
/* If the calendar is the item calendar, we check that the item
* can be modified. If the calendar is NOT the item calendar, we
* check that the user can remove items from that calendar and
* add items to the current one.
const isSameCalendar = calendarItem.calendar == aCalendar;
const canModify = cal.acl.userCanModifyItem(calendarItem);
const canMoveItems =
cal.acl.userCanDeleteItemsFromCalendar(calendarItem.calendar) &&
return isSameCalendar ? canModify : canMoveItems;
if (
mode == "new" &&
(!cal.acl.isCalendarWritable(calendar) ||
!cal.acl.userCanAddItemsToCalendar(calendar) ||
) {
if (calendars.length < 1) {
// There are no writable calendars or no calendar supports the given
// item. Don't show the dialog.
// Pick the first calendar that supports the item and is writable
calendar = calendars[0];
if (calendarItem) {
// XXX The dialog currently uses the items calendar as a first
// choice. Since we are shortly before a release to keep
// regression risk low, explicitly set the item's calendar here.
calendarItem.calendar = calendars[0];
// Setup the window arguments
const args = {};
args.calendarEvent = calendarItem;
args.calendar = calendar;
args.mode = mode;
args.onOk = callback;
args.initialStartDateValue = initialDate || cal.dtz.getDefaultStartDate();
args.counterProposal = counterProposal;
args.inTab = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("calendar.item.editInTab", false);
// this will be called if file->new has been selected from within the dialog
args.onNewEvent = function (opcalendar) {
createEventWithDialog(opcalendar, null, null);
args.onNewTodo = function (opcalendar) {
// the dialog will reset this to auto when it is done loading.
// Ask the provider if this item is an invitation. If this is the case,
// we'll open the summary dialog since the user is not allowed to change
// the details of the item.
const isInvitation =
calendar.supportsScheduling && calendar.getSchedulingSupport().isInvitation(calendarItem);
// open the dialog modeless
let url;
const isEditable = mode == "modify" && !isInvitation && cal.acl.userCanModifyItem(calendarItem);
if (cal.acl.isCalendarWritable(calendar) && (mode == "new" || isEditable)) {
// Currently the read-only summary dialog is never opened in a tab.
if (args.inTab) {
} else {
} else {
args.inTab = false;
args.isInvitation = isInvitation;
if (args.inTab) {
args.url = url;
const tabmail = document.getElementById("tabmail");
const tabtype = args.calendarEvent.isEvent() ? "calendarEvent" : "calendarTask";
tabmail.openTab(tabtype, args);
} else {
// open in a window
openDialog(url, "_blank", "chrome,titlebar,toolbar,resizable", args);
* Prompts the user how the passed item should be modified. If the item is an
* exception or already a parent item, the item is returned without prompting.
* If "all occurrences" is specified, the parent item is returned. If "this
* occurrence only" is specified, then aItem is returned. If "this and following
* occurrences" is selected, aItem's parentItem is modified so that the
* recurrence rules end (UNTIL) just before the given occurrence. If
* aNeedsFuture is specified, a new item is made from the part that was stripped
* off the passed item.
* EXDATEs and RDATEs that do not fit into the items recurrence are removed. If
* the modified item or the future item only consist of a single occurrence,
* they are changed to be single items.
* @param {calIItemBase} aItem - The item or array of items to check.
* @param {boolean} aNeedsFuture - If true, the future item is parsed. This
* parameter can for example be false if a deletion is being made.
* @param {string} aAction - Either "edit" or "delete". Sets up the labels in
* the occurrence prompt.
* @returns {calIItemBase[]} [modifiedItem, futureItem, promptResponse] - The
* first element, modifiedItem, is a single item or array of items depending
* on the past aItem.
* If "this and all following" was chosen, an array containing the item
* until the given occurrence (modifiedItem), and the item after the given
* occurrence (futureItem).
* If any other option was chosen, futureItem is null and the modifiedItem is
* either the parent item or the passed occurrence, or null if the dialog was
* canceled.
* The promptResponse parameter gives the response of the dialog as a
* constant.
function promptOccurrenceModification(aItem, aNeedsFuture, aAction) {
const CANCEL = 0;
const MODIFY_PARENT = 3;
const futureItems = false;
let pastItems = [];
let returnItem = null;
let type = CANCEL;
const items = Array.isArray(aItem) ? aItem : [aItem];
// Check if this actually is an instance of a recurring event
if (items.every(item => item == item.parentItem)) {
} else if (aItem && items.length) {
// Prompt the user. Setting modal blocks the dialog until it is closed. We
// use rv to pass our return value.
const rv = { value: CANCEL, items, action: aAction };
type = rv.value;
switch (type) {
pastItems = => item.parentItem);
// TODO tbd in a different bug
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
pastItems = items;
case CANCEL:
// Since we have not set past or futureItem, the return below will
// take care.
if (aItem) {
returnItem = Array.isArray(aItem) ? pastItems : pastItems[0];
return [returnItem, futureItems, type];
// Undo/Redo code
* Create and commit a transaction with the given arguments to the transaction
* manager. Also updates the undo/redo menu.
* @param {string} action - The action to do.
* @param {calIItemBase} item - The new item to add/modify/delete
* @param {calICalendar} calendar - The calendar to do the transaction on
* @param {?calIItemBase} [oldItem] - some actions require an old item
* @param {?Function} [observer] - The observer to call when complete.
* @param {?object} [extResponse] - JS object with additional
* parameters for sending itip messages (see also description of checkAndSend
* in calItipUtils.sys.mjs).
async function doTransaction(action, item, calendar, oldItem, observer, extResponse = null) {
// This is usually a user-initiated transaction, so make sure the calendar
// this transaction is happening on is visible.
const manager = gCalBatchTransaction || gCalTransactionMgr;
let trn;
switch (action) {
case "add":
trn = new CalAddTransaction(item, calendar, oldItem, extResponse);
case "modify":
trn = new CalModifyTransaction(item, calendar, oldItem, extResponse);
case "delete":
trn = new CalDeleteTransaction(item, calendar, oldItem, extResponse);
throw new Components.Exception(
`Invalid action specified "${action}"`,
await manager.commit(trn);
// If a batch transaction is active, do not update the menu as
// endBatchTransaction() will take care of that.
if (gCalBatchTransaction) {
observer?.onTransactionComplete(trn.item, trn.oldItem);
* Undo the last operation done through the transaction manager.
function undo() {
if (canUndo()) {
* Redo the last undone operation in the transaction manager.
function redo() {
if (canRedo()) {
* Start a batch transaction on the transaction manager.
function startBatchTransaction() {
gCalBatchTransaction = gCalTransactionMgr.beginBatch();
* End a previously started batch transaction. NOTE: be sure to call this in a
* try-catch-finally-block in case you have code that could fail between
* startBatchTransaction and this call.
function endBatchTransaction() {
gCalBatchTransaction = null;
* Checks if the last operation can be undone (or if there is a last operation
* at all).
function canUndo() {
return gCalTransactionMgr.canUndo();
* Checks if the last undone operation can be redone.
function canRedo() {
return gCalTransactionMgr.canRedo();
* Update the undo and redo commands.
function updateUndoRedoMenu() {
* Updates the partstat of the calendar owner for specified items triggered by a
* context menu operation
* For a documentation of the expected bahaviours for different use cases of
* dealing with context menu partstat actions, see also setupAttendanceMenu(...)
* in calendar-ui-utils.js
* @param {EventTarget} aTarget - The target of the triggering event.
* @param {calIItemBase[]} aItems - An array of calIEvent or calIToDo items.
function setContextPartstat(aTarget, aItems) {
* Provides the participation representing the user for a provided item
* @param {calIEvent|calIToDo} aItem - The calendar item to inspect.
* @returns {?calIAttendee} An calIAttendee object or null if no participant
* was detected.
function getParticipant(aItem) {
let party = null;
if (cal.itip.isInvitation(aItem)) {
party = cal.itip.getInvitedAttendee(aItem);
} else if (aItem.organizer && aItem.getAttendees().length) {
const calOrgId = aItem.calendar.getProperty("organizerId");
if (calOrgId.toLowerCase() == {
party = aItem.organizer;
return party;
try {
// TODO: make sure we overwrite the partstat of all occurrences in
// the selection, if the partstat of the respective master item is
// changed - see matrix in the doc block of setupAttendanceMenu(...)
// in calendar-ui-utils.js
for (let oldItem of aItems) {
// Skip this item if its calendar is read only.
if (oldItem.calendar.readOnly) {
if (aTarget.getAttribute("scope") == "all-occurrences") {
oldItem = oldItem.parentItem;
const attendee = getParticipant(oldItem);
if (attendee) {
// skip this item if the partstat for the participant hasn't
// changed. otherwise we would always perform update operations
// for recurring events on both, the master and the occurrence
// item
const partStat = aTarget.getAttribute("respvalue");
if (attendee.participationStatus == partStat) {
const newItem = oldItem.clone();
const newAttendee = attendee.clone();
newAttendee.participationStatus = partStat;
if (newAttendee.isOrganizer) {
newItem.organizer = newAttendee;
} else {
let extResponse = null;
if (aTarget.hasAttribute("respmode")) {
const mode = aTarget.getAttribute("respmode");
const itipMode = Ci.calIItipItem[mode];
extResponse = { responseMode: itipMode };
doTransaction("modify", newItem, newItem.calendar, oldItem, null, extResponse);
} catch (e) {
cal.ERROR("Error setting partstat: " + e + "\r\n");
} finally {