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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* import-globals-from ../../../mail/base/content/msgHdrView.js */
/* import-globals-from item-editing/calendar-item-editing.js */
var { cal } = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource:///modules/calendar/calUtils.sys.mjs");
* Provides shortcuts to set label and collapsed attribute of imip-bar node.
const imipBar = {
get bar() {
return document.querySelector(".calendar-notification-bar");
get label() {
set label(val) {".msgNotificationBarText").textContent = val;
get collapsed() {
set collapsed(val) { = val;
* This bar lives inside the message window.
* Its lifetime is the lifetime of the main thunderbird message window.
var calImipBar = {
actionFunc: null,
itipItem: null,
foundItems: null,
loadingItipItem: null,
* Thunderbird Message listener interface, hide the bar before we begin
onStartHeaders() {
* Thunderbird Message listener interface
onEndHeaders() {},
* Load Handler called to initialize the imip bar
* NOTE: This function is called without a valid this-context!
load() {
// Add a listener to gMessageListeners defined in msgHdrView.js
// Hook into this event to hide the message header pane otherwise, the imip
// bar will still be shown when changing folders.
document.getElementById("msgHeaderView").addEventListener("message-header-pane-hidden", () => {
// Set up our observers
Services.obs.addObserver(calImipBar, "onItipItemCreation");
* Unload handler to clean up after the imip bar
* NOTE: This function is called without a valid this-context!
unload() {
removeEventListener("messagepane-loaded", calImipBar.load, true);
removeEventListener("messagepane-unloaded", calImipBar.unload, true);
Services.obs.removeObserver(calImipBar, "onItipItemCreation");
showImipBar(itipItem, imipMethod) {
if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("calendar.itip.showImipBar", true)) {
// Do not show the imip bar if the user has opted out of seeing it.
// How we get here:
// 1. `mime_find_class` finds the `CalMimeConverter` class matches the
// content-type of an attachment.
// 2. `mime_find_class` extracts the method from the attachments headers
// and sets `imipMethod` on the message's mail channel.
// 3. `CalMimeConverter` is called to generate the HTML in the message.
// It initialises `itipItem` and sets it on the channel.
// 4. msgHdrView.js gathers `itipItem` and `imipMethod` from the channel.
cal.itip.initItemFromMsgData(itipItem, imipMethod, gMessage);
if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("calendar.itip.newInvitationDisplay")) {
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("onItipItemCreation", { detail: itipItem }));
imipBar.collapsed = false;
imipBar.label = cal.itip.getMethodText(itipItem.receivedMethod);
// This is triggered by CalMimeConverter.convertToHTML, so we know that
// the message is not yet loaded with the invite. Keep track of this for
// displayModifications.
calImipBar.overlayLoaded = false;
if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("calendar.itip.newInvitationDisplay")) {
calImipBar.overlayLoaded = true;
const doc = document.getElementById("messagepane").contentDocument;
const details = doc.getElementById("imipHTMLDetails");
const msgbody = doc.querySelector("div.moz-text-html");
if (!msgbody) {
details.setAttribute("open", "open");
} else {
// The HTML representation can contain important notes.
// For consistent appearance, move the generated meeting details first.
if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("calendar.itip.imipDetailsOpen", true)) {
// Expand the iMIP details if pref says so.
details.setAttribute("open", "open");
// NOTE: processItipItem may call setupOptions asynchronously because the
// getItem method it triggers is async for *some* calendars. In theory,
// this could complete after a different item has been loaded, so we
// record the loading item now, and early exit setupOptions if the loading
// item has since changed.
// NOTE: loadingItipItem is reset on changing messages in resetBar.
calImipBar.loadingItipItem = itipItem;
cal.itip.processItipItem(itipItem, calImipBar.setupOptions);
// NOTE: At this point we essentially have two parallel async operations:
// 1. Load the CalMimeConverter.convertToHTML into the #messagepane and
// then set overlayLoaded to true.
// 2. Find a corresponding event through processItipItem and then call
// setupOptions. Note that processItipItem may be instantaneous for
// some calendars.
// In the mean time, if we switch messages, then loadingItipItem will be
// set to some other value: either another item, or null by resetBar.
// Once setupOptions is called, if the message has since changed we do
// nothing and exit. Otherwise, if we found a corresponding item in the
// calendar, we proceed to displayModifications. If overlayLoaded is true
// we update the #messagepane immediately, otherwise we update it on
// DOMContentLoaded, which has not yet happened.
* Hide the imip bar and reset the itip item.
resetBar() {
imipBar.collapsed = true;
// Clear our iMIP/iTIP stuff so it doesn't contain stale information.
calImipBar.itipItem = null;
calImipBar.loadingItipItem = null;
* Resets all buttons and its menuitems, all buttons are hidden thereafter
resetButtons() {
const buttons = calImipBar.getButtons();
for (const button of buttons) {
button.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
for (const item of calImipBar.getMenuItems(button)) {
* Provides a list of all available buttons
getButtons() {
const toolbarbuttons = document
return Array.from(toolbarbuttons);
* Provides a list of available menuitems of a button
* @param aButton button node
getMenuItems(aButton) {
const items = [];
const mitems = aButton.getElementsByTagName("menuitem");
if (mitems != null && mitems.length > 0) {
for (const mitem of mitems) {
return items;
* Checks and converts button types based on available menuitems of the buttons
* to avoid dropdowns which are empty or only replicating the default button action
* Should be called once the buttons are set up
conformButtonType() {
// check only needed on visible and not simple buttons
const buttons = calImipBar
.filter(aElement => aElement.hasAttribute("type") && !aElement.hidden);
// change button if appropriate
for (const button of buttons) {
const items = calImipBar.getMenuItems(button).filter(aItem => !aItem.hidden);
if (button.type == "menu" && items.length == 0) {
// hide non functional buttons
button.hidden = true;
} else if (button.type == "menu") {
if (
items.length == 0 ||
(items.length == 1 &&
button.hasAttribute("oncommand") &&
items[0].hasAttribute("oncommand") &&
) {
// convert to simple button
* This is our callback function that is called each time the itip bar UI needs updating.
* NOTE: This function is called without a valid this-context!
* @param itipItem The iTIP item to set up for
* @param rc The status code from processing
* @param actionFunc The action function called for execution
* @param foundItems An array of items found while searching for the item
* in subscribed calendars
setupOptions(itipItem, rc, actionFunc, foundItems) {
if (itipItem !== calImipBar.loadingItipItem) {
// The given itipItem refers to an earlier displayed message.
let data = cal.itip.getOptionsText(itipItem, rc, actionFunc, foundItems);
if (Components.isSuccessCode(rc)) {
calImipBar.itipItem = itipItem;
calImipBar.actionFunc = actionFunc;
calImipBar.foundItems = foundItems;
// We need this to determine whether this is an outgoing or incoming message because
// Thunderbird doesn't provide a distinct flag on message level to do so. Relying on
// folder flags only may lead to false positives.
const isOutgoing = function (aMsgHdr) {
if (!aMsgHdr) {
return false;
const author = aMsgHdr.mime2DecodedAuthor;
const isSentFolder = aMsgHdr.folder && aMsgHdr.folder.flags & Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.SentMail;
if (author && isSentFolder) {
for (const identity of MailServices.accounts.allIdentities) {
if (author.includes( && !identity.fccReplyFollowsParent) {
return true;
return false;
// We override the bar label for sent out invitations and in case the event does not exist
// anymore, we also clear the buttons if any to avoid e.g. accept/decline buttons
if (isOutgoing(gMessage)) {
if (calImipBar.foundItems && calImipBar.foundItems[0]) {
data.label = cal.l10n.getLtnString("imipBarSentText");
} else {
data = {
label: cal.l10n.getLtnString("imipBarSentButRemovedText"),
buttons: [],
hideMenuItems: [],
hideItems: [],
showItems: [],
imipBar.label = data.label;
// let's reset all buttons first
// now we update the visible items - buttons are hidden by default
// apart from that, we need this to adapt the accept button depending on
// whether three or four button style is present
for (const item of data.hideItems) {
document.getElementById(item).setAttribute("hidden", "true");
for (const item of data.showItems) {
// adjust button style if necessary
* Displays changes in case of invitation updates in invitation overlay.
* NOTE: This should only be called if the invitation is already loaded in the
* #messagepane, in which case calImipBar.overlayLoaded should be set to true,
* or is guaranteed to be loaded next in #messagepane.
displayModifications() {
if (
!calImipBar.foundItems ||
!calImipBar.foundItems[0] ||
!calImipBar.itipItem ||
!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("calendar.itip.displayInvitationChanges", false)
) {
const itipItem = calImipBar.itipItem;
const foundEvent = calImipBar.foundItems[0];
const currentEvent = itipItem.getItemList()[0];
const diff =, foundEvent);
if (diff != 0) {
let newEvent;
let oldEvent;
if (diff == 1) {
// This is an update to previously accepted invitation.
oldEvent = foundEvent;
newEvent = currentEvent;
} else {
// This is a copy of a previously sent out invitation or a previous
// revision of a meanwhile accepted invitation, so we flip the order.
oldEvent = currentEvent;
newEvent = foundEvent;
const browser = document.getElementById("messagepane");
const doUpdate = () => {
if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("calendar.itip.newInvitationDisplay")) {
if (calImipBar.overlayLoaded) {
// Document is already loaded.
} else {
// The event is not yet shown. This can happen if setupOptions is called
// before CalMimeConverter.convertToHTML has finished, or the
// corresponding HTML string has not yet been loaded.
// Wait until the event is shown, then immediately update it.
browser.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", doUpdate, { once: true });
* Executes an action triggered by an imip bar button
* @param {string} aParticipantStatus A partstat string as per RfC 5545
* @param {string} aResponse Either 'AUTO', 'NONE' or 'USER',
* see calItipItem interface
* @returns {boolean} true, if the action succeeded
executeAction(aParticipantStatus, aResponse) {
return cal.itip.executeAction(
({ resetButtons, label }) => {
if (label != undefined) {
calImipBar.label = label;
if (resetButtons) {
* Hide the imip bar in all windows and set a pref to prevent it from being
* shown again. Called when clicking the imip bar's "do not show..." menu item.
doNotShowImipBar() {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("calendar.itip.showImipBar", false);
for (const window of Services.ww.getWindowEnumerator()) {
if (window.calImipBar) {
const msgHeaderView = document.getElementById("msgHeaderView");
if (msgHeaderView && msgHeaderView.loaded) {
} else {
addEventListener("messagepane-loaded", calImipBar.load, true);
addEventListener("messagepane-unloaded", calImipBar.unload, true);