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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* globals addMenuItem, getItemsFromIcsFile, putItemsIntoCal,
sortCalendarArray */
var { cal } = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource:///modules/calendar/calUtils.sys.mjs");
const gModel = {
/** @type {calICalendar[]} */
calendars: [],
/** @type {Map<number, calIItemBase>} */
itemsToImport: new Map(),
/** @type {nsIFile | null} */
file: null,
/** @type {Map<number, CalendarItemSummary>} */
itemSummaries: new Map(),
* Window load event handler.
async function onWindowLoad() {
// Workaround to add padding to the dialog buttons area which is in shadow dom.
// If the padding value changes here it should also change in the CSS.
const dialog = document.getElementsByTagName("dialog")[0];
dialog.shadowRoot.querySelector(".dialog-button-box").style = "padding-inline: 10px;";
gModel.file = window.arguments[0];
document.getElementById("calendar-ics-file-dialog-file-path").value = gModel.file.path;
const calendars = cal.manager.getCalendars();
gModel.calendars = getCalendarsThatCanImport(calendars);
if (!gModel.calendars.length) {
// No calendars to import into. Show error dialog and close the window.
cal.showError(await document.l10n.formatValue("calendar-ics-file-dialog-no-calendars"), window);
const composite = cal.view.getCompositeCalendar(window);
const defaultCalendarId = composite && composite.defaultCalendar?.id;
setUpCalendarMenu(gModel.calendars, defaultCalendarId);
// Finish laying out and displaying the window, then come back to do the hard work. () => {
const startTime =;
getItemsFromIcsFile(gModel.file).forEach((item, index) => {
gModel.itemsToImport.set(index, item);
if (gModel.itemsToImport.size == 0) {
// No items to import, close the window. An error dialog has already been
// shown by `getItemsFromIcsFile`.
// We know that if `getItemsFromIcsFile` took a long time, then `setUpItemSummaries` will also
// take a long time. Show a loading message so the user knows something is happening.
const loadingMessage = document.getElementById(
if ( - startTime > 150) {
await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve));
// Not much point filtering or sorting if there's only one event.
if (gModel.itemsToImport.size == 1) {
document.getElementById("calendar-ics-file-dialog-filters").collapsed = true;
await setUpItemSummaries();
// Remove the loading message from the DOM to avoid it causing problems later.
document.addEventListener("dialogaccept", importRemainingItems);
window.addEventListener("load", onWindowLoad);
* Takes an array of calendars and returns a sorted array of the calendars
* that can import items.
* @param {calICalendar[]} calendars - An array of calendars.
* @returns {calICalendar[]} Sorted array of calendars that can import items.
function getCalendarsThatCanImport(calendars) {
const calendarsThatCanImport = calendars.filter(
calendar =>
!calendar.getProperty("disabled") &&
!calendar.readOnly &&
return sortCalendarArray(calendarsThatCanImport);
* Add calendars to the calendar drop down menu, and select one.
* @param {calICalendar[]} calendars - An array of calendars.
* @param {string | null} defaultCalendarId - ID of the default (currently selected) calendar.
function setUpCalendarMenu(calendars, defaultCalendarId) {
const menulist = document.getElementById("calendar-ics-file-dialog-calendar-menu");
for (const calendar of calendars) {
const menuitem = addMenuItem(menulist,,;
const cssSafeId = cal.view.formatStringForCSSRule(;"--item-color", `var(--calendar-${cssSafeId}-backcolor)`);
const index = defaultCalendarId
? calendars.findIndex(calendar => == defaultCalendarId)
: 0;
menulist.selectedIndex = index == -1 ? 0 : index;
* Update to reflect a change in the selected calendar.
function updateCalendarMenu() {
const menulist = document.getElementById("calendar-ics-file-dialog-calendar-menu");
* Display summaries of each calendar item from the file being imported.
async function setUpItemSummaries() {
const items = [...gModel.itemsToImport];
const itemsContainer = document.getElementById("calendar-ics-file-dialog-items-container");
// Sort the items, chronologically first, tasks without a date to the end,
// then alphabetically.
const collator = new Intl.Collator(undefined, { numeric: true });
items.sort(([, a], [, b]) => {
const aStartDate =
a.startDate?.nativeTime ||
a.entryDate?.nativeTime ||
a.dueDate?.nativeTime ||
const bStartDate =
b.startDate?.nativeTime ||
b.entryDate?.nativeTime ||
b.dueDate?.nativeTime ||
return aStartDate - bStartDate ||, b.title);
const [eventButtonText, taskButtonText] = await document.l10n.formatValues([
items.forEach(([index, item]) => {
const itemFrame = document.createXULElement("vbox");
const importButton = document.createXULElement("button");
importButton.setAttribute("label", item.isEvent() ? eventButtonText : taskButtonText);
importButton.addEventListener("command", importSingleItem.bind(null, item, index));
const buttonBox = document.createXULElement("hbox");
buttonBox.setAttribute("pack", "end");
buttonBox.setAttribute("align", "end");
const summary = document.createXULElement("calendar-item-summary");
summary.setAttribute("id", "import-item-summary-" + index);
summary.item = item;
gModel.itemSummaries.set(index, summary);
* Filter item summaries by search string.
* @param {searchString} [searchString] - Terms to search for.
function filterItemSummaries(searchString = "") {
const itemsContainer = document.getElementById("calendar-ics-file-dialog-items-container");
searchString = searchString.trim();
// Nothing to search for. Display all item summaries.
if (!searchString) {
gModel.itemSummaries.forEach(s => {
s.closest(".calendar-ics-file-dialog-item-frame").hidden = false;
itemsContainer.scrollTo(0, 0);
searchString = searchString.toLowerCase().normalize();
// Split the search string into tokens. Quoted strings are preserved.
let searchTokens = [];
let startIndex;
while ((startIndex = searchString.indexOf('"')) != -1) {
let endIndex = searchString.indexOf('"', startIndex + 1);
if (endIndex == -1) {
endIndex = searchString.length;
searchTokens.push(searchString.substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex));
let query = searchString.substring(0, startIndex);
if (endIndex < searchString.length) {
query += searchString.substr(endIndex + 1);
searchString = query.trim();
if (searchString.length != 0) {
searchTokens = searchTokens.concat(searchString.split(/\s+/));
// Check the title and description of each item for matches.
gModel.itemSummaries.forEach(s => {
let title, description;
const matches = searchTokens.every(term => {
if (title === undefined) {
title = s.item.title.toLowerCase().normalize();
if (title?.includes(term)) {
return true;
if (description === undefined) {
description = s.item.getProperty("description")?.toLowerCase().normalize();
return description?.includes(term);
s.closest(".calendar-ics-file-dialog-item-frame").hidden = !matches;
itemsContainer.scrollTo(0, 0);
* Sort item summaries.
* @param {Event} event - The oncommand event that triggered this sort.
function sortItemSummaries(event) {
const [key, direction] =" ");
let comparer;
if (key == "title") {
const collator = new Intl.Collator(undefined, { numeric: true });
if (direction == "ascending") {
comparer = (a, b) =>, b.item.title);
} else {
comparer = (a, b) =>, a.item.title);
} else if (key == "start") {
if (direction == "ascending") {
comparer = (a, b) => a.item.startDate.nativeTime - b.item.startDate.nativeTime;
} else {
comparer = (a, b) => b.item.startDate.nativeTime - a.item.startDate.nativeTime;
} else {
// How did we get here?
throw new Error(`Unexpected sort key: ${key}`);
const items = [...gModel.itemSummaries.values()].sort(comparer);
const itemsContainer = document.getElementById("calendar-ics-file-dialog-items-container");
for (const item of items) {
itemsContainer.scrollTo(0, 0);
for (const menuitem of document.querySelectorAll(
"#calendar-ics-file-dialog-sort-popup > menuitem"
)) {
menuitem.checked = menuitem ==;
* Get the currently selected calendar.
* @returns {calICalendar} The currently selected calendar.
function getCurrentlySelectedCalendar() {
const menulist = document.getElementById("calendar-ics-file-dialog-calendar-menu");
const calendar = gModel.calendars[menulist.selectedIndex];
return calendar;
* Handler for buttons that import a single item. The arguments are bound for
* each button instance, except for the event argument.
* @param {calIItemBase} item - Calendar item.
* @param {number} itemIndex - Index of the calendar item in the item array.
* @param {Event} event - The button event.
async function importSingleItem(item, itemIndex, event) {
const dialog = document.getElementsByTagName("dialog")[0];
const acceptButton = dialog.getButton("accept");
const cancelButton = dialog.getButton("cancel");
acceptButton.disabled = true;
cancelButton.disabled = true;
const calendar = getCurrentlySelectedCalendar();
await putItemsIntoCal(calendar, [item], {
onDuplicate() {
// TODO: CalCalendarManager already shows a not-very-useful error pop-up.
// Once that is fixed, use this callback to display a proper error message.
onError() {
// TODO: CalCalendarManager already shows a not-very-useful error pop-up.
// Once that is fixed, use this callback to display a proper error message.
acceptButton.disabled = false;
if (gModel.itemsToImport.size > 0) {
// Change the cancel button label to Close, as we've done some work that
// won't be cancelled.
cancelButton.label = await document.l10n.formatValue(
cancelButton.disabled = false;
} else {
// No more items to import, remove the "Import All" option.
document.removeEventListener("dialogaccept", importRemainingItems);
cancelButton.hidden = true;
acceptButton.label = await document.l10n.formatValue(
* "Import All" button command handler.
* @param {Event} event - Button command event.
async function importRemainingItems(event) {
const dialog = document.getElementsByTagName("dialog")[0];
const acceptButton = dialog.getButton("accept");
const cancelButton = dialog.getButton("cancel");
acceptButton.disabled = true;
cancelButton.disabled = true;
const calendar = getCurrentlySelectedCalendar();
const filteredSummaries = [...gModel.itemSummaries.values()].filter(
summary => !summary.closest(".calendar-ics-file-dialog-item-frame").hidden
const remainingItems = => summary.item);
const progressElement = document.getElementById("calendar-ics-file-dialog-progress");
const duplicatesElement = document.getElementById("calendar-ics-file-dialog-duplicates-message");
const errorsElement = document.getElementById("calendar-ics-file-dialog-errors-message");
const optionsPane = document.getElementById("calendar-ics-file-dialog-options-pane");
const progressPane = document.getElementById("calendar-ics-file-dialog-progress-pane");
const resultPane = document.getElementById("calendar-ics-file-dialog-result-pane");
const importListener = {
count: 0,
duplicatesCount: 0,
errorsCount: 0,
progressInterval: null,
onStart() {
progressElement.max = remainingItems.length;
optionsPane.hidden = true;
progressPane.hidden = false;
this.progressInterval = setInterval(() => {
progressElement.value = this.count;
}, 50);
onDuplicate() {
onError() {
onProgress(count) {
this.count = count;
async onEnd() {
progressElement.value = this.count;
document.l10n.setAttributes(duplicatesElement, "calendar-ics-file-import-duplicates", {
duplicatesCount: this.duplicatesCount,
duplicatesElement.hidden = this.duplicatesCount == 0;
document.l10n.setAttributes(errorsElement, "calendar-ics-file-import-errors", {
errorsCount: this.errorsCount,
errorsElement.hidden = this.errorsCount == 0;
const [acceptButtonLabel, cancelButtonLabel] = await document.l10n.formatValues([
{ id: "calendar-ics-file-accept-button-ok-label" },
{ id: "calendar-ics-file-cancel-button-close-label" },
filteredSummaries.forEach(summary => {
const itemIndex = parseInt("import-item-summary-".length), 10);
document.getElementById("calendar-ics-file-dialog-search-input").value = "";
const itemsRemain = !!document.querySelector(".calendar-ics-file-dialog-item-frame");
// An artificial delay so the progress pane doesn't appear then immediately disappear.
setTimeout(() => {
if (itemsRemain) {
acceptButton.disabled = false;
cancelButton.label = cancelButtonLabel;
cancelButton.disabled = false;
} else {
acceptButton.label = acceptButtonLabel;
acceptButton.disabled = false;
cancelButton.hidden = true;
document.removeEventListener("dialogaccept", importRemainingItems);
optionsPane.hidden = !itemsRemain;
progressPane.hidden = true;
resultPane.hidden = itemsRemain;
}, 500);
putItemsIntoCal(calendar, remainingItems, importListener);
* These functions are called via `putItemsIntoCal` in import-export.js so
* they need to be defined in global scope but they don't need to do anything
* in this case.
function startBatchTransaction() {}
function endBatchTransaction() {}