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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* import-globals-from item-editing/calendar-item-editing.js */
/* import-globals-from item-editing/calendar-item-panel.js */
/* import-globals-from calendar-command-controller.js */
/* import-globals-from calendar-modes.js */
/* import-globals-from calendar-views-utils.js */
/* globals MozElements */
/* eslint-enable valid-jsdoc */
var { cal } = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource:///modules/calendar/calUtils.sys.mjs");
var calendarTabMonitor = {
monitorName: "calendarTabMonitor",
// Unused, but needed functions
onTabTitleChanged() {},
onTabOpened() {},
onTabClosing() {},
onTabPersist() {},
onTabRestored() {},
onTabSwitched(aNewTab, aOldTab) {
// Unfortunately, tabmail doesn't provide a hideTab function on the tab
// type definitions. To make sure the commands are correctly disabled,
// we want to update calendar/task commands when switching away from
// those tabs.
if (aOldTab? == "calendar" || aOldTab? == "task") {
// we reset the save menu controls when moving away (includes closing)
// from an event or task editor tab
if ( == "calendarEvent" || == "calendarTask") {
sendMessage({ command: "triggerUpdateSaveControls" });
} else if (window.calItemSaveControls) {
// we need to reset the labels of the menu controls for saving if we
// are not switching to an item tab and displayed an item tab before
const saveMenu = document.getElementById("calendar-save-menuitem");
const saveandcloseMenu = document.getElementById("calendar-save-and-close-menuitem");
saveMenu.label = window.calItemSaveControls.saveMenu.label;
saveandcloseMenu.label = window.calItemSaveControls.saveandcloseMenu.label;
// Change the mode (gCurrentMode) to match the new tab.
switch ( {
case "calendar":
case "tasks":
case "chat":
case "calendarEvent":
case "calendarTask":
case "addressBookTab":
case "preferencesTab":
case "contentTab":
var calendarTabType = {
name: "calendar",
panelId: "calendarTabPanel",
modes: {
calendar: {
type: "calendar",
maxTabs: 1,
openTab(tab) {
tab.title = cal.l10n.getLtnString("tabTitleCalendar");
showTab() {},
closeTab() {},
persistTab(tab) {
const tabmail = document.getElementById("tabmail");
return {
// Since we do strange tab switching logic in calSwitchToCalendarMode,
// we should store the current tab state ourselves.
background: tab != tabmail.currentTabInfo,
restoreTab(tabmail, state) {
tabmail.openTab("calendar", state);
onTitleChanged(tab) {
tab.title = cal.l10n.getLtnString("tabTitleCalendar");
supportsCommand: aCommand => calendarController2.supportsCommand(aCommand),
isCommandEnabled: aCommand => calendarController2.isCommandEnabled(aCommand),
doCommand: aCommand => calendarController2.doCommand(aCommand),
onEvent: aEvent => calendarController2.onEvent(aEvent),
tasks: {
type: "tasks",
maxTabs: 1,
openTab(tab) {
tab.title = cal.l10n.getLtnString("tabTitleTasks");
showTab() {},
closeTab() {},
persistTab(tab) {
const tabmail = document.getElementById("tabmail");
return {
// Since we do strange tab switching logic in calSwitchToTaskMode,
// we should store the current tab state ourselves.
background: tab != tabmail.currentTabInfo,
restoreTab(tabmail, state) {
tabmail.openTab("tasks", state);
onTitleChanged(tab) {
tab.title = cal.l10n.getLtnString("tabTitleTasks");
supportsCommand: aCommand => calendarController2.supportsCommand(aCommand),
isCommandEnabled: aCommand => calendarController2.isCommandEnabled(aCommand),
doCommand: aCommand => calendarController2.doCommand(aCommand),
onEvent: aEvent => calendarController2.onEvent(aEvent),
saveTabState() {},
ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(calendarTabType.modes.calendar, "notificationbox", () => {
return new MozElements.NotificationBox(element => {
ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(calendarTabType.modes.tasks, "notificationbox", () => {
return new MozElements.NotificationBox(element => {
* For details about tab info objects and the tabmail interface see:
* comm/mail/base/content/mailTabs.js
* comm/mail/base/content/tabmail.js
var calendarItemTabType = {
name: "calendarItem",
perTabPanel: "vbox",
idNumber: 0,
modes: {
calendarEvent: { type: "calendarEvent" },
calendarTask: { type: "calendarTask" },
* Opens an event tab or a task tab.
* @param {object} aTab - A tab info object
* @param {object} aArgs - Contains data about the event/task
openTab(aTab, aArgs) {
// Create a clone to use for this tab. Remove the cloned toolbox
// and move the original toolbox into its place. There is only
// one toolbox/toolbar so its settings are the same for all item tabs.
const original = document.getElementById("calendarItemPanel").firstElementChild;
const clone = original.cloneNode(true);
clone.setAttribute("id", "calendarItemTab" + this.idNumber);
if (aTab.mode.type == "calendarTask") {
// For task tabs, css class hides event-specific toolbar buttons.
clone.setAttribute("class", "calendar-task-dialog-tab");
aTab.panel.setAttribute("id", "calendarItemTabWrapper" + this.idNumber);
// Set up the iframe and store the iframe's id. The iframe's
// src is set in onLoadCalendarItemPanel() that is called below.
aTab.iframe = aTab.panel.querySelector("iframe");
const iframeId = "calendarItemTabIframe" + this.idNumber;
aTab.iframe.setAttribute("id", iframeId);
// Generate and set the tab title.
let strName;
if (aTab.mode.type == "calendarEvent") {
strName = aArgs.calendarEvent.title ? "editEventDialog" : "newEventDialog";
} else if (aTab.mode.type == "calendarTask") {
strName = aArgs.calendarEvent.title ? "editTaskDialog" : "newTaskDialog";
} else {
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
// name is "New Event", "Edit Task", etc.
const name = cal.l10n.getCalString(strName);
aTab.title = name + ": " + (aArgs.calendarEvent.title || name);
// allowTabClose prevents the tab from being closed until we ask
// the user if they want to save any unsaved changes.
aTab.allowTabClose = false;
// Put the arguments where they can be accessed easily
// from the iframe. (window.arguments[0])
aTab.iframe.contentWindow.arguments = [aArgs];
// activate or de-activate 'Events and Tasks' menu items
onLoadCalendarItemPanel(iframeId, aArgs.url);
this.idNumber += 1;
* Saves a tab's state when it is deactivated / hidden. The opposite of showTab.
* @param {object} aTab - A tab info object
saveTabState(aTab) {
// save state
aTab.itemTabConfig = {};
Object.assign(aTab.itemTabConfig, gConfig);
// clear statusbar
const statusbar = document.getElementById("status-bar");
const items = statusbar.getElementsByClassName("event-dialog");
for (const item of items) {
item.setAttribute("collapsed", true);
// move toolbox to the place where it can be accessed later
const to = document.getElementById("calendarItemPanel").firstElementChild;
* Called when a tab is activated / shown. The opposite of saveTabState.
* @param {object} aTab - A tab info object
showTab(aTab) {
// move toolbox into place then load state
Object.assign(gConfig, aTab.itemTabConfig);
// activate or de-activate 'Events and Tasks' menu items
* Called when there is a request to close a tab. Using aTab.allowTabClose
* we first prevent the tab from closing so we can prompt the user
* about saving changes, then we allow the tab to close.
* @param {object} aTab - A tab info object
tryCloseTab(aTab) {
if (aTab.allowTabClose) {
return true;
return false;
* Closes a tab.
* @param {object} aTab - A tab info object
closeTab(aTab) {
// Remove the iframe id from the array where they are stored.
const index = gItemTabIds.indexOf(;
if (index != -1) {
gItemTabIds.splice(index, 1);
aTab.itemTabConfig = null;
// If this is the last item tab that is closing, then delete
// window.calItemSaveControls, so mochitests won't complain.
const tabmail = document.getElementById("tabmail");
const calendarItemTabCount =
tabmail.tabModes.calendarEvent.tabs.length + tabmail.tabModes.calendarTask.tabs.length;
if (calendarItemTabCount == 1) {
delete window.calItemSaveControls;
* Called when quitting the application (and/or closing the window).
* Saves an open tab's state to be able to restore it later.
* @param {object} aTab - A tab info object
persistTab(aTab) {
const args = aTab.iframe.contentWindow.arguments[0];
// Serialize args, with manual handling of some properties.
// persistTab is called even for new events/tasks in tabs that
// were closed and never saved (for 'undo close tab'
// functionality), thus we confirm we have the expected values.
if (
!args ||
!args.calendar ||
! ||
!args.calendarEvent ||
) {
return {};
const calendarId =;
const itemId =;
// Handle null args.initialStartDateValue, just for good measure.
// Note that this is not the start date for the event or task.
const hasDateValue = args.initialStartDateValue && args.initialStartDateValue.icalString;
const initialStartDate = hasDateValue ? args.initialStartDateValue.icalString : null;
args.calendar = null;
args.calendarEvent = null;
args.initialStartDateValue = null;
return {
tabType: aTab.mode.type,
* Called when starting the application (and/or opening the window).
* Restores a tab that was open when the application was quit previously.
* @param {object} aTabmail - The tabmail interface
* @param {object} aState - The state of the tab to restore
restoreTab(aTabmail, aState) {
// Sometimes restoreTab is called for tabs that were never saved
// and never meant to be persisted or restored. See persistTab.
if (aState.args && aState.calendarId && aState.itemId) {
aState.args.initialStartDateValue = aState.initialStartDate
? cal.createDateTime(aState.initialStartDate)
: cal.dtz.getDefaultStartDate();
aState.args.onOk = doTransaction.bind(null, "modify");
aState.args.calendar = cal.manager.getCalendarById(aState.calendarId);
if (aState.args.calendar) {
aState.args.calendar.getItem(aState.itemId).then(item => {
if (item) {
aState.args.calendarEvent = item;
aTabmail.openTab(aState.tabType, aState.args);
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
const tabmail = document.getElementById("tabmail");
* Switch the calendar view, and optionally switch to calendar mode.
* @param {string} aType - The type of view to select.
* @param {boolean} aShow - If true, the mode will be switched to calendar
* if notalready there.
function switchCalendarView(aType, aShow) {
if (aShow && gCurrentMode != "calendar") {
// This function in turn calls switchToView(), so return afterwards.
?.setAttribute("aria-selected", false);
?.setAttribute("aria-selected", true);
* Move the event toolbox, containing the toolbar, into view for a tab
* or back to its hiding place where it is accessed again for other tabs.
* @param {Node} aDestination - Destination where the toolbox will be moved
function moveEventToolbox(aDestination) {
const toolbox = document.getElementById("event-toolbox");
// the <toolbarpalette> has to be copied manually
const palette = toolbox.palette;
const iframe = aDestination.querySelector("iframe");
aDestination.insertBefore(toolbox, iframe);
toolbox.palette = palette;