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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* globals getSelectedCalendar, getSelectedItems, promptOccurrenceModification,
calendarViewController, currentView, startBatchTransaction, doTransaction,
endBatchTransaction */
var { cal } = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource:///modules/calendar/calUtils.sys.mjs");
/* exported cutToClipboard, pasteFromClipboard */
/* eslint-enable valid-jsdoc */
* Test if a writable calendar is selected, and if the clipboard has items that
* can be pasted into Calendar. The data must be of type "text/calendar" or
* "text/plain".
* @returns {boolean} true if pasting is currently possible.
function canPaste() {
if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("calendar.paste.intoSelectedCalendar", false)) {
const selectedCal = getSelectedCalendar();
if (
!selectedCal ||
!cal.acl.isCalendarWritable(selectedCal) ||
) {
return false;
} else {
const calendars = cal.manager
if (!calendars.length) {
return false;
const flavors = ["text/calendar", "text/plain"];
return Services.clipboard.hasDataMatchingFlavors(flavors, Ci.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard);
* Copy the ics data of the current view's selected events to the clipboard and
* deletes the events on success
* @param {calIItemBase[]} [aCalendarItemArray] - An array of items to copy. If not
* passed, the current view's selected items will be used.
function cutToClipboard(aCalendarItemArray = null) {
copyToClipboard(aCalendarItemArray, true);
* Copy the ics data of the items in calendarItemArray to the clipboard. Fills
* both text/unicode and text/calendar mime types.
* @param {calIItemBase[]} [aCalendarItemArray] - An array of items to copy. If not
* passed, the current view's selected items will be used.
* @param {boolean} [aCutMode=false] - true, if this is a cut operation.
function copyToClipboard(aCalendarItemArray = null, aCutMode = false) {
let calendarItemArray = aCalendarItemArray || getSelectedItems();
if (!calendarItemArray.length) {
cal.LOG("[calendar-clipboard] No items selected.");
if (aCutMode) {
const items = calendarItemArray.filter(
aItem =>
cal.acl.userCanModifyItem(aItem) ||
(aItem.calendar && cal.acl.userCanDeleteItemsFromCalendar(aItem.calendar))
if (items.length < calendarItemArray.length) {
cal.LOG("[calendar-clipboard] No privilege to delete some or all selected items.");
calendarItemArray = items;
const [targetItems, , response] = promptOccurrenceModification(
aCutMode ? "cut" : "copy"
if (!response) {
// The user canceled the dialog, bail out
const icsSerializer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
const icsString = icsSerializer.serializeToString();
const clipboard = Services.clipboard;
const trans = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITransferable);
if (trans && clipboard) {
// Register supported data flavors
// Create the data objects
const icsWrapper = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString); = icsString;
// Add data objects to transferable
// Both Outlook 2000 client and Lotus Organizer use text/unicode
// when pasting iCalendar data.
trans.setTransferData("text/calendar", icsWrapper);
trans.setTransferData("text/plain", icsWrapper);
clipboard.setData(trans, null, Ci.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard);
if (aCutMode) {
const useParent = response == 3;
calendarViewController.deleteOccurrences(targetItems, useParent, true);
* Reads ics data from the clipboard, parses it into items and inserts the items
* into the currently selected calendar.
function pasteFromClipboard() {
if (!canPaste()) {
const clipboard = Services.clipboard;
const trans = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITransferable);
if (!trans || !clipboard) {
// Register the wanted data flavors (highest fidelity first!)
// Get transferable from clipboard
clipboard.getData(trans, Ci.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard);
// Ask transferable for the best flavor.
const flavor = {};
let data = {};
trans.getAnyTransferData(flavor, data);
data = data.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString).data;
switch (flavor.value) {
case "text/calendar":
case "text/plain": {
const icsParser = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.calIIcsParser);
try {
} catch (e) {
// Ignore parser errors from the clipboard data, if it fails
// there will just be 0 items.
const items = icsParser.getItems();
if (items.length == 0) {
// If there are multiple items on the clipboard, the earliest
// should be set to the selected day and the rest adjusted.
let earliestDate = null;
for (const item of items) {
let date = null;
if (item.startDate) {
date = item.startDate.clone();
} else if (item.entryDate) {
date = item.entryDate.clone();
} else if (item.dueDate) {
date = item.dueDate.clone();
if (!date) {
if (!earliestDate || < 0) {
earliestDate = date;
const firstDate = currentView().selectedDay;
let offset = null;
if (earliestDate) {
// Timezones and DT/DST time may differ between the earliest item
// and the selected day. Determine the offset between the
// earliestDate in local time and the selected day in whole days.
earliestDate = earliestDate.getInTimezone(cal.dtz.defaultTimezone);
earliestDate.isDate = true;
offset = firstDate.subtractDate(earliestDate);
const deltaDST = firstDate.timezoneOffset - earliestDate.timezoneOffset;
offset.inSeconds += deltaDST;
// we only will need to ask whether to send notifications, if there
// are attendees at all
const withAttendees = items.filter(aItem => aItem.getAttendees().length > 0);
let notify = Ci.calIItipItem.USER;
let destCal = null;
if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("calendar.paste.intoSelectedCalendar", false)) {
destCal = getSelectedCalendar();
} else {
let pasteText = "paste";
if (withAttendees.length) {
if (withAttendees.every(item => item.isEvent())) {
pasteText += "Event";
} else if (withAttendees.every(item => item.isTodo())) {
pasteText += "Task";
} else {
pasteText += "Item";
if (withAttendees.length > 1) {
pasteText += "s";
const validPasteText = pasteText != "paste" && !pasteText.endsWith("Item");
pasteText += items.length == withAttendees.length ? "Only" : "Also";
const calendars = cal.manager
.filter(aCal => {
const status = aCal.getProperty("currentStatus");
return Components.isSuccessCode(status);
if (calendars.length > 1) {
const args = {};
args.calendars = calendars;
args.promptText = cal.l10n.getCalString("pastePrompt");
if (validPasteText) {
pasteText = cal.l10n.getCalString(pasteText);
const note = cal.l10n.getCalString("pasteNotifyAbout", [pasteText]);
args.promptNotify = note;
args.labelExtra1 = cal.l10n.getCalString("pasteDontNotifyLabel");
args.onExtra1 = aCal => {
destCal = aCal;
notify = Ci.calIItipItem.NONE;
args.labelOk = cal.l10n.getCalString("pasteAndNotifyLabel");
args.onOk = aCal => {
destCal = aCal;
notify = Ci.calIItipItem.AUTO;
} else {
args.onOk = aCal => {
destCal = aCal;
} else if (calendars.length == 1) {
destCal = calendars[0];
if (!destCal) {
for (const item of items) {
// TODO: replace the UUID only it it already exists in the
// calendar to avoid to break invitation scenarios where remote
// parties rely on the UUID.
const newItem = item.clone();
// Set new UID to allow multiple paste actions of the same
// clipboard content. = cal.getUUID();
if (offset) {
cal.item.shiftOffset(newItem, offset);
const extResp = { responseMode: Ci.calIItipItem.NONE };
if (item.getAttendees().length > 0) {
extResp.responseMode = notify;
doTransaction("add", newItem, destCal, null, null, extResp);