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Test Info: Warnings

/* eslint max-len: ["error", 80] */
"use strict";
const { AddonTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const server = AddonTestUtils.createHttpServer();
const TEST_API_URL = `http://localhost:${server.identity.primaryPort}/discoapi`;
const EXT_ID_EXTENSION = "";
const EXT_ID_THEME = "";
let requestCount = 0;
server.registerPathHandler("/discoapi", (request, response) => {
// This test is expected to load the results only once, and then cache the
// results.
is(++requestCount, 1, "Expect only one discoapi request");
let results = {
results: [
addon: {
authors: [{ name: "Some author" }],
current_version: {
files: [{ platform: "all", url: "data:," }],
url: "data:,",
guid: "",
type: "extension",
add_setup(async function () {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["extensions.getAddons.discovery.api_url", TEST_API_URL]],
let mockProvider = new MockProvider();
name: "Mock 1",
type: "extension",
userPermissions: {
origins: ["<all_urls>"],
permissions: ["tabs"],
name: "Mock 2",
type: "theme",
async function switchToView(win, type, param = "") {
let loaded = waitForViewLoad(win);
await loaded;
await waitForStableLayout(win);
// delta = -1 = go back.
// delta = +1 = go forwards.
async function historyGo(win, delta, expectedViewType) {
let loaded = waitForViewLoad(win);
await loaded;
"Expected view after history navigation"
await waitForStableLayout(win);
async function waitForStableLayout(win) {
// In the test, it is important that the layout is fully stable before we
// consider the view loaded, because those affect the offset calculations.
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => isLayoutStable(win),
"Waiting for layout to stabilize"
function isLayoutStable(win) {
// <moz-message-bar> elements may affect the layout of a page, and therefore
// we should check whether its embedded style sheet has finished loading.
for (let bar of win.document.querySelectorAll("moz-message-bar")) {
// Check for the existence of a CSS property from moz-message-bar.css.
if (
) {
return false;
return true;
function getScrollOffset(win) {
let { scrollTop: top, scrollLeft: left } = win.document.documentElement;
return { top, left };
// Scroll an element into view. The purpose of this is to simulate a real-world
// scenario where the user has moved part of the UI is in the viewport.
function scrollTopLeftIntoView(elem) {
elem.scrollIntoView({ block: "start", inline: "start" });
// Sanity check: In this test, a large padding has been added to the top and
// left of the document. So when an element has been scrolled into view, the
// top and left offsets must be non-zero.
function assertNonZeroScrollOffsets(offsets) {
ok(offsets.left, "Should have scrolled to the right");
ok(, "Should have scrolled down");
function checkScrollOffset(win, expected, msg = "") {
let actual = getScrollOffset(win);
let fuzz = AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ? 3 : 1;
isfuzzy(,, fuzz, `Top scroll offset - ${msg}`);
isfuzzy(actual.left, expected.left, fuzz, `Left scroll offset - ${msg}`);
add_task(async function test_scroll_restoration() {
let win = await loadInitialView("discover");
// Wait until the recommendations have been loaded. These are cached after
// the first load, so we only need to wait once, at the start of the test.
await win.document.querySelector("recommended-addon-list").cardsReady;
// Force scrollbar to appear, by adding enough space around the content. = "100vh"; = "100vw"; = "300vw";
checkScrollOffset(win, { top: 0, left: 0 }, "initial page load");
let discoOffsets = getScrollOffset(win);
// Switch from disco pane to extension list
await switchToView(win, "list", "extension");
checkScrollOffset(win, { top: 0, left: 0 }, "initial extension list");
scrollTopLeftIntoView(getAddonCard(win, EXT_ID_EXTENSION));
let extListOffsets = getScrollOffset(win);
// Switch from extension list to details view.
let loaded = waitForViewLoad(win);
const addonCard = getAddonCard(win, EXT_ID_EXTENSION);
// Ensure that we send a click on the control that is accessible (while a
// mouse user could also activate a card by clicking on the entire container):
const addonCardLink = addonCard.querySelector(".addon-name-link");;
await loaded;
checkScrollOffset(win, { top: 0, left: 0 }, "initial details view");
scrollTopLeftIntoView(getAddonCard(win, EXT_ID_EXTENSION));
let detailsOffsets = getScrollOffset(win);
// Switch from details view back to extension list.
await historyGo(win, -1, "addons://list/extension");
checkScrollOffset(win, extListOffsets, "back to extension list");
// Now scroll to the bottom-right corner, so we can check whether the scroll
// offset is correctly restored when the extension view is loaded, even when
// the recommendations are loaded after the initial render.
"Recommendations have already been loaded"
win.document.body.scrollIntoView({ block: "end", inline: "end" });
extListOffsets = getScrollOffset(win);
// Switch back from the extension list to the details view.
await historyGo(win, +1, `addons://detail/${EXT_ID_EXTENSION}`);
checkScrollOffset(win, detailsOffsets, "details view with default tab");
// Switch from the default details tab to the permissions tab.
// (this does not change the history).
// Switch back from the details view to the extension list.
await historyGo(win, -1, "addons://list/extension");
checkScrollOffset(win, extListOffsets, "bottom-right of extension list");
"Recommendations should have been loaded again"
// Switch back from extension list to the details view.
await historyGo(win, +1, `addons://detail/${EXT_ID_EXTENSION}`);
// Scroll offsets are not remembered for the details view, because at the
// time of leaving the details view, the non-default tab was selected.
checkScrollOffset(win, { top: 0, left: 0 }, "details view, non-default tab");
// Switch back from the details view to the disco pane.
await historyGo(win, -2, "addons://discover/");
checkScrollOffset(win, discoOffsets, "after switching back to disco pane");
// Switch from disco pane to theme list.
// Verifies that the extension list and theme lists are independent.
await switchToView(win, "list", "theme");
checkScrollOffset(win, { top: 0, left: 0 }, "initial theme list");
let tabClosed = BrowserTestUtils.waitForTabClosing(gBrowser.selectedTab);
await closeView(win);
await tabClosed;