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/* global btoa fetch token promise_test step_timeout */
/* global assert_equals assert_true assert_own_property assert_throws_js assert_less_than */
const templates = {
'fresh': {
'response_headers': [
['Expires', 100000],
['Last-Modified', 0]
'stale': {
'response_headers': [
['Expires', -5000],
['Last-Modified', -100000]
'lcl_response': {
'response_headers': [
['Location', 'location_target'],
['Content-Location', 'content_location_target']
'location': {
'query_arg': 'location_target',
'response_headers': [
['Expires', 100000],
['Last-Modified', 0]
'content_location': {
'query_arg': 'content_location_target',
'response_headers': [
['Expires', 100000],
['Last-Modified', 0]
const noBodyStatus = new Set([204, 304])
function makeTest (test) {
return function () {
var uuid = token()
var requests = expandTemplates(test)
var fetchFunctions = makeFetchFunctions(requests, uuid)
return runTest(fetchFunctions, requests, uuid)
function makeFetchFunctions(requests, uuid) {
var fetchFunctions = []
for (let i = 0; i < requests.length; ++i) {
code: function (idx) {
var config = requests[idx]
var url = makeTestUrl(uuid, config)
var init = fetchInit(requests, config)
return fetch(url, init)
.then(makeCheckResponse(idx, config))
.then(makeCheckResponseBody(config, uuid), function (reason) {
if ('expected_type' in config && config.expected_type === 'error') {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, function () { throw reason })
} else {
throw reason
pauseAfter: 'pause_after' in requests[i]
return fetchFunctions
function runTest(fetchFunctions, requests, uuid) {
var idx = 0
function runNextStep () {
if (fetchFunctions.length) {
var nextFetchFunction = fetchFunctions.shift()
if (nextFetchFunction.pauseAfter === true) {
return nextFetchFunction.code(idx++)
} else {
return nextFetchFunction.code(idx++)
} else {
return Promise.resolve()
return runNextStep()
.then(function () {
return getServerState(uuid)
}).then(function (testState) {
checkRequests(requests, testState)
return Promise.resolve()
function expandTemplates (test) {
var rawRequests = test.requests
var requests = []
for (let i = 0; i < rawRequests.length; i++) {
var request = rawRequests[i] =
if ('template' in request) {
var template = templates[request['template']]
for (let member in template) {
if (!request.hasOwnProperty(member)) {
request[member] = template[member]
return requests
function fetchInit (requests, config) {
var init = {
'headers': []
if ('request_method' in config) init.method = config['request_method']
// Note: init.headers must be a copy of config['request_headers'] array,
// because new elements are added later.
if ('request_headers' in config) init.headers = [...config['request_headers']];
if ('name' in config) init.headers.push(['Test-Name',])
if ('request_body' in config) init.body = config['request_body']
if ('mode' in config) init.mode = config['mode']
if ('credentials' in config) init.credentials = config['credentials']
if ('cache' in config) init.cache = config['cache']
init.headers.push(['Test-Requests', btoa(JSON.stringify(requests))])
return init
function makeCheckResponse (idx, config) {
return function checkResponse (response) {
var reqNum = idx + 1
var resNum = parseInt(response.headers.get('Server-Request-Count'))
if ('expected_type' in config) {
if (config.expected_type === 'error') {
assert_true(false, `Request ${reqNum} doesn't throw an error`)
return response.text()
if (config.expected_type === 'cached') {
assert_less_than(resNum, reqNum, `Response ${reqNum} does not come from cache`)
if (config.expected_type === 'not_cached') {
assert_equals(resNum, reqNum, `Response ${reqNum} comes from cache`)
if ('expected_status' in config) {
assert_equals(response.status, config.expected_status,
`Response ${reqNum} status is ${response.status}, not ${config.expected_status}`)
} else if ('response_status' in config) {
assert_equals(response.status, config.response_status[0],
`Response ${reqNum} status is ${response.status}, not ${config.response_status[0]}`)
} else {
assert_equals(response.status, 200, `Response ${reqNum} status is ${response.status}, not 200`)
if ('response_headers' in config) {
config.response_headers.forEach(function (header) {
if (header.len < 3 || header[2] === true) {
assert_equals(response.headers.get(header[0]), header[1],
`Response ${reqNum} header ${header[0]} is "${response.headers.get(header[0])}", not "${header[1]}"`)
if ('expected_response_headers' in config) {
config.expected_response_headers.forEach(function (header) {
assert_equals(response.headers.get(header[0]), header[1],
`Response ${reqNum} header ${header[0]} is "${response.headers.get(header[0])}", not "${header[1]}"`)
return response.text()
function makeCheckResponseBody (config, uuid) {
return function checkResponseBody (resBody) {
var statusCode = 200
if ('response_status' in config) {
statusCode = config.response_status[0]
if ('expected_response_text' in config) {
if (config.expected_response_text !== null) {
assert_equals(resBody, config.expected_response_text,
`Response body is "${resBody}", not expected "${config.expected_response_text}"`)
} else if ('response_body' in config && config.response_body !== null) {
assert_equals(resBody, config.response_body,
`Response body is "${resBody}", not sent "${config.response_body}"`)
} else if (!noBodyStatus.has(statusCode)) {
assert_equals(resBody, uuid, `Response body is "${resBody}", not default "${uuid}"`)
function checkRequests (requests, testState) {
var testIdx = 0
for (let i = 0; i < requests.length; ++i) {
var expectedValidatingHeaders = []
var config = requests[i]
var serverRequest = testState[testIdx]
var reqNum = i + 1
if ('expected_type' in config) {
if (config.expected_type === 'cached') continue // the server will not see the request
if (config.expected_type === 'etag_validated') {
if (config.expected_type === 'lm_validated') {
expectedValidatingHeaders.forEach(vhdr => {
assert_own_property(serverRequest.request_headers, vhdr,
`request ${reqNum} doesn't have ${vhdr} header`)
if ('expected_request_headers' in config) {
config.expected_request_headers.forEach(expectedHdr => {
assert_equals(serverRequest.request_headers[expectedHdr[0].toLowerCase()], expectedHdr[1],
`request ${reqNum} header ${expectedHdr[0]} value is "${serverRequest.request_headers[expectedHdr[0].toLowerCase()]}", not "${expectedHdr[1]}"`)
function pause () {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
step_timeout(function () {
return resolve()
}, 3000)
function makeTestUrl (uuid, config) {
var arg = ''
var base_url = ''
if ('base_url' in config) {
base_url = config.base_url
if ('query_arg' in config) {
arg = `&target=${config.query_arg}`
return `${base_url}resources/${uuid}${arg}`
function getServerState (uuid) {
return fetch(`resources/${uuid}`)
.then(function (response) {
return response.text()
}).then(function (text) {
return JSON.parse(text) || []
function run_tests (tests) {
tests.forEach(function (test) {
var contentStore = {}
function http_content (csKey) {
if (csKey in contentStore) {
return contentStore[csKey]
} else {
var content = btoa(Math.random() *
contentStore[csKey] = content
return content