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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* Copyright 2016 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef wasm_code_h
#define wasm_code_h
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/EnumeratedArray.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
#include "mozilla/PodOperations.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <utility>
#include "jstypes.h"
#include "gc/Memory.h"
#include "jit/ProcessExecutableMemory.h"
#include "js/AllocPolicy.h"
#include "js/UniquePtr.h"
#include "js/Utility.h"
#include "js/Vector.h"
#include "threading/ExclusiveData.h"
#include "util/Memory.h"
#include "vm/MutexIDs.h"
#include "wasm/WasmBuiltinModule.h"
#include "wasm/WasmBuiltins.h"
#include "wasm/WasmCodegenConstants.h"
#include "wasm/WasmCodegenTypes.h"
#include "wasm/WasmCompileArgs.h"
#include "wasm/WasmConstants.h"
#include "wasm/WasmExprType.h"
#include "wasm/WasmGC.h"
#include "wasm/WasmLog.h"
#include "wasm/WasmModuleTypes.h"
#include "wasm/WasmSerialize.h"
#include "wasm/WasmShareable.h"
#include "wasm/WasmTypeDecls.h"
#include "wasm/WasmTypeDef.h"
#include "wasm/WasmValType.h"
struct JS_PUBLIC_API JSContext;
class JSFunction;
namespace js {
struct AsmJSMetadata;
class ScriptSource;
namespace jit {
class MacroAssembler;
namespace wasm {
struct MetadataTier;
struct Metadata;
// LinkData contains all the metadata necessary to patch all the locations
// that depend on the absolute address of a ModuleSegment. This happens in a
// "linking" step after compilation and after the module's code is serialized.
// The LinkData is serialized along with the Module but does not (normally, see
// Module::debugLinkData_ comment) persist after (de)serialization, which
// distinguishes it from Metadata, which is stored in the Code object.
struct LinkDataCacheablePod {
uint32_t trapOffset = 0;
LinkDataCacheablePod() = default;
struct LinkData : LinkDataCacheablePod {
explicit LinkData(Tier tier) : tier(tier) {}
LinkDataCacheablePod& pod() { return *this; }
const LinkDataCacheablePod& pod() const { return *this; }
struct InternalLink {
uint32_t patchAtOffset;
uint32_t targetOffset;
uint32_t mode;
WASM_CHECK_CACHEABLE_POD(patchAtOffset, targetOffset);
using InternalLinkVector = Vector<InternalLink, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
struct SymbolicLinkArray : EnumeratedArray<SymbolicAddress, Uint32Vector,
size_t(SymbolicAddress::Limit)> {
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
const Tier tier;
InternalLinkVector internalLinks;
SymbolicLinkArray symbolicLinks;
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
using UniqueLinkData = UniquePtr<LinkData>;
// Executable code must be deallocated specially.
struct FreeCode {
uint32_t codeLength;
FreeCode() : codeLength(0) {}
explicit FreeCode(uint32_t codeLength) : codeLength(codeLength) {}
void operator()(uint8_t* codeBytes);
using UniqueCodeBytes = UniquePtr<uint8_t, FreeCode>;
class Code;
class CodeTier;
class ModuleSegment;
class LazyStubSegment;
// CodeSegment contains common helpers for determining the base and length of a
// code segment and if a pc belongs to this segment. It is inherited by:
// - ModuleSegment, i.e. the code segment of a Module, generated
// eagerly when a Module is instanciated.
// - LazyStubSegment, i.e. the code segment of entry stubs that are lazily
// generated.
class CodeSegment {
enum class Kind { LazyStubs, Module };
CodeSegment(UniqueCodeBytes bytes, uint32_t length, Kind kind)
: bytes_(std::move(bytes)),
unregisterOnDestroy_(false) {}
bool initialize(const CodeTier& codeTier);
const UniqueCodeBytes bytes_;
const uint32_t length_;
const Kind kind_;
const CodeTier* codeTier_;
bool unregisterOnDestroy_;
bool initialized() const { return !!codeTier_; }
bool isLazyStubs() const { return kind_ == Kind::LazyStubs; }
bool isModule() const { return kind_ == Kind::Module; }
const ModuleSegment* asModule() const {
return (ModuleSegment*)this;
const LazyStubSegment* asLazyStub() const {
return (LazyStubSegment*)this;
uint8_t* base() const { return bytes_.get(); }
uint32_t length() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(length_ != UINT32_MAX);
return length_;
bool containsCodePC(const void* pc) const {
return pc >= base() && pc < (base() + length_);
const CodeTier& codeTier() const {
return *codeTier_;
const Code& code() const;
void addSizeOfMisc(MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf, size_t* code) const;
// A wasm ModuleSegment owns the allocated executable code for a wasm module.
using UniqueModuleSegment = UniquePtr<ModuleSegment>;
class ModuleSegment : public CodeSegment {
const Tier tier_;
uint8_t* const trapCode_;
ModuleSegment(Tier tier, UniqueCodeBytes codeBytes, uint32_t codeLength,
const LinkData& linkData);
static UniqueModuleSegment create(Tier tier, jit::MacroAssembler& masm,
const LinkData& linkData);
static UniqueModuleSegment create(Tier tier, const Bytes& unlinkedBytes,
const LinkData& linkData);
bool initialize(const CodeTier& codeTier, const LinkData& linkData,
const Metadata& metadata, const MetadataTier& metadataTier);
Tier tier() const { return tier_; }
// Pointers to stubs to which PC is redirected from the signal-handler.
uint8_t* trapCode() const { return trapCode_; }
const CodeRange* lookupRange(const void* pc) const;
void addSizeOfMisc(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf, size_t* code,
size_t* data) const;
extern UniqueCodeBytes AllocateCodeBytes(
mozilla::Maybe<jit::AutoMarkJitCodeWritableForThread>& writable,
uint32_t codeLength);
extern bool StaticallyLink(const ModuleSegment& ms, const LinkData& linkData);
extern void StaticallyUnlink(uint8_t* base, const LinkData& linkData);
// A FuncExport represents a single function definition inside a wasm Module
// that has been exported one or more times. A FuncExport represents an
// internal entry point that can be called via function definition index by
// Instance::callExport(). To allow O(log(n)) lookup of a FuncExport by
// function definition index, the FuncExportVector is stored sorted by
// function definition index.
class FuncExport {
uint32_t typeIndex_;
uint32_t funcIndex_;
uint32_t eagerInterpEntryOffset_; // Machine code offset
bool hasEagerStubs_;
WASM_CHECK_CACHEABLE_POD(typeIndex_, funcIndex_, eagerInterpEntryOffset_,
FuncExport() = default;
explicit FuncExport(uint32_t typeIndex, uint32_t funcIndex,
bool hasEagerStubs) {
typeIndex_ = typeIndex;
funcIndex_ = funcIndex;
eagerInterpEntryOffset_ = UINT32_MAX;
hasEagerStubs_ = hasEagerStubs;
void initEagerInterpEntryOffset(uint32_t entryOffset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(eagerInterpEntryOffset_ == UINT32_MAX);
eagerInterpEntryOffset_ = entryOffset;
bool hasEagerStubs() const { return hasEagerStubs_; }
uint32_t typeIndex() const { return typeIndex_; }
uint32_t funcIndex() const { return funcIndex_; }
uint32_t eagerInterpEntryOffset() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(eagerInterpEntryOffset_ != UINT32_MAX);
return eagerInterpEntryOffset_;
using FuncExportVector = Vector<FuncExport, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
// An FuncImport contains the runtime metadata needed to implement a call to an
// imported function. Each function import has two call stubs: an optimized path
// into JIT code and a slow path into the generic C++ js::Invoke and these
// offsets of these stubs are stored so that function-import callsites can be
// dynamically patched at runtime.
class FuncImport {
uint32_t typeIndex_;
uint32_t instanceOffset_;
uint32_t interpExitCodeOffset_; // Machine code offset
uint32_t jitExitCodeOffset_; // Machine code offset
WASM_CHECK_CACHEABLE_POD(typeIndex_, instanceOffset_, interpExitCodeOffset_,
: typeIndex_(0),
jitExitCodeOffset_(0) {}
FuncImport(uint32_t typeIndex, uint32_t instanceOffset) {
typeIndex_ = typeIndex;
instanceOffset_ = instanceOffset;
interpExitCodeOffset_ = 0;
jitExitCodeOffset_ = 0;
void initInterpExitOffset(uint32_t off) {
interpExitCodeOffset_ = off;
void initJitExitOffset(uint32_t off) {
jitExitCodeOffset_ = off;
uint32_t typeIndex() const { return typeIndex_; }
uint32_t instanceOffset() const { return instanceOffset_; }
uint32_t interpExitCodeOffset() const { return interpExitCodeOffset_; }
uint32_t jitExitCodeOffset() const { return jitExitCodeOffset_; }
using FuncImportVector = Vector<FuncImport, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
// Metadata holds all the data that is needed to describe compiled wasm code
// at runtime (as opposed to data that is only used to statically link or
// instantiate a module).
// Metadata is built incrementally by ModuleGenerator and then shared immutably
// between modules.
// The Metadata structure is split into tier-invariant and tier-variant parts;
// the former points to instances of the latter. Additionally, the asm.js
// subsystem subclasses the Metadata, adding more tier-invariant data, some of
// which is serialized. See AsmJS.cpp.
struct MetadataCacheablePod {
ModuleKind kind;
uint32_t instanceDataLength;
Maybe<uint32_t> startFuncIndex;
Maybe<uint32_t> nameCustomSectionIndex;
BuiltinModuleIds builtinModules;
FeatureUsage featureUsage;
bool filenameIsURL;
bool parsedBranchHints;
uint32_t typeDefsOffsetStart;
uint32_t memoriesOffsetStart;
uint32_t tablesOffsetStart;
uint32_t tagsOffsetStart;
uint32_t padding;
WASM_CHECK_CACHEABLE_POD(kind, instanceDataLength, startFuncIndex,
nameCustomSectionIndex, builtinModules, featureUsage,
filenameIsURL, parsedBranchHints,
typeDefsOffsetStart, memoriesOffsetStart,
tablesOffsetStart, tagsOffsetStart)
explicit MetadataCacheablePod(ModuleKind kind)
: kind(kind),
padding(0) {}
using ModuleHash = uint8_t[8];
struct Metadata : public ShareableBase<Metadata>, public MetadataCacheablePod {
SharedTypeContext types;
MemoryDescVector memories;
GlobalDescVector globals;
TableDescVector tables;
TagDescVector tags;
CacheableChars filename;
CacheableChars sourceMapURL;
// namePayload points at the name section's CustomSection::payload so that
// the Names (which are use payload-relative offsets) can be used
// independently of the Module without duplicating the name section.
SharedBytes namePayload;
Maybe<Name> moduleName;
NameVector funcNames;
// Debug-enabled code is not serialized.
bool debugEnabled;
Uint32Vector debugFuncTypeIndices;
ModuleHash debugHash;
explicit Metadata(ModuleKind kind = ModuleKind::Wasm)
: MetadataCacheablePod(kind), debugEnabled(false), debugHash() {}
virtual ~Metadata() = default;
MetadataCacheablePod& pod() { return *this; }
const MetadataCacheablePod& pod() const { return *this; }
const TypeDef& getFuncImportTypeDef(const FuncImport& funcImport) const {
return types->type(funcImport.typeIndex());
const FuncType& getFuncImportType(const FuncImport& funcImport) const {
return types->type(funcImport.typeIndex()).funcType();
const TypeDef& getFuncExportTypeDef(const FuncExport& funcExport) const {
return types->type(funcExport.typeIndex());
const FuncType& getFuncExportType(const FuncExport& funcExport) const {
return types->type(funcExport.typeIndex()).funcType();
size_t debugNumFuncs() const { return debugFuncTypeIndices.length(); }
const FuncType& debugFuncType(uint32_t funcIndex) const {
return types->type(debugFuncTypeIndices[funcIndex]).funcType();
// AsmJSMetadata derives Metadata iff isAsmJS(). Mostly this distinction is
// encapsulated within AsmJS.cpp, but the additional virtual functions allow
// asm.js to override wasm behavior in the handful of cases that can't be
// easily encapsulated by AsmJS.cpp.
bool isAsmJS() const { return kind == ModuleKind::AsmJS; }
const AsmJSMetadata& asAsmJS() const {
return *(const AsmJSMetadata*)this;
virtual bool mutedErrors() const { return false; }
virtual const char16_t* displayURL() const { return nullptr; }
virtual ScriptSource* maybeScriptSource() const { return nullptr; }
// The Developer-Facing Display Conventions section of the WebAssembly Web
// API spec defines two cases for displaying a wasm function name:
// 1. the function name stands alone
// 2. the function name precedes the location
enum NameContext { Standalone, BeforeLocation };
virtual bool getFuncName(NameContext ctx, uint32_t funcIndex,
UTF8Bytes* name) const;
bool getFuncNameStandalone(uint32_t funcIndex, UTF8Bytes* name) const {
return getFuncName(NameContext::Standalone, funcIndex, name);
bool getFuncNameBeforeLocation(uint32_t funcIndex, UTF8Bytes* name) const {
return getFuncName(NameContext::BeforeLocation, funcIndex, name);
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
using MutableMetadata = RefPtr<Metadata>;
using SharedMetadata = RefPtr<const Metadata>;
struct MetadataTier {
explicit MetadataTier(Tier tier = Tier::Serialized)
: tier(tier), debugTrapOffset(0) {}
const Tier tier;
Uint32Vector funcToCodeRange;
CodeRangeVector codeRanges;
CallSiteVector callSites;
TrapSiteVectorArray trapSites;
FuncImportVector funcImports;
FuncExportVector funcExports;
StackMaps stackMaps;
TryNoteVector tryNotes;
CodeRangeUnwindInfoVector codeRangeUnwindInfos;
// Debug information, not serialized.
uint32_t debugTrapOffset;
FuncExport& lookupFuncExport(uint32_t funcIndex,
size_t* funcExportIndex = nullptr);
const FuncExport& lookupFuncExport(uint32_t funcIndex,
size_t* funcExportIndex = nullptr) const;
const CodeRange& codeRange(const FuncExport& funcExport) const {
return codeRanges[funcToCodeRange[funcExport.funcIndex()]];
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
using UniqueMetadataTier = UniquePtr<MetadataTier>;
// LazyStubSegment is a code segment lazily generated for function entry stubs
// (both interpreter and jit ones).
// Because a stub is usually small (a few KiB) and an executable code segment
// isn't (64KiB), a given stub segment can contain entry stubs of many
// functions.
using UniqueLazyStubSegment = UniquePtr<LazyStubSegment>;
using LazyStubSegmentVector =
Vector<UniqueLazyStubSegment, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
class LazyStubSegment : public CodeSegment {
CodeRangeVector codeRanges_;
size_t usedBytes_;
LazyStubSegment(UniqueCodeBytes bytes, size_t length)
: CodeSegment(std::move(bytes), length, CodeSegment::Kind::LazyStubs),
usedBytes_(0) {}
static UniqueLazyStubSegment create(const CodeTier& codeTier,
size_t codeLength);
static size_t AlignBytesNeeded(size_t bytes) {
return AlignBytes(bytes, gc::SystemPageSize());
bool hasSpace(size_t bytes) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool addStubs(const Metadata& metadata, size_t codeLength,
const Uint32Vector& funcExportIndices,
const FuncExportVector& funcExports,
const CodeRangeVector& codeRanges,
uint8_t** codePtr,
size_t* indexFirstInsertedCodeRange);
const CodeRangeVector& codeRanges() const { return codeRanges_; }
[[nodiscard]] const CodeRange* lookupRange(const void* pc) const;
void addSizeOfMisc(MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf, size_t* code,
size_t* data) const;
// LazyFuncExport helps to efficiently lookup a CodeRange from a given function
// index. It is inserted in a vector sorted by function index, to perform
// binary search on it later.
struct LazyFuncExport {
size_t funcIndex;
size_t lazyStubSegmentIndex;
size_t funcCodeRangeIndex;
LazyFuncExport(size_t funcIndex, size_t lazyStubSegmentIndex,
size_t funcCodeRangeIndex)
: funcIndex(funcIndex),
funcCodeRangeIndex(funcCodeRangeIndex) {}
using LazyFuncExportVector = Vector<LazyFuncExport, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
// LazyStubTier contains all the necessary information for lazy function entry
// stubs that are generated at runtime. None of its data are ever serialized.
// It must be protected by a lock, because the main thread can both read and
// write lazy stubs at any time while a background thread can regenerate lazy
// stubs for tier2 at any time.
class LazyStubTier {
LazyStubSegmentVector stubSegments_;
LazyFuncExportVector exports_;
size_t lastStubSegmentIndex_;
[[nodiscard]] bool createManyEntryStubs(const Uint32Vector& funcExportIndices,
const Metadata& metadata,
const CodeTier& codeTier,
size_t* stubSegmentIndex);
LazyStubTier() : lastStubSegmentIndex_(0) {}
// Creates one lazy stub for the exported function, for which the jit entry
// will be set to the lazily-generated one.
[[nodiscard]] bool createOneEntryStub(uint32_t funcExportIndex,
const Metadata& metadata,
const CodeTier& codeTier);
bool entryStubsEmpty() const { return stubSegments_.empty(); }
bool hasEntryStub(uint32_t funcIndex) const;
// Returns a pointer to the raw interpreter entry of a given function for
// which stubs have been lazily generated.
[[nodiscard]] void* lookupInterpEntry(uint32_t funcIndex) const;
// Create one lazy stub for all the functions in funcExportIndices, putting
// them in a single stub. Jit entries won't be used until
// setJitEntries() is actually called, after the Code owner has committed
// tier2.
[[nodiscard]] bool createTier2(const Uint32Vector& funcExportIndices,
const Metadata& metadata,
const CodeTier& codeTier,
Maybe<size_t>* stubSegmentIndex);
void setJitEntries(const Maybe<size_t>& stubSegmentIndex, const Code& code);
void addSizeOfMisc(MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf, size_t* code,
size_t* data) const;
// CodeTier contains all the data related to a given compilation tier. It is
// built during module generation and then immutably stored in a Code.
using UniqueCodeTier = UniquePtr<CodeTier>;
using UniqueConstCodeTier = UniquePtr<const CodeTier>;
class CodeTier {
const Code* code_;
// Serialized information.
const UniqueMetadataTier metadata_;
const UniqueModuleSegment segment_;
// Lazy stubs, not serialized.
RWExclusiveData<LazyStubTier> lazyStubs_;
static const MutexId& mutexForTier(Tier tier) {
if (tier == Tier::Baseline) {
return mutexid::WasmLazyStubsTier1;
MOZ_ASSERT(tier == Tier::Optimized);
return mutexid::WasmLazyStubsTier2;
CodeTier(UniqueMetadataTier metadata, UniqueModuleSegment segment)
: code_(nullptr),
lazyStubs_(mutexForTier(segment_->tier())) {}
bool initialized() const { return !!code_ && segment_->initialized(); }
bool initialize(const Code& code, const LinkData& linkData,
const Metadata& metadata);
Tier tier() const { return segment_->tier(); }
const RWExclusiveData<LazyStubTier>& lazyStubs() const { return lazyStubs_; }
const MetadataTier& metadata() const { return *metadata_.get(); }
const ModuleSegment& segment() const { return *segment_.get(); }
const Code& code() const {
return *code_;
const CodeRange* lookupRange(const void* pc) const;
const TryNote* lookupTryNote(const void* pc) const;
void addSizeOfMisc(MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf, size_t* code,
size_t* data) const;
WASM_DECLARE_FRIEND_SERIALIZE_ARGS(CodeTier, const wasm::LinkData& data);
// Jump tables that implement function tiering and fast js-to-wasm calls.
// There is one JumpTable object per Code object, holding two jump tables: the
// tiering jump table and the jit-entry jump table. The JumpTable is not
// serialized with its Code, but is a run-time entity only. At run-time it is
// shared across threads with its owning Code (and the Module that owns the
// Code). Values in the JumpTable /must/ /always/ be JSContext-agnostic and
// Instance-agnostic, because of this sharing.
// Both jump tables have a number of entries equal to the number of functions in
// their Module, including imports. In the tiering table, the elements
// corresponding to the Module's imported functions are unused; in the jit-entry
// table, the elements corresponding to the Module's non-exported functions are
// unused. (Functions can be exported explicitly via the exports section or
// implicitly via a mention of their indices outside function bodies.) See
// comments at JumpTables::init() and WasmInstanceObject::getExportedFunction().
// The entries are void*. Unused entries are null.
// The tiering jump table.
// This table holds code pointers that are used by baseline functions to enter
// optimized code. See the large comment block in WasmCompile.cpp for
// information about how tiering works.
// The jit-entry jump table.
// The jit-entry jump table entry for a function holds a stub that allows Jitted
// JS code to call wasm using the JS JIT ABI. See large comment block at
// WasmInstanceObject::getExportedFunction() for more about exported functions
// and stubs and the lifecycle of the entries in the jit-entry table - there are
// complex invariants.
class JumpTables {
using TablePointer = mozilla::UniquePtr<void*[], JS::FreePolicy>;
CompileMode mode_;
TablePointer tiering_;
TablePointer jit_;
size_t numFuncs_;
JumpTableJitEntryOffset == 0,
"Each jit entry in table must have compatible layout with BaseScript and"
bool init(CompileMode mode, const ModuleSegment& ms,
const CodeRangeVector& codeRanges);
void setJitEntry(size_t i, void* target) const {
// Make sure that write is atomic; see comment in wasm::Module::finishTier2
// to that effect.
MOZ_ASSERT(i < numFuncs_);
jit_.get()[i] = target;
void setJitEntryIfNull(size_t i, void* target) const {
// Make sure that compare-and-write is atomic; see comment in
// wasm::Module::finishTier2 to that effect.
MOZ_ASSERT(i < numFuncs_);
void* expected = nullptr;
(void)__atomic_compare_exchange_n(&jit_.get()[i], &expected, target,
/*weak=*/false, __ATOMIC_RELAXED,
void** getAddressOfJitEntry(size_t i) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(i < numFuncs_);
return &jit_.get()[i];
size_t funcIndexFromJitEntry(void** target) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(target >= &jit_.get()[0]);
MOZ_ASSERT(target <= &(jit_.get()[numFuncs_ - 1]));
return (intptr_t*)target - (intptr_t*)&jit_.get()[0];
void setTieringEntry(size_t i, void* target) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(i < numFuncs_);
// See comment in wasm::Module::finishTier2.
if (mode_ == CompileMode::Tier1) {
tiering_.get()[i] = target;
void** tiering() const { return tiering_.get(); }
size_t sizeOfMiscExcludingThis() const {
// 2 words per function for the jit entry table, plus maybe 1 per
// function if we're tiering.
return sizeof(void*) * (2 + (tiering_ ? 1 : 0)) * numFuncs_;
// Code objects own executable code and the metadata that describe it. A single
// Code object is normally shared between a module and all its instances.
// profilingLabels_ is lazily initialized, but behind a lock.
using SharedCode = RefPtr<const Code>;
using MutableCode = RefPtr<Code>;
using MetadataAnalysisHashMap =
HashMap<const char*, uint32_t, mozilla::CStringHasher, SystemAllocPolicy>;
class Code : public ShareableBase<Code> {
UniqueCodeTier tier1_;
// [SMDOC] Tier-2 data
// hasTier2_ and tier2_ implement a three-state protocol for broadcasting
// tier-2 data; this also amounts to a single-writer/multiple-reader setup.
// Initially hasTier2_ is false and tier2_ is null.
// While hasTier2_ is false, *no* thread may read tier2_, but one thread may
// make tier2_ non-null (this will be the tier-2 compiler thread). That same
// thread must then later set hasTier2_ to true to broadcast the tier2_ value
// and its availability. Note that the writing thread may not itself read
// tier2_ before setting hasTier2_, in order to simplify reasoning about
// global invariants.
// Once hasTier2_ is true, *no* thread may write tier2_ and *no* thread may
// read tier2_ without having observed hasTier2_ as true first. Once
// hasTier2_ is true, it stays true.
mutable UniqueConstCodeTier tier2_;
mutable Atomic<bool> hasTier2_;
SharedMetadata metadata_;
ExclusiveData<CacheableCharsVector> profilingLabels_;
JumpTables jumpTables_;
Code(UniqueCodeTier tier1, const Metadata& metadata,
JumpTables&& maybeJumpTables);
bool initialized() const { return tier1_->initialized(); }
bool initialize(const LinkData& linkData);
void setTieringEntry(size_t i, void* target) const {
jumpTables_.setTieringEntry(i, target);
void** tieringJumpTable() const { return jumpTables_.tiering(); }
void setJitEntry(size_t i, void* target) const {
jumpTables_.setJitEntry(i, target);
void setJitEntryIfNull(size_t i, void* target) const {
jumpTables_.setJitEntryIfNull(i, target);
void** getAddressOfJitEntry(size_t i) const {
return jumpTables_.getAddressOfJitEntry(i);
uint32_t getFuncIndex(JSFunction* fun) const;
// Install the tier2 code without committing it. To maintain the invariant
// that tier2_ is never accessed without the tier having been committed, this
// returns a pointer to the installed tier that the caller can use for
// subsequent operations.
bool setAndBorrowTier2(UniqueCodeTier tier2, const LinkData& linkData,
const CodeTier** borrowedTier) const;
void commitTier2() const;
bool hasTier2() const { return hasTier2_; }
Tiers tiers() const;
bool hasTier(Tier t) const;
Tier stableTier() const; // This is stable during a run
Tier bestTier()
const; // This may transition from Baseline -> Ion at any time
const CodeTier& codeTier(Tier tier) const;
const Metadata& metadata() const { return *metadata_; }
const ModuleSegment& segment(Tier iter) const {
return codeTier(iter).segment();
const MetadataTier& metadata(Tier iter) const {
return codeTier(iter).metadata();
// Metadata lookup functions:
const CallSite* lookupCallSite(void* returnAddress) const;
const CodeRange* lookupFuncRange(void* pc) const;
const StackMap* lookupStackMap(uint8_t* nextPC) const;
const TryNote* lookupTryNote(void* pc, Tier* tier) const;
bool containsCodePC(const void* pc) const;
bool lookupTrap(void* pc, Trap* trap, BytecodeOffset* bytecode) const;
const CodeRangeUnwindInfo* lookupUnwindInfo(void* pc) const;
bool lookupFunctionTier(const CodeRange* codeRange, Tier* tier) const;
// To save memory, profilingLabels_ are generated lazily when profiling mode
// is enabled.
void ensureProfilingLabels(bool profilingEnabled) const;
const char* profilingLabel(uint32_t funcIndex) const;
// Wasm disassembly support
void disassemble(JSContext* cx, Tier tier, int kindSelection,
PrintCallback printString) const;
// Wasm metadata size analysis
MetadataAnalysisHashMap metadataAnalysis(JSContext* cx) const;
// about:memory reporting:
void addSizeOfMiscIfNotSeen(MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf,
Metadata::SeenSet* seenMetadata,
Code::SeenSet* seenCode, size_t* code,
size_t* data) const;
WASM_DECLARE_FRIEND_SERIALIZE_ARGS(SharedCode, const wasm::LinkData& data);
void PatchDebugSymbolicAccesses(uint8_t* codeBase, jit::MacroAssembler& masm);
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace js
#endif // wasm_code_h