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// |jit-test| allow-oom
// Basic tests around creating and linking memories with i64 indices
const MaxMemory64Field = 0x1_0000_0000_0000; // pages
const MaxUint32 = 0xFFFF_FFFF;
// test the validity of different i64 memory types in validation, compilation,
// and the JS-API.
function memoryTypeModuleText(shared, initial, max) {
return `(module
(memory i64 ${initial} ${max !== undefined ? max : ''} ${shared ? `shared` : ''}))`;
function memoryTypeDescriptor(shared, initial, max) {
return {
// TODO: "index" is not yet part of the spec
index: 'i64',
maximum: max,
function validMemoryType(shared, initial, max) {
wasmValidateText(memoryTypeModuleText(shared, initial, max));
wasmEvalText(memoryTypeModuleText(shared, initial, max));
// TODO: JS-API cannot specify pages above UINT32_MAX
new WebAssembly.Memory(memoryTypeDescriptor(shared, initial, max));
function invalidMemoryType(shared, initial, max, compileMessage, jsMessage) {
wasmFailValidateText(memoryTypeModuleText(shared, initial, max), compileMessage);
assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(memoryTypeModuleText(shared, initial, max)), WebAssembly.CompileError, compileMessage);
// TODO: JS-API cannot specify pages above UINT32_MAX
assertErrorMessage(() => new WebAssembly.Memory(memoryTypeDescriptor(shared, initial, max)), Error, jsMessage);
// valid to define a memory with i64
validMemoryType(false, 0);
// valid to define max with i64
validMemoryType(false, 0, 1);
// invalid for min to be greater than max with i64
invalidMemoryType(false, 2, 1, /minimum must not be greater than maximum/, /bad Memory maximum size/);
// valid to define shared memory with max with i64
validMemoryType(true, 1, 2);
// invalid to define shared memory without max with i64
invalidMemoryType(true, 1, undefined, /maximum length required for shared memory/, /maximum is not specified/);
// test the limits of memory64
validMemoryType(false, 0, MaxMemory64Field);
invalidMemoryType(false, 0, MaxMemory64Field + 1, /maximum memory size too big/, /bad Memory maximum/);
validMemoryType(true, 0, MaxMemory64Field);
invalidMemoryType(true, 0, MaxMemory64Field + 1, /maximum memory size too big/, /bad Memory maximum/);
// test that linking requires index types to be equal
function testLink(importedIndexType, importIndexType) {
let imported = new WebAssembly.Memory({
// TODO: "index" is not yet part of the spec
index: importedIndexType,
initial: 0,
let testModule =
(memory (import "" "imported") ${importIndexType} 0))`;
if (importedIndexType === importIndexType) {
wasmEvalText(testModule, {"": {imported}});
} else {
assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(testModule, {"": {imported}}), WebAssembly.LinkError, /index type/);
var memTypes = [
['i64', 'i64'],
['i32', 'i32'],
['i64', 'i32'],
['i32', 'i64']];
for ( let [a,b] of memTypes ) {
testLink(a, b);
// Active data segments use the index type for the init expression
for ( let [memType,exprType] of memTypes ) {
(memory ${memType} 1)
(data (${exprType}.const 0) "abcde"))`)), memType == exprType);
// Validate instructions using 32/64-bit pointers in 32/64-bit memories.
var validOffsets = {i32: ['', 'offset=0x10000000'],
i64: ['', 'offset=0x10000000', 'offset=0x200000000']}
// Basic load/store
for (let [memType, ptrType] of memTypes ) {
for (let offs of validOffsets[memType]) {
(memory ${memType} 1)
(func (param $p ${ptrType}) (param $i i32) (param $l i64) (param $f f32) (param $d f64)
(drop (i32.add (i32.const 1) (i32.load8_s ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i32.add (i32.const 1) (i32.load8_u ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i32.add (i32.const 1) (i32.load16_s ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i32.add (i32.const 1) (i32.load16_u ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i32.add (i32.const 1) (i32.load ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(i32.store8 ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $i))
(i32.store16 ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $i))
( ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $i))
(drop (i64.add (i64.const 1) (i64.load8_s ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i64.add (i64.const 1) (i64.load8_u ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i64.add (i64.const 1) (i64.load16_s ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i64.add (i64.const 1) (i64.load16_u ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i64.add (i64.const 1) (i64.load32_s ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i64.add (i64.const 1) (i64.load32_u ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i64.add (i64.const 1) (i64.load ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(i64.store8 ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $l))
(i64.store16 ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $l))
(i64.store32 ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $l))
( ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $l))
(drop (f32.add (f32.const 1) (f32.load ${offs} (local.get $p))))
( ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $f))
(drop (f64.add (f64.const 1) (f64.load ${offs} (local.get $p))))
( ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $d))
))`)), memType == ptrType);
// Bulk memory operations
for (let [memType, ptrType] of memTypes ) {
(memory ${memType} 1)
(data $seg "0123456789abcdef")
(func (param $p ${ptrType})
(drop (${ptrType}.add (${ptrType}.const 1) (memory.size)))
(drop (${ptrType}.add (${ptrType}.const 1) (memory.grow (${ptrType}.const 1))))
(memory.copy (local.get $p) (${ptrType}.const 0) (${ptrType}.const 628))
(memory.fill (local.get $p) (i32.const 37) (${ptrType}.const 1024))
(memory.init $seg (local.get $p) (i32.const 3) (i32.const 5))
))`)), memType == ptrType);
if (wasmSimdEnabled()) {
for (let [memType, ptrType] of memTypes ) {
for (let offs of validOffsets[memType]) {
(memory ${memType} 1)
(func (param $p ${ptrType}) (param $v v128) (param $w v128)
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load ${offs} (local.get $p))))
( ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $v))
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load8_splat ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load16_splat ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load32_splat ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load64_splat ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load32_zero ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load64_zero ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load8_lane ${offs} 1 (local.get $p) (local.get $v))))
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load16_lane ${offs} 1 (local.get $p) (local.get $v))))
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load32_lane ${offs} 1 (local.get $p) (local.get $v))))
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load64_lane ${offs} 1 (local.get $p) (local.get $v))))
(v128.store8_lane ${offs} 1 (local.get $p) (local.get $v))
(v128.store16_lane ${offs} 1 (local.get $p) (local.get $v))
(v128.store32_lane ${offs} 1 (local.get $p) (local.get $v))
(v128.store64_lane ${offs} 1 (local.get $p) (local.get $v))
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load8x8_s ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load8x8_u ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load16x4_s ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load16x4_u ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load32x2_s ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(drop (i8x16.add (local.get $w) (v128.load32x2_u ${offs} (local.get $p))))
))`)), memType == ptrType);
// Threads
if (wasmThreadsEnabled()) {
for (let [memType, ptrType] of memTypes ) {
for (let offs of validOffsets[memType]) {
(memory ${memType} 1 100 shared)
(func (param $p ${ptrType}) (param $i i32) (param $l i64)
(drop (i32.add (i32.const 1) (memory.atomic.wait32 ${offs} (local.get $p) (i32.const 0) (i64.const 37))))
(drop (i32.add (i32.const 1) (memory.atomic.wait64 ${offs} (local.get $p) (i64.const 0) (i64.const 37))))
(drop (i32.add (i32.const 1) (memory.atomic.notify ${offs} (local.get $p) (i32.const 1))))
))`)), memType == ptrType);
for (let [ty,size,sx] of
['i64','',''],['i64','8','_u'],['i64','16','_u'],['i64','32','_u']]) {
(memory ${memType} 1 100 shared)
(func (param $p ${ptrType}) (param $vi32 i32) (param $vi64 i64)
(drop (${ty}.add (${ty}.const 1) (${ty}.atomic.load${size}${sx} ${offs} (local.get $p))))
(${ty}${size} ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $v${ty}))
(drop (${ty}.add (${ty}.const 1) (${ty}.atomic.rmw${size}.add${sx} ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $v${ty}))))
(drop (${ty}.add (${ty}.const 1) (${ty}.atomic.rmw${size}.sub${sx} ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $v${ty}))))
(drop (${ty}.add (${ty}.const 1) (${ty}.atomic.rmw${size}.and${sx} ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $v${ty}))))
(drop (${ty}.add (${ty}.const 1) (${ty}.atomic.rmw${size}.or${sx} ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $v${ty}))))
(drop (${ty}.add (${ty}.const 1) (${ty}.atomic.rmw${size}.xor${sx} ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $v${ty}))))
(drop (${ty}.add (${ty}.const 1) (${ty}.atomic.rmw${size}.xchg${sx} ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $v${ty}))))
(drop (${ty}.add (${ty}.const 1) (${ty}.atomic.rmw${size}.cmpxchg${sx} ${offs} (local.get $p) (local.get $v${ty}) (${ty}.const 37))))
))`)), memType == ptrType);
// Cursorily check that invalid offsets are rejected.
(memory i32 1)
(func (param $p i32)
(drop (i32.load offset=0x100000000 (local.get $p)))))`)), false);
// For Memory64, any valid wat-syntaxed offset is valid.
(memory i64 1)
(func (param $p i64)
(drop (i32.load offset=0x1000000000000 (local.get $p)))))`)), true);
// Smoketest: Can we actually allocate a memory larger than 4GB?
if (getBuildConfiguration("pointer-byte-size") == 8) {
// TODO: "index" is not yet part of the spec
try {
new WebAssembly.Memory({index:"i64", initial:65536 * 1.5, maximum:65536 * 2});
} catch (e) {
// OOM is OK.
if (!(e instanceof WebAssembly.RuntimeError) || !String(e).match(/too many memory pages/)) {
throw e;
if (WebAssembly.Function) {
// TODO: "index" is not yet part of the spec
// TODO: values outside the u32 range are not yet part of the spec
let m64 = new WebAssembly.Memory({index:"i64", initial:1});
assertEq(m64.type().index, "i64");
let m32 = new WebAssembly.Memory({initial:1});
assertEq(m32.type().index, "i32");
let ins = new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(`
(memory (export "mem") i64 1 0x100000000))`)));
assertEq(ins.exports.mem.type().minimum, 1);
assertEq(ins.exports.mem.type().maximum, 0x100000000);
// Instructions
const SMALL = 64; // < offsetguard everywhere
const BIG = 131072; // > offsetguard on 32-bit
const HUGE = 2147483656; // > offsetguard on 64-bit
const VAST = 0x112001300; // > 4GB
function makeTest(LOC, INITIAL, MAXIMUM, SHARED) {
const v128Prefix =
` (func $stash (param v128)
( (i64.const 0) (local.get 0)))
(func $unstash (result v128)
(v128.load (i64.const 0)))
const readV128Code =
` (func (export "readv128@0") (param $p i64)
(call $stash (v128.load (local.get $p))))
(func (export "readv128@small") (param $p i64)
(call $stash (v128.load offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p))))
(func (export "readv128@big") (param $p i64)
(call $stash (v128.load offset=${BIG} (local.get $p))))
(func (export "readv128@huge") (param $p i64)
(call $stash (v128.load offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p))))
(func (export "readv128/const@0")
(call $stash (v128.load (i64.const ${LOC}))))
(func (export "readv128/const@small")
(call $stash (v128.load offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}))))
(func (export "readv128/const@big")
(call $stash (v128.load offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}))))
(func (export "v128.load_splat@small") (param $p i64)
(call $stash (v128.load32_splat offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p))))
(func (export "v128.load_zero@small") (param $p i64)
(call $stash (v128.load32_zero offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p))))
(func (export "v128.load_extend@small") (param $p i64)
(call $stash (v128.load32x2_u offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p))))
(func (export "v128.load_lane@small") (param $p i64)
(call $stash (v128.load32_lane offset=${SMALL} 2 (local.get $p) (call $unstash))))
const writeV128Code =
` (func (export "writev128@0") (param $p i64)
( (local.get $p) (call $unstash)))
(func (export "writev128@small") (param $p i64)
( offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (call $unstash)))
(func (export "writev128@big") (param $p i64)
( offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (call $unstash)))
(func (export "writev128@huge") (param $p i64)
( offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (call $unstash)))
(func (export "writev128/const@0")
( (i64.const ${LOC}) (call $unstash)))
(func (export "writev128/const@small")
( offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (call $unstash)))
(func (export "writev128/const@big")
( offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (call $unstash)))
(func (export "v128.store_lane@small") (param $p i64)
(v128.store32_lane offset=${SMALL} 2 (local.get $p) (call $unstash)))
const ins = wasmEvalText(`
(memory (export "mem") i64 ${INITIAL} ${MAXIMUM} ${SHARED})
;; About the test cases: there are various optimizations in the engine
;; for different shapes of a pointer+offset. Constant pointers are
;; resolved early; large offsets are folded early using explicit code
;; with an overflow check (but "large" depends on 32-bit vs 64-bit);
;; wait/notify fold offsets early regardless; zero offsets lead to
;; tighter code with variable pointers; and don't get me started on
;; alignment checks. These test cases are not exhaustive but aim
;; to test at least some things.
;; TODO: more sizes for all operations, though this is not critical
;; TODO: sign extending loads, again not critical
${wasmSimdEnabled() ? v128Prefix : ""}
;; Read i32
(func (export "readi32@0") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(i32.load (local.get $p)))
(func (export "readi32@small") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(i32.load offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p)))
(func (export "readi32@big") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(i32.load offset=${BIG} (local.get $p)))
(func (export "readi32@huge") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(i32.load offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p)))
(func (export "readi32@vast") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(i32.load offset=${VAST} (local.get $p)))
(func (export "readi32/const@0") (result i32)
(i32.load (i64.const ${LOC})))
(func (export "readi32/const@small") (result i32)
(i32.load offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC})))
(func (export "readi32/const@big") (result i32)
(i32.load offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC})))
(func (export "readi32/const@vast") (result i32)
(i32.load offset=${VAST} (i64.const ${LOC})))
;; Read i64
(func (export "readi64@0") (param $p i64) (result i64)
(i64.load (local.get $p)))
(func (export "readi64@small") (param $p i64) (result i64)
(i64.load offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p)))
(func (export "readi64@big") (param $p i64) (result i64)
(i64.load offset=${BIG} (local.get $p)))
(func (export "readi64@huge") (param $p i64) (result i64)
(i64.load offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p)))
(func (export "readi64@vast") (param $p i64) (result i64)
(i64.load offset=${VAST} (local.get $p)))
(func (export "readi64/const@0") (result i64)
(i64.load (i64.const ${LOC})))
(func (export "readi64/const@small") (result i64)
(i64.load offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC})))
(func (export "readi64/const@big") (result i64)
(i64.load offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC})))
(func (export "readi64/const@vast") (result i64)
(i64.load offset=${VAST} (i64.const ${LOC})))
;; Read v128
${wasmSimdEnabled() ? readV128Code : ""}
;; write i32
(func (export "writei32@0") (param $p i64) (param $v i32)
( (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "writei32@small") (param $p i64) (param $v i32)
( offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "writei32@big") (param $p i64) (param $v i32)
( offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "writei32@huge") (param $p i64) (param $v i32)
( offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "writei32@vast") (param $p i64) (param $v i32)
( offset=${VAST} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "writei32/const@0") (param $v i32)
( (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "writei32/const@small") (param $v i32)
( offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "writei32/const@big") (param $v i32)
( offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "writei32/const@vast") (param $v i32)
( offset=${VAST} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
;; write i64
(func (export "writei64@0") (param $p i64) (param $v i64)
( (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "writei64@small") (param $p i64) (param $v i64)
( offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "writei64@big") (param $p i64) (param $v i64)
( offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "writei64@huge") (param $p i64) (param $v i64)
( offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "writei64@vast") (param $p i64) (param $v i64)
( offset=${VAST} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "writei64/const@0") (param $v i64)
( (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "writei64/const@small") (param $v i64)
( offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "writei64/const@big") (param $v i64)
( offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "writei64/const@vast") (param $v i64)
( offset=${VAST} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
;; Read v128
${wasmSimdEnabled() ? writeV128Code : ""}
;; Atomic read i32
(func (export "areadi32@0") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.load (local.get $p)))
(func (export "areadi32@small") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.load offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p)))
(func (export "areadi32@big") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.load offset=${BIG} (local.get $p)))
(func (export "areadi32@huge") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.load offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p)))
(func (export "areadi32@vast") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.load offset=${VAST} (local.get $p)))
(func (export "areadi32/const@0") (result i32)
(i32.atomic.load (i64.const ${LOC})))
(func (export "areadi32/const@small") (result i32)
(i32.atomic.load offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC})))
(func (export "areadi32/const@big") (result i32)
(i32.atomic.load offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC})))
(func (export "areadi32/const@vast") (result i32)
(i32.atomic.load offset=${VAST} (i64.const ${LOC})))
;; Atomic read i64
(func (export "areadi64@0") (param $p i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.load (local.get $p)))
(func (export "areadi64@small") (param $p i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.load offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p)))
(func (export "areadi64@big") (param $p i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.load offset=${BIG} (local.get $p)))
(func (export "areadi64@huge") (param $p i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.load offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p)))
(func (export "areadi64@vast") (param $p i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.load offset=${VAST} (local.get $p)))
(func (export "areadi64/const@0") (result i64)
(i64.atomic.load (i64.const ${LOC})))
(func (export "areadi64/const@small") (result i64)
(i64.atomic.load offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC})))
(func (export "areadi64/const@big") (result i64)
(i64.atomic.load offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC})))
(func (export "areadi64/const@vast") (result i64)
(i64.atomic.load offset=${VAST} (i64.const ${LOC})))
;; Atomic write i32
(func (export "awritei32@0") (param $p i64) (param $v i32)
( (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "awritei32@small") (param $p i64) (param $v i32)
( offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "awritei32@big") (param $p i64) (param $v i32)
( offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "awritei32@huge") (param $p i64) (param $v i32)
( offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "awritei32@vast") (param $p i64) (param $v i32)
( offset=${VAST} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "awritei32/const@0") (param $v i32)
( (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "awritei32/const@small") (param $v i32)
( offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "awritei32/const@big") (param $v i32)
( offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "awritei32/const@vast") (param $v i32)
( offset=${VAST} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
;; Atomic write i64
(func (export "awritei64@0") (param $p i64) (param $v i64)
( (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "awritei64@small") (param $p i64) (param $v i64)
( offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "awritei64@big") (param $p i64) (param $v i64)
( offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "awritei64@huge") (param $p i64) (param $v i64)
( offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "awritei64@vast") (param $p i64) (param $v i64)
( offset=${VAST} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "awritei64/const@0") (param $v i64)
( (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "awritei64/const@small") (param $v i64)
( offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "awritei64/const@big") (param $v i64)
( offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "awritei64/const@vast") (param $v i64)
( offset=${VAST} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
;; xchg i32
(func (export "xchgi32@0") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.xchg (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xchgi32@small") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.xchg offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xchgi32@big") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.xchg offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xchgi32@huge") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.xchg offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xchgi32/const@0") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.xchg (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xchgi32/const@small") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.xchg offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xchgi32/const@big") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.xchg offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
;; xchg i64
(func (export "xchgi64@0") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.xchg (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xchgi64@small") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.xchg offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xchgi64@big") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.xchg offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xchgi64@huge") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.xchg offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xchgi64/const@0") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.xchg (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xchgi64/const@small") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.xchg offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xchgi64/const@big") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.xchg offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
;; add i32
(func (export "addi32@0") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.add (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "addi32@small") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.add offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "addi32@big") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.add offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "addi32@huge") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.add offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "addi32/const@0") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.add (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "addi32/const@small") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.add offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "addi32/const@big") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.add offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
;; add i64
(func (export "addi64@0") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.add (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "addi64@small") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.add offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "addi64@big") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.add offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "addi64@huge") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.add offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "addi64/const@0") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.add (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "addi64/const@small") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.add offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "addi64/const@big") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.add offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
;; sub i32
(func (export "subi32@0") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.sub (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "subi32@small") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.sub offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "subi32@big") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.sub offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "subi32@huge") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.sub offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "subi32/const@0") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.sub (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "subi32/const@small") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.sub offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "subi32/const@big") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.sub offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
;; sub i64
(func (export "subi64@0") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.sub (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "subi64@small") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.sub offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "subi64@big") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.sub offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "subi64@huge") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.sub offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "subi64/const@0") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.sub (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "subi64/const@small") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.sub offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "subi64/const@big") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.sub offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
;; and i32
(func (export "andi32@0") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.and (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "andi32@small") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.and offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "andi32@big") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.and offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "andi32@huge") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.and offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "andi32/const@0") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.and (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "andi32/const@small") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.and offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "andi32/const@big") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.and offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
;; and i64
(func (export "andi64@0") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.and (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "andi64@small") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.and offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "andi64@big") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.and offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "andi64@huge") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.and offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "andi64/const@0") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.and (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "andi64/const@small") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.and offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "andi64/const@big") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.and offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
;; or i32
(func (export "ori32@0") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.or (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "ori32@small") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.or offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "ori32@big") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.or offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "ori32@huge") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.or offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "ori32/const@0") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.or (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "ori32/const@small") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.or offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "ori32/const@big") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.or offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
;; or i64
(func (export "ori64@0") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.or (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "ori64@small") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.or offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "ori64@big") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.or offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "ori64@huge") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.or offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "ori64/const@0") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.or (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "ori64/const@small") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.or offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "ori64/const@big") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.or offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
;; xor i32
(func (export "xori32@0") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.xor (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xori32@small") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.xor offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xori32@big") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.xor offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xori32@huge") (param $p i64) (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.xor offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xori32/const@0") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.xor (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xori32/const@small") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.xor offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xori32/const@big") (param $v i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.xor offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
;; xor i64
(func (export "xori64@0") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.xor (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xori64@small") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.xor offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xori64@big") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.xor offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xori64@huge") (param $p i64) (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.xor offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xori64/const@0") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.xor (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xori64/const@small") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.xor offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
(func (export "xori64/const@big") (param $v i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.xor offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $v)))
;; cmpxchg i32
(func (export "cmpxchgi32@0") (param $p i64) (param $expect i32) (param $new i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg (local.get $p) (local.get $expect) (local.get $new)))
(func (export "cmpxchgi32@small") (param $p i64) (param $expect i32) (param $new i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $expect) (local.get $new)))
(func (export "cmpxchgi32@big") (param $p i64) (param $expect i32) (param $new i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $expect) (local.get $new)))
(func (export "cmpxchgi32@huge") (param $p i64) (param $expect i32) (param $new i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $expect) (local.get $new)))
(func (export "cmpxchgi32/const@0") (param $expect i32) (param $new i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $expect) (local.get $new)))
(func (export "cmpxchgi32/const@small") (param $expect i32) (param $new i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $expect) (local.get $new)))
(func (export "cmpxchgi32/const@big") (param $expect i32) (param $new i32) (result i32)
(i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $expect) (local.get $new)))
;; cmpxchg i64
(func (export "cmpxchgi64@0") (param $p i64) (param $expect i64) (param $new i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg (local.get $p) (local.get $expect) (local.get $new)))
(func (export "cmpxchgi64@small") (param $p i64) (param $expect i64) (param $new i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (local.get $expect) (local.get $new)))
(func (export "cmpxchgi64@big") (param $p i64) (param $expect i64) (param $new i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (local.get $expect) (local.get $new)))
(func (export "cmpxchgi64@huge") (param $p i64) (param $expect i64) (param $new i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (local.get $expect) (local.get $new)))
(func (export "cmpxchgi64/const@0") (param $expect i64) (param $new i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $expect) (local.get $new)))
(func (export "cmpxchgi64/const@small") (param $expect i64) (param $new i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg offset=${SMALL} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $expect) (local.get $new)))
(func (export "cmpxchgi64/const@big") (param $expect i64) (param $new i64) (result i64)
(i64.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg offset=${BIG} (i64.const ${LOC}) (local.get $expect) (local.get $new)))
;; wait
(func (export "waiti32@small") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(memory.atomic.wait32 offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (i32.const 1) (i64.const 0)))
(func (export "waiti32@huge") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(memory.atomic.wait32 offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (i32.const 1) (i64.const 0)))
(func (export "waiti64@small") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(memory.atomic.wait64 offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (i64.const 1) (i64.const 0)))
(func (export "waiti64@huge") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(memory.atomic.wait64 offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (i64.const 1) (i64.const 0)))
;; wake
(func (export "wake@0") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(memory.atomic.notify (local.get $p) (i32.const 1)))
(func (export "wake@small") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(memory.atomic.notify offset=${SMALL} (local.get $p) (i32.const 1)))
(func (export "wake@big") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(memory.atomic.notify offset=${BIG} (local.get $p) (i32.const 1)))
(func (export "wake@huge") (param $p i64) (result i32)
(memory.atomic.notify offset=${HUGE} (local.get $p) (i32.const 1)))
return ins;
function i32Random() {
// Limit this to small positive numbers to keep life simple.
for (;;) {
let r = (Math.random() * 0x3FFF_FFFF) | 0;
if (r != 0)
return r;
function i64Random() {
return (BigInt(i32Random()) << 32n) | BigInt(i32Random());
function Random(sz) {
if (sz == 4)
return i32Random();
return i64Random();
function Random2(sz) {
return [Random(sz), Random(sz)];
function Random4(sz) {
return [Random(sz), Random(sz), Random(sz), Random(sz)];
function Zero(sz) {
if (sz == 4)
return 0;
return 0n;
function testRead(ins, mem, LOC, prefix) {
let r = 0;
let len = mem.length * SZ;
let NM = prefix + "readi" + (SZ * 8);
// Read in-bounds
r = Random(SZ);
mem[LOC / SZ] = r;
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(LOC)), r);
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "/const@0"](), r);
mem[(len / SZ) - 1] = Zero(SZ);
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(len - SZ)), Zero(SZ)); // Just barely in-bounds
r = Random(SZ);
mem[(LOC + SMALL) / SZ] = r;
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "@small"](BigInt(LOC)), r);
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "/const@small"](), r);
if (len >= LOC + BIG + SZ) {
r = Random(SZ);
mem[(LOC + BIG) / SZ] = r;
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "@big"](BigInt(LOC)), r);
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "/const@big"](), r);
if (len >= LOC + VAST + SZ) {
r = Random(SZ);
mem[(LOC + VAST) / SZ] = r;
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "@vast"](BigInt(LOC)), r);
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "/const@vast"](), r);
// Read out-of-bounds
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(len)),
/out of bounds/);
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(len-(SZ-1))),
prefix == "" ? /out of bounds/ : /unaligned memory access/);
// This is OOB if we consider the whole pointer as we must, but if we
// mistakenly only look at the low bits then it's in-bounds.
if (len < 0x1_0000_0000) {
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[NM + "@0"](0x1_0000_0000n),
/out of bounds/);
if (len < HUGE) {
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[NM + "@huge"](0n),
/out of bounds/);
if (len < VAST) {
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[NM + "@vast"](0n),
/out of bounds/);
function testReadV128(ins, mem, LOC) {
let r = 0;
let len = mem.length * SZ;
let NM = "readv128";
assertEq(SZ, 4);
// Read in-bounds
r = Random4(4);
mem.set(r, LOC / SZ);
ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(LOC))
assertSame(mem.slice(0, 4), r);
ins.exports[NM + "/const@0"]();
assertSame(mem.slice(0, 4), r);
r = new Int32Array([0,0,0,0]);
mem.set(r, (len / SZ) - 4);
ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(len - (SZ * 4))); // Just barely in-bounds
assertSame(mem.slice(0, 4), r);
r = Random4(SZ);
mem.set(r, (LOC + SMALL) / SZ);
ins.exports[NM + "@small"](BigInt(LOC))
assertSame(mem.slice(0, 4), r);
ins.exports[NM + "/const@small"]();
assertSame(mem.slice(0, 4), r);
if (len >= LOC + BIG + SZ * 4) {
r = Random4(SZ);
mem.set(r, (LOC + BIG) / SZ);
ins.exports[NM + "@big"](BigInt(LOC));
assertSame(mem.slice(0, 4), r);
ins.exports[NM + "/const@big"]();
assertSame(mem.slice(0, 4), r);
// Read out-of-bounds
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(len)),
/out of bounds/);
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(len-((SZ*4)-1))),
/out of bounds/);
// This is OOB if we consider the whole pointer as we must, but if we
// mistakenly only look at the low bits then it's in-bounds.
if (len < 0x1_0000_0000) {
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[NM + "@0"](0x1_0000_0000n),
/out of bounds/);
if (len < HUGE) {
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[NM + "@huge"](0n),
/out of bounds/);
// Superficial testing of other load operations
r = i32Random()
mem[(LOC + SMALL) / SZ] = r;
assertSame(mem.slice(0, 4), [r, r, r, r]);
r = i32Random()
mem[(LOC + SMALL) / SZ] = r;
assertSame(mem.slice(0, 4), [r, 0, 0, 0]);
r = Random2(SZ)
mem.set(r, (LOC + SMALL) / SZ);
assertSame(mem.slice(0, 4), [r[0], 0, r[1], 0]);
r = Random4(SZ)
mem.set(r, 0);
let s = i32Random()
mem[(LOC + SMALL) / SZ] = s;
assertSame(mem.slice(0, 4), [r[0], r[1], s, r[3]]);
function testWrite(ins, mem, LOC, prefix) {
let r = 0;
let len = mem.length * SZ;
let WNM = prefix + "writei" + (SZ * 8);
let RNM = prefix + "readi" + (SZ * 8);
// Write in-bounds
r = Random(SZ);
ins.exports[WNM + "@0"](BigInt(LOC), r);
assertEq(ins.exports[RNM + "@0"](BigInt(LOC)), r);
r = Random(SZ);
ins.exports[WNM + "@small"](BigInt(LOC), r);
assertEq(ins.exports[RNM + "@small"](BigInt(LOC)), r);
if (len >= LOC + BIG + SZ) {
r = Random(SZ);
ins.exports[WNM + "@big"](BigInt(LOC), r);
assertEq(ins.exports[RNM + "@big"](BigInt(LOC)), r);
if (len >= LOC + VAST + SZ) {
r = Random(SZ);
ins.exports[WNM + "@vast"](BigInt(LOC), r);
assertEq(ins.exports[RNM + "@vast"](BigInt(LOC)), r);
r = Random(SZ);
ins.exports[WNM + "@0"](BigInt(len - SZ), r); // Just barely in-bounds
assertEq(ins.exports[RNM + "@0"](BigInt(len - SZ)), r);
// Write out-of-bounds
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[WNM + "@0"](BigInt(len), Random(SZ)),
/out of bounds/);
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[WNM + "@0"](BigInt(len - (SZ - 1)), Random(SZ)),
prefix == "" ? /out of bounds/ : /unaligned memory access/);
if (len < 0x1_0000_0000) {
let xs = ins.exports[RNM + "@0"](0n);
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[WNM + "@0"](0x1_0000_0000n, Random(SZ)),
/out of bounds/);
// Check for scribbling
assertEq(ins.exports[RNM + "@0"](0n), xs);
if (len < HUGE) {
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[WNM + "@huge"](0n, Random(SZ)),
/out of bounds/);
if (len < VAST) {
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[WNM + "@vast"](0n, Random(SZ)),
/out of bounds/);
function testWriteV128(ins, mem, LOC) {
let r = 0;
let p = 0;
let len = mem.length * SZ;
let WNM = "writev128";
let RNM = "readv128";
assertEq(SZ, 4);
// Write in-bounds
r = Random4(SZ);
mem.set(r, 0);
p = LOC / SZ;
ins.exports[WNM + "@0"](BigInt(LOC));
assertSame(mem.slice(p, p + 4), r);
r = Random4(SZ);
mem.set(r, 0);
p = (LOC + SMALL) / SZ;
ins.exports[WNM + "@small"](BigInt(LOC));
assertSame(mem.slice(p, p + 4), r);
if (len >= LOC + BIG + SZ) {
r = Random4(SZ);
mem.set(r, 0);
p = (LOC + BIG) / SZ;
ins.exports[WNM + "@big"](BigInt(LOC));
assertSame(mem.slice(p, p + 4), r);
r = Random4(SZ);
mem.set(r, 0);
p = (len - (SZ * 4)) / SZ;
ins.exports[WNM + "@0"](BigInt(len - (SZ * 4))); // Just barely in-bounds
assertSame(mem.slice(p, p + 4), r);
// Write out-of-bounds
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[WNM + "@0"](BigInt(len)),
/out of bounds/);
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[WNM + "@0"](BigInt(len - ((SZ * 4) - 1))),
/out of bounds/);
if (len < HUGE) {
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[WNM + "@huge"](0n),
/out of bounds/);
// Superficial testing of other store operations
r = Random4(SZ);
mem.set(r, 0);
assertEq(mem[(LOC + SMALL) / SZ], r[2]);
function testAtomicRMW(ins, mem, LOC, op, fn) {
let r = 0, s = 0;
let len = mem.length * SZ;
let NM = op + "i" + (SZ * 8);
[r,s] = Random2(SZ);
mem[LOC / SZ] = r;
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(LOC), s), r);
assertEq(mem[LOC / SZ], fn(r, s));
[r,s] = Random2(SZ);
mem[(LOC + SMALL) / SZ] = r;
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "@small"](BigInt(LOC), s), r);
assertEq(mem[(LOC + SMALL) / SZ], fn(r, s));
if (len >= LOC + BIG + SZ) {
[r,s] = Random2(SZ);
mem[(LOC + BIG) / SZ] = r;
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "@big"](BigInt(LOC), s), r);
assertEq(mem[(LOC + BIG) / SZ], fn(r, s));
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(len), Zero(SZ)),
/out of bounds/);
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(len - (SZ - 1)), Zero(SZ)),
/unaligned memory access/);
if (len < HUGE) {
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[NM + "@huge"](0n, Zero(SZ)),
/out of bounds/);
function testAtomicCmpxchg(ins, mem, LOC) {
let r = 0, s = 0;
let len = mem.length * SZ;
let NM = "cmpxchgi" + (SZ * 8);
[r,s] = Random2(SZ);
mem[LOC / SZ] = r;
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(LOC), Zero(SZ), s), r);
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(LOC), r, s), r);
assertEq(mem[LOC / SZ], s);
[r,s] = Random2(SZ);
mem[(LOC + SMALL) / SZ] = r;
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(LOC + SMALL), Zero(SZ), s), r);
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(LOC + SMALL), r, s), r);
assertEq(mem[(LOC + SMALL) / SZ], s);
if (len >= LOC + BIG + SZ) {
[r,s] = Random2(SZ);
mem[(LOC + BIG) / SZ] = r;
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(LOC + BIG), Zero(SZ), s), r);
assertEq(ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(LOC + BIG), r, s), r);
assertEq(mem[(LOC + BIG) / SZ], s);
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(len), Zero(SZ), Zero(SZ)),
/out of bounds/);
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[NM + "@0"](BigInt(len - (SZ - 1)), Zero(SZ), Zero(SZ)),
/unaligned memory access/);
if (len < HUGE) {
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports[NM + "@huge"](0n, Zero(SZ), Zero(SZ)),
/out of bounds/);
function testAtomicWake(ins, mem, LOC) {
let len = mem.length * SZ;
assertEq(ins.exports["wake@0"](BigInt(LOC)), 0);
assertEq(ins.exports["wake@small"](BigInt(LOC)), 0);
if (len >= LOC + BIG + SZ) {
assertEq(ins.exports["wake@big"](BigInt(LOC)), 0);
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports["wake@0"](BigInt(len)),
/out of bounds/);
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports["wake@0"](BigInt(len - (SZ - 1))),
/unaligned memory access/);
if (len < HUGE) {
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports["wake@huge"](BigInt(LOC)),
/out of bounds/);
// Sometimes we start memory at zero to disable certain bounds checking
// optimizations. Other times we start memory at something beyond most of
// our references to enable those optimizations.
let configs = [[40, 0, 3], [40, 3, '']];
// On 64-bit systems, test beyond 2GB and also beyond 4GB
if (getBuildConfiguration("pointer-byte-size") == 8) {
configs.push([Math.pow(2, 31) + 40, 32771, '']);
configs.push([Math.pow(2, 32) + 40, 65539, '']);
configs.push([Math.pow(2, 31) + 40, 32771, 32773]);
configs.push([Math.pow(2, 32) + 40, 65539, 65541]);
for ( let shared of ['','shared'] ) {
for (let [LOC, start, max] of configs) {
if (shared != '' && max == '') {
const ins = makeTest(LOC, start, max, shared);
if (max != '') {
// This can OOM legitimately; let it.
let res = ins.exports.mem.grow(max - start);
if (res == -1) {
print("SPURIOUS OOM");
assertEq(res, start);
const mem32 = new Int32Array(ins.exports.mem.buffer);
const mem64 = new BigInt64Array(ins.exports.mem.buffer);
for ( let m of [mem32, mem64] ) {
testRead(ins, m, LOC, "");
testWrite(ins, m, LOC, "");
testRead(ins, m, LOC, "a");
testWrite(ins, m, LOC, "a");
testAtomicRMW(ins, m, LOC, "add", (r,s) => r+s);
testAtomicRMW(ins, m, LOC, "sub", (r,s) => r-s);
testAtomicRMW(ins, m, LOC, "and", (r,s) => r&s);
testAtomicRMW(ins, m, LOC, "or", (r,s) => r|s);
testAtomicRMW(ins, m, LOC, "xor", (r,s) => r^s);
testAtomicRMW(ins, m, LOC, "xchg", (r,s) => s);
testAtomicCmpxchg(ins, m, LOC);
testAtomicWake(ins, m, LOC);
if (wasmSimdEnabled()) {
testReadV128(ins, mem32, LOC);
testWriteV128(ins, mem32, LOC);
// Bulk memory operations
function makeModule(initial, maximum, shared) {
return `
(memory (export "mem") i64 ${initial} ${maximum} ${shared})
(data $seg "0123456789")
(func (export "size") (result i64)
(func (export "grow") (param $delta i64) (result i64)
(memory.grow (local.get $delta)))
(func (export "copy") (param $to i64) (param $from i64) (param $len i64)
(memory.copy (local.get $to) (local.get $from) (local.get $len)))
(func (export "fill") (param $to i64) (param $val i32) (param $len i64)
(memory.fill (local.get $to) (local.get $val) (local.get $len)))
(func (export "init") (param $to i64) (param $src i32) (param $count i32)
(memory.init $seg (local.get $to) (local.get $src) (local.get $count)))
for ( let shared of ['','shared'] ) {
let ins = wasmEvalText(makeModule(1, 3, shared));
assertEq(ins.exports.size(), 1n);
// OOM with very low probability will result in test failure
assertEq(ins.exports.grow(2n), 1n);
assertEq(ins.exports.size(), 3n);
// OOM with very low probability will result in test failure
assertEq(ins.exports.grow(1n), -1n);
assertEq(ins.exports.size(), 3n);
// More than max pages
assertEq(ins.exports.grow(100000n), -1n);
assertEq(ins.exports.size(), 3n);
// More than 2^48 pages
assertEq(ins.exports.grow(0x1_0000_0000_0000n), -1n);
assertEq(ins.exports.size(), 3n);
// More than 2^48 pages - interpreted as unsigned
assertEq(ins.exports.grow(-1n), -1n);
assertEq(ins.exports.size(), 3n);
var mem = new Uint8Array(ins.exports.mem.buffer);
var val = [1,2,3,4,5];
mem.set(val, 20);
ins.exports.copy(40n, 20n, 5n);
assertSame(val, mem.slice(40, 45));
ins.exports.fill(39n, 37, 8n);
assertSame(iota(8).map(_ => 37), mem.slice(39, 47));
ins.exports.init(128n, 1, 5);
assertSame(iota(5).map(x => x+49), mem.slice(128, 133));
if (getBuildConfiguration("pointer-byte-size") == 8) {
for ( let shared of ['','shared'] ) {
let limit = wasmMaxMemoryPages('i64');
let initial = 65537;
let maximum = limit + 1;
let pagesize = 65536n;
let ins = wasmEvalText(makeModule(initial, maximum, shared));
assertEq(ins.exports.size(), BigInt(initial));
// This can OOM legitimately; let it.
let res = ins.exports.grow(2n);
if (res == -1) {
print("SPURIOUS OOM");
assertEq(res, BigInt(initial));
assertEq(ins.exports.size(), BigInt(initial + 2));
// This must fail
assertEq(ins.exports.grow(BigInt(limit - (initial + 2) + 1)), -1n);
assertEq(ins.exports.size(), BigInt(initial + 2));
// This can OOM legitimately; let it.
let res = ins.exports.grow(BigInt(limit - (initial + 2)));
if (res == -1) {
print("SPURIOUS OOM");
assertEq(res, BigInt(initial + 2));
assertEq(ins.exports.size(), BigInt(limit));
let mem = new Uint8Array(ins.exports.mem.buffer);
let copyval = [1,2,3,4,5];
let source = 20n;
let target = BigInt(initial) * pagesize + 40n;
let oobTarget = BigInt(limit) * pagesize - 1n;
// Copy from memory below 4GB to memory beyond 4GB
mem.set(copyval, Number(source));
ins.exports.copy(target, source, BigInt(copyval.length));
assertSame(copyval, mem.slice(Number(target), Number(target) + copyval.length))
// Try to copy out of bounds
// src and target are both in bounds but len brings it oob
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports.copy(oobTarget, source, BigInt(copyval.length)),
/out of bounds/);
assertEq(mem[Number(oobTarget-1n)], 0);
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports.copy(-1n, source, BigInt(copyval.length)),
/out of bounds/);
assertEq(mem[Number(oobTarget-1n)], 0);
// Fill above 4GB
ins.exports.fill(target, 37, 30n);
assertSame(iota(30).map(_ => 37), mem.slice(Number(target), Number(target) + 30));
// Try to fill out of bounds
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports.fill(oobTarget, 37, 2n),
/out of bounds/);
assertEq(mem[Number(oobTarget-1n)], 0);
// Init above 4GB
ins.exports.init(target, 1, 5);
assertSame(iota(5).map(x => x+49), mem.slice(Number(target), Number(target)+5));
// Try to init out of bounds
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports.init(oobTarget, 1, 5),
/out of bounds/);
assertEq(mem[Number(oobTarget-1n)], 0);