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<title>Test mouse and touch events for range</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
/* synthesizeMouse and synthesizeFunc uses getBoundingClientRect. We set
* the following properties to avoid fractional values in the rect returned
* by getBoundingClientRect in order to avoid rounding that would occur
* when event coordinates are internally converted to be relative to the
* top-left of the element. (Such rounding would make it difficult to
* predict exactly what value the input should take on for events at
* certain coordinates.)
input { margin: 0 ! important; width: 200px ! important; }
<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 846380</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content">
<input id="range" type="range">
<pre id="test">
<script type="application/javascript">
const { AppConstants } = SpecialPowers.ChromeUtils.importESModule(
* Test for Bug 846380
* This test checks how the value of <input type=range> changes in response to
* various mouse and touch events.
SimpleTest.waitForFocus(function() {
test(synthesizeMouse, "click", "mousedown", "mousemove", "mouseup");
test(synthesizeTouch, "tap", "touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend");
const kIsWin = AppConstants.platform == "win";
const kIsLinux = AppConstants.platform == "linux";
const MIDDLE_OF_RANGE = "50";
const MINIMUM_OF_RANGE = "0";
const MAXIMUM_OF_RANGE = "100";
const QUARTER_OF_RANGE = "25";
function flush() {
// Flush style, specifically to flush the 'direction' property so that the
// browser uses the new value for thumb positioning.
function test(synthesizeFunc, clickOrTap, startName, moveName, endName) {
var elem = document.getElementById("range");
var width = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(elem).width);
var height = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(elem).height);
var borderLeft = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(elem).borderLeftWidth);
var borderTop = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(elem).borderTopWidth);
var paddingLeft = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(elem).paddingLeft);
var paddingTop = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(elem).paddingTop);
// Extrema for mouse/touch events:
var midY = height / 2 + borderTop + paddingTop;
var minX = borderLeft + paddingLeft;
var midX = minX + width / 2;
var maxX = minX + width;
// Test click/tap in the middle of the range:
elem.value = QUARTER_OF_RANGE;
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX, midY, {});
is(elem.value, MIDDLE_OF_RANGE, "Test " + clickOrTap + " in middle of range");
// Test mouse/touch dragging of ltr range:
elem.value = QUARTER_OF_RANGE;
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX, midY, { type: startName });
is(elem.value, MIDDLE_OF_RANGE, "Test " + startName + " in middle of range");
synthesizeFunc(elem, minX, midY, { type: moveName });
is(elem.value, MINIMUM_OF_RANGE, "Test dragging of range to left of ltr range");
synthesizeFunc(elem, maxX, midY, { type: moveName });
is(elem.value, MAXIMUM_OF_RANGE, "Test dragging of range to right of ltr range (" + moveName + ")");
synthesizeFunc(elem, maxX, midY, { type: endName });
is(elem.value, MAXIMUM_OF_RANGE, "Test dragging of range to right of ltr range (" + endName + ")");
// Test mouse/touch dragging of rtl range:
elem.value = QUARTER_OF_RANGE; = "rtl";
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX, midY, { type: startName });
is(elem.value, MIDDLE_OF_RANGE, "Test " + startName + " in middle of rtl range");
synthesizeFunc(elem, minX, midY, { type: moveName });
is(elem.value, MAXIMUM_OF_RANGE, "Test dragging of range to left of rtl range");
synthesizeFunc(elem, maxX, midY, { type: moveName });
is(elem.value, MINIMUM_OF_RANGE, "Test dragging of range to right of rtl range (" + moveName + ")");
synthesizeFunc(elem, maxX, midY, { type: endName });
is(elem.value, MINIMUM_OF_RANGE, "Test dragging of range to right of rtl range (" + endName + ")"); = "ltr"; // reset direction
// Test mouse/touch capturing by moving pointer to a position outside the range:
elem.value = QUARTER_OF_RANGE;
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX, midY, { type: startName });
is(elem.value, MIDDLE_OF_RANGE, "Test " + startName + " in middle of range");
synthesizeFunc(elem, maxX+100, midY, { type: moveName });
is(elem.value, MAXIMUM_OF_RANGE, "Test dragging of range to position outside range (" + moveName + ")");
synthesizeFunc(elem, maxX+100, midY, { type: endName });
is(elem.value, MAXIMUM_OF_RANGE, "Test dragging of range to position outside range (" + endName + ")");
// Test mouse/touch capturing by moving pointer to a position outside a rtl range:
elem.value = QUARTER_OF_RANGE; = "rtl";
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX, midY, { type: startName });
is(elem.value, MIDDLE_OF_RANGE, "Test " + startName + " in middle of rtl range");
synthesizeFunc(elem, maxX+100, midY, { type: moveName });
is(elem.value, MINIMUM_OF_RANGE, "Test dragging of range to position outside range (" + moveName + ")");
synthesizeFunc(elem, maxX+100, midY, { type: endName });
is(elem.value, MINIMUM_OF_RANGE, "Test dragging of range to position outside range (" + endName + ")"); = "ltr"; // reset direction
// Test mouse/touch events with certain modifiers are ignored:
var modifiersIgnore = ["ctrlKey", "altGrKey", "fnKey"];
if (kIsWin || kIsLinux) {
for (var modifier of modifiersIgnore) {
elem.value = QUARTER_OF_RANGE;
var eventParams = {};
eventParams[modifier] = true;
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX, midY, eventParams);
is(elem.value, QUARTER_OF_RANGE, "Test " + clickOrTap + " in the middle of range with " + modifier + " modifier key is ignored");
// Test mouse/touch events with certain modifiers are allowed:
var modifiersAllow = ["shiftKey", "altKey"];
if (!modifiersIgnore.includes("metaKey")) {
for (var modifier of modifiersAllow) {
elem.value = QUARTER_OF_RANGE;
var eventParams = {};
eventParams[modifier] = true;
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX, midY, eventParams);
is(elem.value, MIDDLE_OF_RANGE, "Test " + clickOrTap + " in the middle of range with " + modifier + " modifier key is allowed");
// Test that preventDefault() works:
function preventDefault(e) {
elem.value = QUARTER_OF_RANGE;
elem.addEventListener(startName, preventDefault);
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX, midY, {});
is(elem.value, QUARTER_OF_RANGE, "Test that preventDefault() works");
elem.removeEventListener(startName, preventDefault);
// Test that changing the input type in the middle of a drag cancels the drag:
elem.value = QUARTER_OF_RANGE;
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX, midY, { type: startName });
is(elem.value, MIDDLE_OF_RANGE, "Test " + startName + " in middle of range");
elem.type = "text";
is(elem.value, QUARTER_OF_RANGE, "Test that changing the input type cancels a drag");
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX, midY, { type: endName });
is(elem.value, QUARTER_OF_RANGE, "Test that changing the input type cancels a drag (after " + endName + ")");
elem.type = "range";
// Check that we do not drag when the mousedown/touchstart occurs outside the range:
elem.value = QUARTER_OF_RANGE;
synthesizeFunc(elem, maxX+100, midY, { type: startName });
is(elem.value, QUARTER_OF_RANGE, "Test " + startName + " outside range doesn't change its value");
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX, midY, { type: moveName });
is(elem.value, QUARTER_OF_RANGE, "Test dragging is not occurring when " + startName + " was outside range");
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX, midY, { type: endName });
is(elem.value, QUARTER_OF_RANGE, "Test dragging is not occurring when " + startName + " was outside range");
elem.focus(); // RESTORE FOCUS SO WE GET THE FOCUSED STYLE FOR TESTING OR ELSE minX/midX/maxX may be wrong!
// Check what happens when a value changing key is pressed during a drag:
elem.value = QUARTER_OF_RANGE;
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX, midY, { type: startName });
is(elem.value, MIDDLE_OF_RANGE, "Test " + startName + " in middle of range");
// The KEY_Home tests are disabled until I can figure out why they fail on Android -jwatt
//is(elem.value, MINIMUM_OF_RANGE, "Test KEY_Home during a drag sets the value to the minimum of the range");
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX+100, midY, { type: moveName });
is(elem.value, MAXIMUM_OF_RANGE, "Test " + moveName + " outside range after key press that occurred during a drag changes the value");
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX, midY, { type: moveName });
is(elem.value, MIDDLE_OF_RANGE, "Test " + moveName + " in middle of range");
//is(elem.value, MINIMUM_OF_RANGE, "Test KEY_Home during a drag sets the value to the minimum of the range (second time)");
synthesizeFunc(elem, maxX+100, midY, { type: endName });
is(elem.value, MAXIMUM_OF_RANGE, "Test " + endName + " outside range after key press that occurred during a drag changes the value");
function hideElement() { = 'none';
if (clickOrTap == "click") {
elem.addEventListener("mousedown", hideElement);
} else if (clickOrTap == "tap") {
elem.addEventListener("touchstart", hideElement);
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX, midY, { type: startName });
synthesizeFunc(elem, midX, midY, { type: endName });
elem.removeEventListener("mousedown", hideElement);
elem.removeEventListener("touchstart", hideElement);
ok(true, "Hiding the element during mousedown/touchstart shouldn't crash the process."); = "block";