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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at <>. */
* Helper methods for finding messages in the virtualized output of the
* webconsole. This file can be safely required from other panel test
* files.
"use strict";
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
// Assume that shared-head is always imported before this file
/* import-globals-from ../../../shared/test/shared-head.js */
* Find a message with given messageId in the output, scrolling through the
* output from top to bottom in order to make sure the messages are actually
* rendered.
* @param object hud
* The web console.
* @param messageId
* A message ID to look for. This could be baked into the selector, but
* is provided as a convenience.
* @return {Node} the node corresponding the found message
async function findMessageVirtualizedById({ hud, messageId }) {
if (!messageId) {
throw new Error("messageId parameter is required");
const elements = await findMessagesVirtualized({
expectedCount: 1,
* Find the last message with given message type in the output, scrolling
* through the output from top to bottom in order to make sure the messages are
* actually rendered.
* @param object hud
* The web console.
* @param string text
* A substring that can be found in the message.
* @param string typeSelector
* A part of selector for the message, to specify the message type.
* @return {Node} the node corresponding the found message
async function findMessageVirtualizedByType({ hud, text, typeSelector }) {
const elements = await findMessagesVirtualizedByType({
expectedCount: 1,
* Find all messages in the output, scrolling through the output from top
* to bottom in order to make sure the messages are actually rendered.
* @param object hud
* The web console.
* @return {Array} all of the message nodes in the console output. Some of
* these may be stale from having been scrolled out of view.
async function findAllMessagesVirtualized(hud) {
return findMessagesVirtualized({ hud });
// This is just a reentrancy guard. Because findMessagesVirtualized mucks
// around with the scroll position, if we do something like
// let promise1 = findMessagesVirtualized(...);
// let promise2 = findMessagesVirtualized(...);
// await promise1;
// await promise2;
// then the two calls will end up messing up each other's expected scroll
// position, at which point they could get stuck. This lets us throw an
// error when that happens.
let gInFindMessagesVirtualized = false;
// And this lets us get a little more information in the error - it just holds
// the stack of the prior call.
let gFindMessagesVirtualizedStack = null;
* Find multiple messages in the output, scrolling through the output from top
* to bottom in order to make sure the messages are actually rendered.
* @param object options
* @param object options.hud
* The web console.
* @param options.text [optional]
* A substring that can be found in the message.
* @param options.typeSelector
* A part of selector for the message, to specify the message type.
* @param options.expectedCount [optional]
* The number of messages to get. This lets us stop scrolling early if
* we find that number of messages.
* @return {Array} all of the message nodes in the console output matching the
* provided filters. If expectedCount is greater than 1, or equal to -1,
* some of these may be stale from having been scrolled out of view.
async function findMessagesVirtualizedByType({
}) {
if (!typeSelector) {
throw new Error("typeSelector parameter is required");
if (!typeSelector.startsWith(".")) {
throw new Error("typeSelector should start with a dot e.g. `.result`");
return findMessagesVirtualized({
selector: ".message" + typeSelector,
* Find multiple messages in the output, scrolling through the output from top
* to bottom in order to make sure the messages are actually rendered.
* @param object options
* @param object options.hud
* The web console.
* @param options.text [optional]
* A substring that can be found in the message.
* @param options.selector [optional]
* The selector to use in finding the message.
* @param options.expectedCount [optional]
* The number of messages to get. This lets us stop scrolling early if
* we find that number of messages.
* @param options.messageId [optional]
* A message ID to look for. This could be baked into the selector, but
* is provided as a convenience.
* @return {Array} all of the message nodes in the console output matching the
* provided filters. If expectedCount is greater than 1, or equal to -1,
* some of these may be stale from having been scrolled out of view.
async function findMessagesVirtualized({
}) {
if (text === undefined) {
text = "";
if (selector === undefined) {
selector = ".message";
if (expectedCount === undefined) {
expectedCount = -1;
const outputNode = hud.ui.outputNode;
const scrollport = outputNode.querySelector(".webconsole-output");
function getVisibleMessageIds() {
return JSON.parse(scrollport.getAttribute("data-visible-messages"));
function getVisibleMessageMap() {
return new Map(
(id, i) => [id, i]
function getMessageIndex(message) {
return getVisibleMessageIds().indexOf(
function getNextMessageId(prevMessage) {
const visible = getVisibleMessageIds();
let index = 0;
if (prevMessage) {
const lastId = prevMessage.getAttribute("data-message-id");
index = visible.indexOf(lastId);
if (index === -1) {
throw new Error(
`Tried to get next message ID for message that doesn't exist. Last seen ID: ${lastId}, all visible ids: [${visible.join(
", "
if (index + 1 >= visible.length) {
return null;
return visible[index + 1];
if (gInFindMessagesVirtualized) {
throw new Error(
`findMessagesVirtualized was re-entered somehow. This is not allowed. Other stack: [${gFindMessagesVirtualizedStack}]`
try {
gInFindMessagesVirtualized = true;
gFindMessagesVirtualizedStack = new Error().stack;
// The console output will automatically scroll to the bottom of the
// scrollport in certain circumstances. Because we need to scroll the
// output to find all messages, we need to disable this. This attribute
// controls that.
scrollport.setAttribute("disable-autoscroll", "");
// This array is here purely for debugging purposes. We collect the indices
// of every element we see in order to validate that we don't have any gaps
// in the list.
const allIndices = [];
const allElements = [];
const seenIds = new Set();
let lastItem = null;
while (true) {
if (scrollport.scrollHeight > scrollport.clientHeight) {
if (!lastItem && scrollport.scrollTop != 0) {
// For simplicity's sake, we always start from the top of the output.
scrollport.scrollTop = 0;
} else if (!lastItem && scrollport.scrollTop == 0) {
// We want to make sure that we actually change the scroll position
// here, because we're going to wait for an update below regardless,
// just to flush out any changes that may have just happened. If we
// don't do this, and there were no changes before this function was
// called, then we'll just hang on the promise below.
scrollport.scrollTop = 1;
} else {
// This is the core of the loop. Scroll down to the bottom of the
// current scrollport, wait until we see the element after the last
// one we've seen, and then harvest the messages that are displayed.
scrollport.scrollTop = scrollport.scrollTop + scrollport.clientHeight;
// Wait for something to happen in the output before checking for our
// expected next message.
await new Promise(resolve =>
hud.ui.once("lazy-message-list-updated-or-noop", resolve)
try {
await waitFor(async () => {
const nextMessageId = getNextMessageId(lastItem);
if (
nextMessageId === undefined ||
) {
return true;
// After a scroll, we typically expect to get an updated list of
// elements. However, we have some slack at the top of the list,
// because we draw elements above and below the actual scrollport to
// avoid white flashes when async scrolling.
const scrollTarget = scrollport.scrollTop + scrollport.clientHeight;
scrollport.scrollTop = scrollTarget;
await new Promise(resolve =>
hud.ui.once("lazy-message-list-updated-or-noop", resolve)
return false;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(
`Failed waiting for next message ID (${getNextMessageId(
)}) Visible messages: [${[
].map(el => el.getAttribute("data-message-id"))}]`
const bottomPlaceholder = scrollport.querySelector(
if (!bottomPlaceholder) {
// When there are no messages in the output, there is also no
// top/bottom placeholder. There's nothing more to do at this point,
// so break and return.
lastItem = bottomPlaceholder.previousSibling;
// This chunk is just validating that we have no gaps in our output so
// far.
const indices = [...scrollport.querySelectorAll("[data-message-id]")]
el => el !== scrollport.firstChild && el !== scrollport.lastChild
.map(el => getMessageIndex(el));
allIndices.sort((lhs, rhs) => lhs - rhs);
for (let i = 1; i < allIndices.length; i++) {
if (
allIndices[i] != allIndices[i - 1] &&
allIndices[i] != allIndices[i - 1] + 1
) {
throw new Error(
`Gap detected in virtualized webconsole output between ${
allIndices[i - 1]
} and ${allIndices[i]}. Indices: ${allIndices.join(",")}`
const messages = scrollport.querySelectorAll(selector);
const filtered = [...messages].filter(
el =>
// Core user filters:
el.textContent.includes(text) &&
(!messageId || el.getAttribute("data-message-id") === messageId) &&
// Make sure we don't collect duplicate messages:
for (const message of filtered) {
if (expectedCount >= 0 && allElements.length >= expectedCount) {
// If the bottom placeholder has 0 height, it means we've scrolled to the
// bottom and output all the items.
if (bottomPlaceholder.getBoundingClientRect().height == 0) {
await waitForTime(0);
// Finally, we get the map of message IDs to indices within the output, and
// sort the message nodes according to that index. They can come in out of
// order for a number of reasons (we continue rendering any messages that
// have been expanded, and we always render the topmost and bottommost
// messages for a11y reasons.)
const idsToIndices = getVisibleMessageMap();
(lhs, rhs) =>
idsToIndices.get(lhs.getAttribute("data-message-id")) -
return allElements;
} finally {
gInFindMessagesVirtualized = false;
gFindMessagesVirtualizedStack = null;
* Find the last message with given message type in the output.
* @param object hud
* The web console.
* @param string text
* A substring that can be found in the message.
* @param string typeSelector
* A part of selector for the message, to specify the message type.
* @return {Node} the node corresponding the found message, otherwise undefined
function findMessageByType(hud, text, typeSelector) {
const elements = findMessagesByType(hud, text, typeSelector);
* Find multiple messages with given message type in the output.
* @param object hud
* The web console.
* @param string text
* A substring that can be found in the message.
* @param string typeSelector
* A part of selector for the message, to specify the message type.
* @return {Array} The nodes corresponding the found messages
function findMessagesByType(hud, text, typeSelector) {
if (!typeSelector) {
throw new Error("typeSelector parameter is required");
if (!typeSelector.startsWith(".")) {
throw new Error("typeSelector should start with a dot e.g. `.result`");
const selector = ".message" + typeSelector;
const messages = hud.ui.outputNode.querySelectorAll(selector);
const elements = Array.from(messages).filter(el =>
return elements;
* Find all messages in the output.
* @param object hud
* The web console.
* @return {Array} The nodes corresponding the found messages
function findAllMessages(hud) {
const messages = hud.ui.outputNode.querySelectorAll(".message");
return Array.from(messages);
* Find a part of the last message with given message type in the output.
* @param object hud
* The web console.
* @param object options
* - text : {String} A substring that can be found in the message.
* - typeSelector: {String} A part of selector for the message,
* to specify the message type.
* - partSelector: {String} A selector for the part of the message.
* @return {Node} the node corresponding the found part, otherwise undefined
function findMessagePartByType(hud, options) {
const elements = findMessagePartsByType(hud, options);
* Find parts of multiple messages with given message type in the output.
* @param object hud
* The web console.
* @param object options
* - text : {String} A substring that can be found in the message.
* - typeSelector: {String} A part of selector for the message,
* to specify the message type.
* - partSelector: {String} A selector for the part of the message.
* @return {Array} The nodes corresponding the found parts
function findMessagePartsByType(hud, { text, typeSelector, partSelector }) {
if (!typeSelector) {
throw new Error("typeSelector parameter is required");
if (!typeSelector.startsWith(".")) {
throw new Error("typeSelector should start with a dot e.g. `.result`");
if (!partSelector) {
throw new Error("partSelector parameter is required");
const selector = ".message" + typeSelector + " " + partSelector;
const parts = hud.ui.outputNode.querySelectorAll(selector);
const elements = Array.from(parts).filter(el =>
return elements;
* Type-specific wrappers for findMessageByType and findMessagesByType.
* @param object hud
* The web console.
* @param string text
* A substring that can be found in the message.
* @param string extraSelector [optional]
* An extra part of selector for the message, in addition to
* type-specific selector.
* @return {Node|Array} See findMessageByType or findMessagesByType.
function findEvaluationResultMessage(hud, text, extraSelector = "") {
return findMessageByType(hud, text, ".result" + extraSelector);
function findEvaluationResultMessages(hud, text, extraSelector = "") {
return findMessagesByType(hud, text, ".result" + extraSelector);
function findErrorMessage(hud, text, extraSelector = "") {
return findMessageByType(hud, text, ".error" + extraSelector);
function findErrorMessages(hud, text, extraSelector = "") {
return findMessagesByType(hud, text, ".error" + extraSelector);
function findWarningMessage(hud, text, extraSelector = "") {
return findMessageByType(hud, text, ".warn" + extraSelector);
function findWarningMessages(hud, text, extraSelector = "") {
return findMessagesByType(hud, text, ".warn" + extraSelector);
function findConsoleAPIMessage(hud, text, extraSelector = "") {
return findMessageByType(hud, text, ".console-api" + extraSelector);
function findConsoleAPIMessages(hud, text, extraSelector = "") {
return findMessagesByType(hud, text, ".console-api" + extraSelector);
function findNetworkMessage(hud, text, extraSelector = "") {
return findMessageByType(hud, text, ".network" + extraSelector);
function findNetworkMessages(hud, text, extraSelector = "") {
return findMessagesByType(hud, text, ".network" + extraSelector);
function findTracerMessages(hud, text, extraSelector = "") {
return findMessagesByType(hud, text, ".jstracer" + extraSelector);