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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
nv_timeout=Timed Out
openFile=Open File
droponhometitle=Set Home Page
droponhomemsg=Do you want this document to be your new home page?
droponhomemsgMultiple=Do you want these documents to be your new home pages?
# context menu strings
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextMenuSearch): %1$S is the search engine,
# %2$S is the selection string.
contextMenuSearch=Search %1$S for “%2$S”
contextMenuPrivateSearch=Search in a Private Window
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextMenuPrivateSearchOtherEngine): %S is the search
# engine name as set for Private Browsing mode. This label is only used when
# this engine is different from the default engine name used in normal mode.
contextMenuPrivateSearchOtherEngine=Search with %S in a Private Window
# bookmark dialog strings
bookmarkAllTabsDefault=[Folder Name]
unsignedAddonsDisabled.message=One or more installed add-ons cannot be verified and have been disabled.
unsignedAddonsDisabled.learnMore.label=Learn More
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (geolocationLastAccessIndicatorText): %S is the relative time of the most recent geolocation access (e.g. 5 min. ago)
geolocationLastAccessIndicatorText=Last access %S
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (openProtocolHandlerPermissionEntryLabel): %S is the scheme of the protocol the site may open an application for. For example: mailto
openProtocolHandlerPermissionEntryLabel=%S:// links
crashedpluginsMessage.title=The %S plugin has crashed.
crashedpluginsMessage.reloadButton.label=Reload page
crashedpluginsMessage.submitButton.label=Submit a crash report
crashedpluginsMessage.learnMore=Learn More…
# Keyword fixup messages
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (keywordURIFixup.message): Used when the user tries to visit
# a local host page, by the time the DNS request recognizes it, we have already
# loaded a search page for the given word. An infobar then asks to the user
# whether he rather wanted to visit the host. %S is the recognized host.
keywordURIFixup.message=Did you mean to go to %S?
keywordURIFixup.goTo=Yes, take me to %S
# Sanitize
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (update.downloadAndInstallButton.label): %S is replaced by the
# version of the update: "Update to 28.0".
update.downloadAndInstallButton.label=Update to %S
menuOpenAllInTabs.label=Open All in Tabs
# Unified Back-/Forward Popup
tabHistory.reloadCurrent=Reload this page
tabHistory.goBack=Go back to this page
tabHistory.goForward=Go forward to this page
# URL Bar
pasteAndGo.label=Paste and Go
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (reloadButton.tooltip):
# %S is the keyboard shortcut for reloading the current page
reloadButton.tooltip=Reload current page (%S)
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stopButton.tooltip):
# %S is the keyboard shortcut for stopping loading the page
stopButton.tooltip=Stop loading this page (%S)
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (urlbar-zoom-button.tooltip):
# %S is the keyboard shortcut for resetting the zoom level to 100%
urlbar-zoom-button.tooltip=Reset zoom level (%S)
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (reader-mode-button.tooltip):
# %S is the keyboard shortcut for entering/exiting reader view
reader-mode-button.tooltip=Toggle reader view (%S)
# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoom-button.label): %S is the current page zoom level,
# %% will be displayed as a single % character (% is commonly used to define
# format specifiers, so it needs to be escaped).
zoom-button.label = %S%%
# General bookmarks button
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (bookmarksMenuButton.tooltip):
# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "Show All Bookmarks"
bookmarksMenuButton.tooltip=Show your bookmarks (%S)
# Downloads button tooltip
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (downloads.tooltip):
# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "Downloads"
downloads.tooltip=Display the progress of ongoing downloads (%S)
# New Window button tooltip
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (newWindowButton.tooltip):
# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "New Window"
newWindowButton.tooltip=Open a new window (%S)
# New Tab button tooltip
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (newTabButton.tooltip):
# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "New Tab"
newTabButton.tooltip=Open a new tab (%S)
newTabContainer.tooltip=Open a new tab (%S)\nPress and hold to open a new container tab
newTabAlwaysContainer.tooltip=Select container to open a new tab
# Canvas permission prompt
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (canvas.siteprompt2): %S is hostname
canvas.siteprompt2=Allow %S to use your HTML5 canvas image data?
canvas.siteprompt2.warning=This may be used to uniquely identify your computer.
canvas.remember2=Remember this decision
# WebAuthn prompts
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.userPresence): %S is hostname
webauthn.userPresencePrompt=Touch your security key to continue with %S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.registerDirectPrompt3):
# %S is hostname.
# The website is asking for extended information about your
# hardware authenticator that shouldn't be generally necessary. Permitting
# this is safe if you only use one account at this website. If you have
# multiple accounts at this website, and you use the same hardware
# authenticator, then the website could link those accounts together.
# And this is true even if you use a different profile / browser (or even Tor
# Browser). To avoid this, you should use different hardware authenticators
# for different accounts on this website.
webauthn.registerDirectPrompt3=%S is requesting extended information about your security key, which may affect your privacy.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.registerDirectPromptHint):
# %S is brandShortName
webauthn.registerDirectPromptHint=%S can anonymize this for you, but the website might decline this key. If declined, you can try again.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.selectSignResultPrompt): %S is hostname
webauthn.selectSignResultPrompt=Multiple accounts found for %S. Select which to use or cancel.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.selectDevicePrompt): %S is hostname
webauthn.selectDevicePrompt=Multiple devices found for %S. Please select one.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.deviceBlockedPrompt): %S is hostname
webauthn.deviceBlockedPrompt=User verification failed on %S. There are no attempts left and your device has been locked, because the wrong PIN was provided too many times. The device needs a reset.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.pinAuthBlockedPrompt): %S is hostname
webauthn.pinAuthBlockedPrompt=User verification failed on %S. There were too many failed attempts in a row and PIN authentication has been temporarily blocked. Your device needs a power cycle (unplug and re-insert).
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.pinNotSetPrompt): %S is hostname
webauthn.pinNotSetPrompt=User verification failed on %S. You may need to set a PIN on your device.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.uvBlockedPrompt): %S is hostname
webauthn.uvBlockedPrompt=User verification failed on %S. There were too many failed attempts and the built-in user verification method has been blocked.
webauthn.alreadyRegisteredPrompt=This device is already registered. Try a different device.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (identity.identified.verifier, identity.identified.state_and_country, identity.ev.contentOwner2):
# %S is the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
identity.identified.verifier=Verified by: %S
identity.identified.verified_by_you=You have added a security exception for this site.
identity.identified.state_and_country=%S, %S
identity.ev.contentOwner2=Certificate issued to: %S
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (identity.notSecure.label):
# Keep this string as short as possible, this is displayed in the URL bar
# use a synonym for "safe" or "private" if "secure" is too long.
identity.notSecure.label=Not Secure
identity.notSecure.tooltip=Connection is not secure
identity.extension.label=Extension (%S)
identity.extension.tooltip=Loaded by extension: %S
# Application menu
# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoomReduce-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
zoomReduce-button.tooltip = Zoom out (%S)
# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoomReset-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
zoomReset-button.tooltip = Reset zoom level (%S)
# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoomEnlarge-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
zoomEnlarge-button.tooltip = Zoom in (%S)
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cut-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
cut-button.tooltip = Cut (%S)
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (copy-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
copy-button.tooltip = Copy (%S)
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (paste-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
paste-button.tooltip = Paste (%S)
# Geolocation UI
geolocation.shareWithSite4=Allow %S to access your location?
geolocation.shareWithFile4=Allow this local file to access your location?
# LOCALIZATION NOTE(geolocation.shareWithSiteUnsafeDelegation2):
# %1$S is the first party origin, %2$S is the third party origin.
geolocation.shareWithSiteUnsafeDelegation2=Allow %1$S to give %2$S permission to access your location?
geolocation.remember=Remember this decision
# Virtual Reality Device UI
xr.shareWithSite4=Allow %S to access virtual reality devices? This may expose sensitive information.
xr.shareWithFile4=Allow this local file to access virtual reality devices? This may expose sensitive information.
xr.remember=Remember this decision
# Persistent storage UI
persistentStorage.allowWithSite2=Allow %S to store data in persistent storage?
# Web notifications UI
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alwaysBlock, block)
# The two button strings will never be shown at the same time, so
# it's okay for them to have the same access key
webNotifications.notNow=Not Now
webNotifications.never=Never Allow
webNotifications.alwaysBlock=Always Block
webNotifications.receiveFromSite3=Allow %S to send notifications?
# Phishing/Malware Notification Bar.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (notADeceptiveSite, notAnAttack)
# The two button strings will never be shown at the same time, so
# it's okay for them to have the same access key
safebrowsing.getMeOutOfHereButton.label=Get me out of here!
safebrowsing.deceptiveSite=Deceptive Site!
safebrowsing.notADeceptiveSiteButton.label=This isn’t a deceptive site…
safebrowsing.reportedAttackSite=Reported Attack Site!
safebrowsing.notAnAttackButton.label=This isn’t an attack site…
safebrowsing.reportedUnwantedSite=Reported Unwanted Software Site!
safebrowsing.reportedHarmfulSite=Reported Harmful Site!
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addKeywordTitleAutoFill): %S will be replaced by the page's title
# Used as the bookmark name when saving a keyword for a search field.
addKeywordTitleAutoFill=Search %S
# troubleshootModeRestart
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (troubleshootModeRestartPromptTitle): %S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox)
troubleshootModeRestartPromptTitle=Restart %S in Troubleshoot Mode?
troubleshootModeRestartPromptMessage=Your extensions, themes, and custom settings will be temporarily disabled.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Set to the string
# "true" (spelled and capitalized exactly that way) to show the "Text
# Encoding" menu in the main Firefox button on Windows. Any other value will
# hide it. Regardless of the value of this setting, the "Text Encoding"
# menu will always be accessible via the "Browser Tools" menu.
# This is not a string to translate; it just controls whether the menu shows
# up in the Firefox button. If users frequently use the "Text Encoding"
# menu, set this to "true". Otherwise, you can leave it as "false".
# Process hang reporter
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (processHang.selected_tab.label): %1$S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox)
processHang.selected_tab.label = This page is slowing down %1$S. To speed up your browser, stop this page.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (processHang.nonspecific_tab.label): %1$S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox)
processHang.nonspecific_tab.label = A web page is slowing down %1$S. To speed up your browser, stop that page.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (processHang.specific_tab.label): %1$S is the title of the tab.
# %2$S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox)
processHang.specific_tab.label = “%1$S” is slowing down %2$S. To speed up your browser, stop that page.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (processHang.add-on.label2): %1$S is the name of the
# extension. %2$S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox)
processHang.add-on.label2 = “%1$S” is slowing down %2$S. To speed up your browser, stop that extension.
processHang.add-on.learn-more.text = Learn more
processHang.button_stop2.label = Stop
processHang.button_stop2.accessKey = S
processHang.button_debug.label = Debug Script
processHang.button_debug.accessKey = D
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fullscreenButton.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut for full screen
fullscreenButton.tooltip=Display the window in full screen (%S)
# These are visible when opening the popup inside the bookmarks sidebar
sidebar.moveToLeft=Move Sidebar to Left
sidebar.moveToRight=Move Sidebar to Right
# LOCALIZATION NOTE(emeNotifications.drmContentDisabled.message): NB: inserted via innerHTML, so please don't use <, > or & in this string. %S will be the 'learn more' link
emeNotifications.drmContentDisabled.message2 = You must enable DRM to play some audio or video on this page.
emeNotifications.drmContentDisabled.button.label = Enable DRM
emeNotifications.drmContentDisabled.button.accesskey = E
# LOCALIZATION NOTE(emeNotifications.drmContentCDMInstalling.message): NB: inserted via innerHTML, so please don't use <, > or & in this string. %S is brandShortName
emeNotifications.drmContentCDMInstalling.message = %S is installing components needed to play the audio or video on this page. Please try again later.
emeNotifications.unknownDRMSoftware = Unknown
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (customizeMode.tabTitle): %S is brandShortName
customizeMode.tabTitle = Customize %S
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendTabsToDevice.label):
# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
# #1 is the number of tabs sent to the device.
sendTabsToDevice.label = Send tab to device;Send #1 tabs to device
sendTabsToDevice.accesskey = n
decoder.noCodecs.button = Learn how
decoder.noCodecs.accesskey = L
decoder.noCodecsLinux.message = To play video, you may need to install the required video codecs.
decoder.noHWAcceleration.message = To improve video quality, you may need to install Microsoft’s Media Feature Pack.
decoder.noPulseAudio.message = To play audio, you may need to install the required PulseAudio software.
decoder.unsupportedLibavcodec.message = libavcodec may be vulnerable or is not supported, and should be updated to play video.
decoder.decodeError.message = An error occurred while decoding a media resource.
decoder.decodeError.button = Report site issue
decoder.decodeError.accesskey = R
decoder.decodeWarning.message = A recoverable error occurred while decoding a media resource.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (captivePortal.infoMessage3):
# Shown in a notification bar when we detect a captive portal is blocking network access
# and requires the user to log in before browsing.
captivePortal.infoMessage3 = You must log in to this network before you can access the Internet.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (captivePortal.showLoginPage2):
# The label for a button shown in the info bar in all tabs except the login page tab.
# The button shows the portal login page tab when clicked.
captivePortal.showLoginPage2 = Open network login page
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (permissions.header):
# %S is the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
permissions.header = Permissions for %S
permissions.remove.tooltip = Clear this permission and ask again
permissions.fullscreen.promptCanceled = Canceled pending permission requests: permission requests should not be issued before entering DOM fullscreen.
permissions.fullscreen.fullScreenCanceled = Exited DOM fullscreen: permission requests should not be issued while in DOM fullscreen.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDialog.architecture.*):
# The sixtyFourBit and thirtyTwoBit strings describe the architecture of the
# current Firefox build: 32-bit or 64-bit. These strings are used in parentheses
# between the Firefox version and the "What's new" link in the About dialog,
# e.g.: "48.0.2 (32-bit) <What's new>" or "51.0a1 (2016-09-05) (64-bit)".
aboutDialog.architecture.sixtyFourBit = 64-bit
aboutDialog.architecture.thirtyTwoBit = 32-bit
midi.allow.label = Allow
midi.allow.accesskey = A
midi.block.label = Block
midi.block.accesskey = B
midi.remember=Remember this decision
midi.shareWithFile = Allow this local file to access your MIDI devices?
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (midi.shareWithSite): %S is the name of the site URL (https://...) requesting MIDI access
midi.shareWithSite = Allow %S to access your MIDI devices?
midi.shareSysexWithFile = Allow this local file to access your MIDI devices and send/receive SysEx messages?
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (midi.shareSysexWithSite): %S is the name of the site URL (https://...) requesting MIDI access
midi.shareSysexWithSite = Allow %S to access your MIDI devices and send/receive SysEx messages?
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (panel.back):
# This is used by screen readers to label the "back" button in various browser
# popup panels, including the sliding subviews of the main menu.
panel.back = Back
storageAccess1.Allow.label = Allow
storageAccess1.Allow.accesskey = A
storageAccess1.DontAllow.label = Block
storageAccess1.DontAllow.accesskey = B
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (storageAccess4.message, storageAccess1.hintText):
# %1$S is the name of the site URL (www.site1.example) trying to track the user's activity.
# %2$S is the name of the site URL (www.site2.example) that the user is visiting. This is the same domain name displayed in the address bar.
storageAccess4.message = Allow %1$S to use its cookies on %2$S?
storageAccess1.hintText = You may want to block access if it’s not clear why %1$S needs this data.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gnomeSearchProviderSearchWeb):
# Used for search by Gnome Shell activity screen, %S is a searched string.
gnomeSearchProviderSearchWeb=Search the web for “%S”