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Test Info: Warnings

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
// Bug 1762063 - we need to fix this pattern of having to wrap destructuring calls in parentheses.
// We can't do a standard destructuring call because FormAutofillUtils is already declared as a var in head.js
({ FormAutofillUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { FIELD_STATES } = FormAutofillUtils;
const { OSKeyStore } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const TESTCASES = [
description: "Preview best case address form",
document: `<form>
<input id="given-name" autocomplete="given-name">
<input id="family-name" autocomplete="family-name">
<input id="street-addr" autocomplete="street-address">
<input id="city" autocomplete="address-level2">
focusedInputId: "given-name",
profileData: {
"given-name": "John",
"family-name": "Doe",
"street-address": "100 Main Street",
"address-level2": "Hamilton",
expectedResultState: {
"given-name": PREVIEW,
"family-name": PREVIEW,
"street-address": PREVIEW,
"address-level2": PREVIEW,
description: "Preview form with a readonly input and non-readonly inputs",
document: `<form>
<input id="given-name" autocomplete="given-name">
<input id="family-name" autocomplete="family-name">
<input id="street-addr" autocomplete="street-address">
<input id="city" autocomplete="address-level2" readonly value="TEST CITY">
focusedInputId: "given-name",
profileData: {
"given-name": "John",
"family-name": "Doe",
"street-address": "100 Main Street",
city: "Hamilton",
expectedResultState: {
"given-name": PREVIEW,
"family-name": PREVIEW,
"street-address": PREVIEW,
"address-level2": "",
description: "Preview form with a disabled input and non-disabled inputs",
document: `<form>
<input id="given-name" autocomplete="given-name">
<input id="family-name" autocomplete="family-name">
<input id="street-addr" autocomplete="street-address">
<input id="country" autocomplete="country" disabled value="US">
focusedInputId: "given-name",
profileData: {
"given-name": "John",
"family-name": "Doe",
"street-address": "100 Main Street",
country: "CA",
expectedResultState: {
"given-name": PREVIEW,
"family-name": PREVIEW,
"street-address": PREVIEW,
country: "",
"Preview form with autocomplete select elements and matching option values",
document: `<form>
<input id="given-name" autocomplete="shipping given-name">
<select id="country" autocomplete="shipping country">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="US">United States</option>
<select id="state" autocomplete="shipping address-level1">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="CA">California</option>
<option value="WA">Washington</option>
focusedInputId: "given-name",
profileData: {
country: "US",
"address-level1": "CA",
expectedResultState: {
"given-name": NORMAL,
country: PREVIEW,
"address-level1": PREVIEW,
description: "Preview best case credit card form",
document: `<form>
<input id="cc-number" autocomplete="cc-number">
<input id="cc-name" autocomplete="cc-name">
<input id="cc-exp-month" autocomplete="cc-exp-month">
<input id="cc-exp-year" autocomplete="cc-exp-year">
<input id="cc-csc" autocomplete="cc-csc">
focusedInputId: "cc-number",
profileData: {
guid: "123",
"cc-number": "4111111111111111",
"cc-name": "test name",
"cc-exp-month": 6,
"cc-exp-year": 25,
expectedResultState: {
"cc-number": PREVIEW,
"cc-name": PREVIEW,
"cc-exp-month": PREVIEW,
"cc-exp-year": PREVIEW,
"cc-csc": NORMAL,
function run_tests(testcases) {
for (let testcase of testcases) {
add_task(async function () {
info("Starting testcase: " + testcase.description);
let doc = MockDocument.createTestDocument(
let form = doc.querySelector("form");
let formLike = FormLikeFactory.createFromForm(form);
let handler = new FormAutofillHandler(formLike);
// Replace the internal decrypt method with OSKeyStore API,
// but don't pass the reauth parameter to avoid triggering
// reauth login dialog in these tests.
let decryptHelper = async (cipherText, _reauth) => {
return OSKeyStore.decrypt(cipherText, false);
let focusedInput = doc.getElementById(testcase.focusedInputId);
try {
handler.focusedInput = focusedInput;
} catch (e) {
if (e.message.includes("WeakMap key must be an object")) {
throw new Error(
`Couldn't find the focusedInputId in the current form! Make sure focusedInputId exists in your test form! testcase description:${testcase.description}`
} else {
throw e;
for (let section of handler.sections) {
section._decrypt = decryptHelper;
let [adaptedProfile] = handler.activeSection.getAdaptedProfiles([
await handler.activeSection.previewFormFields(adaptedProfile);
for (let field of handler.fieldDetails) {
let actual = field.element.autofillState;
let expected = testcase.expectedResultState[field.fieldName];
info(`Checking ${field.fieldName} state`);
"Check if preview state is set correctly"