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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
add_task(async function () {
let select = document.createElement("select");
select.appendChild(new Option("abc"));
select.appendChild(new Option("defg"));
registerCleanupFunction(() => select.remove());
let popupShownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForSelectPopupShown(window);
// We intentionally turn off this a11y check, because the following click
// is sent on an arbitrary web content that is not expected to be tested
// by itself with the browser mochitests, therefore this rule check shall
// be ignored by a11y-checks suite.
AccessibilityUtils.setEnv({ labelRule: false });
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(select, {});
let popup = await popupShownPromise;
ok(!!popup, "Should've shown the popup");
let items = popup.querySelectorAll("menuitem");
is(items.length, 2, "Should have two options");
is(items[0].textContent, "abc", "First option should be correct");
is(items[1].textContent, "defg", "First option should be correct");