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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
* Test suite for basic address book functions - tests obtaining the (default)
* personal address book and getting its details from the nsIAbDirectory.
* Functions/attributes not currently tested:
* - lastModifiedDate
* - childNodes
* - childCards
* - deleteDirectory
* - hasCard
* - hasDirectory
* - addCard
* - modifyCard
* - deleteCards
* - dropCard
* - addressLists
* - addMailList
* - listNickName
* - description
* - editMailListToDatabase
* - copyMailList
// Main function for the this test so we can check both personal and
// collected books work correctly in an easy manner.
function check_ab(abConfig) {
// Test - Get the directory
const AB = MailServices.ab.getDirectory(abConfig.URI);
// Test - Is it the right type?
if (abConfig.dirType == 2) {
Assert.ok(AB instanceof Ci.nsIAbMDBDirectory);
// Test - Check attributes
Assert.equal(AB.propertiesChromeURI, kNormalPropertiesURI);
Assert.equal(AB.readOnly, abConfig.readOnly);
Assert.equal(AB.dirName, abConfig.dirName);
Assert.equal(AB.dirType, abConfig.dirType);
Assert.equal(AB.fileName, abConfig.fileName);
Assert.equal(AB.URI, abConfig.URI);
Assert.equal(AB.position, abConfig.position);
Assert.equal(AB.isMailList, false);
Assert.equal(AB.isRemote, false);
Assert.equal(AB.isSecure, false);
Assert.equal(AB.supportsMailingLists, true);
Assert.equal(AB.dirPrefId, abConfig.dirPrefID);
// Test - autocomplete enable/disable
// enable is the default
Assert.equal(AB.useForAutocomplete(""), true);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("mail.enable_autocomplete", false);
Assert.equal(AB.useForAutocomplete(""), false);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("mail.enable_autocomplete", true);
Assert.equal(AB.useForAutocomplete(""), true);
AB.setBoolValue("enable_autocomplete", false);
Assert.equal(AB.useForAutocomplete(""), false);
AB.setBoolValue("enable_autocomplete", true);
Assert.equal(AB.useForAutocomplete(""), true);
// Test - check getting default preferences
Assert.equal(AB.getIntValue("random", 54321), 54321);
Assert.equal(AB.getBoolValue("random", false), false);
Assert.equal(AB.getStringValue("random", "abc"), "abc");
Assert.equal(AB.getLocalizedStringValue("random", "xyz"), "xyz");
// Test - check get/set int preferences on nsIAbDirectory
AB.setIntValue("inttest", 12345);
Services.prefs.getIntPref(abConfig.dirPrefID + ".inttest"),
Assert.equal(AB.getIntValue("inttest", -1), 12345);
AB.setIntValue("inttest", 123456);
Services.prefs.getIntPref(abConfig.dirPrefID + ".inttest"),
Assert.equal(AB.getIntValue("inttest", -2), 123456);
// Test - check get/set bool preferences on nsIAbDirectory
AB.setBoolValue("booltest", true);
Services.prefs.getBoolPref(abConfig.dirPrefID + ".booltest"),
Assert.equal(AB.getBoolValue("booltest", false), true);
AB.setBoolValue("booltest", false);
Services.prefs.getBoolPref(abConfig.dirPrefID + ".booltest"),
Assert.equal(AB.getBoolValue("booltest", true), false);
// Test - check get/set string preferences on nsIAbDirectory
AB.setStringValue("stringtest", "tyu");
Services.prefs.getCharPref(abConfig.dirPrefID + ".stringtest"),
Assert.equal(AB.getStringValue("stringtest", ""), "tyu");
function run_test() {
// Check the default personal address book
// Check the default collected address book