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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
var { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs");
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, {
function run_test() {
function really_run_test() {
function test_icalstring() {
function checkComp(createFunc, icalString, members, properties) {
const thing = createFunc(icalString);
equal(ics_unfoldline(thing.icalString), icalString + "\r\n");
if (members) {
for (const k in members) {
equal(thing[k], members[k]);
if (properties) {
for (const k in properties) {
if ("getParameter" in thing) {
equal(thing.getParameter(k), properties[k]);
} else if ("getProperty" in thing) {
equal(thing.getProperty(k), properties[k]);
return thing;
const attach = checkComp(
icalString => new CalAttachment(icalString),
{ formatType: "text/calendar", encoding: "BASE64" },
{ FILENAME: "test.ics" }
equal(attach.uri.spec, "");
icalString => new CalAttendee(icalString),
id: "",
commonName: "Name",
rsvp: "TRUE",
isOrganizer: false,
participationStatus: "ACCEPTED",
userType: "RESOURCE",
{ "X-THING": "BAR" }
icalString => new CalRelation(icalString),
{ relType: "SIBLING", relId: "VALUE" },
{ FOO: "BAR" }
const rrule = checkComp(
{ count: 5, isByCount: true, type: "WEEKLY", interval: 2 }
equal(rrule.getComponent("BYDAY").toString(), [2].toString());
const rdate = checkComp(cal.createRecurrenceDate.bind(cal), "RDATE:20120101T000000", {
isNegative: false,
equal("20120101T000000")), 0);
/* TODO consider removing period support, ics throws badarg
let rdateperiod = checkComp(cal.createRecurrenceDate.bind(cal),
equal("20120101T000000Z")), 0);
const exdate = checkComp(cal.createRecurrenceDate.bind(cal), "EXDATE:20120101T000000", {
isNegative: true,
equal("20120101T000000")), 0);
function test_icsservice() {
function checkProp(createFunc, icalString, members, parameters) {
const thing = createFunc(icalString);
equal(ics_unfoldline(thing.icalString), icalString + "\r\n");
for (const k in members) {
equal(thing[k], members[k]);
for (const k in parameters) {
equal(thing.getParameter(k), parameters[k]);
return thing;
// Test ::createIcalPropertyFromString
{ value: "", propertyName: "ATTACH" },
{ ENCODING: "BASE64", FMTTYPE: "text/calendar", FILENAME: "test.ics" }
value: "new\nlines\nare\ngreat,eh?",
valueAsIcalString: "new\\nlines\\nare\\ngreat\\,eh?",
// Test ::createIcalProperty
const attach2 = cal.icsService.createIcalProperty("ATTACH");
equal(attach2.propertyName, "ATTACH");
attach2.value = "";
equal(attach2.icalString, "ATTACH:\r\n");
function test_icalproperty() {
const comp = cal.icsService.createIcalComponent("VEVENT");
let prop = cal.icsService.createIcalProperty("PROP");
prop.value = "VAL";
equal(prop.parent.toString(), comp.toString());
equal(prop.valueAsDatetime, null);
prop = cal.icsService.createIcalProperty("DESCRIPTION");
prop.value = "A\nB";
equal(prop.value, "A\nB");
equal(prop.valueAsIcalString, "A\\nB");
equal(prop.valueAsDatetime, null);
prop = cal.icsService.createIcalProperty("DESCRIPTION");
prop.valueAsIcalString = "A\\nB";
equal(prop.value, "A\nB");
equal(prop.valueAsIcalString, "A\\nB");
equal(prop.valueAsDatetime, null);
prop = cal.icsService.createIcalProperty("DESCRIPTION");
prop.value = "A\\nB";
equal(prop.value, "A\\nB");
equal(prop.valueAsIcalString, "A\\\\nB");
equal(prop.valueAsDatetime, null);
prop = cal.icsService.createIcalProperty("GEO");
prop.value = "43.4913662534171;12.085559129715";
equal(prop.value, "43.4913662534171;12.085559129715");
equal(prop.valueAsIcalString, "43.4913662534171;12.085559129715");
function test_icalcomponent() {
const event = cal.icsService.createIcalComponent("VEVENT");
const alarm = cal.icsService.createIcalComponent("VALARM");
// Check that the parent works and does not appear on cloned instances
const alarm2 = alarm.clone();
equal(alarm.parent.toString(), event.toString());
equal(alarm2.parent, null);
function check_getset(key, value) {
dump("Checking " + key + " = " + value + "\n");
event[key] = value;
const valuestring = value.icalString || value;
equal(event[key].icalString || event[key], valuestring);
equal(event.serializeToICS().match(new RegExp(valuestring, "g")).length, 1);
event[key] = value;
equal(event.serializeToICS().match(new RegExp(valuestring, "g")).length, 1);
const props = [
["uid", "123"],
["prodid", "//abc/123"],
["version", "2.0"],
["method", "REQUEST"],
["status", "TENTATIVE"],
["summary", "sum"],
["description", "descr"],
["location", "here"],
["categories", "cat"],
["URL", "url"],
["priority", 5],
["startTime", cal.createDateTime("20120101T010101")],
["endTime", cal.createDateTime("20120101T010102")],
/* TODO readonly, how to set... ["duration", cal.createDuration("PT2S")], */
["dueTime", cal.createDateTime("20120101T010103")],
["stampTime", cal.createDateTime("20120101T010104")],
["createdTime", cal.createDateTime("20120101T010105")],
["completedTime", cal.createDateTime("20120101T010106")],
["lastModified", cal.createDateTime("20120101T010107")],
["recurrenceId", cal.createDateTime("20120101T010108")],
for (const prop of props) {
function test_param() {
const prop = cal.icsService.createIcalProperty("DTSTART");
prop.value = "20120101T010101";
equal(prop.icalString, "DTSTART:20120101T010101\r\n");
prop.setParameter("VALUE", "TEXT");
equal(prop.icalString, "DTSTART;VALUE=TEXT:20120101T010101\r\n");
equal(prop.icalString, "DTSTART:20120101T010101\r\n");
prop.setParameter("X-FOO", "BAR");
equal(prop.icalString, "DTSTART;X-FOO=BAR:20120101T010101\r\n");
prop.removeParameter("X-FOO", "BAR");
equal(prop.icalString, "DTSTART:20120101T010101\r\n");
function test_iterator() {
// Property iterator
let comp = cal.icsService.createIcalComponent("VEVENT");
let propNames = ["X-ONE", "X-TWO"];
for (let i = 0; i < propNames.length; i++) {
const prop = cal.icsService.createIcalProperty(propNames[i]);
prop.value = "" + (i + 1);
for (let prop = comp.getFirstProperty("ANY"); prop; prop = comp.getNextProperty("ANY")) {
equal(prop.propertyName, propNames.shift());
equal(prop.parent.toString(), comp.toString());
propNames = ["X-ONE", "X-TWO"];
for (let prop = comp.getNextProperty("ANY"); prop; prop = comp.getNextProperty("ANY")) {
equal(prop.propertyName, propNames.shift());
equal(prop.parent.toString(), comp.toString());
// Property iterator with multiple values
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-concat
comp = cal.icsService.parseICS("BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n" + "CATEGORIES:a,b,c\r\n" + "END:VEVENT");
const propValues = ["a", "b", "c"];
for (
let prop = comp.getFirstProperty("CATEGORIES");
prop = comp.getNextProperty("CATEGORIES")
) {
equal(prop.propertyName, "CATEGORIES");
equal(prop.value, propValues.shift());
equal(prop.parent.toString(), comp.toString());
// Param iterator
const dtstart = cal.icsService.createIcalProperty("DTSTART");
let params = ["X-ONE", "X-TWO"];
for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
dtstart.setParameter(params[i], "" + (i + 1));
for (let prop = dtstart.getFirstParameterName(); prop; prop = dtstart.getNextParameterName()) {
equal(prop, params.shift());
// Now try again, but start with next. Should act like first
params = ["X-ONE", "X-TWO"];
for (let param = dtstart.getNextParameterName(); param; param = dtstart.getNextParameterName()) {
equal(param, params.shift());