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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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function run_test() {
function really_run_test() {
// Check that Bug 356207 doesn't regress:
// Freeze (hang) on RRULE which has BYMONTHDAY and BYDAY
const icalString =
"PRODID:-//Randy L Pearson//NONSGML Outlook2vCal V1.1//EN\n" +
"VERSION:2.0\n" +
"CREATED:20040829T163323\n" +
"UID:00000000EBFAC68C9B92BF119D643623FBD17E1424312000\n" +
"SEQUENCE:1\n" +
"LAST-MODIFIED:20060615T231158\n" +
"DTSTAMP:20040829T163323\n" +
"ORGANIZER:Unknown\n" +
"DTSTART:20040901T141500\n" +
"DESCRIPTION:Contact Mary Tindall for more details.\n" +
"LOCATION:Church\n" +
"CATEGORIES:Church Events\n" +
"SUMMARY:Friendship Circle\n" +
"PRIORITY:1\n" +
"DTEND:20040901T141500\n" +
const event = createEventFromIcalString(icalString);
const start = createDate(2009, 0, 1);
const end = createDate(2009, 11, 31);
// the following call caused a never ending loop:
const occurrenceDates = event.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrenceDates(start, end, 0);
equal(occurrenceDates.length, 2);
// the following call caused a never ending loop:
const occurrences = event.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrences(start, end, 0);
equal(occurrences.length, 2);