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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* global MozElements */
/* import-globals-from ../calendar-ui-utils.js */
var { PluralForm } = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource:///modules/PluralForm.sys.mjs");
var { cal } = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource:///modules/calendar/calUtils.sys.mjs");
var { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs");
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, {
var allowedActionsMap = {};
var suppressListUpdate = false;
ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gReminderNotification", () => {
return new MozElements.NotificationBox(element => {
window.addEventListener("load", onLoad);
* Sets up the reminder dialog.
function onLoad() {
const calendar = window.arguments[0].calendar;
// Make sure the origin menulist uses the right labels, depending on if the
// dialog is showing an event or task.
function _sn(x) {
return cal.l10n.getString("calendar-alarms", getItemBundleStringName(x));
document.getElementById("reminder-before-start-menuitem").label = _sn(
document.getElementById("reminder-after-start-menuitem").label = _sn(
document.getElementById("reminder-before-end-menuitem").label = _sn(
document.getElementById("reminder-after-end-menuitem").label = _sn(
// Set up the action map
const supportedActions = calendar.getProperty("capabilities.alarms.actionValues") || ["DISPLAY"]; // TODO email support, "EMAIL"
for (const action of supportedActions) {
allowedActionsMap[action] = true;
// Hide all actions that are not supported by this provider
let firstAvailableItem;
const actionNodes = document.getElementById("reminder-actions-menupopup").children;
for (const actionNode of actionNodes) {
const shouldHide =
!(actionNode.value in allowedActionsMap) ||
(actionNode.hasAttribute("provider") && actionNode.getAttribute("provider") != calendar.type);
actionNode.hidden = shouldHide;
if (!firstAvailableItem && !shouldHide) {
firstAvailableItem = actionNode;
// Correct the selected item on the supported actions list. This will be
// changed when reminders are loaded, but in case there are none we need to
// provide a sensible default.
if (firstAvailableItem) {
document.getElementById("reminder-actions-menulist").selectedItem = firstAvailableItem;
* Load Reminders from the window's arguments and set up dialog controls to
* their initial values.
function loadReminders() {
const args = window.arguments[0];
const listbox = document.getElementById("reminder-listbox");
const reminders = args.reminders || args.item.getAlarms();
// This dialog should not be shown if the calendar doesn't support alarms at
// all, so the case of maxCount = 0 breaking this logic doesn't apply.
const maxReminders = args.calendar.getProperty("capabilities.alarms.maxCount");
const count = Math.min(reminders.length, maxReminders || reminders.length);
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (reminders[i].action in allowedActionsMap) {
// Set up the listitem and add it to the listbox, but only if the
// action is actually supported by the calendar.
const listitem = setupListItem(null, reminders[i].clone(), args.item);
if (listitem) {
// Set up a default absolute date. This will be overridden if the selected
// alarm is absolute.
const absDate = document.getElementById("reminder-absolute-date");
absDate.value = cal.dtz.dateTimeToJsDate(cal.dtz.getDefaultStartDate());
if (listbox.children.length) {
// We have reminders, select the first by default. For some reason,
// setting the selected index in a load handler makes the selection
// break for the set item, therefore we need a setTimeout.
setTimeout(() => {
listbox.selectedIndex = 0;
}, 0);
} else {
// Make sure the fields are disabled if we have no alarms
* Sets up the enabled state of the reminder details controls. Used when
* switching between absolute and relative alarms to disable and enable the
* needed controls.
* @param aDisableAll Disable all relation controls. Used when no alarms
* are added yet.
function setupRadioEnabledState(aDisableAll) {
const relationItem = document.getElementById("reminder-relation-radiogroup").selectedItem;
let relativeDisabled, absoluteDisabled;
if (aDisableAll) {
relativeDisabled = true;
absoluteDisabled = true;
} else if (relationItem) {
// This is not a mistake, when this function is called from onselect,
// the value has not been set.
relativeDisabled = relationItem.value == "absolute";
absoluteDisabled = relationItem.value == "relative";
} else {
relativeDisabled = false;
absoluteDisabled = false;
document.getElementById("reminder-length").disabled = relativeDisabled;
document.getElementById("reminder-unit").disabled = relativeDisabled;
document.getElementById("reminder-relation-origin").disabled = relativeDisabled;
document.getElementById("reminder-absolute-date").setAttribute("disabled", !!absoluteDisabled);
document.getElementById("reminder-relative-radio").disabled = aDisableAll;
document.getElementById("reminder-absolute-radio").disabled = aDisableAll;
document.getElementById("reminder-actions-menulist").disabled = aDisableAll;
* Sets up the max reminders notification. Shows or hides the notification
* depending on if the max reminders limit has been hit or not.
async function setupMaxReminders() {
const args = window.arguments[0];
const listbox = document.getElementById("reminder-listbox");
const maxReminders = args.calendar.getProperty("capabilities.alarms.maxCount");
const hitMaxReminders = maxReminders && listbox.children.length >= maxReminders;
// If we hit the maximum number of reminders, show the error box and
// disable the new button.
document.getElementById("reminder-new-button").disabled = hitMaxReminders;
const localeErrorString = cal.l10n.getString(
const pluralErrorLabel = PluralForm.get(maxReminders, localeErrorString).replace(
if (hitMaxReminders) {
const notification = await gReminderNotification.appendNotification(
label: pluralErrorLabel,
priority: gReminderNotification.PRIORITY_WARNING_MEDIUM,
notification.closeButton.hidden = true;
} else {
* Sets up a reminder listitem for the list of reminders applied to this item.
* @param aListItem (optional) A reference listitem to set up. If not
* passed, a new listitem will be created.
* @param aReminder The calIAlarm to display in this listitem
* @param aItem The item the alarm is set up on.
* @returns The XUL listitem node showing the passed reminder, or
* null if no list item should be shown.
function setupListItem(aListItem, aReminder, aItem) {
let src;
let l10nId;
switch (aReminder.action) {
case "DISPLAY":
l10nId = "calendar-event-reminder-icon-display";
case "EMAIL":
l10nId = "calendar-event-reminder-icon-email";
case "AUDIO":
l10nId = "calendar-event-reminder-icon-audio";
return null;
const listitem = aListItem || document.createXULElement("richlistitem");
// Create a random id to be used for accessibility
const reminderId = cal.getUUID();
const ariaLabel = "reminder-action-" + aReminder.action + " " + reminderId;
listitem.reminder = aReminder;
listitem.setAttribute("id", reminderId);
listitem.setAttribute("align", "center");
listitem.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", ariaLabel);
listitem.setAttribute("value", aReminder.action);
let image = listitem.querySelector("img");
if (!image) {
image = document.createElement("img");
image.setAttribute("class", "reminder-icon");
image.setAttribute("src", src);
// Sets alt.
document.l10n.setAttributes(image, l10nId);
image.setAttribute("value", aReminder.action);
let label = listitem.querySelector("label");
if (!label) {
label = document.createXULElement("label");
label.setAttribute("value", aReminder.toString(aItem));
return listitem;
* Handler function to be called when a reminder is selected in the listbox.
* Sets up remaining controls to show the selected alarm.
function onReminderSelected() {
const length = document.getElementById("reminder-length");
const unit = document.getElementById("reminder-unit");
const relationOrigin = document.getElementById("reminder-relation-origin");
const absDate = document.getElementById("reminder-absolute-date");
const actionType = document.getElementById("reminder-actions-menulist");
const relationType = document.getElementById("reminder-relation-radiogroup");
const listbox = document.getElementById("reminder-listbox");
const listitem = listbox.selectedItem;
if (listitem) {
try {
suppressListUpdate = true;
const reminder = listitem.reminder;
// Action
actionType.value = reminder.action;
// Absolute/relative things
if (reminder.related == Ci.calIAlarm.ALARM_RELATED_ABSOLUTE) {
relationType.value = "absolute";
// Date
absDate.value = cal.dtz.dateTimeToJsDate(
reminder.alarmDate || cal.dtz.getDefaultStartDate()
} else {
relationType.value = "relative";
// Unit and length
const alarmlen = Math.abs(reminder.offset.inSeconds / 60);
if (alarmlen % 1440 == 0) {
unit.value = "days";
length.value = alarmlen / 1440;
} else if (alarmlen % 60 == 0) {
unit.value = "hours";
length.value = alarmlen / 60;
} else {
unit.value = "minutes";
length.value = alarmlen;
// Relation
const relation = reminder.offset.isNegative ? "before" : "after";
// Origin
let origin;
if (reminder.related == Ci.calIAlarm.ALARM_RELATED_START) {
origin = "START";
} else if (reminder.related == Ci.calIAlarm.ALARM_RELATED_END) {
origin = "END";
relationOrigin.value = [relation, origin].join("-");
} finally {
suppressListUpdate = false;
} else {
// no list item is selected, disable elements
* Handler function to be called when an aspect of the alarm has been changed
* using the dialog controls.
* @param event The DOM event caused by the change.
function updateReminder(event) {
if (
suppressListUpdate || == "richlistitem" || == "richlistitem" || == "reminder-remove-button" ||
) {
// Do not set things if the select came from selecting or removing an
// alarm from the list, or from setting when the dialog initially loaded.
// XXX Quite fragile hack since radio/radiogroup doesn't have the
// supressOnSelect stuff.
const listbox = document.getElementById("reminder-listbox");
const relationItem = document.getElementById("reminder-relation-radiogroup").selectedItem;
const listitem = listbox.selectedItem;
if (!listitem || !relationItem) {
const reminder = listitem.reminder;
const length = document.getElementById("reminder-length");
const unit = document.getElementById("reminder-unit");
const relationOrigin = document.getElementById("reminder-relation-origin");
const [relation, origin] = relationOrigin.value.split("-");
const absDate = document.getElementById("reminder-absolute-date");
const action = document.getElementById("reminder-actions-menulist").selectedItem.value;
// Action
reminder.action = action;
if (relationItem.value == "relative") {
if (origin == "START") {
reminder.related = Ci.calIAlarm.ALARM_RELATED_START;
} else if (origin == "END") {
reminder.related = Ci.calIAlarm.ALARM_RELATED_END;
// Set up offset, taking units and before/after into account
const offset = cal.createDuration();
offset[unit.value] = length.value;
offset.isNegative = relation == "before";
reminder.offset = offset;
} else if (relationItem.value == "absolute") {
reminder.related = Ci.calIAlarm.ALARM_RELATED_ABSOLUTE;
if (absDate.value) {
reminder.alarmDate = cal.dtz.jsDateToDateTime(absDate.value, window.arguments[0].timezone);
} else {
reminder.alarmDate = null;
if (!setupListItem(listitem, reminder, window.arguments[0].item)) {
// Unexpected since this would mean switching to an unsupported type.
* Gets the locale stringname that is dependent on the item type. This function
* appends the item type, i.e |aPrefix + "Event"|.
* @param aPrefix The prefix to prepend to the item type
* @returns The full string name.
function getItemBundleStringName(aPrefix) {
if (window.arguments[0].item.isEvent()) {
return aPrefix + "Event";
return aPrefix + "Task";
* Handler function to be called when the "new" button is pressed, to create a
* new reminder item.
function onNewReminder() {
const itemType = window.arguments[0].item.isEvent() ? "event" : "todo";
const listbox = document.getElementById("reminder-listbox");
const reminder = new CalAlarm();
const alarmlen = Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.alarms." + itemType + "alarmlen", 15);
const alarmunit = Services.prefs.getStringPref(
"calendar.alarms." + itemType + "alarmunit",
// Default is a relative DISPLAY alarm, |alarmlen| minutes before the event.
// If DISPLAY is not supported by the provider, then pick the provider's
// first alarm type.
const offset = cal.createDuration();
if (alarmunit == "days") {
offset.days = alarmlen;
} else if (alarmunit == "hours") {
offset.hours = alarmlen;
} else {
offset.minutes = alarmlen;
offset.isNegative = true;
reminder.related = Ci.calIAlarm.ALARM_RELATED_START;
reminder.offset = offset;
if ("DISPLAY" in allowedActionsMap) {
reminder.action = "DISPLAY";
} else {
const calendar = window.arguments[0].calendar;
const actions = calendar.getProperty("capabilities.alarms.actionValues") || [];
reminder.action = actions[0];
// Set up the listbox
const listitem = setupListItem(null, reminder, window.arguments[0].item);
if (!listitem) {
// Since we've added an item, its safe to always enable the button
// Set up the enabled state and max reminders
* Handler function to be called when the "remove" button is pressed to remove
* the selected reminder item and advance the selection.
function onRemoveReminder() {
const listbox = document.getElementById("reminder-listbox");
const listitem = listbox.selectedItem;
const newSelection = listitem
? listitem.nextElementSibling || listitem.previousElementSibling
: null;
document.getElementById("reminder-remove-button").disabled = listbox.children.length < 1;
* Handler function to be called when the accept button is pressed.
document.addEventListener("dialogaccept", () => {
const listbox = document.getElementById("reminder-listbox");
const reminders = Array.from(listbox.children).map(node => node.reminder);
if (window.arguments[0].onOk) {
* Handler function to be called when the cancel button is pressed.
document.addEventListener("dialogcancel", () => {
if (window.arguments[0].onCancel) {